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by Tom Chantler
UPDATE: 2015-07-30 - Works correctly in Windows 10 RTM (10.0.10240) with VS2013 and VS2015 - If you're running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and you don't want to disable User Account Control (UAC) - which you shouldn't and quite possibly can't in a corporate environment - then you get an annoying prompt
by D4rkTrick
Get manifest support with VC6
by Dennis Wu CA
A command line program that resets user access permission in windows
by Michael Haephrati
How can an application elevate itself to gain "Admin" rights during runtime

Latest Articles

by Dennis Wu CA
A command line program that resets user access permission in windows
by Tom Chantler
UPDATE: 2015-07-30 - Works correctly in Windows 10 RTM (10.0.10240) with VS2013 and VS2015 - If you're running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and you don't want to disable User Account Control (UAC) - which you shouldn't and quite possibly can't in a corporate environment - then you get an annoying prompt
by D4rkTrick
Get manifest support with VC6
by Adam Zuckerman
Sometimes you need to run your application with elevated privileges to get past issues with UAC.

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30 Jul 2015 by Tom Chantler
UPDATE: 2015-07-30 - Works correctly in Windows 10 RTM (10.0.10240) with VS2013 and VS2015 - If you're running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 and you don't want to disable User Account Control (UAC) - which you shouldn't and quite possibly can't in a corporate environment - then you get an annoying prompt
15 Apr 2015 by D4rkTrick
Get manifest support with VC6
11 Apr 2012 by AndreasJoh
Something similar like this.method here{ WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal user = new WindowsPrincipal(identity); string role = "BUILTIN\\Administrators"; bool IsAdmin = user.IsInRole(role));}
11 Jul 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't get rid of the UAC window.When UAC is activated, any admin account will run WITHOUT admin priv's until they are actually needed. When that determination has been made by Windows, the UAC prompt window appears.There's nothing you can do about it for your application. it's up...
22 Jul 2013 by Ron Beyer
The only solution is to turn UAC off, there's nothing you can do in code to get around this.UAC exists to protect the user from the code. For that reason the code can't bypass the user. If there was a way around this in code, then viruses or malware could bypass UAC without telling the user,...
9 Apr 2014 by Member 10737826
I am developing a very simple C# Windows Application (it only displays a message box saying "UACtest") that I want it to run at startup without prompting UAC.For that I created a registry key for it under HKCU, and in the machine that I compiled it (Windows 8 64-bit using Visual Studio 2013)...
30 Aug 2012 by Akinmade Bond
Attempt ...1) Type action center in the start menu and on the left side, select Change User Access Control Settings set it to highest.2) Open the Run dialog using WinKey + R and type control userpasswords2 select your username, select properties, then select the membership tab and set...
23 Jul 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In addition to discussion in comments to Solution 1:You user is always free to lower down UAC protection. For example, on Windows 7:Control Panel -> Small Icons (All Control Panel Items) -> Action Center -> Change User Account Control Settings.If your customer lowers the slider down to...
15 Feb 2012 by Varun Sareen
Dear Friend,I think that the problem is with the parameters. For one of the parameter the value is null or blank or the column names are not matching. Please follow the links for more...
6 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't think so. Starting from Vista, and reasonably set up, I think, only in Windows 7, UAC is not to be bypassed. I mean, you can bypass UAC only if the user gives an explicit permission. In particular, the whole UAC check can be disabled for a whole system, and then the system really becomes...
12 Dec 2013 by nicki_im
You need to have app.manifest file in your project and set correct executionLevel as follows:
20 Sep 2015 by Xmen Real
I have an app that must run as standard user. It run as standard user when UAC is enabled even admin is logged in. But when UAC is disabled, it runs as admin, which causes problems to the app structure. Is it possible to add something in app.manifest that force windows to run app as standard...
13 Aug 2017 by Dennis Wu CA
A command line program that resets user access permission in windows
11 Apr 2012 by Itz.Irshad
Hi Guys,How it can be make sure that current user is administrator or having rights of administrator to run application. What are possibilities to testify that scenario.Suggestions are required.ThanksRegards,Itz.Irshad
11 Jul 2012 by SEJohnson
I do have a successful manifest being applied. If I change the line in the manifest from requireAdministrator to asInvoker the window goes away. But my app will not run because it requires administrator to do so. BTW Dave, I'm attempting to do more reading on what you have mentioned. Thanks.
11 Jul 2012 by SEJohnson
I found some references to running asInvoker then elevating the privileges from within the application with Does anyone have any experience with that in Win7/2008?
11 Jul 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comments to the answer by Abhinav. I tried to create a manifest and found that it works as I thought.If you need elevated execution level "requireAdministrator", it will simply request your confirmation via the UAC dialog immediately and by default. If you do not request the...
29 Aug 2012 by 3rdTimesACharm
The situation:(1 and 2 are background info) 1) My customer upgraded from Windows 7 Home Premium to Pro (64bit) - this may or may not be part of the problem but I include it FYI.2) Various DLLs will not register - the error says they cannot be found - they are there, in SysWOW64....
20 Sep 2012 by theonebit
Hi, I am wondering how to run codes after uac self elevation.basically when i click a button once it elevated it suppose to add a key to the registry. so far i manage to get the self elevation part and the adding the registry part. now i cannot seem to make it run in a single click.from my...
20 Sep 2012 by Malli_S
Why don't you add your required privilege to your application manifest. You need not to perform the above specified check every time. Check this (Create and Embed an Application Manifest (UAC))[^].
31 Oct 2012 by Parwarrior7
Hello everyone,Earlier I attached a manifest file to my legacy program prompting UAC elevation on the start up of a program. While the UAC does prompt upon program start up, I am currently unable to get the section of my program requiring administrator status to properly output on computers...
31 Oct 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The solution can be found there:[^].[EDIT]This is not the same as checking...
27 Nov 2012 by Norrens
Hello,I want to create desktop sharing application as system service.At the moment I had created sharing and viewer applications like that[^]and created system service(but don't...
2 Dec 2012 by Thomas Daniels
Hi,Have a look at this similar question:[^]
13 Mar 2013 by Andy Belton
Some years ago I wrote a set of bespoke programs for a client, the target platform being XP. One of the programs providing a backup and restore facility for user files with an auto-power down on completion option. The specification required that the user was free to select a list of folders and...
6 Jun 2013 by ZeroPointSoftware
I've stumbled accross a possible way to bypass UAC which seems kind of troublesome.Normally inserting values into certain portions of the registry programmaticly requires UAC Elevation to a user with administrative priveledges on the target machine. Right?That being said, should I be...
22 Jul 2013 by Siddiqui's
There is no way to bypass UAC. But you can register your control at User-Level which will no required Administrator Privileges. Window Vista or later with IE8 introduce the new mechanism to register ActiveX control at Current-User with non-admin rights. You only have to update your INF file and...
4 Aug 2013 by Yesudasan Moses
Hi friends,I have done a C# Windows Application in VS 2012...I recently added a manifest file to give Administrative privileges to my application.Later, I removed that... But At the client side, It still asks this Question when user opens my program... "Do you want to allow the...
4 Aug 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
The client needs to use Windows Explorer to access the properties of the executable, and Unblock it.
4 Aug 2013 by OriginalGriff
You can't. If your app is trying to do something that requires elevated privileges, then it must run in an elevated state. When you try that, Windows confirms with the user. Otherwise, there would be no point in having access restrictions in the first place...Check your application - can you...
21 Jan 2014 by Aleksey Tikhonov
Hello!I have:0. Simple HelloWorld.exe application. Application does not need admin rights.1. Visual Studio 2008 Pro Setup project which install HelloWorld.Current situation:0. Run msi1. If install directory is Program Files\Example - UAC dialog is active before create dir and...
21 Jan 2014 by ExcelledProducts CEO
I had to do this a little while ago. You need to change in your properties tab the InstallPrivileges='limited' to InstallScope='perUser' What this will do is it will always need admin rights to launch. So you will get that admin dialog to show up when you run the program.
21 Jan 2014 by Aleksey Tikhonov
19 Aug 2014 by bianqk
Hi everyone,now i wrote a windows service program, and it's ok in windows operation system except windows8, in this service, when i plug-in a usb device, this service check the device and open another execute program to communicate with this device.Now, in win8, the service can not open the...
27 May 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If such way existed, who would never need such useless UAC? Just use some elementary logic. This is the whole idea: UAC is designed the way to make it impossible to bypass it without the user's consent.—SA
15 Feb 2013 by Michael Haephrati
How can an application elevate itself to gain "Admin" rights during runtime
26 Feb 2013 by Adam Zuckerman
Sometimes you need to run your application with elevated privileges to get past issues with UAC.  
15 Feb 2012 by buzzluck68
Hello,I have a VB6 application that works fine on most Windows 7 machines (even with UAC turned on), but for some of them if the program is not set to 'Run as administrator' upon startup it will return the error message 'No value given for one or more required parameters' when it tries to...
11 Jul 2012 by SEJohnson
I'm struggling to get my application to load without having a UAC popup window. My application does require admin access as I'm managing user accounts locally and with the domain on a 2008 server. My application is two parts, a service and a WPF app that controls the service.I purchased a...
11 Jul 2012 by Abhinav S
You can add a manifest to the application[^] that identifies the privileges for that program.Save the file as ApplicationName.exe.manifest.
2 Dec 2013 by ingo_1976
hello,i have trying to get access from hudson-Service (continous integration):i found 2 solution:1. get access through createuserasprocess(...) on start of own service ( see article Subverting Vista UAC in Both 32 and 64 bit Architectures ) - it worked but not fully...
25 Aug 2015 by Member 8474866
Hi Everyone,I am new to VS.NET (but VB6 veteran). I'm writing a VB.NET (2010) app that has both a GUI and a background Windows Service. My service was created following all the typical "how-to" articles.My Windows Service installs just fine using installutil and VS command prompt, but I...
2 Dec 2012 by Cyberwarfare
Hi Code Project,I am making a Simple Program which will see if the Current User is a Admin or Not.I do not know how to do that please help me. Show me a Code Snippet with high commenting. Thanks,Cyberwarfare
22 Jul 2013 by Itz.Irshad
In an ASP.NET 2.0 Application, an ActiveX control is used. When user first time access the appliction and he/she did not have that ActiveX registered. Application show a popup to install ActiveX. When user follow the process, ActiveX is registered and application loads the ActiveX to accomplish...
27 May 2015 by Member 11579826
Hi,I'm trying to find a way to disable UAC for a specific application using the command line. All I've found is a way to disable UAC completely for the admin but I need to only disable it for a application. I'll be applying this to a batch script. Any suggestions would be appreciated.