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C++: love and intrigue
by Axel Rietschin
Import photos & videos directly from smart phones and digital cameras using the Windows Photo Import API, for Windows Universal Apps and Classic Win32 applications on Windows 10 and beyond.
by David MacDermot
This article describes adding checkboxes to the standard combobox and listbox control.
by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17

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by ColleagueRiley
A multi-platform single-header very simple-to-use framework library for creating GUI Libraries or simple GUI programs.
by AbdulRahman A. Badry
Alter your display gamma-ramp to correct & calibrate it
by David MacDermot
This article describes adding checkboxes to the standard combobox and listbox control.
by honey the codewitch
Diving into some of the core plumbing behind the Windows operating system

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7 Oct 2015 by Abdul Rehman
hi fellows,my question is quite generic in nature I am looking for the way to create a common control that I want to use in MFC, Winforms and WPF application I need something like a pop down menu to show some options.I look for global hook using win32 that allow place control on top of other...
9 Jun 2023 by AbdulRahman A. Badry
Alter your display gamma-ramp to correct & calibrate it
7 Sep 2014 by Aleksey Tikhonov
Dear, System programmers!I have example of "Customizing GINA Part 2" from here:[^]It will not work correctly if I do logoff for logged user (The wellcome dialog or logon dialog are not showing after logoff);Please help.Thank you.
1 Nov 2018 by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17
1 Oct 2019 by Alexander Kindel
I'm working on a C project for which I'm going to use a custom allocation scheme. I would like to have several memory arenas which I can allow to grow as much as necessary to accommodate the needs of the user. I would like to explicitly place the arenas in my 64-bit address space so as to spread...
1 Oct 2019 by Alexander Kindel
I tried writing a program that does nothing but reserve some memory then block - I initially tried reserving half the difference between lpMaximumApplicationAddress and lpMinimumApplicationAddress. Then I ran the program and found it in Task Manager. The memory column said 128.3MB. I tried...
29 May 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have subclassed edit control to accept only floating numbers. I would like to pop a tooltip when user makes an invalid input. The behavior I target is like the one edit control with ES_NUMBER has, please see this[^].So far I was able to implement tracking tooltip and display it when user...
29 May 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
After further testing, I have decided to put this as an answer so others can clearly spot it.The solution is in using EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP and EM_HIDEBALLOONTIP messages. You do not need to create tooltip and associate it to an edit control! Therefore, all I need to do now is simply subclass...
29 May 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have made simple edit control. After I change keyboard layout from English to other one, characters are not shown properly. They are represented with a pipe ( | ).If I copy the content of the edit control and paste it into Notepad they are displayed properly.I have tried to register...
31 May 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
After adding the following code snippet into my WM_CREATE handler I found out that edit control uses System font :HFONT hf = (HFONT)SendMessage( hEdit, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 );HDC eDC = GetDC( hEdit );wchar_t txt[50];GetTextFace( eDC, 50, txt );SetWindowText( hEdit, txt...
31 May 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I am maintaining an old application and I need to implement feature that generates reports based on data calculated from a database. User must also have an additional option of printing the file ( user must be able to choose printer, and must be able to...
10 Jun 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I am trying to bypass another problem in my application by trying to do printing/print preview on my own.I am trying to create a table that would look like in this picture[^].I am using C++ and WinAPI, on WindowsXP SP3. I work in MS Visual Studio...
14 Jun 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am learning to use print property sheet so I can start learning printing by drawing a rectangle on the paper.My problem is that I do not have a printer, and am testing the results by printing to XPS file and MS Office OneNote 2007. I am drawing the rectangle with this code snippet ://...
28 Jun 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have printing code that draws grid on the paper.Grid has 4 columns, and they have equal horizontal length. Height of the cell is tenth of the paper size. Total number of rows is unknown but I know for a fact that there will be at least one row.Each cell has same physical size-> width...
17 Sep 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I am trying to implement listview control with editable items and subitems. Instead of regular listview look, items and subitems should have edit control, checkbox or combo box.I am using raw WinAPI and C++. I am targeting Windows XP onwards.MY...
12 Nov 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am trying to insert dialog boxes, as separate pages, into tab control.I have created the dialog boxes successfully in resource editor, with all necessary styles.Since my application uses visual styles, I ran into problem with transparency of the dialog's child controls ( radio button,...
18 Nov 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have some fields in my database that will need to store images ( bitmap, JPG or PNG ) and PDF ( or Excel/RTF/TXT ) files. Browsing through Internet, I have learned that MS Access 2007 ( and newer versions ) have a field of type Attachment that can suit my needs.However, I am filling...
22 Nov 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have returned 1L from WM_ERASEBKGND handler, have handled WM_SIZE by adding InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE ); and have removed CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW style from my window class.Flickering is most visible on the tab control. Here is a small demo that illustrates the problem:1.)...
23 Nov 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION:I am creating tab control with child dialog boxes as pages.I have Visual Styles enabled via #pragma comment. I have also called InitCommonControlsEx and #pragma comment( lib, "comctl32.lib" ) as well.Initially, when window loads, dialog and its common controls have...
28 Nov 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have dialog box which should act as tab page. My application uses Visual Styles.I ran into background painting problem when tried to properly center child dialog box into tab's display area. Asking for help, I got an advice to resize the child dialog box to fit the tab control's entire...
8 Dec 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am using a combobox control to show names stored in a database ( I need to preserve space, that is why I use it instead of a listview, for example ).My problem is that sometimes text is longer than the combobox so part of it can not be seen.Is there a way to resize combobox' listbox so...
10 Dec 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I need to create a window that acts like "normal" one, but without maximize button, and sizing border.Searching through Internet, and studying MSDN, I have learned that natively achieving both is impossible.There is no window style that does both ( I can disable maximize button, but that...
28 Dec 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I want to create tab control that has button inside it's tab. Something like this[^] image.Tab has close button added and I need something like this. I also have to enable Visual Styles.English is not my native, so I was not able to formulate efficient search criteria for Google. I found...
30 Dec 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATIONI am programming application that writes data about contracts into database. It is similar to banking software.Contract is very complex data, so let me describe its structure:It has basic info that is represented with a set of basic controls (...
25 Jan 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am trying to change the style and date format of the DateTimePicker control on combobox' CBS_SELCHANGE notification.When user selects one option, datetime picker should have spin control and show only year. If user selects other options, style should be reset to short date style and date...
2 Feb 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have dialog box made in resource editor that behaves as a child control of the main window.In normal mode, when behaving as a popup, dialog can receive WM_SETTINGCHANGE[^] message that notifies dialog box about user changing locale settings, but as a child it does not seem to receive this...
13 Feb 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have enabled Visual styles for my application:#pragma comment( linker, "/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' \ name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \ processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' \ language='*'\"")I can set font for the...
17 Feb 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTON:I am working on a drag and drop feature of the listview. I am stuck at the last step -> rearranging multiple selected items after user finishes drag and drop.QUESTION:Can you explain me the algorithm that implements item rearrangment ( I wish to implement default drag &...
23 Feb 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have stumbled upon this[^] suggestion that claims following:If I move children of the node to the new node, all their descendants will move with them automatically, so there would be no need for recursive copying of nodes.I really like this idea, but I do not believe it is possible in...
25 Feb 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am trying to implement drag and drop in my listview control so I can rearrange items.I want to use system default cursors to indicate when drop is/isn't allowed.I have checked documentation for LoadCursor[^] function and have found nothing.The best resemblance I could find was for...
2 Mar 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION:I am implementing rearranging of listview items without using OLE drag and drop.PROBLEM:I have successfully solved most of this task, except scrolling up/down when user wants to drop items at the position that is not currently visible.QUESTION:I am able to scroll...
9 Mar 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I want to determine if user is dragging listview item, by pressing ( and holding ) left mouse button.I am processing WM_MOUSEMOVE[^] and testing if user is dragging with if( wParam & MK_LBUTTON ).Does this condition give me 100% accurate info about user dragging the mouse, or are there...
12 Mar 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION:I am trying to determine if user clicked on item or above/below listview.Listview is in report mode, with extended styles full row select and grid lines.PROBLEM:I am not able to get correct results, based on the docs for LVHITTESTINFO.MY EFFORTS TO SOLVE THE...
1 Aug 2015 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:Before I start, it is important to introduce example SQL table that will be used in this question to illustrate the problems I face: Table SQL table populated with some records looks like below: ID |...
27 Jul 2018 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION I am learning how to use Smart Card API in order to obtain card number once it gets inserted into reader. So far I have managed to create a working application that runs (as far as I can see) without errors. PROBLEM During debugging I see various First chance exceptions, but...
2 Aug 2020 by Amit Saini
Hello Everyone ,My motive is to control visual studio by voice commands by using microsoft speech services. I want to control visual studio from my another window form app in c#. I have a little bit success but there is some problem in SendKeys...
11 Mar 2024 by Andre Oosthuizen
you can make use of the 'SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime' function to achieve what you are trying - MS Learn | SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function (timezoneapi.h)[^] Your code will look like - #include #include void...
7 Nov 2018 by Apriorit Inc, gamapat
Take a look at how to intercept HTTP traffic in order to inject custom code into Windows HTML markup
23 Aug 2021 by armagedescu
all the gui turns white I'd say that's rather a sign of leaking of display context handles See this code, each BeginPaint must be closed with EndPaint: switch (uMsg) { ... case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; ...
3 Dec 2016 by Arthur V. Ratz
The cause of the following problem, as far as I can understand the actually last call to ReadFile API function. Actually during the last function call you read beyond the file.
22 Mar 2016 by Ashiru Ali
Hi all I am working with a CHtmlEditCtrl in MFC. I want to draw some random rectangles and lines inside a function handling right click event.What I have tried:The ChtmlEditCtrl control is created from static using this snippet: bool CHtmlEditCtrlEx::CreateFromStatic( UINT nID,...
19 Jul 2017 by Ashur_451
Hello! I do simple picture editor,using openCV libriary,and i faced , that when i use openCV libriary,image that i need to open in hWnd opens in his "own" child window,and i don't know,how to get picture from child window,and set in parent window. What I have tried: int MyOpenFile(HWND hWnd)...
19 Sep 2020 by Avtem
So i'm trying to create a digit clock using only WinAPI with C++ (see the screenshot)[^] Function drawDash() is called 7 times to draw one digit. i use Timer which redraws the digits every 100 milliseconds. Everything looks fine, but for...
22 Oct 2020 by Avtem
(My IDE is Visual Studio 2019) So, the question is about the macro UNICODE. Which works fine if there is only one source file in the project. However, if there are multiply source files, and UNICODE macro is defined only in one of them, linker...
7 Aug 2021 by Avtem
So i need to handle any change in a WinAPI combobox (its' type = Simple (you can modify the entry in edit box)). Everything is fine, except it always prints previous text, not the current. void onCommand(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { ...
30 Oct 2021 by Avtem
What i need Does LVS_EX_LABELTIP for Win32 ListView automatically implement showing tooltips for truncated items (i.g."Hello, W...")? Like style LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES which works "out of the box". Or is it developers responsibility? (From reading...
2 Dec 2021 by Avtem
I wrote a DLL with hook of type WH_GETMESSAGE. What I want to do is store an std::vector inside that DLL and being able to manipulate it from my app. But the problem is that when my app calls DLL function createMyObjects() vector's size...
1 Feb 2022 by Avtem
So for my Win32 app I use one .chm file as a manual and another .chm for representing "Version History." I use a HtmlHelpW() function for opening them. The problem is, if I open both of them, the second .chm file hangs up, starts to consume all...
25 Apr 2023 by Avtem
So, many WinAPI controls have a very useful feature - you can select an item in Listbox, ListView, Combobox by typing first several letters. You can try it out: just open your windows calculator, hit Ctrl+U to enable converting units view and in...
9 Jul 2023 by Avtem
There is a WM_SETREDRAW message in WinAPI which you can send to a window in order to suspend/resume drawing updates. It works fine, but as soon as i add visual styles from comctl32 v.6.0.0 to my program calling WM_SETREDRAW on a ListView control...
9 Jul 2023 by Avtem
Unfortunately i couldn't figure out how to use WM_SETREDRAW with ListView controls, but since MDSN describes us how it's implemented i decided to do what they do - remove or add WS_VISIBLE style from the window without invalidating its rectangle....
4 Jun 2017 by Axel Rietschin
Import photos & videos directly from smart phones and digital cameras using the Windows Photo Import API, for Windows Universal Apps and Classic Win32 applications on Windows 10 and beyond.
17 May 2016 by aXu_AP
I'd want to make an extra panel of options for another application.I succeeded making my window borderless and placing it constantly on top of the other window, but there's a few problems in this method: 1) it looks out of place 2) it covers some of "host" applications ui.Better way...
1 Sep 2021 by AysunTopcuAkkaya
Hello, in my company we are having a trouble about screen burn. We want to take the whole desktop view with all windowses and shrink it for some percentage and then move clockwise. I tried this with MoveWindow api for only one window and it's...
6 Aug 2019 by Ayub Kokabi
This is what I'm trying to do, When user select any text of any running application by left mouse button and CRTL key, the selected text should be copied into Clipboard. So far I have implemented the logic using Global Keystroke to trigger CRT+ C keyboard key combination to copy the selected...
12 Nov 2014 by barneyman
from some distant memory of this, try doing the adjustRect and child movewindow AFTER the insertion ... the tab control changes size ISTRBTW, you'll have to do an adjustRect, movewindow for all children after each insert (or once after a block insert), because the tabControl header resizes...
26 Nov 2014 by barneyman
SetSecurityInfo[^] possibly?
23 Dec 2016 by barneyman
Writing a Desktop Sharing Application – Enterprise Mobility and Security Blog[^]
16 Oct 2014 by Bernhard Hiller
Why don't you try Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)? That could be much easier (but true: on some comuters, WMI is defect and needs to be repaired...).
27 Oct 2014 by bling
I don't think you'll find anything on MSDN. It is possible to do this but the mechanism for storing username and password varies by modem. Here's a blog that describes several utilities to do this:How to recover lost ADSL password or other ISP passwordEdit: the previous draft...
8 Mar 2017 by Bryian Tan
CMFCColorDialog? I found several examples on GoogleColor Picker Combo Box[^]visual c++ - How to add color picker in mfc? - Stack Overflow[^]The Ultimate Toolbox Home Page[^]
4 May 2016 by Cansisti
HelloI need to ask for admin rights during runtime of my application.I want to do so, because I need to change registry.I don't want to ask for it via manifest, because it asks at app start, not when needed only.How can I do it? Is there any function for that?Thanks!What I...
5 Mar 2015 by chainerlt
Hello, I've been googling for days for how to set window's owner without activating/bringing owner to front and couldn't manage to find it. Currently I'm using winapi:SetWindowLong(hwndWindow, GWL_HWNDPARENT, hwndOwner); // GWL_HWNDPARENT = -8or built in wrap:new...
7 Apr 2017 by Charly LEE
Hello, I am try to obtain the stylus device input info via wm_pointer related message, and there are several ones.I am getting puzzled of the interfaces while trying to get info. they are GetPointerInfo and GetPointerFrameInfo.which one shall I use? can someone kindly give me some full...
1 Feb 2022 by CHill60
If you want spaces in a path then you must surround the entire path with double quotation marks - see Long paths with spaces require quotation marks - Windows Server | Microsoft Docs[^] E.g. HtmlHelpW(mainWnd,...
13 May 2014 by Code-o-mat
This is probably what you are looking for: MiniDumpWriteDump[^], good luck.Please note that creating full memory dumps might take a longer time and it might create quite a large file, so handle with care.
7 Apr 2020 by Coder969
I want to understand which hook is used for what purpose. What I have tried: I have googled and only difference I understood is WH_KEYBOAD will inject the dll into the processes but for the WH_KEYBOAD_LL windows will make a direct call to call back function without injecting the dll. So...
12 Jul 2020 by Coder969
We have a requirement to check any customer is using the application or it is in idle state. On the client system our application will run in full screen mode. Based on the user activity the display will be updated.But the problem is I dont have...
25 Feb 2024 by ColleagueRiley
A multi-platform single-header very simple-to-use framework library for creating GUI Libraries or simple GUI programs.
15 May 2014 by CPallini
As Sergey pointed out, dumping the memory directly accessible by the process is really simple, e.g.#include using namespace std;int main(){ int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; unsigned char *p; p = (unsigned char *)&a[3]; printf("%p", p); for (int n=0;...
29 Jun 2014 by CPallini
Quote:The only thing that crossed my mind was to create "dummy font", see if the example text can fit into cell, and then adjust it's size if the test failsThat's a feasible approach indeed. But what do you mean with 'dummy' font? You need to know in advance the exact font you are going to use,...
9 Sep 2014 by CPallini
There are many tutorials available. See, for instance, here: List based resources[^] (see the Toolbars section).
9 Sep 2014 by CPallini
As far as I know, you cannot do that, since there is no way to pass data to the MouseProc callback. However, you could export your class instance, using, for instance, a static method.
31 Oct 2018 by CPallini
As suggested, use the (generic-text variant of) strtol: void StrToByte2(LPCTSTR str, BYTE * dest) { LONG u16 = _tcstol( str, NULL, 16); dest[0] = (BYTE) (u16 >> 8); dest[1] = (BYTE) (u16); } or at least, write a sensible hand-crafted one. Try void StrToByte2Alt(LPCTSTR str, BYTE dest[])...
22 Oct 2020 by CPallini
Quote: Do i have to define UNICODE in every single source file? Yes, you have to. You might, however, define it as a compiler option, see /D (Preprocessor Definitions)- To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment |...
28 Dec 2022 by CPallini
When you try to compile such (ill formed) code, there is a mismatch between TCHAR (resolved to char) and wstring. You may easily verify that trying to compile the following #include #include using namespace std; int main() { ...
6 Oct 2020 by curiousward
I have retrieved and duplicated a token (via OpenProcessToken() and DuplicateTokenEx() ) from a process running under the context of a Standard User. Is it possible to provide this token alone with administrative privileges so that such user...
17 May 2023 by cute_friend7077
crystalhd gstreamermm libmatroska libVLC mjpegtools OpenH264
12 Mar 2010 by Cédric Menzi
In this article we see that we can parse well-formed binary data to our data structures using different approaches.
27 May 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
You don't call that in your default case handler. You call it always, either at the top of your override code or at the bottom, depending on if you want the base default code to handle the message you're overriding or not. But, it either case, the base code must be called to handle all of the...
5 Jan 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
1) You can launch a remote process using WMI, but it can NOT be an interactive process. This means that the user logged into the console will NOT see it running at all. For example, you can launch Notepad, but it'll sit there waiting for input it'll never get and the user will not see it.2)...
13 Nov 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
All it means is that any messages your hookProc code gets passed into it should be passed to the next hook in the chain using CallNextHookEx. You can find an example of that here[^] in globalKeyboardHook.cs. Usually, you don't modify the values you get passed into your hookProc, but there's...
2 Jun 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
Again, you're existing code isn't going to work because it makes very bad assumptions about how the data is laid out in WMI and cann't reliably return the "boot drive". Also, again, you're making the assumption that every drive even has a serial number. That's not the case. How about trying to...
8 Jul 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's capturing exactly what your code is telling it to capture. You have no choice but to run this code under the debugger, examining variables to make sure the values are what they are supposed to be. The code isn't doing what you think it's...
9 Apr 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
No, there is no such service. You'd have to "sort" that data yourself. Get all the window handles and their coordinates and you can "order" them yourself however you want. Windows will not do it for you.
13 Jul 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Save yourself the pain of this not working at all in future versions of Windows and create a small application that launches on user login. This app can "register" itself with the service application, receiving notification from it and launching...
23 Dec 2021 by David MacDermot
This article describes adding checkboxes to the standard combobox and listbox control.
23 Apr 2014 by Derell Licht
C++ class that provides a convenient wrapper for lodepng library
17 May 2023 by Derell Licht
I have a command-line utility that I wrote (C++, MinGW32, Windows 10), that displays information for images and videos... I recently found an excellent free library (ZPlay) that handles some of the more complex images such as OGG, MP3, FLAC... ...
24 May 2018 by Dilan Shaminda
Below is the screenshot of the registry key of the shell contextmenu. I couldn't find the paste key here What I have tried: I am trying to get the click event of the shell contextmenu paste event. Whether the user clicks on paste event or not. But I couldn't find the registry key and Is there...
25 Oct 2022 by DoingWork
I am using Consuming Nouget Package VirtualDesktop in my desktop application. When I call VirtualDesktop.IsSupported then it returns True. But When I call VirtualDesktop.IsPinned(handle) it returns following exception. Exception:Empty...
11 Jul 2017 by Doug Duerner, Yeon-Chang Wang
In this article we explored a theory; would it be better to not utilize a heap construct when dealing with very large objects in .NET, in order to avoid Large Object Heap (LOH) fragmentation?
4 Nov 2015 by Duncan Edwards Jones
You cannot - it is a system unique identifier created when the window itself is created, and it is not persisted from run to run.
28 Jul 2020 by EnderMo233
I've just been learning how to draw UI for a few months. Now I have a problem. We can implement the top tab with owner draw TabControl, but in terms of UI, it's not what I need What I want is a side tab of the type shown in the following figure...
23 Aug 2021 by EnderMo233
My program use WINAPI(C++),and use GDI and childwindow to create GUI. the program can running normally,and seems nothing wrong,but when I tried to move the window outside the screen quickly to test the program,it crashed,all the gui turns...
20 Nov 2021 by EnderMo233
There is a function to draw shadow,but each shadow takes 2ms to draw,if I create 10 shadow it takes nearly 20ms to draw and make the UI lag. CreateShadowBox(hWnd, hdc, rc.left + 20, gTopSize, 100,100,Box1, RGB(60,60,60), RGB(10,10,10)); ...
21 Nov 2021 by EnderMo233
I try to use a method to save the DC, so that it only needs to call drawfun once when it is created, and directly recover from the memory DC at other times int dystate = 1; void CreatePanelDynamic(HWND h, HDC hdc, DRAWPANEL DrawFun, int Flag =...
29 Nov 2021 by EnderMo233
int Num = 0; LRESULT CALLBACK TestWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc); RECT Winrc; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &Winrc); SYSTEMTIME time; GetLocalTime(&time); ...
1 Oct 2014 by enhzflep
The following works just fine for me.Things I've changed:1. Moved initcommoncontrols to before any windows are created2. changed WP_NOACTIVATE --> SWP_NOACTIVATE3. Set the size of the tip to CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT (you forgot to specify this)4. added a define for _WIN32_IE and...