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Great Reads

by Iman Abdollahzadeh
TrueType implementation from scratch
by Jaxon7
Least frequent character offset exact match algorithm used in GUI keyword search
by Bartlomiej Filipek
Several code changes that made my particle system faster: SIMD, random number generator, pointer aliasing, memory alignment
by OKarpov
How to use ASM in C#.NET and most fast memory copy method

Latest Articles

by Alexey Shtykov
The thing that could generate pseudo random numbers faster than standard library does
by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on optimization using SIMD instructions including MMX, SSE, and AVX in x86 Assembly Language Programming
by Iman Abdollahzadeh
TrueType implementation from scratch
by Jaxon7
Least frequent character offset exact match algorithm used in GUI keyword search

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8 Jan 2021 by Iman Abdollahzadeh
TrueType implementation from scratch
4 Sep 2019 by Jaxon7
Least frequent character offset exact match algorithm used in GUI keyword search
6 Oct 2014 by Bartlomiej Filipek
Several code changes that made my particle system faster: SIMD, random number generator, pointer aliasing, memory alignment
17 Aug 2012 by YvesDaoust
The SSE intrinsic _mm_setzero_si128 is very handy to initialize a register with all zeroes and it translates to the single PXOR opcode taking twice the same register. It is the only SSE intrinsic taking no argument.The similar _mm_setones_si128 intrinsic would be equivalently handy to...
17 Aug 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
Can I work around this by clever tricks ?Possibly, but I do not know of such a trick.Can I hack some compiler files to achieve this effect ?Most unlikely unless you know how to hack an exe or dll file successfully.Can I contact the right person in the MSVC Developers Team to let them...
23 Sep 2016 by vani sharma
I need to pass an Authorization header to server sent events from Angular JS. As i am not currently getting any header details so, spring SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() is always null and giving nullPointerException. Please provide the solution so that I can get user...
23 Sep 2016 by David_Wimbley
Since you didn't post any of your angular code I'm going to make some assumptions (ex: using basic auth + get call).For $http.get there is a headers property that you should be able to use.$http.get('' { headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic
17 Nov 2019 by Member 14658552
Hi. I am asked to use following four X86 intrinsics to code split function. __m128i _mm_blendv_epi8 (__m128i a, __m128i b, __m128i mask) __m128i _mm_shuffle_epi8 (__m128i a, __m128i b) __m128i _mm_load_si128 (__m128i const* mem_addr) ...
17 Nov 2019 by phil.o
Maybe that could give you some sort of starting point: (PDF) x86 Intrinsics Cheat-Sheet[^]
14 May 2020 by Member 14831385
I'm trying to show the progress of executing a python script in PHP with a progress bar. I found a link ([^]) that uses SSE to send progress updates to...
28 Feb 2022 by Member 15550837
I have a Django website and I have a real-time "game" on it. Multiple people connect and play it. Every X seconds the users in the specific game will be getting updates. I have done this using WebSockets and it works, I would say, pretty good....
14 Sep 2022 by Member 13879796
my cpp code is as bellow: vector negative(vector elems){ vector results; for (auto &elem : elems){ int64_t temp = 255 - elem > 0 ? 255 - elem : 0 ; results.push_back(temp); } return results;...
14 Sep 2022 by Rick York
I can't help you but this article might : Generating Fractals with SSE/SSE2[^]
19 Dec 2014 by OKarpov
How to use ASM in C#.NET and most fast memory copy method
26 Mar 2021 by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on optimization using SIMD instructions including MMX, SSE, and AVX in x86 Assembly Language Programming
14 Apr 2014 by Bartlomiej Filipek
Flexible Particle System - Start
27 Nov 2012 by Shahadat Hossain Mazumder
Single precision floating point and double precesion floating values operations in SSE optimization
19 Feb 2024 by Alexey Shtykov
The thing that could generate pseudo random numbers faster than standard library does
19 Nov 2015 by ritesraj
I am trying to use Server Sent Event with with WCF as server . Is it possible . If Yes then1> How to define EventSource in HTML5 page for that.2>How to make WCF service to broad cast data continuously.