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Everything / Hex



Great Reads

by Nosey Parker
Crafting on hex string
by Jovibor
Fully featured Hex Control written in C++/MFC
by majid torfi
Save Text Data In image Format
by Pavel Durov
In this article I’ll cover the basics of numeric bases by examples on four bases - decimal, binary, hex and octal.

Latest Articles

by Jovibor
Fully featured Hex Control written in C++/MFC
by Pavel Durov
In this article I’ll cover the basics of numeric bases by examples on four bases - decimal, binary, hex and octal.
by Nosey Parker
Crafting on hex string
by majid torfi
Save Text Data In image Format

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27 Oct 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
Your safest bet would be to find a specialist data recovery firm in your area and take the disk to them. Any advice you get here may or may not work, but will certainly not be guaranteed.
3 Dec 2016 by #realJSOP
Well, you didn't show us your ConvertToHex method, so I'm assuming that's where you went wrong. public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string text) { return Enumerable.Range(0, text.Length) .Where(x => x % 2 == 0) .Select(x =>...
21 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support or assist in the production of malicious code in any way, form or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers. If you want to know how to do such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and antivirus...
2 Sep 2016 by OriginalGriff
To be honest, if you can't work out how a hex editor shows data, then you're probably trying to take on a task that is way beyond your current skill set: the picture shows a "standard" hex editor with hex byte view on the left (where every byte is displayed separately as a two digit hexadecimal...
7 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Use the %X format type in your printf statement: printf - C++ Reference[^]
29 Oct 2014 by Nosey Parker
Crafting on hex string
12 Mar 2015 by gdgajjar
string hex1 = "042241FFFFFFFFFF"; string hex2 = "0000665702007894"; long dec1 = Convert.ToInt64(hex1, 16); long dec2 = Convert.ToInt64(hex2, 16); long result = dec1 ^ dec2; string hexResult = result.ToString("X");
12 Mar 2015 by CPallini
8 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I have no idea what makes you thinking that you can identify the source of some image by capturing some specific pattern. I don't think so. And of course the expression "hex pattern" is absurd: "decimal" or "hexadecimal" is just the artifact of string representation of some numeric data in...
1 Sep 2015 by Patrice T
You need:- Signal documentation- a terminal emulator (probably)In documentation, you need to find:- Communication speed- Data format: number of bits, stop, parity- Commends codesWhen you have a communication up and running, you can think about programming.
27 Oct 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In addition to Solution 2:Hiren is not the only bootable recovery disk available, and it might not be the best in all cases. You really need to collect a whole set. First of all, review this list:[^].The remaining...
20 Sep 2016 by OriginalGriff
Serial ports are generally not "fast devices" - and when you use 9600 baud, you are saying "this port transfers 9600 bits of information per second at most". That's roughly 960 bytes per second (slightly less than that due to start, stop, and parity bits in fact) - which in terms of your PC...
18 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
That is unlikely to be anything like what you want - because the BitConverter.ToString Method (Byte[]) (System)[^] mocverts an array of byte values to a string of hex digits, separated by hyphens:00-01-02-04-08-10-20-40-80And it's a lot, lot more likely that you destination needs the raw hex...
5 Dec 2016 by Patrice T
You gave 2 ASCII strings showing hexadecimal values.To decode, you need to treat the strings in slices of 2 chars.for each slices in both strings, you have to convert into its numeric equivalent.Then XOR then, the result is the value of ASCII result you want.[Update]Use the debugger...
6 Dec 2016 by OriginalGriff
Try:foreach (var t in bytes) { sb.AppendFormat("\\x{0:X2}", t); }
17 Mar 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
And the error you say you're getting is ...... ?It's better to leave those two lines as separate lines of code for debugging purposes. There is no need to combine them at all. You're not gaining anything by doing so.You're also not allowing for any validation of the text in the TextBox...
23 Mar 2020 by phil.o
Here you can find an example implementation for C: c - How to turn a hex string into an unsigned char array? - Stack Overflow[^]
7 Jun 2021 by CPallini
You know, there is not an 'hexadecimal format' for a file. However, there could be a file containing the hexadecimal representation of binary (as well ASCII) data. To obtain such a file replace (as already suggested by Richard) Quote:...
18 Aug 2021 by Richard Deeming
Generate a random number between 65280 (0x00ff00) and 16711680 (0xff0000). Math.random() - JavaScript | MDN[^] function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) +...
22 Dec 2021 by OriginalGriff
Hex isn't complicated: it's the same a base 10 that you normally use, but based on 16 instead. So to convert string values from decimal to hex is pretty easy: 1) Extract the numeric data from the string:"1209", "678", "4", "3" You know how to do...
26 Jan 2022 by Richard Deeming
Those bytes do not represent a valid sequence of ASCII characters. You cannot use the ASCII encoding to process them. You'll need to use the appropriate encoding for your text. For example: ASCII: ~>D??0E?? ISO-8859-1: ~>D€0E UTF-8:...
27 Feb 2014 by vinjamuri_venkat
class objects and values displaying in hexadecimal (encrypted format) and object values displaying as after initialization with null also. This was happening with fresh installation also.machine configuration: win7 64bit enterprise, vs2010 ultimate
26 Mar 2014 by OriginalGriff
We do not condone, support or assist in the production of malicious code in any way, form or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers. If you want to know how to create such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and antivirus...
15 Jul 2014 by C3D1
Hey Guys,i'm trying to convert a COLORREF to a Hex-CString and then back from Hex-CString into COLORREF and i've run into a small problem.Here some Code for Converting from COLORREF to a CString (Hexadecimal):This part isn't the problem.COLORREF crefColor = RGB(128,0,0);DWORD...
15 Jul 2014 by C3D1
Big thanks to Jochen Arndt for his hint.I updated my code for converting from Hexadecimal CString to COLORREF to this:CString sValue(_T("#800000"));LPCTSTR pszTmp = sValue;pszTmp++; // cut the #LPTSTR pStop;INT nTmp = _tcstol(pszTmp, &pStop, 16);INT nR = (nTmp & 0xFF0000) >>...
22 Jul 2014 by CleverCoder1222
I have this question: How do i convert RGB color to Hexadecimal in
11 Dec 2014 by Fa3o
Hello,As the title says I need help with Finding and replacing hex values.I have this code which is awesome !!Public Class MainForm Dim FP = "C:\AlMnara.dll" Dim FS As System.IO.FileStream Dim BW As System.IO.BinaryWriter Private Sub Replace_Click(sender As Object,...
12 Mar 2015 by Soft009
Hi,I have two hex strings and I need to do the XOR operation to that strings. I try with some methods but it not work well for me.Eg:string PinBlock = "042241FFFFFFFFFF";string CardBlock = "0000665702007894";and the result shoud me afet XOR (Expected Result)0422 27A8 FDFF...
18 Mar 2015 by Soft009
Hi,I have write two methods to convert Hex string to ASCII and ASCII string to Hex string. But when I compare the two strings it I getting two difference Hex strings.Eg:Hex string = 6220000008a01000I convert this string to ASCII using below method public static string...
18 Mar 2015 by raymondyam
Try this:public string ASCIItoHex(string Value){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in Value) { sb.Append(string.Format("{0:x2}", b)); } return sb.ToString();}
7 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It does not mean "Hex string to ASCII". Java strings are not ASCII, they use Unicode. ASCII codes is what you expect from the user, in the form of numeric string, no matter hexadecimal or decimal, and on output you need characters.Also, you need to validate the user input, to allow only...
25 Aug 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
All bachelors in Computer Science should be able to solve such a trivial problem if first year of their education. But you don't even understand that there are no "binary" and "hexadecimal" numbers. You really deserve taking your diploma away. Would would like to work with you, with your skills?...
14 Oct 2015 by Priyanka_L
I have textbox for Title field on website. Some user had entered hexadecimal character (♂) which is vt(vertical tab - alt+11). On Website, this character was invisible, but when I copy pasted the text to notepad and notepad++, I could see this hexadecimal character.My Query is why this...
25 Jan 2016 by Jochen Arndt
As already noted in the comments you won't get the complete code here. It is even impossible without knowing the specific sensor and how it is connected to the controller.But I will give you some hints what to do:Read the data sheet of the PIC controller.Read the data sheet of the...
25 Jan 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:Code for Foot step energy converted into electrical energy using piezoelectric sensor and PIC16F877A This is not a valid question.This is also a wrong place for the question
25 Jan 2016 by CPallini
Instead of the 'gimme code' approach you could start searching for some documentation. Google is your friend, see, for instance: "Piezo Film sensor technical manual"[^].
30 Aug 2016 by Member 12292743
Stuck on how to receive data?To give you some context, I have the "Optris CT" IR sensor, there is a list of commands which you can find by googling Optris CT commands. Any help would be greatly appreciated.What I have tried:1. Declared the COM port2. Written a function for...
30 Aug 2016 by OriginalGriff
Um.Private Sub cmdSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdStop.ClickDim sendArray() As Byte = New Byte() {&H01, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0}ComPort.Write(stopArray, 0, 8)End SubDid you mean to send the sendArray instead of...
2 Sep 2016 by Patrice T
An Hex editor just show you the binary contain of a file, even non displayable data.Concerning the meaning of the data, you have to devise it. The problem is that it is a matter of experience.Advice: experiment!- Create a file with text in NotePad, then open in Hex editor then compare...
20 Sep 2016 by Member 12292743
Dim outData As Byte() = New Byte(0) {}Private Function HextoByte(ByVal msg As String) As Byte() msg = msg.Replace(" ", "") Dim combuffer As Byte() = New Byte(msg.Length \ 2 - 1) {} For i As Integer = 0 To msg.Length - 1 Step 2 combuffer(i \ 2) =...
20 Sep 2016 by Ralf Meier
If you want to read more than 1 Byte (this answer is additional to the solution from OG) then you could/should wait until "SerialPort1.BytesToRead" has that value you want to have - perhaps with a loop or "Do ... until" ... or in the method "serialPort1_DataReceived" you check first if...
20 Sep 2016 by CPallini
You might use a buffer to append received bytes (one at time) to. Then when the accumulated bytes in the buffer are enough, you process them in order to abtain the meaningful info.
3 Oct 2016 by Member 12292743
Option Strict OnImports System.IO.Ports Dim q As Queue(Of Byte) = New Queue(Of Byte) Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) _ Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived While SerialPort1.BytesToRead >...
3 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
It's not obvious from that what format the values coming from your temperature gauge are being sent in: 4 BD in it's simplest conversion 4BD Hex == 1213 Dec which implies it might be "degrees C plus 100 times 10" but from one sample you can't reliably infer that.So talk to the manufacturer...
18 Oct 2016 by versers777
hi everyoneHow can I send this packet?{68}{31}{39}{33}{32}{32}{37}{16}What I have tried:string serialnumber = "193227";byte[] k = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(serialnumber);var hexString = BitConverter.ToString(k); //My string converted to hex: {31}{39}{33}{32}{32}{37}byte...
2 Dec 2016 by Member 12882844
Hello Guys,I need some code sample to send the data packet to serial port from PC (vb program). I am looking for some sample code for this and How to frame the packet in the code to send it serially...My packet format is like this: [Type+Opcode+Parameter+CheckSum] Please help!....
1 Dec 2016 by OriginalGriff
Start here: SerialPort.Write Method (Byte[], Int32, Int32) (System.IO.Ports)[^] - that's the method you probably need to use.And it's trivial to do:string parameter = "My parameter";byte[] paramData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parameter);int paramLen = paramData.Length;byte[] data = new...
2 Dec 2016 by Patrice T
Quote:But I don't know how to frame a packet and send it to serial port. You can consider that every single AT command you have already send is a frame.Your frame is simply a string containing what you want, an AT command or [Type+Opcode+Parameter+CheckSum].you just have to make sure that...
6 Dec 2016 by Nadir Muhammed
How can i prefix the converted hex value with hex escape value '\x' in c#.The below given function. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Open(); string str = "نص"; string str1 = ToHexString(str); ...
8 Feb 2017 by CPallini
Actually, the Utils.HexDump method does correctly its job (I tried it with random data).However, I don't see, in the code you posted, how are you using it.
8 Feb 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
serialPort1.Write("\u0001"); // 5 bytesNo that is 2 bytes x00 and x01.In your comments you say you want to send "4001" to 25 memory cell in EEPROM. Using hex notation would make this clearer:byte[] bData = new byte[]{ 0x40, 0x01 };byte[] bAddress = new byte[] {...
17 Mar 2017 by Myers97470
I have one TextBox with a decimal value typed in of "3039".I want to convert that text to hexadecimal, with six characters (3 Bytes) into a second TextBox or Label.The below code works:Dim iValue as Integer = Val(TextBox1.Text)TextBox2.Text = iValue.ToString("X6")BUT when I attempt...
21 Apr 2017 by Member 13143502
Good Morning! I have a project that basically grabs my character name from a running process using ReadProcessMemory and returns the values as Hex. I'm having trouble converting this string of Hex values to Ascii characters... Example Below! Value I am returned: 4d-79-4e-61-6d-65-31-00-00-00...
21 Apr 2017 by OriginalGriff
It depends on exactly what you are getting: if it's the bytes 4d, 79, 4e, ... then it's fairly simple: Dim s As String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_dataBytes) If it's a string: "4d-79-4e-61-6d-65-31-00-00-00" then it's more complex: first convert that to bytes, then convert the bytes...
21 Apr 2017 by Member 13143502
I was able to resolve this issue by modifying the GetBytes function Public Function ReadString(ByVal addr As IntPtr) As String 'Int32 data type-- is 32 bits long, 4 bytes. Dim _dataBytes(10) As Byte ReadProcessMemory(_targetProcessHandle, addr, _dataBytes, 10,...
13 Nov 2017 by Member 10515225
#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" #define EUSART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 #define EUSART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 /** Section: Global Variables */ volatile uint8_t eusartTxHead = 0; volatile uint8_t eusartTxTail = 0; volatile uint8_t eusartTxBuffer[EUSART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; volatile uint8_t...
13 Nov 2017 by KarstenK
You must better understand the send process. You send single bytes (by accessing an char array, so a string is a char array and it works out of the box. But for sending an int you must copy integer into byte array with a terminating zero. char buffer[5] = {0};//memzero memcpy( buffer, &intValue,...
1 Jan 2018 by Member 13602192
Hello experts, please i need help with this code, i created it to view hex of files, but it doesn't read large files because it stores the data in memory, which in turn gives out"OutOfMemory" error. I want to be able to view the hex like this...
1 Jan 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
First, you're just reading bytes, not "Hex". Hex is just a representation of a value in base 16 used by humans. You just have to read "pages" of data from the file. What's a "page"? Easy, how many bytes can you show in your display of the file data? There's a page. You read that many bytes from...
19 Nov 2018 by Member 11117644
Good day, I have a 16 byte string which I encode to bytes and then immediately convert it to a readable Hex string. The result is that it added 00 after every single Hex and I cannot seem to understand why. My String: var message1 = "Thats my Kung Fu"; Conversion: var stringToByte =...
18 Nov 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
c# - Why Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes() returns an additional 0 - Stack Overflow[^]
19 Nov 2018 by phil.o
var stringToByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message1); orvar stringToByte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message1); would both give you the result you are expecting.
19 Nov 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
You used the Unicode encoding to get the bytes. It's not behaving lie you expect probably because you have no idea what Unicode is. I suggest reading up it here: What is Unicode?[^].
10 Apr 2020 by Bonxy
I have a regex that matches decimal numbers but ignores hex numbers, however if a number has a space it wont work... Patern ^(\d*\.)?\d+$ 20
10 Apr 2020 by OriginalGriff
Your "revised version": ^\s(\d*\.)?\d+$ says that a single space is required at the front, so it will only match if a single space is present. You can get rounf that with "*" which says "zero of more of these": ^\s*(\d*\.)?\d+$ And you can...
2 Feb 2021 by OriginalGriff
At a guess - and that's all it can be from two so similar samples - it looks a bit silly. The only difference between the two values is one hex digit - a "9" changes to a "A" while the resulting date changes by one hour - which would imply that...
3 Feb 2021 by Patrice T
Just a guess: FA 5B 04 00 = 31.12.2020 18:00 F9 5B 04 00 = 31.12.2020 17:00 E1 05 03 00 = 30.06.2011 17:00 21 06 03 00 = 01.07.2011 09:00 ^ this look like the month - 1 Need more samples and details, where does it come from ? Try couples of...
4 Mar 2021 by Pinky Moorjani
What encoding format is this? "xx/r/x01/x03/x.../r/n" I need to convert it into format "78780d0103...0d0a". In python I am able to convert it properly using codecs and decode. hexbytedata = codecs.encode(received,"hex") hexdata =...
4 Mar 2021 by OriginalGriff
it's just characters - it's a string representation of the byte values. Because you can't type "carriage return" (0x0d as a byte) and "line feed" (0x0a as a byte) values on a keyboard, many languages let you insert them to strings using an...
27 Nov 2021 by Member 13292615
Hello friends I have an Aiwa jh50ds180s TV that works with infrared control. My Android phone Xiaomi Poco M3 also has an infrared transmitter. With many Android apps on the phone like (ASmart Remote IR, ZaZa Remote, Anymote,…) I could not use...
7 Jun 2021 by Member 12091625
Hi I’m not the best at C but I’m trying to write a C program that basically opens a text file Which contains ascii text and its working fine now I want that it convert ascii data into HEX and save into different file in HEX format kindly help me...
18 Aug 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
This is the same question as How to generate random hexadecimal colors between min and max?[^], and you have already been given the answer.
22 Dec 2021 by Charan Kumar N
The data string is , char arr[100] = "IN1::1209 OUT1::678 CURR1::4 KWh1::3" collect the individual numeric data of 4 individuals from the above string and store it in a separate string and convert those individual data into hexadecimal value...
22 Dec 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Once you have converted the digit strings to integer values, you can convert them to HEX strings quite simply with one of the sprintf_s, _sprintf_s_l, swprintf_s, _swprintf_s_l | Microsoft Docs[^] functions.
15 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
We can't help you - we have no idea what data you expect to find in there, so we can't even begin to work it out. To me, that looks like a proprietary data file - so the content could be anything and will depend on whet the app that produced it...
14 Dec 2022 by Jovibor
Fully featured Hex Control written in C++/MFC
23 Oct 2014 by majid torfi
Save Text Data In image Format
22 Jul 2014 by OriginalGriff
Pretty simple:Dim c As Color = Color.RoyalBlueDim value As Integer = c.ToArgb()Dim hex As String = value.ToString("X6")
23 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
Oh come on - is there anything you do know how to do for yourself? OK, Hashes can get a little complex, but this is a trivial task that shouldn't be beyond the average beginner after the second week of his course... Allocate a new array of...
27 Oct 2015 by Maciej Los
I completely agree with Richard MacCutchan[^] opinion. But if you have got at least semi-proffesional knowledge, i'd suggest to use Hiren's Boot cd[^]. There you'll find tools to verify disk, repair errors and back-up data.As per my experience, these tools are very good for "lightweight"...
10 Jul 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
The meaning of the various hex values in an image file depends entirely on the format of the file.No, a 500x500 pixel image is probably NOT going to have 250,000 bytes in it. It's possible that the image data may be 250,000 bytes, but chances are good that it may be more or less. This is...
26 Jun 2023 by OriginalGriff
Probably not: binary files don't have "rows" or "columns" - those are arbitrary constructs created by the editor in order to conveniently display the data to you according to the address of the byte in the file. Most hex editors chose to display...
14 Oct 2015 by Jochen Arndt
That character is a C0 control code (Wikipedia[^]).Quote:Why this character is not visible on websiteThe HTML standard defines that these control codes must be ignored when rendering output. To show the corresponding symbols the equivalent Unicode symbols can be used (e.g. U+2642 for the...
1 Sep 2016 by OriginalGriff
invalid Cast exception was unhandled , conversion from string "" to type integer is not validIs pretty clear - it's a text value you get from the COmbo Box - so you can;t just assign that to an integer. Convert it instead:SerialPort1.BaudRate = Integer.Parse(cmbBaud.Text)
6 Sep 2016 by F. Xaver
not post your whole app, coz no one is going to read it all. and don't need just that part with your problem.witch is as OriginalGriff already mentioned that you give a String to a Property witch awaits an better put your Project to Option Strict ONso Visual...
1 Oct 2015 by Pavel Durov
In this article I’ll cover the basics of numeric bases by examples on four bases - decimal, binary, hex and octal.
26 Jun 2023 by Eddie Winch
Hi there, Are there any Hex Editors, that you can use, to Change Values in just a particular Column rather than a block ? For example changing all bytes, to a particular value in the first column i.e. 00, or another selected column, to...
10 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There are no "hex values" in image. Values cannot be decimal or hexadecimal, they are binary. "Decimal" or "hexadecimal" could only be some strings representing numbers, but not numbers themselves. And the image pixels are based on those bits. The particular representation depends on such thing...
21 Mar 2015 by Maciej Los
Personally, i used: systools vba password remover[^], especially to my old projects, where i forgot password.
7 Jul 2015 by User1454
Hi, I have a problem in converting hex string to ascii string in java, i.e. if the user enters "06", my application should convert it to "0x30 0x36" and pass this value to a byte array. Please help me out....
27 Nov 2021 by Member 15447259
Hi, You can use the IR CODE FINDER to find the code. Look for the HEX code in the ir code finder and convert the DECIMAL number in (XX) to HEX number. Enter the HEX number into IR remote creator to IR button in editor. I use an arduino IR...
14 Feb 2014 by Mitchell J.
Here's first two hex values of some 18 year old .ANI files that I can't open in any piece of software I can find. I'm attempting to open them myself, or at least get some idea of how these files are encoded.These first two hex values are invariable throughout the group of files.01...
10 Jul 2015 by BijoyJoseph
Does the pixels in the image represents different colors which when arranged in some manner forms a meaningful image? If an image has a resolution of 500x500 pixels then does that mean the image file has 10000 hex values in it with each hex values representing different shades of colors? How a...
26 Sep 2016 by Patrice T
You should learn to use the debugger as soon as possible. Rather than guessing what your code is doing, It is time to see your code executing and ensuring that it does what you expect.The debugger allow you to follow the execution line by line, inspect variables and you will see that there...
2 Apr 2018 by Samkhya Ghosh
There is no such DPB, CMD, GC which is detectable using HEX editor.Excel created in 2007
8 Jun 2015 by JasonLai1991
how to i scan for a particular 'pattern' of a picture file using c#?I am able to scan for the header and trailer of the file using the binaryReader.when the header has been extracted, I will compare it with the header code in the local database, and it will return the designated file...
14 Jun 2015 by Fa3o
I Found it.[^]
1 Sep 2015 by edwinh2209
Hello all, complete noob here. apologies in advance for asking something that might be simple, or I have an LED sign that has an IR remote to send commands., i.e, up/down/righ/left.the sign has a serial port, and as the manufacturer said, it accepts hex commands for up/left...
27 Oct 2015 by HugoSobs
I am a social equality photographer (visual anthropology!) I work mainly on subjects relating to poverty and issues surrounding it I am not a programmer and although I understand it.I have never been able to find the time to study it. I do however have great respect for those who do and put...
1 Sep 2016 by Member 12292743
Imports System.ComponentModelImports System.ThreadingImports System.IO.PortsPublic Class frmMain Dim myPort As Array ‘COM Ports detected on the system will be stored hereDelegate Sub SetTextCallback(ByVal [text] As String) ‘Added to prevent threading errors during...