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Visual Studio 2012


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3D Tools for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
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An example of how Decorator, Dependency Injection, and Composition Root patterns can be used to extend the base game functionality.
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HiUpdateTools is a easy tools to use publish new version of your application

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How to compile WinQEMU v0.10.2 in VS2008 and VS2012
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A tool to export and import MySQL database in .NET
by Leo Chapiro
This tip shows how easy it is to debug the VBScript by using Visual Studio Debugger
by AlexeyYakovlev
This paper demonstrates a technique of building Sprache parsers using grammar inheritance.

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Visual Studio 2012 

14 Sep 2014 by /\jmot
Store all branches in your database with their address.trywhen you are going to show the addresses in a MAP, then find their longitude and latitude using code, and place it in your map(using loop).
2 Dec 2012 by 007alok
select convert(varchar(10), Column_name, 103) as ShortDate from Table_name then you get only date part from your column and if you provide your client a ajax calender tool then they can easily pick the date and that is matched with your requirement then you can easily use between query.
9 Oct 2014 by 2irfanshaikh
Please refer below link. I think this may help youlive video streaming in using c#[^]
6 Apr 2013 by 7774tlas
I need to determine the current user's color settings for the windows 8 start screen (both colors - light and dark). I've figured out how to get the taskbar color, but I also need the secondary color. Please help.
8 Apr 2013 by 7774tlas
I've made a color picker tool that gets a ARGB color from a pixel. I've figured out how to get HTML and HEX colors, but can't figure out how to get HSV or CMYK. All the articles that I've found are in C#. I've tried converting a few(with web converters), but I always run into a problem. Here's...
13 Apr 2013 by 7774tlas
Hi, I have made a simple drawing program and would like to have a palette of the WebSafe colors to choose from. Is there a simple way to add the colors to a TableLayoutPanel? I was thinking something like: For Each color in WebSafe Colors 'Would it be System.Drawing.WebSafeColors? ...
22 Apr 2013 by 7774tlas
Hi, I am trying to make my first custom control. All I want to do is display a value in Text on a progressbar. I've added the properties that I need (TextValue & TextForeColor), but how do I display the actual text on the progressbar? This is what I have so far:Imports...
18 Jun 2013 by 7774tlas
Hi, I would like to display a video thumbnail in a picturebox. I've been searching for answers, but most of what I've found (.GetThumbnailImage, System.Drawing.Image, etc.) seem to only work for images, not video. All I want to do is display the same thumbnail as windows file explorer. I have...
27 Jun 2013 by _Amy
Do you have SQL Server Compact Edition 4[^] installed in your machine? Try installing that. This problem occurs because the compiler is unable to load required assemblies. You don't need to remove earlier version of SQL Server Compact edition.I am not sure but may be one more checkpoint is...
8 Sep 2014 by _Asif_
A simple google search can give you thousands of ideas. Check thissimple software projects for students[^]
17 Feb 2014 by aa00101
I looked at many examples of how to make a simple chat bu they are all connected to a database or they are using a package called SignalR which I couldn't install after many attempts.
8 Apr 2014 by aa00101
I'm using oracle and C# to download files that I uploaded.The upload file is working fine but the download function is not.I think the reason behind it,is passing the wrong string format but I don't know how to correct it.I tied to usetryparse but didn't work because I think I didn't use it well...
6 Sep 2014 by aarif moh shaikh
Actually you have one Identity Column so You have to specify rest of Column Name for Inserting Value into the table.For Example :INSERT INTO EMP_TBL (NAME,ADDRESS) VALUES ('"+TextBox1.Text+"','"+TextBox2.Text+"')
20 Jan 2014 by AbbottF
I have a solution with 15 interrelated projects, one of them being a website project, another being a winform project. In Debug configuration mode solution build succeeds and the website runs perfectly. when I go to Release configuration, only the projects referenced by the winform project get...
23 Mar 2015 by Abdul Rahman BCS
I am to develop a event reminder application using C# and visual studio local database, are there any code samples to do this?please help.
23 Apr 2015 by Abdul Rahman BCS
I have done a Reminder Application and I have done with all the interfaces and implementation regarding to Adding/deleting and updating the events. Now all I need is to remind those added event when that particular time arrives?Please help me start and once I understand the logic clearly I can...
27 Apr 2015 by Abdul Rahman BCS
I have a table called Events where there are many columns and one of them is Time represented in 24/04/2015 12:00:00 AM format.All I need is to fetch the time column and whenever the specified time arrives in system, a popup message should be displayed.Here is My code (A method coded in the...
11 May 2013 by Abdul Rehman
Hy All...!!!i am new in c#...i have problem in creating client server in C# in windows console form,i created it successfuly but in windows form i cannot plz plz help meee......
19 Sep 2014 by Abdul Samad KP
public void Excecutesql( params object[] Obj) { }
11 Mar 2013 by Abdul Waheed
I am trying to develop client side report in visual studio 2012. My report is working fine with different selection criteria variables. I am getting error while multi selected list values in filters.In query in need id as SkillTargetID IN (@AgentList). when I pass single value as 5000 its...
12 Mar 2013 by Abdul Waheed
Sill I couldn't find any proper solution but I solve my problem by changing DataSource SelectCommand query. On report refresh button_click I just change MyDataSource.SelectCommand query asstring AgentIds = "5000,5001,5002"; MyDataSource.SelectComamnd = "Select * from Agent where...
12 Mar 2015 by Abdulnazark
see the answer in
4 Dec 2013 by Abdur Rashid
How to handle CSS file with Visual Studio 2012
25 Sep 2013 by Abhinav Gauniyal
Well I was just googling and Found out a lot of queries regarding Microsoft abandoning WinForms and moving to WPF and HTML5/CSS/JS as alternatives.So is this true , i mean i am shocked to see that , is Microsoft really gonna move upto WPF and leave behind the WinForms. There are a really...
20 Jan 2013 by Abhinav S
An explicit conversion is required to convert decimal to integer.Use Convert.ToInt[^].E.g. currentmana = currentmana - Convert.ToInt32(manareq.Value);
30 Jan 2013 by Abhinav S
This could be possible to do in a number of interesting ways.The simplest would be to handle the the keydown event on the grid (capture Ctrl + V).Here are some articles that might help you...
5 Feb 2013 by Abhinav S
Just press Ctrl + . on MainWindow_2 in the line MainWindow_2 win2 = new MainWindow_2();It will resolve your name space (if the dll is already part of the project).
7 Feb 2013 by Abhinav S
You would need to write your own procedure to read excel data, populate a collection and then bind it to a grid.Here[^] is an example.Here[^] is an example where you can do this without excel itself.
15 Apr 2013 by Abhinav S
You will not be able to update 2005 intellisense to 2012.This request does not even make sense. VS 2005 cannot compile 4.0 code and updating intellisense could be disastrous.
15 Aug 2013 by Abhinav S
What you are looking for is an equivalent to control arrays.Here are some good articles that talk about solutions that are not based on control arrays -[^]The Closest thing to a VB6 control array in VB.NET[^]
13 Feb 2014 by Abhinav S
Try for help.
25 Feb 2014 by Abhinav S
TryHow to create a task in Windows Task Scheduler[^]Click once applications should automatically update when you strat the application and you need not check updates at intervals.
11 Jul 2014 by Abhinav S
Correct your query -cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Itens (Price) " +"VALUES (@Num)Remove the single quotes.As a note, Itens may be the wrong table(Items maybe?).
30 Mar 2015 by Abhinav S
You cannot extend the trial period.
11 May 2015 by Abhinav S
TryHow to recursively search directories by using Visual Basic 2005 or Visual Basic .NET [^]List files in a directory[^]Multiple Filters On Directory.GetFiles Method [^]
30 Jun 2015 by Abhinav S
Try installing Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization via nuget (as it is not installed by the framework).Try install-package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization in the nuget prompt.
3 Aug 2013 by Abhinav24161
Even after googling and finding results i still cant find a way to display the Album Art of a Mp3.I use a openFileDialog to capture the path of a Mp3 and i want another PictureBox to display that!Somebody referred me to use TagLib but it dosent works! Also there are many ID3/2's Tag reader...
4 Aug 2013 by AbhinavGauniyal
// Namespace Declaration using System; // Program start class class InteractiveWelcome { // Main begins program execution. public static void Main() { // Write to console/get input Console.Write("What is your name?:...
10 Jul 2015 by Abhipal Singh
It looks like you are having an old DLL somewhere which is in use and is not allowing the debugger to hit your code. Try the following:1) Close your solution and delete all the DLLs in the build folder. (EDIT: Also, remove all output folders and obj folder to delete the PDBs as SA...
25 Mar 2014 by Abhishek Kumar Goswami
I came up with this article where I can describe how we can create minified version of our js and css file.
20 Nov 2012 by Abhishek Pant
have you installed sql server?if yes the error may be a connection configure SQL Server Configuration Manager-Using SQL Server Configuration Manager[^]SQL Server Configuration Manager[^]
2 Jan 2013 by Abhishek Pant
This is your solution:Visual Studio Integration of FxCop[^]
15 Jan 2013 by Abhishek Pant
If you have activated copy of Windows 8 cracked or activated illegitimately then you'll get this error. to resolve-We couldn't get your developer license for Windows 8" Error 0xC03F1014[^]
31 Jan 2013 by Abhishek Pant[^]...
8 Feb 2013 by Abhishek Pant
have you read this:A few simple rules when posting your question. Have you searched or Googled for a solution?Be specific! Don't ask "I need to write a booking application". Specify exactly what it is you need help with.Keep the...
19 Sep 2018 by AbhishekDotNet
Hi,I have a created two separate C# web application using EF6 (one with Database First and other with Code First approach). everything is going on smoothly but after sometime it is required to merge both.After merging , Database is same for Code First Approach.Initial I was using...
23 Sep 2013 by AbhishekGoenka
This article describes the step by step process of creating project template and VSIX installer that deploys the project template.
5 Apr 2014 by Abinash_Sahoo
It seems you don't have a "Default.aspx" page within your application. What you can do is, 1) right click on the page that you want to set up as startup page for your website2) then in the pop up context menu click "Set As Start Page"Now run the application. Hope it will solve your...
19 Jan 2015 by abinavshankar
Hi I have been doing some research work on Build-deploy-test using TFS2010 and I would like to know whether it is possible to change the deployment path at runtime ThanksAbinav
13 Feb 2013 by Ace Supriatna
Dear all,I have create installshield setup file using VS2012, and it works for windows 7 and 8. Nevertheless, when I try to install in XP, is says the app is not a valid win32.I know that VS2012 dropped support for XP. Then I looked into some articles. Some advised to buy the...
17 Jan 2013 by Adam R Harris
Add a combo box to your form and name it ComboBox1
18 Jan 2013 by Adam R Harris
And[^] / AndAlso[^]
21 Jan 2013 by Adam R Harris
foreach (DataRow dr in dtCols.Rows)Your specific error is because you need to iterate the Rows of the DataTable not the DataTable itself.However:Wietze Bron is correct, his method is exactly what you need.
23 Apr 2014 by adat7378
I used the same code and it works in vs 2012 but not in vs2013. I wanted to go back to vs2012 but html5 not showing up properly in vs2012(css/js has been referenced).Below is my master page - Triocars
15 Dec 2014 by Adil Usmani
Greeting s to all my friends i want to ask that i want to create a splash screen like visual studio 2012/2013 with animation how to achieve this.Thanks in advance
19 Mar 2015 by Aditya_Goud
Hi ,I am developing a Windows Mobile app that has a page where user sends some Data to server. The thing is.. ! Application Works Perfectly Fine in Enumerator and also when i m debugging it in my mobile using Visual Studio using a Cable wire Connected.. but when i use the app in phone without...
27 Mar 2014 by adityasahver
Hi All, I am trying to automate the build process of my application. I have properly given the build defination and the build is getting triggered at the specific time. But when the build is happening via TFS(msbuild) i am getting error - (179): No overload for method 'GetValue' takes 1...
24 Sep 2021 by adriancs
A tool to export and import MySQL database in .NET
16 Mar 2013 by AfnanMof
This WebPart is developed to display all site collections and subsites based on logged in authentication
11 Sep 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
That is a menu item inside the Windows Form. And like all other objects, there are some properties attached to the objects. Similarly you can call different methods and function to change the properties of the object inside your Windows Forms application. For example the following example,...
15 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You should, I guess, need to read a documentation or a manual to learn how to create an Add-in for the Excel. This is an MSDN documentation[^] which teaches you how to create an Add-in.Methodology is, to create a Simple project, and right under the Visual C# look for a Office, expand it....
29 Nov 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
The possible issues are the connectionstring that you're passing to connect to the server. The error would be thrown depending on any possible issues below, First thing is to make sure that you're passing the correct name for the SQL server or the database. If not, please correct it. ...
20 Aug 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Ajax calls are simple asynchronous requests to the servers to load the resources for your application. In this example I will consider that your page (which will handle the ajax request) has the partial view loading code present, and the view only generates the HTML content for the menu....
13 Jul 2015 by Agenor
Hi!I try to set the resolution within the constructor of the "Windows Phone 8" application. But this resolution will not be taken. Also I can see that my "graphics._graphicsdevice" is still "null".Is there any known issue with MonoGame (3.4)?Environment: Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2012...
14 Jul 2015 by Agenor
OK, I found this:MonoGame doesn't do anything with graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth or graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight – if you used their 800×480 defaults in your XNA game, you'll find that they're zeroed in MonoGame and setting them to anything else has no effect on the game's...
17 Jan 2014 by agent_kruger
How to attach Crystal Report in VS 2010 and above as both of the company now do not provide their products together? Thanks In Advance.
5 Sep 2014 by agent_kruger
sir, please see the below link it might help you :-[^]
1 Mar 2013 by Ahmad Chohan
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 for C compiler and in a project if the program have errors it shows the output from previous program that was written in that Project!There was pop-up that was asking about this type of output to show I mistakenly selected it and options to not to show that pop-up...
5 Jun 2014 by Ahmad F Hassan
Step by step, creating LINQ to SharePoint Data Access Layer using SPMetal
14 Apr 2015 by Ahmed Al-hadi
I try to use sample data in blend expressionbut i go to windows in menu but there is no data item to can use it ??
17 Jun 2015 by Ahmed E Osama
Run an executable that is inside the resources in C#
30 Sep 2014 by Ahmed Mandur
Please check this link Simple Shopping Cart[^]it's using the session state regards,
23 Oct 2013 by Ahmed Safan
Using the native unit test project in Visual Studio 2012.
30 Jan 2013 by Ahmed.ganainy
dear professionals,i have more than 500 controls i want to save their setting, what is the best way..i was thinking of save with textchanged event because i am afraid from not responding due to saving while my application i am dealing with these controls with direct cast and i...
23 Aug 2012 by ahsanriaz1K
Hi,What is difference in declaration between these two arrays?int[] array1 = new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };andint[] array1 = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
9 Oct 2014 by Ajay_Patel
I have deployed my application on a machine having windows 8 64 bit.In my application I am reading data from excel file. Application works fine while I am running this on windows xp but on windows 8 it is showing that 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local...
1 Nov 2014 by Ajvirk
I'm learning and so I'm trying to build up the project named "Wingtip Toys" from MSDN. The project is developed on VS 2013 and I have VS 2012. When I try to add the bootstrap as per instruction from here I get the error on running time in browser.Server Error in '/' Application. ...
15 Aug 2013 by Akbar Ali Hussain
Use "Controls" property of GroupBox to get its child controls (RadioButton in your case) by its name. ((RadioButton)grpbx.Controls["rdbtn1Yes"]).Checked = true
15 Aug 2013 by Akbar Ali Hussain
Use "Controls" property of GroupBox to get its child controls (RadioButton in your case) by its name. ((RadioButton)grpbx.Controls["rdbtn1Yes"]).Checked = true
15 Aug 2013 by Akbar Ali Hussain
Use "Controls" property of GroupBox to get its child controls (RadioButton in your case) by its name. ((RadioButton)grpbx.Controls["rdbtn1Yes"]).Checked = true
16 Sep 2014 by Akshay Raut
I am trying to develop my website in ASP.NET which takes in pictures from user's, stores them in SQL Server 2012 and displays them when they visit Photos page, and only working approach I found online was to read byte[] stream of data from SQL Server and converting it to Base64 and then...
30 Apr 2015 by Akshay Raut
I am developing my application in Visual Studio 2012 with .NET Framework 4.5 and using an MDF file as local db. Problem here is changes made to data at runtime are not saved permanently. I am able to retrieve data at runtime even save it but they are not displayed in Server explorer. I have...
30 Apr 2015 by Akshay Raut
I received help from some people on this problem and solution was that I was checking for existence of data in MDF file of my project folder through Server Explorer, what I should have done instead was to check the MDF file in bin\Debug folder where my data were permanent. I did it by creating a...
18 Aug 2012 by akshay.nikhare
i am developing a software taht is some what working like an sfx i have created the gui of the exe but not able to give actual functionality because i m not getting that how to i code to build an exe..........
23 Sep 2012 by Al Hizbul
In C#: BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CausesValidation="true" Wrap="true" MaxLength="100" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="350px">in aspx.cs public int MaxLength { get { return txtComments.MaxLength; } set {...
27 Jan 2013 by Alan N
The lack of up to date documentation makes programming with these VLC plugins a voyage of discovery. I have VLC version '2.0.5 Twoflower' installed and certainly with this one, the useful looking events prefixed with MediaPlayer, e.g. MediaPlayerPositionChanged, never get raised by the...
3 Feb 2013 by Alan N
Buffering can be increased by specifying options in the play list. Although you can test various sizes in the plugin I find it easier and quicker in the VLC player. Just check "Show more options" in the OpenMedia dialog, and adjust the cache value UpDown control.Private Sub...
6 Feb 2013 by Alan N
To me the question is not "How do I bring it to the front" but why did it not come to the front automatically?The only situation in which I have seen a dialog not come to the front was when the creating window was TopMost and the dialog's Owner property had not been set.Setting the Owner...
12 May 2016 by Albert Holguin
raspivid -t 0 -o - | nc 5001 (my windows pc address and the port number)Seems like you're running this as a client...nRet = connect( hServer, (sockaddr*)&saServer, sizeof( sockaddr ) );if( nRet == SOCKET_ERROR ){ cout
27 Mar 2013 by Alejandro Garcia
Databinding enumerators to DataBound controls.
4 Jan 2013 by Alexander Kaul
Hi guys,I just wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction. I am using visual studio express 2012 for desktop and want to create a program that can create read and write an sql database.I don't know exactly where i should start as the information out there is so overwhelming....
9 Mar 2019 by AlexeyYakovlev
This paper demonstrates a technique of building Sprache parsers using grammar inheritance.
14 Jan 2014 by Ali Agha
i am developing a multi-lingual application allowing users to change language as well as keyboard layouts (through combobox). I am able to change the culture of application successfully but i'm unable to change the individual keyboard layouts e.g. for English (United States), im unable to change...
23 Mar 2013 by ali_heidari_
i know its hard to you to google it and completely can understand your situation, so i did it for you kindly! mdi form c# some pages!Introduction to MDI Forms with C#MDI form in C# Parent And Child
20 Sep 2013 by alimohammad2011
Greeting for the day !!Dear friends I am stuck on a solution i need to provide to my clients. Describing the requirement in detail so please don't mind the length of this post.I am supposed to develop an offline model for my (4.5) web application along with SQL server as db on...
20 Nov 2012 by AlirezaDehqani
Hello everyoneI have installed Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 RC on Windows 8 Enterprise so I created a SQL Server Database Project then I want to Connect to Database and I get this Error message:"A network related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to sql...
12 Feb 2013 by Alistair Budd
Hi, does anyone have source code for GZIP running under windows visual studio 2010 or 2012?