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Visual Studio 2015


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by Dmitriy Gakh
The perspectives of creating bots that write programs with two simple examples.
by Andrew Kirillov
The article demonstrates usage of ANNT library for creating convolutional ANNs and applying them to image classification tasks.
by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can implement a thread-safe events (similar to .NET events) mechanism using the standard C++ library.
by Marc Clifton
Hashcash is a proof-of-work system used to limit email spam and denial-of-service attacks, and more recently has become known for its use in bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) as part of the mining algorithm.

Latest Articles

by Petrov Vladimir
Build up our own AVI editing application and explore some fun techniques using simple code additions
by .dan.g.
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting
by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.

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Visual Studio 2015 

4 Mar 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
See your previous question on this same subject: No instance of overloaded function Microsoft::reporting::winforms::localreport::render[^].
4 Mar 2024 by Paramu1973
Hi, Iam using VS2015 Winforms, VC++. C++/CLI With my application I try to print the rdlc report. And I get the below error. can't take address of 'PrintRDLCReport::CreateStream' unless creating delegate instance. private: static Stream^...
3 Mar 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
According to LocalReport.Render Method (String, String, CreateStreamCallback, out Warning ) (Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms) | Microsoft Learn[^], warnings should be an array of Warning Class (Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms) | Microsoft Learn[^]...
3 Mar 2024 by Paramu1973
Hi, I have small application VS2015 Visual C++, WindowsForms. And I try to print the RDLC report directly to the printer. For that when I tried, I get struck, while I render the report. Any kind advices will be enable to complete the task. Thanks...
2 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
Try e->graphics->FillRectangle(Brushes::White, e ->PageBounds.Left - Convert::ToInt32(e->PageSettings->HardMarginX), e->PageBounds.Top - Convert::ToInt32(e->PageSettings->HardMarginY), e->PageBounds.Width, e->PageBounds.Height); instead.
2 Mar 2024 by Paramu1973
Hi, I have a small program and Iam trying to print the RDLC report from the Button_Click(). While I convert the C# code to C++/CLI, I get struck from the below areas. Any kind helps ...Thanks // Handler for PrintPageEvents public: static...
8 Feb 2024 by Petrov Vladimir
Build up our own AVI editing application and explore some fun techniques using simple code additions
17 Sep 2023 by .dan.g.
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting
6 Jul 2023 by Paramu1973
Hi, Iam using VS2015.My project running good, but one of my user system having display setting 1366x768 having problem while I preview my RDLC Report viewed by ReportViewer, the font showing on report is BLUR [ Stretched manner]. On that same system when I change the display setting to 1024x768...
6 Jul 2023 by Paramu1973
I format my system, then this issue has fixed!
9 Mar 2023 by RickZeeland
This seems rather dated, but maybe it works for you: Calling Managed .NET C# COM Objects from Unmanaged C++ Code[^] But it should be simpler when using managed C++ (CLR project), see: Interoperability with Other .NET Languages (C++/CLI) |...
9 Mar 2023 by Member 14594285
I created a clr empty project and I added this code : using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; int main() { String^ fileName = "textfile.txt"; StreamWriter^ sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fileName); sw->WriteLine("A text file is...
8 Mar 2023 by OriginalGriff
Check the bin/debug folder and make sure that the DLL file is in there (or add a project reference instead of a file reference).
5 Jan 2023 by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
11 Nov 2022 by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.
6 Oct 2022 by Paramu1973
Iam using VS2015. WinForms. First time when I execute, Once I click() the Form opens and simply it's working good. When I re-click() the button OpenFileDialog appears and it's get disappear immediately and the form get closed. Since I assumed...
6 Oct 2022 by OriginalGriff
It's probably unrelated to the OleDbConnection itself, but we can't tell - none of that code would cause your form to close. And we can't test it, because we have no access to your sytem, data, or other code in your app. So, it's going to be up...
25 Sep 2022 by PB_______
Hello, Recently I had to upgrade my VS and Microsoft office products. Ever since the upgrade the years old code below no longer works. It breaks on the second line (InvalidCastException). No references or code changes have been made in years. Is...
25 Sep 2022 by Maciej Los
I'd suggest to use EPPlus[^], instead of MS Office Interop. If you still want to use MS Office Interop, you need to install proper PIA[^], then to add a reference to MS Excel (sepcific version). Good luck!
6 Jul 2022 by dan!sh
I was trying to create a little repository for code samples so I created an account at GIT hub. I have VS 2015 so I had to install GIT Hub extension to it. When I push the code from VS2015, I see that it is pushed under my another account with...
6 Jul 2022 by dan!sh
Setting on team explorer window allowed me to edit the email and user details.
29 Jun 2022 by Venkanna M 2022
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Display.txt"); string[] values; int i, j; // dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); for (i = 0; i
29 Jun 2022 by RickZeeland
See answers here: How do I read/load a text file into my Datagridview[^] The recommended way however is to use a bindingsource, see this CodeProject tutorial: A Detailed Data Binding Tutorial[^]
12 Dec 2021 by Paramu1973
Hi, Iam using vs2015. From C# I need to generate the XML file. Really I am very new to XML. The tried the codes generates the XML file nicely. using namespace System::Xml; XmlDocument^ Doc = gcnew XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration^...
12 Dec 2021 by Richard Deeming
This is easy to do with LINQ to XML[^]: XDocument document = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", null, null), new XElement("TALLYMESSAGE", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "UDF", "TallyUDF"), new XElement("VOUCHER", ...
12 Dec 2021 by OriginalGriff
First, create your classes: [XmlRoot(ElementName="ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST")] public class ALLLEDGERENTRIESLIST { [XmlElement(ElementName="REMOVEZEROENTRIES")] public string REMOVEZEROENTRIES { get; set; } ...
22 Jul 2021 by rajendra prasad Jul2021
I am using the Khmer Unicode L1 font version 1.00 using in crystal report. The fonts are display in my local but after uploading to server not working showing the square boxes. using visual studio 2015 and crystal report 13. please let me know...
7 Apr 2021 by Paramu1973
Hi, I have 2 tables MyTbl1, MyTbl2 contains the followings And I wish to have a Select Query to get the Output like the table MySplittedTbl2 MyCodes Select * from MyTbl2 ?????????? MyTbl1 order_no, item_name, order_qty A001 Paper ...
7 Apr 2021 by CHill60
In theory it is possible - try searching using your favourite search engine with Quote: MS Access Split string into multiple records You will need to write some VBA to do this. However, that would not be a good solution. A better solution is for...
22 Mar 2021 by OriginalGriff
We are the wrong people to ask: You have Enterprise edition, so talk to MS support, who can dial into your system and find out exactly what is going wrong. We can't do that!
24 Feb 2021 by - srybczyk-
I am using VS 19 and PyCharm, I am working on and trying to learn how to unmask characters like you would when you want a password to be seen or not for my web page and also for users for users who make purchases. Now it isn't secure I would be...
24 Feb 2021 by OriginalGriff
You can't, unless the has been written by a rank amateur. The password text box you see and that the user interacts with doesn't contain the password characters, it just contains the stars. The password is retained elsewhere in the code, often in...
27 Oct 2020 by Member 13639193
Dear Sir, iam writing a windows service to get attendance log from attendance machine , iam using Visual Studio 2015 and iam working on windows 10 64 bit , the refence file name is ZKEUEmKeeperNet.dll version runtime version...
21 Oct 2020 by johannesnestler
I suspect your "timer-based" solution is causing problems. Why not use a FileSystemWatcher, observe the file(s) you need for change and react as you do now on elapsed event. Even if this isn't the root of your current problem, this will make your...
19 Oct 2020 by Member 13639193
Dear sir , thanks for answering , i will add the write to file between try /catch and test again ,thanks for illumination also iam asking , if the antivirus can affect my windows service ??
16 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
At a guess - and without being able to run that code under the same conditions you do that's all it can be - it's a permissions problem. Unless the folder that the app is trying to write to has write / create permissions for teh user the app is...
11 Oct 2020 by User 14859875
Can I ask about why the output in GeneralError.aspx.cs cannot display on GeneralError.aspx page, please? Because I have tried to change a lot of methods in some my codes of application error based on search google (but not suitable) but cannot...
11 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Why are you still using that bad code? I explained yesterday how to validate your inputs at[^]
11 Oct 2020 by User 14859875
Can I ask about why my output for PageError.aspx is not same as correct output below, please?: The correct output for PageError.aspx after I entered two inputs such as 7 and 0 by using the pageerror method only (cannot use try catch method): ...
11 Oct 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
double dblAns = Convert.ToDouble(TextBox1.Text) / Convert.ToDouble(TextBox2.Text); You should not use code like that as it allows any garbage to be entered into your program. Capture each field separately and check that the entered values are...
15 Jun 2020 by Vadim Loboda
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server
10 Jun 2020 by Dattatraya Mengudale
Just do 2 steps as below.. 1. Specify header as #include 2. Rename to only as below, // Format the XML. This requires a style sheet MSXML::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr loadXML; hr =...
10 Jun 2020 by Coder969
I am trying convert some of old project from vs2005 to vs2015 . Below is the error I am seeing while building it in 2015 . I dont see any problem while building in vs2005 error C2065: 'DOMDocument40': undeclared identifier Below is the code. I am getting the error at the CreateInstance ...
4 Jun 2020 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article will talk about how to implement a custom wrapper for your ASP.NET Core and Web API applications for managing exceptions, providing meaningful and consistent responses to consumers.
25 May 2020 by Dave Kreskowiak
Seriously? Look at your code and the filepath you are writing the bytes to. All you have to do is supply a different filepath. That's it! But, you would have known this had YOU written the code instead of copy'n'paste coding.
25 May 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
Quote: it saved at temp and that's not i want .. but computers are dumb - that's what you told it to do here File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\temp\canva.xlsx", myfile); you probably need something like SaveFileDialog savefile = new SaveFileDialog(); ...
25 May 2020 by Usarsef
I have an excel file in proprieties ressources and i want to export it using file stream where i can chose the saving path because now it saved at temp and that's not i want What I have tried: byte[] myfile = Properties.Resources.canva; ...
17 May 2020 by Maciej Los
You're using DisplayMember[^] and ValueMember[^] properties wrong way. In both cases the description is: MSDN wrote: A String specifying the name of an object property that is contained in the collection specified by the DataSource property. The...
17 May 2020 by Usarsef
I had to find out how to set values into ComboBox items So i have a combo box with two string items and each item make some changes on other combo box then savee to xml Now i tried to set value for this items but the problem is the xml output...
26 Jan 2020 by Member 13063329
I have a TextBlock that is binding to a string property which is a demical number. On my view i want to format it to one digit after decimal point. I tried a few approaches but none worked. Any idea could be wrong or what else to try? What I have tried: My TextBlock xaml:
20 Jan 2020 by Paramu1973
Hi, I have a small project in VS2015, Windows Forms Applications accessing via shared folder using UNC paths for 4-systems. Windows Forms have OpenFileDialog() control. Actually it's working good in 3 systems. But 1 of the remaining user system showing exception 0x732E1175 (uxtheme.dll), at the...
6 Jan 2020 by Paramu1973
Hi, Iam using VS2015 - Windows Forms. When I click my Browse Button the OpenFileDialog Works good. But Suppose once I Re-click the button after to refresh the form data's, the OpenFileDialog simply hang-up. I can't understand my problem.. Any of the superiors can guide me? My Codes ...
6 Jan 2020 by Paramu1973
The below code solves the problem... openFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "D:\\"; openFileDialog1.Title = "Select Your Attachment File :- "; openFileDialog1.CheckFileExists = true; openFileDialog1.CheckPathExists = true;...
28 Dec 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
Where did you define "openFileDialog1" and where is the code that disposes the instance you created? Your code seems to be structured wrong. You should have a method that creates and shows the dialog, determines if there is a file picked, disposes the dialog, then returns the filename that was...
28 Dec 2019 by OriginalGriff
We can't tell - we can't run your code under exactly the same circumstances you can, and you need that to work out what is going wrong. So, it's going to be up to you. Fortunately, you have a tool available to you which will help you find out what is going on: the debugger. If you don't know...
26 Dec 2019 by RickZeeland
Try something like this: dataGridView1.Columns["MyTime"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "hh:mm"; Or use this trick for using a MaskedTextBox column: DataGridViewColumn Hosting MaskedTextBox[^]
26 Dec 2019 by Paramu1973
Hi, I am using VS2015 Windows Forms Applications. With my form I have a masked textbox control, used to read date like "dd/MM/yyy" format. And when I set mask "##/##/####" the maskedtextbox control appear like " / / " . So that the user can enter date,month,year, and no need to enter "/"....
23 Oct 2019 by David Lafreniere
A framework combining state machines with asynchronous multicast delegates
17 Sep 2019 by BillWoodruff
A different approach: I have deliberately used multiple checks for valid names; in production code, I'd use try/catch. private void RemoveDDownMenuItem(MenuStrip mnuStrip, string menuItemName, string ddownMenuItemName) { if (! mnuStrip.Items.ContainsKey(menuItemName)) { // throw...
17 Sep 2019 by Paramu1973
Hi, I have a small project having toolstripmenuitem. I wish to remove toolstripmenuitem during the form_pageLoad()...Is it possible? My Codes for each(ToolStripMenuItem dropDownItem in reportstoolStripDropDownButton.DropDownItems) { if (dropDownItem.Name ==...
17 Sep 2019 by Richard Deeming
You'll need to remove the item from outside of the foreach loop. For example: string nameToFind = MyTable.Rows[M1]["report_menu_name"].ToString(); List itemsToRemove = new List(); foreach (ToolStripMenuItem dropDownItem in...
12 Aug 2019 by Mohammed Dawood Ansari
"How to export the List into an Excel file" in a generic way using NPOI with .NET/.NET Core WEB API
12 Aug 2019 by JC Carmo
Hello guys, Greetings from Brazil! I'm a beginner programmer developing a Visual Studio 2015 C# WinForms database application with MySQL. I have a DataGridViewCellFormatting event on the form and it works perfectly when the form loads, but when the DataGridView is updated triggered by a...
12 Aug 2019 by JC Carmo
I've found the solution! It had absolutely nothing to do with binding sources or the like. All I had to do was change my CellFormatting code to the following: private void caixaDataGridView_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) { ...
2 Aug 2019 by RickZeeland
You might try the repair option of Office in Control Panel as mentioned here: Interop Assemblies for Excel 2016 for c# application[^] It could also be that you need to upgrade to VS2017, as mentioned here: Office primary interop assemblies - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs[^] Quote: Starting...
2 Aug 2019 by CandaceJ
Hi I am attempting to compile a project but its missing the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application reference. When going to Add References I cannot seem to find it. If Office is installed should the reference not automatically be in the list? How can I get it into the list? I'm running...
29 Jul 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Check the "Display Settings" in Windows Settings / Control Panel. *** Depending on the OS ***, they may have changed the DPI settings and / or "scaling".
24 Jul 2019 by Mehdi Gholam
NoSql, JSON based, Document store database with compiled .net map functions and automatic hybrid bitmap indexing and LINQ query filters (now with standalone Server mode, Backup and Active Restore, Transactions, Server side queries, MonoDroid support, HQ-Branch Replication, working in Linux, .net
20 Jun 2019 by Andrey Chertov
I had this problem when migrated to the new PC where I decided to keep all my stuff on the Google Drive. So I built successfully the debug version. But when tried to build the Release, all of a sudden had this error: 1>g:\my drive\...\proj_globals.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler...
20 Jun 2019 by Member 13323088
when i compile (build) the project in release mode that time "Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C1083 Cannot open compiler intermediate file: 'E:\Working\Release\xxx.ipdb': Permission denied.project version.cpp". if anyone give solutions, It would be helpfull...
6 May 2019 by Dmitriy Gakh
Three state (ternary) logical type implemented using C# programming language
20 Apr 2019 by, sibani.p
Creating a simple ORM for C++ on-top of SQL database
7 Apr 2019 by Stefan Timovski
A short tutorial on how to get started with creating SSMS extensions
2 Apr 2019 by JasMineLeaf
I think Visual Studio 2015 can support C++11 default
2 Apr 2019 by Volga_
Hello everyone, Now I want to combine C++11 standard with VS2015, because I have some libraries with C++11 standard code, I want to compile them on VS2015. How to do this? Hope you help me solve this problem. Thanks. What I have tried: I can not compile with C++11 code on VS2015.
2 Apr 2019 by CPallini
This page might interest you: Standards version switches in the compiler | C++ Team Blog[^].
23 Mar 2019 by charles922
WPF 3D Graphics Program to solve Soma Cube Puzzle
21 Mar 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
If you are referring to an article written by someone called Kristensen, then please use the forum below the article. There are millions of members here, so the chance of Kristensen happening to see this message is not high.
17 Mar 2019 by Nitin_Rajurkar
ASP.NET Multiple Selection Drop Down List using C# and ASP.NET
9 Mar 2019 by AlexeyYakovlev
This paper demonstrates a technique of building Sprache parsers using grammar inheritance.
4 Mar 2019 by Chris Copeland
In addition, if you've built your application to connect to and interact with a database, I suspect there might also be dependency libraries associated with it (could be *.dll in your output directory.) If you don't also copy these across your application will not be able to load the required...
4 Mar 2019 by Pouria Polouk
Hello all. I’ve written a program using C# and LINQ to SQL in VS.Net 2015 on windows server 2012 (Both C# and SQL Server have been installed on the same windows, and this system is a Domain Controller). The program is running precisely. But when I share the EXE file which is in Debug directory...
4 Mar 2019 by OriginalGriff
Probably, it's down to your connection string: you are likely - for development - to be using a local installation of SQL and connecting to it via "localhost" and using integrated security. That's not correct for production: they need a centralized SQL Server instance, and "proper" username /...
24 Feb 2019 by WhiskeyBeforeWater
An unbalanced basic recursive Binary Search Tree for Excel VBA with functions (insert, search, delete, in order, pre-order, post-order, minimum, and maximum)
20 Feb 2019 by JL Doty
App to monitor a system's sensors, with added features
20 Feb 2019 by JL Doty
Minimalist app to monitor a system's sensors
5 Feb 2019 by charles922
Demonstrate Clipping Plane in WPF 3D - Part 3
3 Feb 2019 by Vahid Asbaghi
This tip describes one of the beneficial design patterns that is named Multiton. Multiton pattern is used when we want to have a singleton instance of our class for each key.
26 Jan 2019 by David Lafreniere
A framework combining state machines and multicast asynchronous callbacks
25 Jan 2019 by David Lafreniere
Simplify passing data between threads using this multithreaded, portable C++ asynchronous callback framework
17 Jan 2019 by Ramon F. Mendes
Create HTML/CSS/script based cross-platform desktop apps in C# with Sciter engine!
9 Jan 2019 by steveb
Describes all aspects of MFC serialization mechanism
1 Jan 2019 by RickZeeland
Here is an example, you can find the download button at the bottom: Library Management System In C++ With Source Code - Source Code & Projects[^] Also a word of warning: SQL Server is not an easy database to start with, here are some alternatives:...
1 Jan 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Sorry, this site does not provide code to order. If you want help with the code that you have written then please provide full details, and people will try to help you. But no one is going to write the project for you.
31 Dec 2018 by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
23 Dec 2018 by charles922
Introduction to Orbital Mechanics - 2 Body Problem
15 Dec 2018 by Dmitriy Gakh
An introduction to Genetic Algorithms with brief reference to biology and example of finding one solution for complex mathematical equation
14 Dec 2018 by Dmitriy Gakh
The perspectives of creating bots that write programs with two simple examples.
7 Dec 2018 by Member 14006859
I am trying to create a program . But I am running in a basic issue. What I have tried: xaml
7 Dec 2018 by Member 14006859
Richard Deeming,Thanks for your answer. Previous problems were solved, but now there's another problem, which is that checking the father of the children does not tick, that is, the check box does not work properly.