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by PIEBALDconsult
A C# class to raise KeyPress events for use in Console Applications
by AditSheth
You can pass object as parameter to generalize function function showContent(e,object) { var recentChar...
by assamheart
Crop a photo and signature from an scanned image
by shynet
A library that contains classes to simulate user input and track user input (mouse and keyboard), in C# and VB.NET.

Latest Articles

by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
by JainGirish
Understanding Android activities handling of back key press - some useful tips to avoid unexpected results or app crash
by JamesHurst
Walks through the creation of an on-screen virtual keyboard for entering non-ASCII chars

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15 Jul 2011 by Tim Groven
On the keypress event, you are calling OppdaterSkjema() which then calls this: this.frmArbeidsplan_Load(sndr, es);.In the form load method, it is hooking up the keypress event again. So when you press a key, it calls the event one more time than last time.Get rid of the call to Load,...
14 May 2014 by OriginalGriff
So stop allowing it through: remove the && ch != 46 part which allows '.'
28 Apr 2011 by Abhinav S
This discussion could help.
28 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes, SendKey is very limited.First of all, think why would you need to simulate a key input. Normal UI development never requires it. This is only used for creation of some system tricks, suck as playing back keyboard macro or Virtual Keyboard.The comprehensive way of simulation input is...
27 Mar 2010 by #realJSOP
Make sure you've specifically set your tab order on all controls in the form and see if it fixes it.It might be that you've written some code for the control to prevent the tab key from working.
9 Jul 2011 by Heath Stewart
A TextBox (assuming you mean System.Windows.Forms.TextBox - please be specific if not) is actually a wrapper around the Win32 Edit common control, so text is actually posted to a window handle (HWND) and native code in Windows handles processing.But a TextBox can handle input by overriding...
19 Oct 2011 by Reiss
You should be able to just writevoid KeyUpEvent(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){ if (e.KeyCode >= Keys.F1 && e.KeyCode
23 Nov 2011 by PIEBALDconsult
A C# class to raise KeyPress events for use in Console Applications
10 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is impossible if you use .NET FCL, because this is not really needed. For your information, "focus" means "keyboard focus" and nothing else. The difference you see on screen is no more than a visual clue to show the focus. As a form has no keyboard focus, it does not accept keyboard events...
11 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It could be something likeconst string numericFormat = "###,###,###,###,###,###,###"; // make it long enough to fit maximum and minimum decimal of the range you need// if this string is longer then needed, it won't harm//...decimal myValue = //...myTextBox.Text =...
18 Apr 2013 by Johnny J.
You have to send the keys to open the font dialog first. On my Swedish computer it's "Alt + t" to open the format menu, then "Alt + t" to open the font dialog. Then a third "Alt + t" to access the font name box, and then the font name to change it. (You need to check on your own computer what...
16 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If you need to respond to Enter key press, use different event:this.textBox.KeyDown += (sender, eventArgs) => { if (eventArgs.KeyCode == Keys.Enter; // it is neither 13 nor 10, please see below};You could use the event KeyUp the same way, not not very different event KeyPress which...
27 Jun 2011 by Tarun.K.S
Do the following:Set the form's KeyPreview to true so that the form can capture the Spacebar.this.KeyPreview = true;Then use the KeyDown event of the form: this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(Form1_KeyDown);Suppose you have a button's event handler like this:private void...
9 Jul 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You should do it handling the event KeyPress. The event arguments of this event will give you the key character pressed; you can compare it with the Unicode code point ranges you expect for input and issue the warning. Alternatively (or better additionally), you can filter out unwanted...
25 Sep 2011 by Roger Wright
Several workable methods are documented here[^], and I'm sure one of them will work for you. In fact, I've wondered how to do this a few times myself. Thanks for a good question!
25 Sep 2011 by lukeer
I see two possibilities here:1. In the OnKeyDown event, you can use a KeyEventArgs parameter. It holds a boolean value telling whether Shift is pressed at the moment of event generation or not.2. When validating a string that results from keypresses, don't focus on the keys pressed but...
25 Sep 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's a shame you did not specify UI library. What, do I need to give you answers for all cases?For WPF, use event arguments of the event, take the property KeyboardDevice, its type has a method System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice.GetKeyStates which will return a state of any...
25 Sep 2011 by sravani.v
Try this onefunction isKeyPressed(event){ if (event.shiftKey==1){ alert("The shift key was pressed!") }else{ alert("The shift key was NOT pressed!") }}orfunction...
19 Oct 2011 by Simon Bang Terkildsen
public static bool IsFunctionKey(Keys k){ return k >= Keys.F1 && k
15 Nov 2011 by w4uoa
In frmMain I have:AddHandler Me.PreviewKeyDown, AddressOf Me.TrapKeyPreviewAddHandler Me.KeyDown, AddressOf Me.TrapKeyDownMe.KeyPreview = TrueThere are then two additional subs:Private Sub TrapKeyPreview(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As...
15 Nov 2011 by Pete BSC
I ran into a problem where I needed to capture Page Up, Page Down, Home and End (to use for quick keys for navigation); however, the standard events were not capturing them. Not sure if this helps you in your situation; but, maybe worth a look into. Protected Overrides Function...
5 Dec 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Some control that has the focus may consume the event so it isn't invoked for the form. There is some property in a windows form that will allow the form to listen in on events that were not raised on the form itself. The property has preview in its name. Since I'm writing this from my mobile I...
13 Apr 2012 by PK DEVELOPER
Hi all,I want to find something like System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait(string); to send unicodechars & keys to focused window using MonoMac. I first tried to simulate key press but that is not what I am looking however event simulating key press bothered me alot(and after 3 days hard...
4 Oct 2012 by rohitpg
Hello ,I am unable to load a Datagridview combobox column on a Keypress event. When the user enters a character , I'll fetch all the entries starting from that character (From the Database). During the same event i need to Suggest append all the list items. It works only when i move out of...
22 Oct 2012 by Bhushan Shah1988
You can use Server Side event TextChanged of Textbox.
1 Feb 2013 by akee seth
Hi all,I have an jquery autocomplete and which select membername with their id. I am getting the selected member id when select event is called like below://For autocomplete extender generating members $(function () { $('.tags').autocomplete({ //make ajax...
10 Apr 2013 by Thanks7872
if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0)This will be true if shift key is down..
16 Nov 2013 by BillWoodruff
In the case you want to allow keyboard-repeat for all characters except the 'Return key:private bool IsReturnDown = false;public void textBox1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){ IsReturnDown = false;}public void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){ //...
3 Aug 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
Windows services do not run in a session which has access to a terminal (desktop). That is to say no screen or keyboard (logical or physical) is attached. So bottom line is you cannot do this from a service. And, to be honest, that is just as well as such a feature would open a huge security...
29 Aug 2010 by spitniv
Hi,I posted the full question on StackOverFlow: story short:Im able to send text to the remote computer but not single key strokes (meaning as keys, not as a string).I think the...
20 Oct 2010 by siang_wu_id
this is my code in VB.NET 2008 and it works :-D as the result, i can input starts from 1.00 until 99.99 :cool: but i need more than this X| i want the textbox automatic validate the input as i typed in the textbox :-\ example: i typed "1000" then the textbox will write "1,000" ...
20 Oct 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Google/CP Search for Masked textbox. You need to make a custom control or say enhanced textbox control that can do all this for you.
2 Dec 2010 by meetaqadir
Hi,I am using Visual Studio .NET 2010 with VB.NET.I am showing a form in panel by settings its TopLevel to false. This is ok and working fine.Problem is that "Enter" key doesn't work when i handle and keypress, keydown event. I mean these event doesn't trigger when "Enter" key is...
5 Dec 2010 by Lex Webb
Can you give a sample of the code you are using to make this event happen?
6 Dec 2010 by ErrolErrol
Thank you, in advance, for any assistance that you may lend. I am using the voice recognition software found in Windows 7. I am also using the additional macro recognition software from MS. An example of usage would be: I utter the word "foobar" and instead of typing those characters on my page,...
8 Dec 2010 by ErrolErrol
Hi Me! First things first. I really want to thank the 49 people that took a look at my question, shrugged and headed off to do something worth their time. I do appreciate very much the moments of your lives that you spent trying to help me.It turns out that I should have been trying...
21 Dec 2010 by Jibrohni
Good day one and all,I have written a small application that allows me to specify an application, and send it keystrokes or directed mouse-clicks.I'm using keybd_event and mouse_event in the user32.dll. Now I've been successful in getting it working, however I understand that there are...
22 Dec 2010 by #realJSOP
All you can really do is check to make sure the target app is a) still running, and b) is still "responding". The way Task Manager checks to see if an app is running is that it uses SendMessageTimeout to send a WM_GETICON message to the app window and waits for a return value. If it doesn't get...
28 Apr 2011 by enggpedia
I am developing a game for which i wanted to press and hold up or down or left or right key for some time the game is racing.Normally we send keys through sendkey functions but for holding a particular value i don't know how to do it.
27 Jun 2011 by Christian Graus
You have to handle one of the key events, keydown, keyup, keypress. Then, have your click event call a method and call the same method if space is pushed.
10 Jul 2011 by Espen Harlinn
From the previous discussion I think this is what you need:InputLanguage.CurrentInputLanguage[^] - this property gets or sets the input language for the current thread.Use InputLanguageCollection[^] as the source of available input languages.Best regardsEspen Harlinn
6 Sep 2011 by AditSheth
You can pass object as parameter to generalize function function showContent(e,object) { var recentChar...
19 Oct 2011 by version_2.0
Hai all,How to check the pressed key is a function key or not..?please reply me.. Thanks in advance..
31 Oct 2011 by Nish Nishant
Without detailed info, my geuss would be that most of those games would be using direct keyboard access (overriding the user-level keyboard hooking).
8 Nov 2011 by Morteza Farmahini
Hi,I intend to write an application in .Net (C#) that sets some special text for any text area of third party applications using some keyboard shortcuts.I tried this using Send() method of SendKeys class, but problem occurs when my shortcut key is a combination of Ctrl/Alt key(s) and another...
24 Nov 2011 by xtremas
I have a propertyGrid;I make bunch on number properties in it;How can I make that once I enter a property(value field) I can incr\descr the value of that number by pressing arrows?
5 Dec 2011 by EpikYummeh
I have the following code in my Windows Form code and for whatever reason the key presses aren't being picked up because my code isn't being executed. For example, pressing Space will hide the window. It doesn't.private void Form1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e){ if...
15 Apr 2012 by CharlieSimon
I don't know if the below will work on MonoMAC but it certainly works well on Windows. And it's free, and it's documented and other good stuff.
17 May 2012 by MrZedSven
I have a jukebox program running that does announcements if you press certain buttons on the keyboard. I wanted to do the key presses using my own program, running in the background, based on certain time periods.I have used sendkeys.send and but it doesn't...
18 May 2012 by Stephen Hewison
User account control in windows Vista and later can block send keys.If one process has elevated permissions it won't be able to send keys to another.Read the notes in the follow MSDN article:SendKeys Class[^]
13 Jun 2012 by WajihaAhmed
I have got a canvas, with a layout of a Checkers board. At the position of pieces, I have placed images. The point at which I got stuck is, how to select/highlite a piece's image for a move. I can't figure out the appropriate commandListener and how to handle this keyPressedEvent.Any suggestions?
7 Oct 2012 by rohitpg
Finally got what i wanted.Here is the Working Code in VB.netAdd a Datagridview with the first column as DatagridviewComboboxColumnPaste the code and then Type 'a' to get all the list items in SuggestAppend format.Public class Form1Dim ComboMedType As ComboBoxPrivate Sub...
12 Oct 2012 by AmitGajjar
Hi,The possible cause is your keyboard focus is not on the form. if you have added more number of controls on your form and your tab focus is on some control then it will not fire the event.If you want to fire this event, make sure your current focus is on the form. Hope you got the...
22 Oct 2012 by ownfrog
hi @ all I'm searching for a solution to do a DataBind of my GridView when I entered a sign in my textbox (onkeypress).The whole thing, should be a search like google. When I enter something the gridview should updated his datasource with the text in the textbox and display the...
30 Oct 2012 by OriginalGriff
I would strongly suggest that you reconsider.Users generally expect ENTER to effect a button, or submit a page generally. To move from field to field, they expect to use TAB.Unless you have a *VERY* good reason for changing this behaviour you will just confuse and annoy your users, and...
30 Oct 2012 by Clifford Nelson
I have found probably a better way to simulate key strokes:System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{TAB}");See...
5 Jan 2013 by ahmetkocadogan
hi all. i want to change some specified letters to another letters with KeyPress event of the textbox. i want the letter "Ş" change to letter "Þ". this is necessary for my work to be able to see the letters correct on a sqlserver which has a Latin collation. how can i do that? with streamreader,...
5 Jan 2013 by ahmetkocadogan
i solved now, with the : textbox.Text = textbox.Text.Replace("Ş", "Þ");
1 Feb 2013 by Niral Soni
replace keypress with change event
11 Mar 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Here, have a look at answer to same question asked earlier: make enter key act as Tab key on Textbox[^] - Solution1 is for Winforms and Solution2 is for Webforms.
14 Mar 2013 by Martin Hosking
Hi, Firstly, I am fairly new to VB.NET and still in the learning curve.I am working on an application for work and we have 10 text boxes, 5 that are for Hours and 5 for Indirect Hours, I can enter text in to them all fine and they update label text no problem. The problem is when I am typing...
14 Mar 2013 by Maciej Los
You can't do that in this way:If txtClockHour.Text > "" And txtIndirectHour.Text > "" ThenRead more about: Operators and Expressions in Visual Basic[^]Check the length of string, using String.Length property[^]:If txtClockHour.Text.Length > 0 And txtIndirectHour.Text.Length > 0...
14 Mar 2013 by Martin Hosking
Hi, Thank you both for you help, I managed to do this using MacieJ Los answer by creating a 'sub' instead of a class and calling the sub, like below. Thank you.Sub Public Sub TotNum1() Dim TotNum1 As Integer Dim TotNum2 As Integer Dim TotNum3 As...
10 Apr 2013 by KuntzCreation
Hey guy, what is the best way to detect if Control key, or Shift key is pressed, without my form is on focus
22 Apr 2013 by assamheart
Crop a photo and signature from an scanned image
22 Jun 2013 by Member 9522119
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (Form.ModifierKeys == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control && Form.ModifierKeys == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter) my_translate(textbox1.text); }I try it but dont work how can I do it?I am writing a dictionary...
22 Jun 2013 by Ron Beyer
OK, I'm not agreeing with how you are going about this, but what you are trying is not working because you are trying to detect key presses in a different application than yours. If you want to determine what keys are down, you can use this class: static class NativeMethods { ...
26 Jul 2013 by Sushil Mate
You have form? Create the KeyDown[^] Event. From[^]public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BringToFront(); this.Focus(); ...
16 Nov 2013 by The Raising Programmer
Have been using google but with no success. Wenn i press "Enter" it run several timesand pops up plenty of "MessageBoxes"this.TextBox.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(CheckEnter); private void CheckEnter(object sender,...
6 Apr 2014 by george4986
i have an invoice form with a grid for items,loaded from a child form on key press.keypress code in parent: protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if (keyData == (Keys.F11)) { childform obj = new childform...
7 Apr 2014 by george4986
I have added following code in child forms onload event and now its working//////////fnd_item , is the search control fnd_item.SmartTab = false;
3 Nov 2014 by Franz W
I am trying to send keystrokes to a 16bit DOS application that is wrapped in NTVDM. My code below currently is able to successfully send keystrokes to any application (e.g. Notepad) including the command prompt which makes me wonder why it doesnt work with the DOS application im trying to send...
14 May 2014 by dan!sh
You could use a NumericUpDown control assuming this is a Windows Forms based application.
14 May 2014 by balajidileepkumar
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e){e.Handled = ((new Char[] {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}).ToList()).Contains(e.KeyChar)?false:true;//you can either change it to e.Handled = char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) ? false : true;}
27 Jun 2014 by mary99
in this program I have built a QPropertyanimation .and add to it my item and pos () property. I override KeyPressEvent.and with using of keys consist of "j,f,z" item go forward ,go back and jump. According gravity when item jump should fall.for this purpose i call down function .but item just...
25 Jul 2015 by Reacher7490
The component which is motioned with KeyListener moves only to the middle of the Frame (it moves further than the middle but it visually freezes there)I can't find my mistake.[^]This is my Code:package learning;import...
31 Aug 2015 by mikos7
I'm porting a .net app to OSX using mono and things were going great. But right now I'm struggling with simulating keystrokes on OSX.The app is a console application that uses a barcode scanner. The scanned barcode is used to lookup information about products which is inputted into the...
6 Jul 2016 by Member 12621887
I've got a piece of code that detects when certain keys are pressed then triggers a function, but the function repeats after triggered, with any key pressed. I've tried to reset the array at the end of the function, but this stops all keys from triggering the function in the first place. ...
6 Jul 2016 by Peter Leow
Make 2 changes:1. Changemap[e.keyCode]tokey[e.keyCode]2. Changekey[];tokey = [];
15 Dec 2016 by Member 12904911
Hi all. I am trying to write simple c# program,but all tutorials and snippets on the net doesn't work for me(I have only very basic knowledge of C#). I come to you guys for help if possible please. What I am trying to do is send some keystroke to application in the background (The rest of...
15 Dec 2016 by johannesnestler
So what? the Code you showed has 3 Windows-API Calls that are exactly the same called by C# (for C# is's a call over Platform-Invoke (PInvoke) - the same you do in Python. Than you have one .NET call to System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Milliseconds).In the time you wrote all the ... comments here...
19 Jan 2017 by tomwg12345
I can come up with sample code if needed, but haven't done that yet.In summary though I'm very confused how my setting up a global hotkey in C# / .NET code (using pinvoke win32 calls) that when triggered opens a form that has just a webbrowser control + calls (in forms _Load()...
7 Jul 2017 by Member Albert
I want to focus on cell which contains pressed characters. Assume datagridview which contains two column Name and Address. Now in Name column there is lot of records Like Nims, john, kan, rocks, rita, etc... Now if I am entering character 'K','A','N' then cell will be focus on kan. I have...
7 Jul 2017 by RickZeeland
You can define a public variable to hold the typed characters and use that in your dataGridView1_KeyPress(). For KeyCodes see: Keys Enumeration (System.Windows.Forms)[^] public string typedChars = string.Empty; private void dataGridView1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { ...
7 Jul 2017 by RickZeeland
Another option would be to use LINQ wildcard search, here is an example: C# - Wildcard Search Using LINQ[^]
26 Sep 2017 by Member 13416055
I'm new in C# and I'm creating an aplication that can do a chart and also use the key event in the same form. But when I run the application the keyevent doesn't work,I do not know why is not working. I will really appreciate any help to solve my question, thank you! What I have tried: using...
1 Dec 2018 by Thaana Paana
The following code holds keys and releases it [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, int dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo); public const int KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x02; public const int VK_W = 0x57; private void...
13 Oct 2010 by shynet
A library that contains classes to simulate user input and track user input (mouse and keyboard), in C# and VB.NET.
27 Jan 2014 by Vít Blecha
How to combine the Raw Input and keyboard Hook APIs, and use them to selectively block input from only some keyboards.
25 Jul 2014 by JamesHurst
Walks through the creation of an on-screen virtual keyboard for entering non-ASCII chars
7 Oct 2018 by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
3 Mar 2014 by Anand Gunasekaran
Auto Word Completion for Multiline Textbox (Minimal Intellisense)
24 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Inspired by a question, I am blogging about a simple technique to attach KeyPress Event to all the TextBoxes of a WebPage.
20 Mar 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This is one interesting research resulting a Trick to Cancel the GridView Editing Mode, when you press the Escape Key. Many guys asked this question in forums and those are still unanswered.
26 Jun 2015 by JainGirish
Understanding Android activities handling of back key press - some useful tips to avoid unexpected results or app crash
10 Mar 2014 by Alain Peralta
This is an alternative for "IntelliSense TextBox in C#"
9 Aug 2012 by ray pixar, Y.Maryam
A tool to past segmented serial numbers automatically.
2 Nov 2012 by Saad Mousliki
In this tip, I will describe how to implement a cursor controller in your project that use the Kinect to control the mouse of your PC.
27 Jun 2011 by UJimbo
Good morning,Setthis.KeyPreview = true;on your form's constructor, or simply use the form designer and set the KeyPreview parameter to true.Then you can use the KeyPress, KeyDown or KeyUp events to handle keyboard input on the form.Take a look...