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Great Reads

by NavnathKale
Lightweight and simple
by Mykola Tarasyuk
An approach to call built-in Visual Studio commands from within Visual Studio extensions
by Stefan Timovski
Tutorial on how to start developing SSMS extensions
by Just Perfection
In this article, you will learn about the GNOME Shell extension basics, schema, gettext and more.

Latest Articles

by BillWoodruff
Create collections of #n sized elements from arrays, lists, and string
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is just a funny Visual Studio Code extension, but… what can happen if somebody will try to use it seriously?
by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout
by Mykola Tarasyuk
An approach to call built-in Visual Studio commands from within Visual Studio extensions

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9 Jun 2019 by Stefan Timovski
Tutorial on how to start developing SSMS extensions
20 Jun 2020 by Just Perfection
In this article, you will learn about the GNOME Shell extension basics, schema, gettext and more.
16 Dec 2015 by Dmitry Sikorsky
Using ExtCore framework to create modular and extendable ASP.NET 5 applications
3 Apr 2017 by dan!sh
Extension to block selected hosts from Chrome brower
14 Jun 2012 by Daniel Gidman
An MVC Razor Helper to generate radio button lists from enums
27 Mar 2016 by veen_rp
How to fake an Extension Property...
18 Apr 2011 by Fabio V Silva
A Google Chrome extension that changes the display of time/dates in the CodeProject forums
2 Jun 2012 by Ben Baron
Java source code to demonstrate Executable Integration which is a concept of integrating several distinct executables to create a single application
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
JavaScript holds it all together on the client side. There are a number of extensions that have been made to improve and expand base JavaScript
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Here is a list of file extensions which are configured by default to be handled by ASP.NET 2.0.asax used for application level logic
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Since the dawn of, web based development has become a lot easier.  It provides a great deal of control over designs and code.  And affords
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
if(IsPostBack){Boolean fileOK=false;String fileExtention=System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower();   //check file
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
protected void ReportViewer1_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) {DisableFormat(ReportViewer1, "Pdf"); }protected void
22 Mar 2017 by Fiyaz Hasan
Just like financial debt estimation, technical debt can also be estimated. Know more about this metaphor developed by Ward Cunningham and how the estimation can be done though NDepend's smart technical debt estimation feature.
7 Apr 2011 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
This article covers the creation of maze game all the way from its WPF animations to its music integration with two sound engines.
26 Oct 2011 by Alessandro Del Sole
This article explains how to acquire images from scanners and Webcams and how to store them to a LightSwitch application's database
5 Feb 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Move your (deprecated) Add-in to VSPackage...
5 Sep 2013 by Shining Dragon
A more in depth look at Visual Studio Add Ins with a fully worked example.
23 Jul 2013 by Mohammad A Rahman
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that works as a communicator between the objects and the data. This article partially taken from the "Expert C# 5.0" - book and it will explore the different extension methods used in the LINQ using C# and IL code to discuss..
14 Nov 2017 by Nick Polyak
Describe VS2015 extension for generating sub-enumerations (akin to sub-classes)
17 Mar 2012 by Václav Slavíček
Integration of fuzzy OWL ontology modelling with .NET
9 Mar 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Manage and maintain your in-house Visual Studio extensions...
20 Apr 2015 by Raj Nakkiran
How to manage multiple versions of device drivers and with multiple versions of applications, which share common operational contracts.
23 Mar 2015 by Oleg Shilo
The extremely simple implementation of generic "Extension Properties"
7 Nov 2013 by Adam Zgagacz
ComboBox extension methods for binding with Enum types
11 May 2011 by Super Lloyd
A much simpler composite application library.
10 May 2012 by Akos Orban
An extension method for the IEnumerable interface to perform an action on each element which belong to a derived type of T.
17 Nov 2015 by Michael S. Post
Tips and tricks for using extension methods properly along with a few of my favorites
26 Sep 2010 by After2050
This article demonstrates the steps in creating a simple jQuery plug-in with a sample called Map Scroller.
4 May 2015 by Mike (Prof. Chuck)
A simple first-step Extension for the Chrome Browser with a How-to of event-hooks in JavaScript, as the Google security policy does not allow inline-scripts and events.
19 Oct 2010 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
Simple parsing of VS_VERSIONINFO version information strings displayed in an XP-style file-properties "Version" tab
25 Apr 2011 by David Sehnal
A computation wrapper with built-in progress tracking using Reactive Extensions for .NET (and AsyncCTP).
5 Jun 2013 by Thorsten Bruning
Emulate extension properties by extending any reference type with any other type.
14 May 2016 by Vince Chan
A Google Chrome Extension that makes code project articles more readable.
13 Jan 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Improve the way your custom tool creates file...
31 May 2011 by VallarasuS
This article demonstrates a customizable busy progress indicator for Windows Forms applications.
17 Jan 2013 by Guirec
This article will introduce you with a set of 3 simple extension methods that can help you getting rid of Regex in many situations
23 Apr 2016 by Ehsan Sajjad
Better approach to bind dropdownlist with enum in MVC
28 Apr 2013 by Ed Nutting
A wrapper application making management, modding and running multiple MineCraft servers faster and easier.
29 Apr 2015 by Rodrigo De Presbiteris (Presba)
In this post I will show you how to create a simple extension that accesses an external API hosted by
8 Jun 2012 by
How to create cross-browser extensions with few lines in JavaScript
26 Sep 2010 by Andreas Gieriet
.NET 4 finally allows to define polymorphic extension visitors
28 Oct 2017 by Mr.PoorEnglish
10-times faster Accesss with Reflection.MethodInfo (updated)
29 Sep 2011 by dgon
NMoneys.Exchange extends NMoneys (Money Value Object implementation) to support exchange of currencies
23 Jun 2016 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
This is an alternative for "An Almost Extension Property"
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
While answering forums I come across a post “Grouping the data in the data table” which lead me to write this short code snippet for that post. 
31 Mar 2021 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is just a funny Visual Studio Code extension, but… what can happen if somebody will try to use it seriously?
16 Jan 2019 by BlackMATov
It's a story on how to write a plugin for Unity Asset Store, take a crack at solving the well-known isometric problems in games, and make a little coffee money from that, and also to understand how expandable Unity editor is. Pictures, code, graphs and thoughts inside.
2 Apr 2012 by FrewCen
Article about making C++ header files for simple 2D geometry objects.
17 May 2012 by Agon Avdimetaj
18 Aug 2016 by M,AqibShehzad
Here are some useful tools for .NET developers
8 Nov 2010 by Jeremy Hutchinson
Creating a FirstOrDefault Extension Method that takes the default value as a parameter
18 Aug 2016 by M,AqibShehzad
The most demanding framework can ease the life of a developer as it streamlines creating dynamic views in web applications.