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Visual Basic 10


Great Reads

by CS Rocks
This is a slideshow that works in a Silverlight 3 UserControl.
by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Mathematical method of S-system equation to simulate a biochemical network system

Latest Articles

by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.
by Doug- VisualBasic VB.NET
A quick Function to get UTC / NTP time
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Alexandros Pappas
Example of a self hosted WCF service over HTTPS with transaction

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Visual Basic 10 

6 Oct 2009 by CS Rocks
This is a slideshow that works in a Silverlight 3 UserControl.
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
21 Aug 2009 by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
6 Oct 2013 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Mathematical method of S-system equation to simulate a biochemical network system
22 Mar 2013 by Terence Wallace
TexasQuest is a 2D side scroller platform game similiar to Super Mario
3 Oct 2015 by Mr.PoorEnglish
what is "typed" on typed Dataset, and how to use it
26 Aug 2009 by Martin Hinshelwood
WPF drag and drop behaviour
2 Mar 2017 by David Vanson
A weather application for the current conditions in your area
27 May 2019 by Alexandros Pappas
Example of a self hosted WCF service over HTTPS with transaction
12 Jul 2010 by Bangon Kali
This component will be used as a text box for automatically formatted currency values.
9 Sep 2011 by a_pess
Turn an image to a ColorPicker.
28 Nov 2011 by Member 7656529
A review of the book Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development.
5 Sep 2013 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Easy way to map the table in the mysql database.
22 Jun 2015 by Terence Wallace
The primary purpose of this article is to provide quality sample source code for VB.NET developers interested in building data-centric applications using the .NET Framework.
29 Aug 2013 by Keith L Robertson
Write synchronous-looking asynchronous methods without async/await in Visual Studio 2010.
11 Nov 2022 by Robert Gustafson
I've created an enhanced version of the Extended RichTextBox created by Razi Syed.
11 Feb 2013 by Sander Rossel
Journey to the center of the .NET Framework with a chance of IL along the way!
26 Apr 2013 by Sebastien Lebreton
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector or JustDecompile. Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports "on-the-fly" C#/VB.NET code injection.
22 Jul 2009 by DaveyM69
A complete overview and implementation of SNTP from a client perspective.
31 Oct 2009 by Abhishek Sur
This article will enable you to add custom search rules to your application using Bing Search API with much more
12 Sep 2015 by Mr.PoorEnglish
After simple introduction the Article turns to less known, but useful/important/interesting Aspects of unblocking the Gui with Async/Await
14 Oct 2011 by Sander Rossel
Creating custom collections from IEnumerable(T) to IDictionary(T) and everything in between!
1 Dec 2010 by Scott Rippey
A string template method that allows you to fill a string with data. Easy to use, fast, extensible, and extremely powerful! Uses Reflection, Conditional Formatting, iterating through Arrays, and more!
11 Apr 2011 by Graeme_Grant
This article focuses on developing an MVVM compatible ListBox-to-ListBox drag/drop helper for Silverlight.
26 Dec 2011 by Drag0nHunter
ASM.Net a assembly x86 emulator which emulates the language the managed way
21 Nov 2011 by gndzero
Utility to check for logged on user prior to using Remote Desktop Connection.
28 Feb 2019 by SSDiver2112
A custom Panel that creates a glow effect around a child control or a drop shadow when it receives focus
1 Jun 2009 by jpaulino
This article shows the basic steps of creating a report, define the data source at runtime, work with parameters, include images, use the expression editor, and how to feed data to a subreport and charts. Finally it will demonstrate some easy customizations to ReportViewer.
12 Apr 2010 by jpaulino
XML Literals allow you to use XML syntax in your code. It’s easy to work with XML files this way, since you have that Tags in the code, but it’s also quicker to access information rather than the traditional methods.
8 Sep 2009 by DaveyM69
No more unboxing/casting! Use generic type parameters with this background worker. Source code for C# and VB.NET.
30 Apr 2011 by Sander Rossel
An introduction to knowing what NOT to do.
19 Nov 2019 by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
20 Feb 2014 by Vladimir Svyatski
How to correctly draw WinForms Tab Control with bottom alignment when visual styles are enabled
1 Sep 2009 by Fasttimes
How to publish a ClickOnce application without using the Visual Studio IDE, with a complete working example.
3 Mar 2010 by NickThissen
Change the colors used to render Menu-, Tool,- ContextMenu-, and Status strip controls during design-time.
9 Jul 2011 by icemanind
Create a hand made parser in VB.NET or C# easily and fast
3 Nov 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Using this article you will get the basic idea of how you could use NDepend to control/analyze your application. It allows to apply design rules and refactor code.
24 Aug 2010 by Santiago Santos Cortizo
How to show a bar chart in a DataGridView
22 Aug 2011 by My Bones
A simple way to share data across your diffrent applications.
19 Sep 2013 by Ron Schuler
ASP.NET PDF document viewer control that does not require any Acrobat product to be installed
12 Dec 2012 by Vijay Tanwar
.Chm based documentation generator for .net projects
27 Oct 2012 by pablleaf
A simple implementation of a ref edit control for .NET
2 Nov 2011 by gndzero
A threaded application to identify if system VB6 OCX files are exploitable and generate a batch file to register updated OCX controls.
12 Dec 2014 by Mr.PoorEnglish
Understanding Tabcontrol right enables a lightweigth solution
27 Nov 2011 by gndzero
A utility to prevent workstations from going to sleep (during long running processes).
2 Apr 2012 by rspercy65
Addiction time. Play a moch-up version of Text Twist, (a guess all the words), before your time runs out, type game.
20 Nov 2009 by lipinho
VB.NET port of code for painting Vista's Aero NonClientArea.
27 Jun 2009 by Qaiser_Iftikhar
An article to demonstrate how to calculate system idle time without installing any system wide keybaord/mouse hooks.
1 Jun 2015 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Introduction to "GENOME-IN-CODE" Project about virtual cell modelling the bacteria Xcc 8004, visit for the latest news about GCModeller
30 Jun 2009 by Gregory Gadow
Learn how to extend the Forms.Control object to add locking and unlocking capability
22 May 2011 by Kenneth Haugland
Evaluation of complex and real numbers from string
14 Dec 2009 by konikula
Inherited ListView which enables user to order multiple items by mouse, and automatically scrolls if necessary
5 Sep 2013 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
Object-oriented evaluator of the mathmatics expression
12 Oct 2011 by rspercy65
This is a e-Book Reader for text files that uses a file splitter
9 Aug 2011 by junnark
You're using a GridView web control to list records from a particular data source and you want a delete functionality for each row of data. A dialog must be presented to the user to confirm deletion. You also want to show a dialog to the user when an error occurs during deletion.
2 Apr 2016 by David Vanson
A progress bar control you can customize
25 Jan 2010 by KevGUID
Generic grid search and data paging explained.
5 Aug 2012 by pdoxtader
A comparison of these two free zip libraries, complete with a multi-threaded VB.NET class wrapper for each
19 Jun 2010 by chad_ross
Class for automating the handling of Most Recently Used files in a MenuStrip.
29 Dec 2013 by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
A simple and easy way to develop an application plugin
28 Dec 2009 by Mr.PoorEnglish
Two WinForms controls that help to develop compact and flexible user interfaces.
20 Nov 2013 by Terence Wallace
Ordermate can be used as a basic example of utilizing the XMLSerializer class to automate the creation of invoice forms.
24 Jun 2009 by AdamNThompson
This class sorts objects using Generics and LINQ Lambda Expressions.
29 May 2012 by Joshi, Rushikesh
Create a customized project template, and let your team use it for repaid development.
8 Aug 2009 by drummerboy0511
Learn how to extend the My namespace in Visual Basic 2005 / 2008!
30 Aug 2009 by Prefict
If you hate naming controls in the footer row of your gridview to do an insert, this article is for you.
12 Jul 2010 by Peki.HR
Simple and efficient way to localize MVC websites using routes
5 Oct 2009 by Jesse Fatherree
This simple function will programatically enumerate all properties and values in any WMI class.
22 Feb 2010 by Damon88
A class which enables the user to Drag the form by clicking Form's Surface
24 Sep 2009 by BSalita
Sample program shows how to embed controls in a WPF DataGrid using VB.NET
19 Sep 2009 by jebarson
New features of Visual Studio 2010 discussed
8 Oct 2012 by Michael Rosqvist
How to make irregular shaped forms in VB.NET.
2 Oct 2009 by Nasenbaaer
Combine graphic objects to create own scenes
10 Nov 2009 by
An update to my original generic record selector.