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Great Reads

by V. Subhash
Use policies.json file to force Firefox to respect your preferences.
by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
by Joe Rattz
The purpose of this article is to explain how you can update your ASP.NET 2.0 site to properly recognize and identify Chrome.
by Andy South
We have established a goal to decide, what solution (as in a combination of software and services) among those we chose allows extending the audience of an event with minimum efforts.

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by ToughDev
How to play the classic MS-DOS game - Alley Cat - from your browser
by V. Subhash
Use policies.json file to force Firefox to respect your preferences.
by Amarnath S
Phonetic Typing in Some Indian Languages
by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout

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8 Aug 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
1. Never give height or width in px..unless it is necessary.2. Never give
29 Mar 2023 by V. Subhash
Use policies.json file to force Firefox to respect your preferences.
12 Apr 2018 by Harry Truman
Screencasting (demo screen, screensharing) already works in Google Chrome. The technology allows capturing a window of the browser itself as well as windows of other applicaitons. For example, you can capture Firefox running in a separate window.
6 Sep 2012 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
This is sounds like a very tough job as none of the existing browsers fully support HTML5. There are ones doing better at supporting a subset of HTML5 than others. There is a check on this page (HTML5 Test[^]) that gives you an idea what checks to integrate, but this page doesn't claim...
6 Jan 2012 by Joe Rattz
The purpose of this article is to explain how you can update your ASP.NET 2.0 site to properly recognize and identify Chrome.
16 Feb 2016 by Andy South
We have established a goal to decide, what solution (as in a combination of software and services) among those we chose allows extending the audience of an event with minimum efforts.
21 Feb 2021 by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout
3 Apr 2017 by dan!sh
Extension to block selected hosts from Chrome brower
22 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
No way.If you read about asymmetric encryption and think about it, you will understand, that if such method existed it would defeat the purpose if ciphering or digital signature.All this is based on the idea of one-way function, see[^]. The...
28 Oct 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes, I guess you have to search for a specific key word. The question is not quite clear, but I guess the key words should be "Push technology" and "Server push".You will find pretty good overview of the topic and available technologies here:...
29 Jul 2012 by OriginalGriff
Probably not - IE and ActiveX are about the only solution to doing that, and even that is unlikely to work in the real world - too many rogue ActiveX controls mean that support for them even in IE is normally disabled.The chances of your getting this to work at all outside a corporate...
26 Sep 2014 by Abani Kumar Meher
This article explains few scenarios where XSS attack can be done, how we make mistake while creating web application which leads to XSS vulnerability and what should be done to prevent XSS attacks.
31 Jan 2016 by dan!sh
Each control in ASP.Net has its own Render method that creates the HTML that should be sent out to browser. This method uses HtmltextWriter to do so. I have not studied the internals of ASP.Net code so cannot really provide you with exact details. However, you can take a look at Reference...
17 Sep 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
You want to cache 1,000,000 records on the client-side? One word: Don't. It sounds like you seriously need to re-think your design. The browser should be getting pages of data, only what the browser needs to show. Caching a million records when the client, typically, only needs to see or use a...
12 May 2011 by DrABELL
Hi,As FYI: You could refer to my article published on CodeProject, which describes the similar solution and has been tested to work with all major browsers: How to Detect Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET[^]Kind regards,Alex B.
15 Aug 2011 by Caner Korkmaz
How to open the Internet browser from code.
18 Aug 2011 by thatraja
Given below is code for opening the Internet browser programmatically in VB 6 and VB.NET.VB 6Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _ "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As...
21 Aug 2011 by Dalek Dave
I have a friend who wishes to ban his employees from visiting certain web pages.(eg Facebook, eBay etc).I know there is the built in function...Run asC:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc facebook.comSaveBut this can be changed by the employees if they know how to do...
28 Oct 2011 by RaisKazi
If I am not misunderstood your Question, You are looking for a something like called "Comet", In which their is a persistent connection maintained between Server and Client(Browser). Have a look at some Articles about "Comet" on CodeProject.Scalable COMET Combined with ASP.NETASP.NET...
24 Jan 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It is theoretically possible. I mean, a Web browser is just the application. It can do whatever you want if you design it to do so, so it could communicate with some desktop applications, too.One way to do it is this: you can create your own .NET application embedding...
5 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Running some application as a child process is generally a very bad thing. Processes are well isolated from each other; so you won't have sufficient control over the child process; your parent process and child process won't behave like integrated in one application.Also, you cannot know for...
6 Oct 2012 by ranju007
i solved.Cursor mycur = managedQuery(Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI, Browser.HISTORY_PROJECTION, null, null, null); int count = mycur.getCount(); mycur.moveToFirst(); if(mycur.moveToFirst() && count>0) { while(count>0) { ...
28 Oct 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Maybe executing external process is not a good idea in principle. You can do it, but this is problematic and lacks reliability. Processes are well isolated, unless they designed with the use of some technology for collaboration, IPC. Consider using Web browser embedded in your...
1 Nov 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
SolutionUse autocomplete="off" on those fields or on form.Refer1. ASP.NET – Disable saving of password / user name[^]2. Disable browser 'Save Password' functionality[^]Quote:I'm not sure if it'll work in all browsers but you should try setting autocomplete="off" on the...
28 Sep 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You can embed BrowserControl (whatever it is; it will depend on your application type) to implement such behavior. As to the "any browser", the question does not even make sense. Here is why: 1) this is not the behavior of the existing browsers; even if you modify one more of existing products,...
20 Oct 2014 by Kelly Stock
We are eliminating SSL as a possibility in the very near future on our website. We are requiring TLS security - but we would like a grace period where we warn our users they need to upgrade to a browser that supports TLS.Is there any way to determine what SSL protocols a person is...
26 Jun 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Wrong idea. The tabs belong to the client's browser, not to your site or Web application. And the tab is no different from a browser window, from the server-side perspective. The login should work regardless of the tab or window. By the way, if such discrimination was possible, it could kill you...
26 Jun 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Tabs in a particular browser will share the same session. So, if you are logged out in one tab, that should reflect automatically in the other tab.That means, when you are logged out from one tab and trying to do something in other tab, that would redirect to the login screen, if you have...
9 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is no such thing. The users uses the browser she/he chooses, and has every right to do so; and you have no right or technical possibility to "divert" it, period. (Unless the users are corporate users and you want to keep them in handcuffs through draconian corporate IT administration, the...
6 Jul 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
You may be surprised but user agent string can be faked easily, so a browser can impost any other browser...For that reason you should not differentiate your site based on browser detection, but based on feature detection...For instance do no say I support only Chrome and FF, but say I...
16 Feb 2017 by RedDk
The solution to annoying garish webpages; say good-bye to all that irritating light while browsing the internet. Keep it dark ... learn how here.
20 May 2019 by Thomas Daniels
Numbers in JavaScript cannot be arbitrarily large or precise - numbers are 64-bit values (based on the IEEE 754 standard) and you've hit the limit with your number. You'll have to use an external library such as bignumber.js[^] for arbitrary precision.
20 May 2019 by CPallini
Those are JavaScript 'features'. You may find many workarounds on the web. See, for instance Working with large integers in JavaScript[^].
21 Apr 2020 by MadMyche
This really is more an opinion question; but here we go. 1. Develop valid HTML, and run it through a validation tool to make sure your code is valid. If it is not valid, browsers do fall backs and quirk modes. You never know what you are going...
30 Mar 2024 by Graeme_Grant
I did a quick Google Search: js clear navigation history - Google Search[^] Found the following answer: Window: history property - Web APIs | MDN[^] Quote: For security reasons the History object doesn't allow the non-privileged code to access...
22 Feb 2011 by Henry Minute
There are several problems in your code but the error you are reporting is caused by the fact that you create a new button and then try to use it's Tag property which is null. (a new button doesn't have anything assigned to it's tag).void b_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ ...
25 Apr 2011 by Mwanzia_M
What your trying to make is very trivial but I believe you lack a proper understanding of c# and accessing / using databases. Please consider putting your project on hold and read/practise more on your coding skills. Why code now and redo your whole code in future (after you've become better)...
27 Apr 2011 by charles henington
27 Apr 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
Points 1 and 2.What you are trying to do here is a classic case of role management. Microsoft helpfully provide role management capabilities with .NET from version 2 on, and you can use these features in Windows Forms as well as ASP.NET applications. You need to search for the following...
5 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I think the problem is the HTML you get via embed link generated by Youtube. Is shows a button which leads to the Youtube Web page where original video is posted; and through this page your user can access the rest of Youtube contents.You can relatively easily create a local proxy HTTP...
26 May 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Here is one way to check this issue.1. Set your default browser FireFox(Default browser for Visual Studio[^]) 2.Set Break point in the place where IsPostBack is called.3.Run your application in debug mode.4. Finally, check whether it's working or not.Good luck.
9 Aug 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
You've come to the right place. Here is an article by goblins[^] called The Tiny Wrapper Class for URL History Interface in C#[^]. The library was done in C#, but you can use is with any .NET language.That should serve your needs.Cheers!—MRB
15 Aug 2011 by Kevin Marois
You're incorrect. Explorer is Windows Explorer, not Internet Explorer. Try this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer");then this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "");and this:System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe",...
21 Aug 2011 by #realJSOP
Most modern firewall appliances (and most consumer-quality routers) allow you to specify prohibited URLs. That's the best way.
21 Sep 2011 by #realJSOP
The way the data is presented to the user is completely up to you. Once you retrieve the data, simply don't give them a form - just display the data.
28 Oct 2011 by renasis_
Hello,Does anyone of a project where a socket was used to pass the communication between a server and a browser? Yes, like a websocket, but w/o. Basically, you would have a program that would create two socket connections. One with the browser and another with the server, pass the...
7 Nov 2011 by RaisKazi
Well you can not do this using HttpModule. Fundamentally HttpModule gets called whenever their is a new request comes to your Web-Application.Have a look at below link for more information on HttpModule and HttpHandler.This Article has details of all the Events of...
24 Nov 2011 by OriginalGriff
It could be anything!If it is happening on many sites, and many browsers, then it is likely to be related to your PC.Try these things:1) Re-boot your PC.2) Try on a different PC.3) Is it one site? Or a related group of sites? Or many?4) Can you see other images? On all sites, and...
10 Feb 2012 by clbyrne
I did something similar with a PageToken class, but I put it in the Master Page so that I could implement it on any page that uses the Master Page. In our code we wrapped the session variables in their own class called Session variables.We needed a little more functionality for complex pages...
7 Mar 2013 by Anshul Mehra
Since we might or might not have control over the web page loaded in our Web Browser control based application, so for the web pages A) Code for those web pages on which we have controlB) Code for those web pages on which we don't have controlA) Code for those web pages on which we...
27 May 2012 by Manjeet patel
have facing problem while showing pdf on ipad in safari browser. 1. Object tag pdf scroll bar not coming 2. I giving 100% width to object tag but still its not coming full width.both of working find if i see that on windows Firefox browser.Please see below image for ref.Firefox...
29 May 2012 by Technoses
You can tryvar txtUsName = document.getElementById('');txtUsName.value = "User Name";this line should be written after your HTML Tags
28 Jun 2012 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to improve productivity using Visual Studio 2012 default browser switcher
9 Dec 2012 by ledtech3
What is sounds Like you are trying to do is, take a predetermined list of websites that are listed in a text documenton on the local file system.(Need to determine How they are listed in the Text document,1 per line,or as a Delimited file of some sort)Then Using a Web browser control Open...
18 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It does not make any sense. This data exists only on the client side; and the client has fool control over this data, which can be purged at any time. In contrast, your Web application cannot access or limit the user's access.—SA
18 Apr 2013 by Stephen Hewison
Problems with the ASP.Net engine caused by the increase of tablet browsers, IE10 and user agents.
15 May 2013 by Thomas Daniels
Hi,Have a look here:[^][^]
6 Jun 2013 by Palash Mondal_
Try this:var other = '';// Get label valueother = $('#').html();// Set the textbox value$('#').val(other);// Check the value in the consoleconsole.log($('#').val());Hope this helps.
8 Jul 2013 by KarstenK
It is a titanic task because every browser comes from different vendor and has a different API. If you dont beleive it now - you believe it some cumbersome days.I wrote a simpel demo for Firefox:A simple Firefox Addon with XP-COM Component[^]And there is now another...
25 Jul 2013 by Sushil Mate
Its not possible.Quote:WHY DOESNT IE9 WORK ON XP ?Because Internet Explorer 9 uses Direct2D for hardware acceleration which is unavailable in Windows XP. If you want to use a modern browser, use a modern operating system.why-doesnt-internet-explorer-9-work-on XP[^]
13 Sep 2013 by Thomas Daniels
Sidmirza wrote:how to get Url from browserIf you use Windows Forms, use the WebBrowser.Url Propery[^]:Uri url = yourWebBrowser.Uri;string urlRepresentedAsString = url.ToString();If you use WPF, use the WebBrowser.Source Property[^]:Uri url = yourWebBrowser.Source;string...
4 Jan 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
First of all, very nicely explained. :)We have some sort of work like this in one of my previous projects and I found a Cross Browser way of handling this using window.postMessage. I have also written a Tip on that.See my Tip - Communication with Cross Domain IFrame - A Cross Browser...
5 Feb 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
Start here : Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access)[^]
6 May 2014 by DamithSL
read How to get started building a web browser?[^]
22 May 2014 by Manikandan10
Visit the page:[^]
4 Jun 2014 by kishore@cse
We have to develop a plugin , for that we have to take the contents in the current webpage and by using that data my plugin has to respondI don't know in which language the plugin has to be developed.So anyone can give me the references to do that. Thanks in advanceMy specifications...
8 Jun 2014 by kishore@cse
I am using FireBreath to develop browser plugins. Now for my plugin I have to add an icon on my toolbar by clicking that I have to prompt a text box to the user.How can I do that, thanks in advance
27 Jun 2014 by kishore@cse
I have developed a plugin by using firebreath frame work now , to use this plugin I have to create a object in my page with that plugin mime type so that I can access the methods implemented in that plugin.My desire is to invoke my plugin without using any object.and I want to know one...
27 Jun 2014 by kishore@cse
In Firebreath Plugin development , after creating plugin we have to use below code to use plugin. Above code is to access our plugin , I...
20 Oct 2014 by Richard Deeming
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to do this directly:[^]The best suggestion from that answer involves two domains and an AJAX call:Lars Kemmann wrote:[^]You could set up your site on two different subdomains, e.g.
22 Oct 2014 by IpsitaMishra
please check the linkHow to end user session when browser closed[^]Hope it will help you.
2 Jan 2015 by deepankarbhatnagar
HI hope this link will solve your query, please click below:[^]Thanks
9 Feb 2015 by Samarjeet Singh
Creating jquery plugins have never been easier !
3 Mar 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
CAPTCHA is a system to protect from automated attack of a web site using it...It's purpose to not let you bypass it, but solve it and prove you are human...There is no any legal reason to bypass - better not to asks such questions...
7 Jul 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You cannot do so. Because has himself changed the state of browser. Let me tell you, a user would never do that. Only if he is a developer or a hacker; cracker if in negative sense. Then he would try to play around with developer tools. My younger brother doesn't even know that he can change...
7 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In addition to Solution 1: please read my advice on browser compatibility:webpages layout change when running in different browsers.[^],How Do I Convert Desktop Site Into Mobile Site[^].Main idea here is: you cannot chase all those browser peculiarities, especially with IE. The really...
11 Jan 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I really sympathize with your efforts; you are trying to study despite of pretty difficult situation and tough schedules.I would like to give you just a few ideas.First of all, you can do a lot of development and study without your own Web site. As you mentioned "go to back end and upload...
16 Jan 2016 by jgakenhe
View browsing history in Chrome for Android, type, "chrome:history" in the address bar. To add that functionality to your app in development, please see: [Google Docs]. There are good examples here to view the chrome.history api.
19 Jan 2016 by Richard Deeming
You cannot control the user's computer from code running on the server, or from code running in a web page.What you are trying to do is impossible.And no, it's not urgent.
6 Jul 2016 by Member 12618323
How to redirect the current page to a new page in **IE11** ?This is what I have got so far, but it didn't work. ------This htaccess IE11 redirect doesnt work...
12 Sep 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
Assuming SessionID is the session ID, you are on the right tracks but there is a problem with your implementation. If you update the js file in the middle of someone's session then their id...
12 Sep 2016 by ZurdoDev
I do not think there is a perfect answer. We have some places where we tack on JavaScript new Date().getTime()to the end or our urls so that IE will think it is a page that has not been viewed before but we still have cache issues. It usually works but not all the time.The best option is...
27 Feb 2017 by Jochen Arndt
There may be two reasons for such behaviour.The first is that the page is not requested again but got from the cache. This can be only avoided by clearing the cache (see How to clear the cache when your application hosts a WebBrowser control in Visual C# .NET[^]).The second reason might...
8 Mar 2017 by F-ES Sitecore
Assuming you mean stopping people click on links etc this is achieved by putting a slightly transparent div over the whole page so the user can see a faded image of what is behind but can't click anything as the div is in the way. If you google something like "jquery screen disable" you'll find...
12 Sep 2019 by Marc Clifton
Never mind - I just found the answer, after a couple days of googling, I discovered the CSS DOM. So doing something like this: document.styleSheets[2].deleteRule(0) for the style sheets that aren't part of the overall page, works. And oddly, once the rules are deleted, it continues to work...
17 Sep 2019 by Patrice T
Quote: What is the best method to browser cache 10 lac records from SQL database in ASP.NET? The best method is to not do it. Loading the phone directory of your country in a droplist is a bad idea. Even a rate of 1000 records per second makes it 20 minutes to load. Advice: look at web sites on...
21 Nov 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
That's not going to happen on Windows. You cannot get that kind of precision on a shared system that is not a real-time O/S. Events like that are guaranteed to happen NO SOONER THAN SCHEDULED. That does not mean exactly as scheduled.
23 Jun 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
There's no way to determine those times. An open tab is "viewable", but you have no way of knowing how long it's been that active window, and even that doesn't mean it's being "view". There's no such thing as "user visits a website for
15 Jul 2021 by CHill60
See the highly appropriate comment from @RichardDeeming - VB6 is long gone, so the chances of anyone doing stuff with it for modern browsers is a bit slim. However, if you research use of Edge from VBA (i.e. the macro language behind MS Office...
20 Mar 2022 by OriginalGriff
Depends on the browser: Where are cookies stored in Windows 10 for all major browsers?[^] Do bear in mind that most browsers (every one I know of, anyway) stores them in an encrypted database, so finding the file probably won't help you ...
5 Apr 2023 by ToughDev
How to play the classic MS-DOS game - Alley Cat - from your browser
30 Mar 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
To directly answer the question of a "web app", no, you cannot touch the browser, or any objects in it, like navigation history, from your server-side code. Grant has given you the only options you have from non-privileged code, which does not...
30 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
If you want to annoy users, come up with a way to prevent them from being able to go back from your site. There is a way that you could, sort of, achieve this which is to open a new browser tab when you navigate into your site. Your users will...