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Great Reads

by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
by Arthur V. Ratz
Create a Python web-app using Flask and PostgreSQL server, and run it in Docker
by stefan stammberger
A novel allocator implementation for managing huge sets of data in STL's std:: containers for Windows operating systems
by DataBytzAI
Use KubeSpray to remove the pain of setting up a Kubernetes cluster

Latest Articles

by Igor Gribanov
C++ iterators and algorithms work well for containers, but can we sort the Structure of Arrays?
by Mohammad Elsheimy
Porting Windows Fonts to Linux
by Mohammad Elsheimy
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.
by Lingaraj 2023
A step by step guide to setup the kubernetes cluster (one master + one worker) in EC2 instances

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28 Dec 2016 by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
24 Aug 2018 by Arthur V. Ratz
Create a Python web-app using Flask and PostgreSQL server, and run it in Docker
26 May 2020 by stefan stammberger
A novel allocator implementation for managing huge sets of data in STL's std:: containers for Windows operating systems
25 Nov 2017 by DataBytzAI
Use KubeSpray to remove the pain of setting up a Kubernetes cluster
1 Sep 2018 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this brief article, we will demonstrate how to deploy a Node.js application and run it on Docker's Windows Server Core 2016 Containers
2 Jun 2020 by Kevin Mack
Few ideas for strengthening micro-services architectures
27 Aug 2012 by Richard James Moss
This article describes adding design time support for a TabControl-like component which renders the same way the Project Properties in Visual Studio 2012.
3 Aug 2019 by Dmitriy Repin
Using VS Code to author and debug an any-language service inside of a container running locally, on a cloud VM, or in a Kubernetes pod
24 Oct 2016 by Ashwin. Shetty
Getting started on Docker with Windows OS and Hosting nodejs app inside a container
4 Feb 2020 by OwenDavies
This post outlines how to use Docker image for local SQL Server development.
10 Sep 2019 by GauravGahlot
In this article, we are going to set up a Release Trigger to automatically deploy our application on Azure App Service as a Docker Container, each time we push our code.
5 Jan 2023 by Michael Yuan @WasmEdge
How to use high performance Wasm runtime WasmEdge as a sidecar application runtime for Dapr
9 Oct 2018 by Nitin M. Patil
This article will share knowledge of creating a two-tier application using Docker Container.
28 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's totally up to you. This feature is used to give the user access to allocation method, to provide an alternative allocator. In the code using the container, it could be a sub-allocator or something, used to boost performance, taking into account the particular order of...
4 Jun 2018 by Shayne P Boyer
Why should we care about containers for development
5 Jan 2019 by Arkadeep De
Azure Storage Account - what is blob?
12 Dec 2017 by DataBytzAI
How to make some data storage resources available to the cluster
3 Dec 2019 by thoughts-on-coding
Matrices are a key concept in solving linear equation systems. Efficient implementations of matrices are not only considering computation complexity but also space complexity of the matrix data.
17 Oct 2018 by Aditya Rajendra Patil
Don't mess with docker Network, else the below article on Docker with Network Complexity will be helpful!
12 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I'm not sure you can make a page a child of Canvas, but it surely could be another Canvas instance. You can read a Canvas object from the XAML file and insert the result of it.For a sample of appropriate XAML, you can use use open-source Inkscape (wonderful application, a must to have,...
18 Oct 2013 by CPallini
I think the std::unordered_map fits better than std::map, because the former is implemented via a hash function while the latter with binary search trees.
18 Dec 2015 by Aescleal
There's no reason to use a C style array unless you're using a C++'98 or '03 compiler. Anywhere you'd consider using a built in array (i.e. you want something that's O(1) complexity random accessible) use code>vector if you want it resizable and array otherwise.Most containers use the...
3 Dec 2019 by 10xlearner
Hello ! I’m Xavier Jouvenot and here is the part seventeenth of a long series on Advent Of Code. You can find the previous part here. For this new post, we are going to solve the problem from the 17th December 2015, named "No Such Thing as Too Much".
4 Mar 2020 by Rion Williams
How containers can quickly become trashcans if unused ones are not deleted
11 Sep 2020 by User-8621695
Hi All, I have created an angular application and deployed it on docker. My docker file contains below code FROM nginx:alpine COPY ./dist/ui/. /usr/share/nginx/html Now I ran below code to check my docker images: docker images I can see my...
8 Dec 2020 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
That is why normally it is recommended to not have a long chain of method calls, if any single one of them fails you get a null reference exception. I would suggest rewriting that log line as: var worker = workers.Get(i); if(worker != null) { ...
30 Aug 2021 by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
An overview of AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and Elastic Container Service (ECS)
23 Feb 2022 by Maciej Los
Follow the instructions from Microsoft: Prep Windows operating system containers | Microsoft Docs[^] Quote: To install Docker on Windows Server, you can use a OneGet provider PowerShell module published by Microsoft called the...
2 Apr 2024 by Igor Gribanov
C++ iterators and algorithms work well for containers, but can we sort the Structure of Arrays?
6 Sep 2012 by zaphoed
Passing event references as interfaces in C# by proxifying them within "EventReference" instances.
28 Mar 2013 by WaZoX
I am about to implement a doubly-linked list (the default std::list doesn't fit my needs because I need direct access to the internal nodes). My question is if I should use "std::allocator" or the keyword "new" when implementing it. I understand the power with "allocator" but I don't plan to...
18 Oct 2013 by Alexander Fedorov
What would be an equvalent of CMapWordToPtr in modern STL? Is it unordered_map or just map or somethig else is better?
20 Jun 2014 by Deadlifer
Hi, Good day/night, First of all, excuse my bad english.. Well. I have the next problem...I'm making a program where I can receive just one Message in a TextBox, and when I click the button or the textbox both must be removed, and then, the next messajes can go up in a AutoSlide Panel. Here...
24 Jun 2014 by kasbaba
22 Jul 2014 by Member 10964099
There is a container in VB.NET that when you add an item that already exists then nothing happens (it is not added )for example if the container variable is named a then a.add(1) a.add(1) a.add(2) will result in "a" having two items (1,2 ) and not three(1,1,2)the problem is that I forgot...
22 Jul 2014 by CPallini
HashSet(T)[^] (see the Remarks section).
26 Aug 2014 by gniruT nalA
Not too sure what the button click code would be. However I would go with a User Control because I don't believe you can have a Form within a Form. Here is what the code for the button clicks would probably look like:function button1_click DispalyPanel.Controls.Remove(Control2) ...
26 Aug 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to use a set of panels with certain values of the property Control.Dock. The value for each case should be apparent from here (avoid using the default...
21 Dec 2015 by bling
I'm a bit late but ...The wiki link provided has some bad examples. Bad in that they wouldn't work for either STL vectors or arrays.The wiki article also claims "Since a C array doesn't know its size, there can be no array assignment". That's very short-sighted.An array is a pointer...
22 Jun 2016 by Member 12584971
CSS Tutorial 1 - Always Position Footer at Bottom of Website - YouTube[^]
8 Mar 2018 by Maciej Los
Follow the instruction: How to: Create MDI Child Forms | Microsoft Docs[^]
25 Mar 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
Microservice deployment - Google Search[^]
13 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Let’s talk about MEF – Part 1
7 Oct 2019 by Haseeb A. Basil
A Basic Guide on How to Deploy An Application to Alibaba Cloud Container Service from Bitbucket and Securing it with Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS 2019.
7 Oct 2019 by Haseeb A. Basil
A Basic Guide on How to Deploy An Application to Alibaba Cloud Container Service from Bitbucket and Securing it with Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS 2019.
29 Oct 2019 by John M. Dlugosz
I recall this series of videos on YouTube: Let's make 16 games in C++/SFML! - YouTube[^] There is also this series from OneLoneCoder: Code-It-Yourself! - YouTube[^]
18 Feb 2020 by OwenDavies
Microsoft announced back in May of the Windows Server Containers support in Azure Kubernetes Service Preview. Finally we can run Windows containers on the AKS service. It’s still only in preview, but fingers crossed will be coming to General Availability soon..
24 Feb 2020 by Shweta Lodha
How to perform Excel to comma separated file conversion without storing them on local hard drive
7 Apr 2020 by Mohammad Nawaz
Hello Everyone I have one query to selecting which is best for Kubernetes. Pros and Cons between a file symlink and an environment variable for accessing a Secret or ConfigMap? What should be in a Secret or ConfigMap (e.g. instance name or full...
8 Dec 2020 by gsile
I have been trying to link my "person" class values with "workers" class in the "Read" method. When I write Console.WriteLine(person.GetName()); it gives me all the values perfectly, but if I write Console.WriteLine(workers.Get(i).GetName());...
9 Dec 2022 by salam_verdim_alana_panyatkasi_olana
I'm talking about docker right now. I was wondering why there are not only images but also containers here? I understand that container that runing from instance of image. Okay, we get that, so why do we need this separately? Wouldn't it be right...
9 Dec 2022 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Your question is unclear. The computer world has more than 2 things—while bit states can be only 2; 0, and 1. The concept of images and containers is the same as class and objects. You write the class in your Java file, and when that code runs,...
5 Apr 2023 by Apurva Kunkulol
Description: I have a simple Python script that tries to check whether ClamAV is "inactive" in the container and if it is then it attempts to start it using import os os.popen("systemctl start...
5 Feb 2020 by amatecki
Service unit for auto reloading Docker containers running web apps behind nginx reverse proxy server after renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates managed by Certbot on Linux VPS
23 Feb 2024 by Mohammad Elsheimy
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.
2 Jun 2018 by Juan G. Carmona
13 Aug 2018 by Ryan Peden
Getting started with Docker by installing it and pulling a small image
29 Jul 2019 by Akhil Mittal
For this tutorial, we’ll create a simple ASP.NET Core web application, containerize it with Docker, then deploy it to an AKS cluster.
6 Mar 2019 by Gunnar S
This article describes how to containerize an ASP.NET WebApi solution with Visual Studio, how to pass data via environment variables and also how to run the images in docker without Visual Studio.
29 Aug 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A quick walk-through on building an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application on MAC and running it on Docker container
12 Feb 2022 by Aly Elhaddad
Introduction and documentation for new ThunderboltIoc framework that achieves DI in .NET without reflection
22 Nov 2016 by Mahesh Patil
Key issues in setting up VS 2015 for debugging applications running on local docker container
21 Aug 2012 by
Most programming resources are wrong when comparing linked-list to vector. Here you can read and understand how they are wrong and why linked-list is (mostly) to be avoided.
22 Jan 2020 by Yves Florido-Monnier
An efficient and simple implementation of the one-to-many relationship in C++
17 Jan 2013 by David Serrano Martínez
A strong exception guarantee tester has been written to test how robust methods of class templates are when faced with third party exceptions.
23 Sep 2015 by Shvetsov Evgeniy
Safe and versatile iterator for user types
21 Feb 2016 by Shvetsov Evgeniy
String class with the auto. managed memory pool and performance tweaks + support modules
31 Mar 2015 by
This tip describes a n ary tree structure. We will see how traversal works.
5 May 2020 by honey the codewitch
This tip shows you a robust way to get the type of items a collection can hold. It works with non-generic collections too.
3 Jul 2023 by Lingaraj 2023
A step by step guide to setup the kubernetes cluster (one master + one worker) in EC2 instances
17 Apr 2019 by RaviAakula
In this article, we will learn how to deploy ASP.NET Core Microservices in AWS ECS using Fargate with Cloudformation template and AWS Console.
16 Oct 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this article, we lay the foundation of the concepts needed to understand Docker engine.
27 May 2020 by PaulKukiel
.NET Core 3.1, Docker, postgres, swagger quick start
19 Feb 2019 by Chandru BK
The scope of this article is to compare the various deployment models available for our application deployment use case. This article assumes that readers will have basic knowledge of Virtual Machines, Containers and Hypervisors.
17 Dec 2015 by barneyman
horses for courses ... generally tho, stl containers are better (IMO) *as long as you choose the right one for the right job* i.e. understand the difference in behaviour between a deque and a vectoryes - they heapify - if you're going to use them for classes, understand the copy constructor
14 Mar 2019 by Martin Vorbrodt
How to serialize data to XML
4 Mar 2019 by marcusts
They got it wrong with IOC containers, but that can be fixed. The post A Smarter DI Container for Xamarin.Forms appeared first on Marcus Technical Services.
5 Jan 2013 by Bill Langlais
I have several controls that follow a similar pattern and require the same resizing logic. I am using the XPPanel controls from this Code Project Full-featured XP Style Collapsible PanelSo my approach is to create a derived control from the XPPanel control that has several containers and a...
11 May 2013 by Mohammed Hameed
Hi,Can anybody help me to suggest how to Load Xaml file in a Container (eg: Canvas or please suggest any other suitable container) in a xaml page in WPF.Solution along with code is highly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
27 Apr 2016 by George Jonsson
The link you provided requires a zip code that has flyers available, so I couldn't even see the layout.Why not look at the HTML, CSS and JS code behind the page and see how they have done it?You will get an idea about the technology they have used, so you can get started.Even a junior...
29 Oct 2019 by SelfTask
What is an easy game to code in C++ that uses with STL's hashes, sets, and maps data structures? What I have tried: I was thinking War or Blackjack but what's a better idea outside card games?
6 Jan 2019 by Member 12008812
Hello, I am going to work on Micro services(MS) ,as I am new i don't have much idea about its deployment. I am aware of its independent working,scalability,performance,etc. I have some queries: Can we Host Micro services in IIS without Docker/Container as we host a normal web application? ...
26 Aug 2014 by jharding08
I have a main form which I would like to use as a container for a header section, menu section and then the rest of the area will be used to display a form based on either the menu selection or a previous form selection. There will be only one form displayed at a time in this section.I have...
26 Aug 2014 by jharding08
Looks like that is the way to go. Thank you for your help
17 Dec 2015 by Are Riff
I've read this article:[^]Should I almost always use C++ containers overs standard C arrays?Another question, as a novice, I want ask whether containers such as vector always put their elements on the heap? thus there's no need for new...
27 Apr 2016 by Jessica-G
I went for an interview for a junior web development position and they will hire me if I can create something similar to an online flyer. The employer used this site as an example: (make sure to click on one of the flyers as an example and use T2L as the zip...
8 Mar 2018 by Member 13687101
I made 3 forms in VB C#. After That I made MDI Container. and put My Login form as a child. So, How can i put the rest of forms in my Container? What I have tried: I've tried by following some Youtube Videos. but didn't get it. as I'm new to this field.
23 Feb 2022 by Syed Shoaib 2022
I have even tried all the powershell based commands and it doesn't work What I have tried: I have even tried all the powershell based commands and it doesn't work