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Great Reads

by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
by Hein Pauwelyn
This is an application made for Windows (Universal) 10 devices made with MVVM, IoC-containers and dependency injection. There is also an API from Yahoo and SQLite service.

Latest Articles

by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will try to understand SOLID Architecture principles using simple C# examples.
by Matteo Prosperi
Being an engineer on the AWS SDK for .NET team, I tasked myself with figuring out how to use our libraries under Blazor in the browser.
by Chinmaya C
Explanation about DIP and its need in the real time scenario
by L. Michael
This article provides a recipe on how to avoid producing legacy code at the speed of typing by using a proper architecture and unit testing.

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28 Dec 2016 by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
5 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
7 Jun 2016 by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
29 Jul 2016 by Hein Pauwelyn
This is an application made for Windows (Universal) 10 devices made with MVVM, IoC-containers and dependency injection. There is also an API from Yahoo and SQLite service.
22 Nov 2017 by Graeme_Grant
This is an alternative for "Simplest WPF Dependency Property For Beginners On Background Color"
2 Dec 2009 by ASP.NET Community
Observer pattern
23 Oct 2016 by Matthew So (Hong Kong)
A task processing server with RDLC Implementation and extensible to customized handlers
14 Dec 2015 by Ciumac Sergiu
A simple way of using dependency injection and service locator in you class library
8 May 2014 by Halil ibrahim Kalkan
An implementation of dependency injection, repository and unit of work patterns using Castle Windsor and NHibernate.
21 Jan 2013 by Simeon Sheye
How to manage state and simulate behavior against the system under test.
24 Jun 2024 by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will try to understand SOLID Architecture principles using simple C# examples.
26 Feb 2019 by L. Michael
This article provides a recipe on how to avoid producing legacy code at the speed of typing by using a proper architecture and unit testing.
25 Aug 2015 by K. Naveen. Bhat
The article shows how we can solve various technical problems easily with the help of delegates.
7 Feb 2014 by Pranay Rana
What is dependency injection and why there is need of this software design pattern.
21 Mar 2015 by Priyank Modi
In Depth Look: Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI), Open/Closed principle (OCP) and Loose Coupling vs Tight Coupling
17 Nov 2015 by Emmanuel Nuyttens
Example of a multi purpose Layered framework for simplifying modern .NET application development
28 Apr 2020 by Chinmaya C
Explanation about DIP and its need in the real time scenario
8 Feb 2017 by Rasik Bihari Tiwari
Let's understand exactly what is Dependency Inversion principle and what it is not. How people confuse it to be dependency injection which is it NOT.
10 Aug 2016 by Aless Alessio
Design your solution and code your classes as loosely-coupled objects. Learn how to use MOQ and Ninject for mocking your Service and injecting it at runtime with Ninject.
6 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the concept of the adapter pattern & how to implement logger using log4net. It will also cover what’s adapter pattern, why need, where & when to use; what’s Log4Net, implementation of logger using adapter pattern, how to implement and add custom SMTP appender & configuration.
22 Sep 2016 by Alexandros Pappas
This project provides utilities for SQL server, such as executing a list of SQL scripts, exporting data to an SQL script, and displaying relationships between records.
3 Sep 2013 by Nitin Singh India
How to identify dependencies and resolve them using Unity App Block. Simple Hello World.
7 Jul 2016 by Zebedee Mason
Software for automatically constructing architecture diagrams and metrics from source code and .NET assemblies is presented. Examples for Visual C++, Python, the Linux kernel, Boost and .NET are discussed.
17 Apr 2017 by Gary Harpaz
Dependency injection frameworks are bad practice. So how can we still use dependency injection? Just do it yourself!
24 Apr 2017 by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the bad design practice using STUPID and good design practice using SOLID. Detailed explanation for Single Single Responsibility Principle, Open and Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Dependency Inversion (DI) Principle.
12 Nov 2016 by Zebedee Mason
Perform dependency analysis by using Doxygen to parse source code and produce a report
19 Feb 2018 by syed shanu
How to use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core 2.0 and use the result to bind in our View page
30 Jul 2017 by HoangMinh Nguyen
This is an alternative for "SOLID architecture principles using simple C# examples"
3 Dec 2015 by Gaurav K Rastogi
This is the article which basically is the comparison between three most popular DIs in .NET.
8 Dec 2018 by Sharp Ninja
Simple Dependency Injection, the customizable way. Learn about the SimpleDI framework for creating simple and effective dependency injection.