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Great Reads

by BobbyPhillips
Step-by-step guide to building a WCF Web Service hosted in a Windows Service
by Bruno Baia
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
by Enrique Albert
Patterns and best practices for the desing and development of rich client enterprise applications using WPF, WCF and NHibernate
by Marco-Hans Van Der Willik
There are a surprising number of variations on poker rules, making poker an excellent candidate for a SOLID Project, a project illustrating SOLID Principles and related Patterns & Practices.

Latest Articles

by Bruno Baia
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
by Marco-Hans Van Der Willik
There are a surprising number of variations on poker rules, making poker an excellent candidate for a SOLID Project, a project illustrating SOLID Principles and related Patterns & Practices.
by Nandlalaji Singh
Spring itself is vast. It has lots of features. But AOP is a really cool and powerful feature. This tip is for Spring developers who don't use AOP. This gives a view of AOP.
by BobbyPhillips
Step-by-step guide to building a WCF Web Service hosted in a Windows Service

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21 Dec 2014 by BobbyPhillips
Step-by-step guide to building a WCF Web Service hosted in a Windows Service
21 Nov 2018 by Bruno Baia
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
25 Jun 2013 by Prasad_Kulkarni
In short, Spring.Net increase your productivity writing ASP.NET WebForms applications.Refer complete descriptions with possible examples here[^]This[^] is something you should have look for lot more similar threads.
10 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
As I don't know what Order looks like, I'm going to make some assumptions in this answer. The big assumption I'm going to make is that you have an Integer id value in the class, which I can get using getId();. I'm also going to assume that the...
14 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
Assuming that these are separately deployed services, I wouldn't attempt to start them from a central location. What I do is deploy my services in separate containers (Kubernetes on my part, but you could use Docker), and use orchestration to...
19 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
Nobody can guarantee you "a fraction of a second" to add a million rows to a DB, PostgreSQL or not - it will depend on far too many factors: the computer(s) that the DB engine is running on, the activity level on the DB, the connection between...
4 Jul 2023 by Richard Deeming
Quote: I just want to count the results I can't return such data to the user there is no means I can count these values depending on these conditions provided Your code is loading all 4 million matching records into a list, simply to return...
26 Oct 2023 by Gerry Schmitz
Add a "timestamp" to the Access records; and use a new timestamp when you update and insert. You can't "delete" initially; you'll need to add a "delete" flag (and timestamp) so you can export "deleted" records; and purge / archive them later. You...
18 Jan 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
The problem isn't in your code, rather the problem is with your deployment. You have stated that you deployed your application to Azure, and this brings its own set of expectations. Basically, the CORS request is being blocked by Azure, not by...
19 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
Without knowing where you were sourcing your data, this is an almost impossible question to answer. There are a few things that do occur from looking at this. You are adding a random UUID but that could easily be auto-generated by the database....
21 Mar 2024 by Andre Oosthuizen
Your issue is in the way you are invoking the async 'process_data' method in the 'OrderProcessingService' class. The method is being executed in a separate thread, however, the problem is that your 'process_data' method is not returning anything,...
12 Dec 2012 by Anoop X
Hi,I want to implement audit trail for my mvc application using aop with out affect my existing system. How to apply advice to my model classes and controller actions. Can you provide sample mvc application which implement mvc. please help...Thanks in...
10 Jan 2013 by Raj tilak Bose
Hello All,How can i use when writing RestFul Application. I search many thing in google but not able to find any perfect solution....Please suggest a best solution.
10 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Following blog entry explains good enough: Service Architecture Using Spring.NET[^]
3 Mar 2013 by zouleisheng02
I'm Chinese programmer,English isn't my mother language, I have read few chapters in "spring-net-reference", which download from Spring's official site.I feeling that it isn't for beginners,it is hard to understand,and it skim over many details or just a quick glance.I want a book written by...
3 Mar 2013 by LaxmikantYadav
Try This ->[^]But still i recommend you this ->[^]
25 Jun 2013 by ashok yede201
Hello,I heard the concept Spring in JAVA, but I found that, we have Spring in .Net also.If it is there, then what is it and how to use?Why should I use Spring.Net?What will be the advantages?Thank you in advance...........
25 Jun 2013 by Thanks7872
Refer to above answer by Prasad and further refer to below link.Integrating Spring.NET with ASP.NET Web Site[^]Regards.. :laugh:
25 Jun 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
26 Aug 2013 by TapasU
Hi All,I am making a call to the Java webservice from my .Net web service. The issue which I am facing all the DateTime variable in the .Net class is gettign null on the java side (log files).The date is passed in the .net object untill the java web service method is called.I think so...
7 Oct 2013 by MidhunSibi
The transaction log for database 'My DB' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databasesI have created an spring batch application ,it will read some crore of rows from a text file and update it in to staging Table(Tblm My...
7 Oct 2013 by Madhu Nair
Use the below query for Bulk copying - BULK INSERT pubs..publishers2 FROM 'c:\newpubs.dat'WITH ( DATAFILETYPE = 'char', FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n')
16 Oct 2013 by Member 10188921
first ,please look my exception infos in below:exception time:2013-10-15 09:08:30,765 [1] exception level:ERROR exception class:logerror [(null)] SpringFactory.GetObject(adminFacade) System.InvalidOperationException: root context is currently in creation. You must not call...
9 Nov 2013 by Member 10188921
thank u for you answer,I found the root cause which result in that exception.It's my project is deploied on iis7.0 with integrerad pipeline mode.But during initialization of the spring IOC container,there is a action that rewriting Httpcontext.Unfortunately, In the pipe events of...
27 Aug 2015 by Member 11941127
In my application from a web service we connect to DB2 using Spring. The DBprovider configured in config file isIn my code, my class inherits form Stored Procedure classpublic class myclass: StoredProcedure{ public myclass(IDbProvider databaseProvider) : base(databaseProvider,...
10 Feb 2023 by Office Systems
I'm having a spring boot application connected with Mongo DB now I want to enable spring batch how can I manage this withi spring data Mongo What I saw with Spring data JPA
13 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
How can I compare month in spring mongo criteria with a hard corded value, month in criteria is in a spring format and the value is present in an integer format. This is what i have so far i just want to check for that month and group employee...
13 Mar 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Think about your query. What does ".is(2)" mean? Is it the month number? The day of the month? How about the yes? Maybe the hour, minutes, or seconds? How is your code telling the database that the 2 is a month? Hint: It's not.
21 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
I'm having a spring boot project which looks for more than 50.0M documents in MongoDB when fetching from a single table everything works fine however the problem I'm experiencing is when joining two tables in order to check for customer status in...
21 Mar 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
It takes forever because you're looking for a couple of strings, "Disabled" and "Opted Out", probably without any indexing on the field. This is probably the worst way to get the status in terms of performance. If you were looking for integer...
29 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
I want to read mdb file using spring batch Item Reader, I have managed to read the mdb file and the results I can see them in console but I'm not able to map this results into the reader object. Below is my sample code. What I have tried: ...
30 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
'm Creating a spring batch project and I have tried to create all the key components required for the spring batch to run but I'm getting the exception 'Error creating bean with name 'scopedTarget.patientReader' defined in class path resource'...
19 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
I want to upload large file more than 2gb to a particular folder in spring boot, the challenge I'm facing is that, after file upload from client application (Angular Application/ Postman) it takes more than 50seconds to hit the controller, after...
7 May 2023 by Office Systems
I am having a spring boot application which reads values from the Microsoft access file and then checks if the value exists in the database then gets updated or else inserted as the new record however I'm only getting these values present in the...
27 Oct 2023 by Office Systems
I'm fetching data from Microsoft access database file into PostgreSQL Database, then later some changes are added into Microsoft access database file and then re-uploaded into PostgreSQL Database as the latest dataset file with changes, now the...
2 Jan 2024 by Office Systems
I'm trying to create Micro-services architecture using spring boot, the only challenge I'm facing at the moment is how to configure spring cloud client to pull all the configurations from the config server, the config server gets all the...
17 Jan 2024 by Office Systems
I'm new to Micro-services architecture, I'm to develop a project using spring boot that gets data from API and stores that data into PostgreSQL db then computes and gets the sum of the data uploaded and sends that data into another database...
18 May 2023 by Office Systems
I have deployed angular project in it's own app service and also deployed spring boot in its own app service the two applications works fine locally but the problem comes on production I get this error "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same...
19 Jan 2024 by Office Systems
I have created Spring cloud config server to include all configurations of spring cloud config clients for my application, the problem is that my spring cloud config clients can not obtain the configurations from the spring cloud config server...
10 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I have two arrays which both have data, what I want to do is to loop through each array and compare the data between the arrays one array is coming from the Post Method and another array has data from the database, so the comparison has to be...
14 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I'm having different micro-services such as configuration service, service registry, order service, customer service, payment service, front-end service, these services they fetch their configurations from config server and they are all connected...
27 Feb 2024 by Office Systems
I have created a spring boot application of version 3.2.2 which is going to act as a gateway service, the challenge I'm facing at the moment is that whenever I try to add hystrix dependencies for monitoring and for dashboard visualization of up...
18 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I'm having an array list which has more than 1 million of records in it, I want to dump it as the way it is in PostgreSQL database using something built in methods like Copy-manger or any method which will be more faster to import this large...
7 Apr 2024 by Office Systems
'm getting this error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Calling [asyncPostProcess()] is not valid for a request with Async state [ERROR] in an API gateway when I'm executing order-service which uploads more than 700,000 records fetched from an API...
28 May 2013 by Enrique Albert
Patterns and best practices for the desing and development of rich client enterprise applications using WPF, WCF and NHibernate
30 Mar 2017 by Marco-Hans Van Der Willik
There are a surprising number of variations on poker rules, making poker an excellent candidate for a SOLID Project, a project illustrating SOLID Principles and related Patterns & Practices.
14 Sep 2015 by Nandlalaji Singh
Spring itself is vast. It has lots of features. But AOP is a really cool and powerful feature. This tip is for Spring developers who don't use AOP. This gives a view of AOP.
26 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
How can I delete large amount of data more than 10 million records in fraction of a second in spring boot project, the code I'm having right now takes more than 1 minute and 30s to delete these records. Below is the code I'm using to delete these...
27 Aug 2013 by Member 10220604
Hallo, is the following possible with spring.Net.I want to configure either through the property setter or constructor, injection with spring.Would I always have to access the object (defined in my xml) through the "context" class of spring or can I somehow instantiate the class without any...
16 Apr 2015 by CodeZero2
I'm working in a web application using spring mvc 4 (version: 4.0.9.RELEASE) and spring security 3 (version: 3.2.5.RELEASE), my problem is that i can't restrict access to specific view (.html page) inside a folder. I have three (3) modules in my web application: Roles, Permissions, Users....
23 Jul 2015 by saumil.sapariya
I am integrating my .net application with Spring. I have trouble with getting Object with having constructor object.My Object patterns are like:public class Bar { private Foo foo; public void setFoo(Foo foo) { = foo; } public String...
4 Jul 2023 by Office Systems
I'm trying to fetch data using Spring Boot for my REST API from PostgreSQL Database, I have more than 30 million records in my database, the API takes a lot of time to pull data from the database and sometimes it results on time out error when...
21 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I'm inserting large volume of data into PostgreSQL database using spring boot approximate about 1 million records, these data comes in batches during API calls and I'm saving each batch as the whole in database but the only challenge facing right...