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by Apriorit Inc
Being able to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit modes in Windows is a useful skill. Learn about the heaven’s gate technique and the tools and methods needed for hooking 64-bit processes from the 32-bit WOW64 mode.
by John M. Dlugosz
Here is the real answer to the FizzBuzz interview question
by Ashley Davis
A look at version control from the game developers perspective
by John M. Dlugosz
“Whither exception handling?” We have come full circle.

Latest Articles

by Greg Utas
Open-heart surgery on your Big Ball of Mud
by Apriorit Inc
Being able to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit modes in Windows is a useful skill. Learn about the heaven’s gate technique and the tools and methods needed for hooking 64-bit processes from the 32-bit WOW64 mode.
by Shameel
This article describes a way to create a Facade Database to provide restricted access to specific tables in your databases to specific users without granting direct access to any of the underlying databases/tables.
by Rob Kraft
Best practices that software professionals follow most of the time

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Best practices 

23 Mar 2020 by Apriorit Inc
Being able to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit modes in Windows is a useful skill. Learn about the heaven’s gate technique and the tools and methods needed for hooking 64-bit processes from the 32-bit WOW64 mode.
10 Oct 2016 by Ashley Davis
A look at version control from the game developers perspective
4 Feb 2018 by V.
A guide to estimating work and time for a project
3 Mar 2018 by Anonymee
Overengineering vs. underengineering - a guideline to prevent them both
4 Mar 2022 by Greg Utas
Open-heart surgery on your Big Ball of Mud
7 Sep 2019 by Shameel
This article describes a way to create a Facade Database to provide restricted access to specific tables in your databases to specific users without granting direct access to any of the underlying databases/tables.
24 Apr 2017 by Habibur Rony
This topic will cover the bad design practice using STUPID and good design practice using SOLID. Detailed explanation for Single Single Responsibility Principle, Open and Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle and Dependency Inversion (DI) Principle.
6 Aug 2019 by Rob Kraft
Best practices that software professionals follow most of the time
21 Feb 2018 by Charles Oder
To optimize, or not to optimize, that is the question...