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Design Patterns


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by Yisrael Lax
Why poorly written code is expensive code
by Lộc Nguyễn
Revisiting Event Aggregator/Message Bus/Broker in C#.NET
by Jon Campbell
How to utilize WCF to allow a single instance of any WPF application without needing mutexes, extra assemblies, or special "hacks".
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.

Latest Articles

by Yisrael Lax
Why poorly written code is expensive code
by Lộc Nguyễn
Revisiting Event Aggregator/Message Bus/Broker in C#.NET
by Jon Campbell
How to utilize WCF to allow a single instance of any WPF application without needing mutexes, extra assemblies, or special "hacks".
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.

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by Lộc Nguyễn
Revisiting Event Aggregator/Message Bus/Broker in C#.NET
by Jon Campbell
How to utilize WCF to allow a single instance of any WPF application without needing mutexes, extra assemblies, or special "hacks".
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the bad design practice using STUPID and good design practice using SOLID. Detailed explanation for Single Single Responsibility Principle, Open and Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Dependency Inversion (DI) Principle.
by Habibur Rony
Application design - a post mortem of a bad design
by Valerii Tereshchenko
Example of implementing logging using Aspect Oriented approach with DispatchProxy class
by Ganesh Prabu
Simple design idea to use Task class and implement batch processing of requests
by Rajesh Pillai
Understand Node internals by coding your own tiny implementation of built-in node.js event emitter from scratch.
by Viral Surani
This article is a first article of a series called Keep It Simple. This article is about how we can create reusable component of partially common operation (method) using Strategy Design Pattern. We will see the need of Strategy Design Pattern.
by Surajit T. Karmakar
This article demonstrates usage of Decorator pattern in C# with a practical software programming example.
by Mark Pelf
We explain DI Pattern, DIP, IoC, DI Container
by Toby Steed
Design pattern - Factory
by Ramachandran Murugan
"A Creation Design Pattern which is used to duplicate or clone the resource and time consuming expensive object"
by Hamidreza Ebtehaj
Designing the simplest function evaluator
by Nazar.Bukhari
An article on how to implement Observer Design pattern in Mutithreaded Java application when Function pointer is needed
by PureNsanity
Fundamental aspects of software design and understanding individual elements of principles and patterns
by Greg Utas
Are we about to go over a cliff?
by Antonio Ripa
A practical guide to implementing the Thread-Safe Singleton pattern in C# with modern and traditional approaches, including real-world scenarios where each method excels.
by Aleksandr Ulanov
What are Service Objects and how you can use them to make your app cleaner and keep it maintainable