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by Bilal N Gharib
This article is about automatic resizing of a frame and its controls with the same ratio in Java.
by David Nash
A simple Windows Framework that beginners and intermediate programmers can use as an alternative to MFC. It makes learning to program for Windows easier.

Latest Articles

by Bilal N Gharib
This article is about automatic resizing of a frame and its controls with the same ratio in Java.
by David Nash
A simple Windows Framework that beginners and intermediate programmers can use as an alternative to MFC. It makes learning to program for Windows easier.

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18 Jan 2014 by Abhijit Jana
You can change the frame interval by changing the value of ColorCameraSettings.FrameInterval property. You have to make sure the AutoExposure property is set to false while working with FrameInterval; otherwise there will have no effects on the frames.Use this like...
26 Nov 2014 by King Fisher
Refer this :[^][^]
30 Jul 2015 by CHill60
If you can't understand the code presented we are unlikely to be able to help you much in a Quick Answers Forum! However - your first link - you can put the code wherever you like. A button click event would be appropriate, amongst other options.The missing reference on your 2nd link is...
1 Apr 2016 by Rajesh Londhe
Hello,I had searched lot of sites and much more googling. I had found several tools like,Emgu CVNReco.videoconverter (dot net wrapper for ffmpeg)Dexter.libBut all this tools works fine on avi video only. None of this tools works on any other video file formats.Friends, it's...
22 Jun 2016 by Prateek Dalbehera
Hi Florida, Followings are the standard ways to create connection string in the cofig file of the application.Windows Authentication:
12 Dec 2012 by Gurpreet_Fusion
How to put a frame containing image on a webcam viewer so that i can capture the imagewith frame image applied on it
3 Jan 2013 by TorstenH.
What would be the benefit of not having a visible Frame?Anyway, you can set the Frame setVisible(false)To see some console output you use System.out.println("creativetext")
11 Jul 2013 by Manu V Nath
Please refer this it amy help you[^]
11 Feb 2014 by kingsa
Hi, I have master page for that 3 frames header, content and footer , i have menu item in header frame i have i want to navigate through menu items in first frame ,the content apge should display in content frame can u guide me or send snippets
6 Mar 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
That depends entirely on the service you're using to send the SMS. Consult with them.By the way, sending an SMS has absolutely nothing to do with MVC.
12 Apr 2014 by HuggableAlien
Hello, I am making a Windows 8 style Nimbus skin for my Java application, and this involved customizing the title bar's buttons, such as using windows 8 X buttons etc. My issue is that in Windows 8, the maximize and minimize buttons are the same color as the title bar, this is fine when the...
17 Sep 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is nothing high-tech in this problem. You are trying to use non-existing VideoCapture constructor. Wasn't that quite obvious from the error message? You are trying to pass some mysterious argument of the string type, "video path", hard to understand for what purpose.If you look at the...
26 Nov 2014 by Y Kishore Kumar
Hi, I want to connect entity frame work with sql query's not linq queries.
9 Jan 2015 by MTKNTS
Hi everybodyI want to show a frame of a gif image. I searched and found that the following code should work, but it doesn't work. it detects the number of frames correctly but it shows the whole frames of gif instead of the specified frame. I am grateful of any opinion. Thanks...
10 Jan 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
Your code looks strange. Try the one here: C# Get Frames from a GIF[^], it is working for sure.
14 Jan 2015 by MTKNTS
My problem has been solved in the below link.[^]Zoltan Zorgo, I am grateful to you.
22 Feb 2015 by NaMaCk
Using Directx.Capture; to Capture a picture from a Webcam (Capture the Frame from the Preview PictureBox). Displaying Length of that Frame is sometimes (rare) ok : around 25000 Most of the time is more than 10x larger, around 320000! Why is that? width and height always the same in both cases...
27 Mar 2015 by avlasx
Hi all,I'm tring to develop a SW that extracts single bmp frames from a video file encoded with 3ivx codec. I must use vfw interfaces...First of all I'have installed 3ivx decoder (3ivx_MPEG-4_504) and check that with "mediaplayer classic" video is played correctly. Im'm working on win8.1...
30 Jul 2015 by Atom Scott
First, I'm fairly new to see sharp so I'm looking for a thorough and easy to understand answer.How do I make a C# win form program that breaks a video down to frames, then puts those frames back together to make a video?I also want to be able to select which frames to extract by setting an...
12 Sep 2015 by Rakesh Meel
Visit here to resolve your query....[^]
18 Feb 2016 by Member 12335940
I have a sceleton code for creating chart. I draw the frame. You only fulfill this source code. I have tried:I couldn't find enough knowledge about AIOTrade and I don't understand how should I use it. Please help. Thaks.
6 Jun 2016 by Member 12569506
Hi!I am trying to get an image from an avi file. This was my idea of how to implement it: manager = new AviManager(AviPath, true); stream = manager.GetVideoStream(); stream.GetFrameOpen(); ...
22 Jun 2016 by Member 11376503
Quote:While making a connection with the database I get this error (using entity...
28 Dec 2016 by OnLearn
Hi,I want to programm a little game. In this game I use approximately 100 buttons. If you click on these buttons always happens the same. I am sure that there is a better option then programming an own event for each button. What shoud I do?What I have tried:I can't try anything...
28 Dec 2016 by Member 12926425
Read this: How to Use Buttons, Check Boxes, and Radio Buttons (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Using Swing Components)[^]Basically all you need to do is to:1. select your layout manager2. create your button3. set your buttons properties4....
4 May 2017 by Toni_s
Hi all. I have a question about how to play animation without to use too much memory. I want to load in every Timer Tick only one frame directly from the disk, without to load all frames into memory in a variable. I have make one function for this, but if i called it slows down in every frame a...
25 Oct 2017 by BetulK44
sorry for my English, I want to get frame capture when moving on loaded video, how can I do it? Example, there is a way, take a frame capture while the car is on the way, but, don't take a frame capture while the road is empty. my codes are as follows; VideoCapture capture = null; List...
7 May 2018 by Member 13814072
Hey there, I would like to know how to read out the first frame of a video and save it in a bitmap without previously saving it as an image file. I have already looked at many solutions on the Internet, but they all based on saving it as a file, but I would like a solution that looks something...
8 Oct 2019 by Bilal N Gharib
This article is about automatic resizing of a frame and its controls with the same ratio in Java.
4 Apr 2020 by Jeremy Maldonado
I am creating a program to simulate an outbreak. The program will have a number of circles bouncing around the screen. I have a class for the window and a class for the entities. I create instances of the class and add them to an ArrayList. I...
4 Apr 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
During each frame, move each circle, then loop through each circle, calling a method on the circle, called "IsInContact" and does whatever it needs to detect "contact". "Collision" implies an event, whereas "in contact" is a state, which is more...
9 Oct 2020 by travis cripe
So basically this is my first time using an external framework for a project. I really don't know how to get the link between the SharpPcap folder and my project file. The SharpPcap directory is in the same folder as my project directory. I have...
9 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
The simplest solution is to use Nuget, as SharpPcap is available there. Open your solution in VS, and open your Project twig. Right click "References" and select "Manage NuGet Packages..." from the pop-up menu. In the resulting page, select the...
1 May 2021 by Giuseppe Leotta
Hi everyone, I need a tip on how to create a "gradient frame effect" filter in Java to apply to an image. For example, given this image: Input I want to get this result: Gradient Frame How can I proceed? Thanks for your input What I have...
1 May 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to use some of the advanced graphics features: Lesson: Advanced Topics in Java2D (The Java™ Tutorials > 2D Graphics)[^].
17 Dec 2021 by Sam_k_khan
I want to create application NodeJS where in we will drag and drop elements on screen and create video from those elements. We should also be able to add audio to the video and customize the video by resizing the element etc. What I have tried: ...
9 Aug 2022 by Member 15652447
Basically I have this program that shows the maximum and minimum independent sets, but I want to draw/show 2 graphs instead of 1. Currently it only shows or highlights the maximum sets in one jframe, and i want to insert the minimum set. What I...
16 Dec 2009 by David Nash
A simple Windows Framework that beginners and intermediate programmers can use as an alternative to MFC. It makes learning to program for Windows easier.
25 Dec 2013 by niloufar.M
I'm working on a project in c# which I'm capturing color and depth frame from Kinect, then I'm doing some real-time process on them, kinect capturing with resolution 640*480 is 30FPS, but I don't need all the frames and I want to reduce the frame rate to be about 15FPS. Would you please help me...
3 Jan 2013 by Caroline White
I'm using the Console class in Holtsoft's Ready To Program Java for this. I'm not allowed to use javax.swing or make this an applet. I don't know how to make the program, but need to make it:a) Run only in the console window orb) Make the Frame window hidden, but still...
11 Sep 2015 by Sultan Uz Zaman
Is it possible to load a navigation page without clicking on any button or any event for that matter? If so, how?public void ShowErrorScreen(){ NavigationService nav = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this)); nav.Navigate(new Uri("ErrorMsg.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); ...
22 Jun 2016 by florida manahan
I'm using this connection string but whenever I attempt to connect to the database an error "Keyword not supported: 'user id'."Here's my connection string:string connectionstring = @"user id=" + @txtServerUsername.Text + ";password=" + @txtServerPassword.Text + ";server=" +...
6 Mar 2014 by Siya#C
Hi am using MVC4 and I would like to know how to send an SMS or what's the code for sending an SMS
17 Sep 2014 by Member 11090261
I want to read video from drive frame by frame. I am using opencv in java.VideoCapture camera=new VideoCapture("video path");// giving error on this line.Mat frame = new Mat();while(true){ if ({ Highgui.imwrite("F:/camera.jpg",...
10 Jan 2015 by MTKNTS
Hi Dear Zoltan ZorgoI did what you said and changed my code to below. But the problem remains as before.I am looking forward from you. Thank you.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using...
16 Mar 2015 by Giggione L'Americano
I need of take a snapshot or capture a frame of a live video streaming such as UstreamI have embed ustream live channel in my website and i want that users clicking a button take a photo of streamingI have found this code...