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Great Reads

by Ben Hanson
IDispatch C++ Code Generation Done Right
by honey the codewitch
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
by Ivan Tsurkan
Sudoku Generator
by Peter Belcak
Presenting the case for a generalized approach to parser construction from multiple parts

Latest Articles

by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.

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19 Jun 2022 by Ben Hanson
IDispatch C++ Code Generation Done Right
20 Aug 2019 by honey the codewitch
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
10 Jan 2021 by Peter Belcak
Presenting the case for a generalized approach to parser construction from multiple parts
9 Aug 2012 by wizardzz
I'm going to expand on what Kenneth said, adding that as a food is used, remove it from the list, so it is never repeated.
14 Jul 2016 by OriginalGriff
You can't change RAND_MAX because it's a constant, and its implementation dependant: it can be set to the maximum value that can be stored in a signed integer on the system the compiler is targeting (but it doesn't have to be, it can be smaller): on Windows based systems it is set to 32767 for...
14 Aug 2019 by honey the codewitch
An LALR(1) parsing algorithm as part of Pck
31 May 2012 by Tim Corey
Maybe I'm missing something here, but wouldn't something like Entity Framework be the best option? You can get it to generate your models and talk to them (basic CRUD) without having to actually write the code yourself.Here is a basic tutorial on the steps you would take:...
9 Aug 2012 by Kenneth Haugland
All you need is a List(of Food) and a Random function... Besides you didnt tag the question on what languange you use....
15 Feb 2013 by Abhishek Pant
have a look at this also-free solution:wix free website builder[^] that has predesigned templates with No coding and Google friendly.itsreview and specifiation[^]paid soulution:Ewisoft Website Builder [^].
6 Jul 2014 by TheCannyCoder
Today we'll look at creating generators. In simple terms, a generator is a function which returns the next value in a sequence. Unlike an iterator, it generates the next value when needed, rather than returning the next item of a pre-generated collection. Some languages such as Python support
11 Jul 2015 by Frankie-C
seq is very powerful if used in a *nix environment, you can write on a single console line commands for repetitive actions where an incremental, or sequential, numbering is required.I.e. you can create n files named from 'file0001' on, or ping addresses in a subnet, etc. (Try...
15 Sep 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Check following at Codeplex.comQrCode.Net[^]Hope, it helps :)
25 Apr 2017 by CHill60
To generate a sequence see Generating a Sequence in SQL[^] For the first column [Book No] use an identity column:CREATE TABLE Book ( [Book No] int identity(1,1), [Receipt No] varchar(9) ) For the second column use the means of generating a sequence, format it (this is poor practice by the...
9 Oct 2017 by OriginalGriff
You are required to generate odd numbers only: so the value you add on - C - must be odd, and the original value - rand.nextInt(A) * B must be even, which means that B must be even. So your tutor has selected B = 2, C = 51 which fulfils the "must be odd" requirement, and offsets the number so...
27 Apr 2019 by matalan44
Generation of POJO Classes is explained in this article
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
1 May 2012 by amer shammout
I have created a wpf project this project create a grid and many controls in this grid and allow the user to change controls properties now i wont to generate a user control dynamically this user control contains the grid and it's controls how can i do this
14 Jul 2012 by Behnam Mohammadi
Hi!I am sorry for my poor english!i have this imageDBdatabase and i want generate this formatmainsubsubby c# and from this table please help me it's urgent.Thanks.
12 Dec 2012 by Deenuji
Actually i using color extender tool to generate the colors....while i'm picking the colors, this tools return only hexadecimal values ...but i need to generate color name too...How to generate color name from this hex or RGB values????
12 Dec 2012 by Zaf Khan
You will have to cross reference the RGB values in a lookup table which contains the RECOGNISED colors
12 Dec 2012 by Suvabrata Roy[^]Enjoy
26 Sep 2013 by Ashkan.hosseini
Stored procedure that generates insert stored procedure for tables
18 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sorry, this is not an agency for finding people for whatever purpose. This is a Quick Questions & Answers forum.—SA
23 Feb 2014 by Pepin z Hane
Hi,First: This is not a syntactic error! My grammar file does not contain any error!I want to write a C# grammar for my program. I have downloaded this grammar from CodePlex:[^].I have not found better C# grammar for ANTLR 4. This grammar does not support...
23 Feb 2014 by Andreas Gieriet
I don't know ANTLR well enough, but my suspicion is that ANTLR has a lookahead predicates that allow to tell the lexer to only skip new-lines that are *not* followed by optional whitespaces followed by ///.E.g. something likeWS1: ( ' ' | '\r' | '\t' ) -> skip;WS2: ( '\n' {...
18 Aug 2014 by Bastien Vandamme
I'm looking for a entity generator able to generate my entities from a databaseI'm also looking for something able to generate with my entities 1. the validation rules based on the database type 2. CRUD operations. I don't want to have to write anything in SQL or LinQ 3....
18 Aug 2014 by Amol M Vaidya
obviously you will have to write business logic..basic CRUD is fast with Entity framework
17 Dec 2014 by Tomas Takac
You already declared a variable of Random class so you are on a good way. You basically randomly pick 9 characters from the string of allowed characters and store them in an array. Wne you are done you just create the password string from that array:Dim s As String =...
17 Dec 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You need to make a use of the Random class, to generate Random numbers. But, that would give you a Random integer, you can then use those numbers to call different alphabets at those indices. You can read my previous article to create Random strings for URLs, instead of using them in URLs...
14 Jul 2016 by CPallini
If you can use C++ then have a look at this page: random - C++ Reference[^].
19 Jan 2021 by Member 12736338
i need to create aspx page with camera that views qr code and it should fetch the code .is there any idea.pls help meWhat I have tried:i didnt tried anything.till now i generated qrcode.i need to scan that from aspx page
9 Oct 2017 by CPallini
Quote: 51 - 99, but the problem says the range is 50-99. Indeed taht's the range. But, unfortunately 50 is even, hence 51 is the first valid entry of the requested range.
14 May 2018 by CyberfirePY
i need to generate a timetable for a 5 day week 7 lessons per day students can only be in one palce at a time same with teachers minimuim of 3 of each subject per week user must be able to edit students taking each subject (i thought of a list for each subject and in it index of who takes it)...
14 May 2018 by OriginalGriff
Possibly more complicated than you think: An Algorithm to Automatically Generate Schedule for School Lectures Using a Heuristic Approach[^]
18 Dec 2018 by Member 14092627
So i am doing a project in uni with C and it is generating a maze but the middle characters are weird (random ascii characters) and i do not know where they come from or how are they generated. I wanted to fill everything with the ascii character described in k but the inner walls are not being...
17 Dec 2018 by OriginalGriff
You only set the borders of your maze to a specific value - the bulk of the maze you leave uninitialised. Start like this: void gerador_labirinto(char a[N][N]) { size_t linha,coluna = 0, r, k=(char)254; // Clear area for ( linha = 1; linha
17 Dec 2018 by Patrice T
Your code do not behave the way you expect, or you don't understand why ! There is an almost universal solution: Run your code on debugger step by step, inspect variables. The debugger is here to show you what your code is doing and your task is to compare with what it should do. There is no...
18 Dec 2018 by KarstenK
If you need to fullfill some specific features (like entry or exit of the maze) than you need to implement it. Write a check functions which proofes the features and when not you need some correcting code. Meta code:if( !IsDataCorrect() ( { FixIt(); } else { LogMessage("all fine"); } Always...
23 Dec 2018 by Member 14092627
I have been making a game to walk through mazes and solve them for a college project. I have been trying to make my character move and, oddly it was working perfectly for like 20 minutes with the character moving and the steps counting. After that, it just stopped working and the code was the...
23 Dec 2018 by KarstenK
You must use the debugger to find out what is your problem. Set a breakpoint and move maybe some formatted output helps. Important tip: learn to work with structs and arrays. Your maze is a two-dimensional (not 3, was typo) array char *maze = malloc() char value = maze[x][y];//access this make...
23 Dec 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: Was it a problem with the compiler (DEV C++) or the code is faulty? Oddities are against your code, you are the only one able to tell because we can't run your code. Your code do not behave the way you expect, or you don't understand why ! There is an almost universal solution: Run...
15 Feb 2013 by bbirajdar
I have a client who needs to create a blog and update it daily. He wants me to create a tool which will help him to pick a template and he should just enter the data and html pages should be generated under the selected menu-submenu.He sent me a link to a similar tool he came across and is...
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
18 Jan 2024 by Dave Elliott
A series of 6 articles to provide you with a boilerplate guide to create Source Generators.
14 Jul 2016 by Aamir Yousafi
Dear all, I have been through the forums and Google and have found only complicated setups for random number generators that are more advanced than rand(). My problem with rand() is that I can't seem to change the RAND_MAX, and even when I do by using #undef and #define followed by the integer...
21 Jan 2013 by Simeon Sheye
How to manage state and simulate behavior against the system under test.
18 Nov 2014 by Cryptonite
I keep reading articles on the web about how all random number generators on a computer are "pseudo" random, or "deterministic". Here I present an approach for nondeterministic number generation.
3 Apr 2013 by Eric Reynolds
Quickly churn out repetitive C++, C#, or Java code from any data that Python can read.
16 Dec 2014 by #realJSOP
Eliminate the tedium of generating model and viewmodel classes for your WPF projects, and save a butt-load of time in the process.
30 Apr 2021 by Gábor Angyal
A superset of JSON with improved type inference capability
26 Dec 2015 by Frank-Rene Schaefer
Using Quex to generate lexical analyzers
13 Jun 2018 by madeas
A cross-browser collection of CSS box-shadow + Generator the file box-shadows.min.css + Box-shadow CSS Generator
10 Jan 2021 by Peter Belcak
A short review of the literature on the subject of multi-machine parsing
23 Dec 2018 by Rick York
Have you noticed how similar the code is for each key entry? That is an indication that you should make a function out of that sequence of code and pass the values that differ for each key to it which appear to be the x and y values. My general rule of thumb is if I see a sequence of code...
17 Sep 2015 by IssamK
How to automatically generate classes for your database tables
31 May 2012 by kaushal_shah26
Hi, I have a sql database with about 100 tables. I am thinking to use code generator to create class library for these tables, basically CRUD operations. What is the best code generator out there? It should be free to use atleast for personal use. If I can like it, I can pursue employers to buy...
15 May 2013 by tiancehngbo
Hello,when I try to solve the second problem about Prime Generator on the[^] in C++(4.0.0-8),it runs to me a trouble that I can compile and run well on my own computer,but when I sent it to spoj, the result is "wrong answer ".The problem is:Input : The input begins...
25 Apr 2017 by Learn.net37
hello i have table with 2 column i want one to generate numbers from 0001 to 9000 at this format number and second one based on first column like every 50 numbers from first column this 1 and second 50 this is 2 Book No Receipt No 1 0001-0050 2 ...
20 May 2024 by Member 16268446
There are a number of relatively simple algorithms out there that you can write on your own, for example, the linear congruential generator, or LCG. You can poke around a bit. I asked the latest version of ChatGPT to provide C source code. I did...
25 Sep 2018 by YouCanHateMeNow
Hey guysHow can I create a random Password Generator?Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim passwordlength As String Dim s As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789?!" 'All characters which will be used for the random passowrd ...
10 Jul 2015 by Xlance
Good DayTo print a sequence of numbers, I use GNU seq command, but the switch -w which equalizes width by padding with leading zeroes, does not work over 999999 ???Also numbers over 999999 are shown as scientific notation 6.022E06 !!!Please can someone check the source code ?Thanks...
9 Aug 2012 by po1725
helloI wonder how a program in C# that could produce food for a week but never repeated.will generate input, meat, fish and dessert for each day of the Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sundaybread ... ... ... ... ... ...
15 Feb 2016 by Member 9669321
I saw a great article (I think it was here) about using a matrix to generate strong passwords but easy to remember. It was similar to this one ""except that it was a bit simpler. This thing was not a piece of code. It was...
15 Feb 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question.There is no such problem of generating strong random password; the problem is memorizing it. How about strong passwords that are easy to memorize? I think it's possible if someone invent one's own idea and never share it with anyone. As to the idea of...
9 Oct 2017 by mappleleaf
Write code that generates a random odd integer (not divisible by 2) between 50 and 99 inclusive. Fill in the values of the sub-expressions labeled A, B, and C below. Random rand = new Random(); int n = rand.nextInt(A) * B + C; The answer is A = 25; B = 2; C =51 What I have tried: I dont...