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by Han Bo Sun
YUI-Compressor maven plugin to minify JS files for Spring Boot based web app development
by Han Bo Sun
This is a more in-depth tutorial on integrating Lucene search and index engine in Java applications.

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by Han Bo Sun
This is a more in-depth tutorial on integrating Lucene search and index engine in Java applications.
by Han Bo Sun
YUI-Compressor maven plugin to minify JS files for Spring Boot based web app development

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10 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
As I don't know what Order looks like, I'm going to make some assumptions in this answer. The big assumption I'm going to make is that you have an Integer id value in the class, which I can get using getId();. I'm also going to assume that the...
3 Aug 2022 by Han Bo Sun
YUI-Compressor maven plugin to minify JS files for Spring Boot based web app development
1 Sep 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Your constructor is: public JobRecruiter(int id, String jobTitle, String recruiterName) So any code that instantiates a JobRecruiter object must pass three parameters. The only lines I can find where it makes such a call are JobRecruiter...
16 Jan 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You are adding a new client twice, at the start of your code and then again within another if else statement. I am not familiar with the code used ?-Java/MongoDb -? but the basics is the same How it works - 1. Search data table for client with...
4 Jul 2023 by Richard Deeming
Quote: I just want to count the results I can't return such data to the user there is no means I can count these values depending on these conditions provided Your code is loading all 4 million matching records into a list, simply to return...
26 Oct 2023 by Gerry Schmitz
Add a "timestamp" to the Access records; and use a new timestamp when you update and insert. You can't "delete" initially; you'll need to add a "delete" flag (and timestamp) so you can export "deleted" records; and purge / archive them later. You...
8 Mar 2024 by Han Bo Sun
This is a more in-depth tutorial on integrating Lucene search and index engine in Java applications.
1 Sep 2022 by Auto Samachar
Could not locate appropriate constructor on class : com.recruit.api.model.JobRecruiter; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not locate appropriate constructor on class : com.recruit.api.model.JobRecruiter/500 I added...
16 Jan 2023 by Office Systems
I want to query all data which are present in my database by comparing with while loop data and if this data is available I want to update it and if not I want to insert it as a new record into the database. The problem is I'm only getting data...
10 Feb 2023 by Office Systems
I'm having a spring boot application connected with Mongo DB now I want to enable spring batch how can I manage this withi spring data Mongo What I saw with Spring data JPA
13 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
How can I compare month in spring mongo criteria with a hard corded value, month in criteria is in a spring format and the value is present in an integer format. This is what i have so far i just want to check for that month and group employee...
13 Mar 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Think about your query. What does ".is(2)" mean? Is it the month number? The day of the month? How about the yes? Maybe the hour, minutes, or seconds? How is your code telling the database that the 2 is a month? Hint: It's not.
29 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
I want to read mdb file using spring batch Item Reader, I have managed to read the mdb file and the results I can see them in console but I'm not able to map this results into the reader object. Below is my sample code. What I have tried: ...
19 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
I want to upload large file more than 2gb to a particular folder in spring boot, the challenge I'm facing is that, after file upload from client application (Angular Application/ Postman) it takes more than 50seconds to hit the controller, after...
7 May 2023 by Office Systems
I am having a spring boot application which reads values from the Microsoft access file and then checks if the value exists in the database then gets updated or else inserted as the new record however I'm only getting these values present in the...
27 Oct 2023 by Office Systems
I'm fetching data from Microsoft access database file into PostgreSQL Database, then later some changes are added into Microsoft access database file and then re-uploaded into PostgreSQL Database as the latest dataset file with changes, now the...
17 Jan 2024 by Office Systems
I'm new to Micro-services architecture, I'm to develop a project using spring boot that gets data from API and stores that data into PostgreSQL db then computes and gets the sum of the data uploaded and sends that data into another database...
10 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I have two arrays which both have data, what I want to do is to loop through each array and compare the data between the arrays one array is coming from the Post Method and another array has data from the database, so the comparison has to be...
26 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
How can I delete large amount of data more than 10 million records in fraction of a second in spring boot project, the code I'm having right now takes more than 1 minute and 30s to delete these records. Below is the code I'm using to delete these...
21 Sep 2022 by Auto Samachar
I have vmscontactemail field in the database and models, when I debug the code it shows the above error when I execute that line at What I have tried: DAO @Modifying @Transactional @Query("UPDATE...
4 Jul 2023 by Office Systems
I'm trying to fetch data using Spring Boot for my REST API from PostgreSQL Database, I have more than 30 million records in my database, the API takes a lot of time to pull data from the database and sometimes it results on time out error when...