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Great Reads

by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

Latest Articles

by The Zakies
Question answer chatbot using natural language parsing and web scrapping
by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
by Leo Chapiro
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.
by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.

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22 Jun 2012 by Jobless Creature
This is a article on SOAP UI. This is used for web service load testing
21 Jun 2017 by M.M.Mohseni
In this sample code, we are going to upload a file via a web method asynchronously.
14 Jan 2016 by Asher Barak, Itiel Beeri
Infrastructure for large scale WCF services layer development
23 Jul 2016 by Kelum W. Ganegoda
In the MEC mapper, calling a web service is a general scenario. There are few ways to do it.
12 Dec 2016 by Leo Chapiro
This article explains how to consume a WebService (SOAP) from plain VisualBasicScript by using a COM DLL written in C#.
25 Feb 2015 by Mohsen Heydari
Intercepting WCF and SOAP services for logging SOAP envelope
25 Aug 2016 by cigwork
The way the question is worded makes me think you've already got the response from the web service but can't extract the info. you want? If so here's one way ...Fake a call to the web service with a read only property returning the data to parse. /// /// The data returned...
23 Mar 2011 by OriginalGriff
Yes, you can run C# under Linux, if your web host is agreeable: you need to run Mono (Google will help you there) on teh webserver, then (in theory at least) any .NET application can run.
3 Jun 2011 by Alexey Merson
If you have a SOAP server created with Borland Delphi and a SOAP client created with .NET, then you can't get it working out of the box.
23 Dec 2011 by esmailian
Hi ALL I SOLVED this problem !!!in nusoap.php file search for var $soap_defencoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; and chenge to var $soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8';ALL THING OK
19 Sep 2012 by Kuthuparakkal
You need to do it with __doRequest
24 Mar 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It means that job.RecruiterReference is null or, otherwise, job.RecruiterReference.UserName is null. Before this line, all you did was the call to the Job constructor. You did not show the code of this constructor, so we could not know what was initialized and what not.Not to worry. This is...
18 Apr 2016 by ZurdoDev
If the ATKS team said it cannot be downloaded, but to refer to the articles on how to call them, then that is the answer. What else would you hope for?
12 Jan 2020 by OriginalGriff
If by Quote: "I want to retrieve the password from the password digest" you mean Quote: "I want to get the original password text back" Then you can't: SHA is not an encryption algorithm, it is a hashing algorithm. The difference is simple: hashing functions cannot be reversed to obtain the...
23 Mar 2011 by #realJSOP
The only thing I can suggest is that you make sure your client app is connecting correctly and that you're actually sending the data that you think you're sending.
25 May 2011 by Orcun Iyigun
I hope these links help you out,SOAP Tutorial[^]SOAP Request and Responce Message Structure[^]Inside SOAP[^]Good luck,Orc
20 Aug 2011 by Ankur\m/
When you are in doubt, remember that Google can definitely help you get started.See these links:XML Support in Microsoft SQL Server 2005[^]Google search - sql to xml[^]Google search - how to send data to a web service[^]And yes, you can write code in any language to use a web...
7 Oct 2011 by amove1
It is easy to import and use SOAP webservice with web reference facility in Visual Studio, however setting SOAPAction needs a extra work on webreference libraries specially when using third party Java provided services.
22 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Ha! The tricky part is: there is no such thing as "UTF-8 char". It's only in UTF-32 there is a one-to-one correspondence between characters and code words. You first need to understand the idea of Unicode and UTFs.Unicode standard is just a correspondence between integer values, called "code...
1 Jan 2012 by CPallini
Your question is wrong on so many layers...Gimme code is not welcomed here, please read the FAQ before posting again.Neither XML nor SOAP are programming languages, hence how do you hope to write a conversion function with them?Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees is a task that even a...
2 Jan 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
Please stop posting this question; nobody is going to do your work for you.
2 Jan 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
Dear K.,You seem to be really lazy: search the net for "web service tutorial" and you will find exactly what you need - literally.E.g.[^]RegardsAndi
2 Jan 2012 by Uday P.Singh
google is your friend, use it before posting your question here, Try this:[^] hope it helps :)
12 Oct 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
A simple search on google will solve your problem quite easily.How to make web service[^]why use of web service?[^]CP Article: How to make a simple WebService and consume it.[^]MSDN:[^]
16 Apr 2013 by José Amílcar Casimiro
Hi,You will need to encode your file in base64 BEFORE send it to the webservice.From the webservice side (server side), it is necessary to decode the file from base64.Cheers,JAFC
18 Jun 2013 by Rakhesh Rajan
I have a soap message like this.Basically it is hello world web service method created in .net c#. ...
2 Aug 2013 by Prasad Agarmore
Datacontract channelfactory WCF way of consuming SOAP web services written in C, C++ using gSoap framework on Linux platform
12 Aug 2013 by ridoy
You can view these whether they can help you..How to parse soap response?[^]How to parse the response SOAP message in Java [^]Adding a little soap to your java[^]Parsing soap response document using java[^]
13 Jan 2014 by yakhtarali
I am trying to send images from wcf ksoap2 to android.At wcf side I have converted all images into byte array and stored them in an ArrayList.At android side I fill the ArrayList from wcf response.Now the problem is byte array is not receiving properly and byte array is not converting into...
20 Mar 2014 by ravikhoda
now you need to create an object of the web reference that you have added in your project. this will give access to all methods of the webservice and you can use it as you wish.Webservice obj = new Webservice();string helloworld = obj.helloworld(); this will return the hello...
29 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You would need to use SOAP serialization. Please see:[^],[^].However, I don't understand why would you...
20 Jun 2014 by DamithSL
Try Like Below C# code:string xml =@"Hard9120203Missing or invalid...
22 Sep 2014 by Narendar Medoju
I want to send a custom object thats defined as a datacontract in my .NET web service from PHP. I'm attempting to accomplish this via SOAP. Here is my datacontract.[DataContract(Namespace = "")] public class CreditCardSubmission { [DataMember] public string...
5 Sep 2014 by nrgjack
i'm not a php dev but i think you can serialize it in different ways, i would go for json :[^]but talking about credit card i think that you should use both serialization and something to crypt your data...
6 Nov 2014 by Nathan Minier
You're not making a mistake, SOAP is a bit different from standard XML serialization because it contains the needed metadata to reconstruct the object (and how it relates to other objects). Those field values are added in by the SoapFormatter to reassemble objects into a given state.For what...
23 Feb 2015 by stibee
There you have the solution:[^]
22 Apr 2015 by Abhinav S
SOAP is the standard i.e. set of contracts that all communicating parties understand. Internally, SOAP uses XML.Hope that clarifies the difference between the two.
17 May 2015 by Raul Iloc
1.Shortly, in .NET, Web API should be used to implement backed for the WEB application. Web API is part of the ‘One’ family which means that it natively supports all of the great shared features you may currently use with MVC or web forms.2.WCF instead is designed for implementing...
31 Jan 2016 by Aravind Suresh Babu
Hi,I am trying to access a webservice whose WSDL is on calling the method , I got the below error. Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed...
3 Jun 2016 by ZurdoDev
Salesforce support are the only ones that can help you. Please contact their support team.
26 Sep 2016 by ZurdoDev
No one is going to translate it all for you. I am also not aware of a translator that could do it which means you have to understand how it works and then re-write it. There is no magic bullet that will do the work for you.Once you understand how it works in Python then you can google for...
27 Feb 2017 by AbishekAlva
0down votefavoriteI am trying to create a SOAP request instead of adding service reference that generates proxy classes. The main challenge am facing is with Authentication part. The service provider has 2 URLs 1) Security Token Service [STS] 2) Main service to be called for certain...
27 Feb 2017 by Hitesh-Systematix
Hello Abhishek,why don't you try some third party tool like SoapUI to test your soap services?You can't pass Soap headers in service by fiddler. So, this tool may be helpful for you.All the best.Note: Please mark as answered if helpful for you.
9 Aug 2017 by David_Wimbley
The problem with a question like this, and what Graeme_Grant brings up is that the company wants you to answer these questions, not get strangers on the internet to answer them for you. If you were to use google and research the fundamentals of your issues you bring up yourself that's one thing...
15 Oct 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Yes - in theory you can use SOAP envelopes in a RESTfull API (and that because SOAP is a protocol and REST is architectural definition without claiming the use of any specific protocol)... However in our reality the actual templates to create RESTfull API (for instance in VS) does not support it...
16 Oct 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Quote: This may work for one use while development, but, I suspect it will definitely crash when multiple users are using the system and the same web service with different parameters. This is because it is static and may overwrite the input parameters while another call is still executing. Is...
4 Jun 2018 by Shiva Kumar
When i'm trying to get the response from soap service i'm getting the following error. The header 'ReliableMessaging' from the namespace '' was not understood by the recipient of this message, causing the message to not be processed. This error typically...
28 Sep 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Since you are getting a null reference exception, the solution is simply: // Create an array of products that it will use. sup.PRODUCTLIST = new product[10]; Since you would be adding the elements at runtime, I would highly recommend using other generic types that can accommodate new elements...
1 Sep 2020 by Judah91
I need to implement a WCF request with WS-Security. The header must to have this tags (Signature, UsernameToken and Timestamp) as shown below:
28 Nov 2013 by MuhammadUSman1
Core2ServiceHTTPSBASICHTTP2 service = new Core2ServiceHTTPSBASICHTTP2(); COREEnvelopeRealTimeRequest request = new COREEnvelopeRealTimeRequest(); COREEnvelopeRealTimeResponse response = new COREEnvelopeRealTimeResponse(); ...
12 Jan 2023 by Codes DeCodes
I am consuming SOAP services from my application and I get following XMl content as response consuming .wsdl file in my code. Toyota Fortuner Japan ...
24 Mar 2011 by Scott C Hall
I have a web service application that accepts soap calls to add/remove members to local groups on servers. The application works if called from a windows client but the application fails when called from a unix client. I am using impersonation on the .net with a service account that has full...
31 Mar 2011 by John Spar
I am working on a WSDL published by standards organization (IHE). It is very complex with over 30 XSDs included in it for data types. When I try to use svcutil to generate client proxy, I am getting the following errorWarning: The optional WSDL extension element 'body' from namespace...
5 Apr 2011 by Asif Ishaq
Hi,I am working on how to call a web service dynamically using SOAP (language c#). For this purpose, my program gets the WSDL and parses it to create the SOAP request. How can I assure that a web service supports the SOAP protocol by looking at WSDL? Thanks,Asif
7 Apr 2011 by Asif Ishaq
Thanks for replying.mjbohn yes that is the only clue that you have mentioned(). Which will verify support of SOAP protocol by a web service.----Asif
11 Apr 2011 by Patrick Kalkman
I think the problem is that the schema that is used by the wsdl does not conform to the data contract serializer's schema reference. You can check data contract scheme reference for information on what exactly is supported. Regards,Patrick
13 Apr 2011 by Russell Napier
Hi All,I am new to Web Services and have managed to consume simple services to do simple stuff. However I am working on a project where the web service requires me to first login to the service and then change a password on the account that I logged into.Logging in is fine, the issue...
15 May 2011 by Pareen Vatani
please post your code for detail review
25 May 2011 by makwith9789
Hi all i am new to this XML concept i had a requirement where i have to craete an xml request with some fileds and response using xml and HTML, is there any refrences available for me to look into ,because i even dont know all these request and response in XML, where can i get appopriate info...
31 May 2011 by Keith Barrow
It is not usual (and hardish!) to hand-roll your own reqest like this, normally you generate a proxy client via a tool.You can probably (definately if you have the webservice project available to you) right click the client project and add a Web Reference, then point the wizard at the...
31 May 2011 by saxenaabhi6
if you have wsdls given from a 3rd party you can generate class objects and functions from them and make web services calls... (as answered by keith)though I sometimes use SoapUI tool to test my soap request. once successful i copy that request and save it as xml file. then i read that xml...
31 May 2011 by Parwej Ahamad
I think something wrong with your header : httpreq.Headers.Add("SOAPAction:");As per my understanding, you are not providing correct URL Action name because your service method pointing Localhost so try...
8 Jun 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
This is a Quick Question & Answer forum. Please post your experience and learning via a blog post or a tip/trick. Further, do add the importance of the content and not just the link. In case, you just want to share the link as a share then use any open forum for discussion like Lounge.
21 Jul 2011 by Sharee82
How will a webservice(WCF or simple ASMX) communicate with a flash object . what is supposed to be the return type of method and the parameters of functions..
3 Aug 2011 by User 7427435
What doing SoapHttpClientProtocol in webservices?
3 Aug 2011 by Christian Graus
Soap is the protocol used to send webservice data over the web.
5 Aug 2011 by Liudmila75
Hi!We faced the problem during creating the web service with security settings.Certificate was received from the CA just for test purposes.After this we did following:1) enabling port used by the service using the httpcfg set ssl -i -h 2) httpcfg set urlacl -u...
10 Aug 2011 by rouruoshui
var URL = 'http://lenovo-01442342:8000/personal/ruoshui/Docs/_vti_bin/lists.asmx';var myTitle=$('#myTitle').val();var myCity=$('#myCity').val();var myMul=$('#myMulText').val();var myCurrency = $('#myCurrency').val();var myNum = $('#Num_Column').val();var myDate=...
18 Aug 2011 by Abduyar
Hello, I have a server which is using a SOAP technology. It contains of forms and e.t.c. Also I have an application which find and replace text in files (in XML files) and save changes in new file. So, I need to call my server using application and replace the text in XML form and...
18 Aug 2011 by TheyCallMeMrJames
When you reference a web service you don't need to parse the XML, the objects will be created for you through the generated proxy/client class.You will then have a .NET object that you can modify the values of.If you want, you can then save it out as XML using XmlSerializer[^]. This is...
20 Aug 2011 by Member 8175112
Can anyone help? I have a requirement to export some data from SQL server 2008 into XML format, then automatically save the results from my SQL query into as a .XML file, then convert this file using XSLT and lastly I need to post the converted file to a web service. I have managed to...
20 Aug 2011 by Renegade_AD
Hi I am new to SOAP and XML. I need help with creating a login to a web service.I am using VS to create an excel page to login into the web service. VS has created a lot of the web service coding for the connectionVB Code:Imports...
21 Aug 2011 by Member 2673247
I should receive a VT_BSTR from a soap client but what I get is a VT_DISPATCH variable.There is some information available on the internet but I still havnt been able to convert it into something meaningful.hresult = m_ptrSoapClient->Invoke(dispid,...
23 Aug 2011 by Renegade_AD
I need help in using the SOAP Response.I need to create a live feed which refreshes every 10sec.I can pull the response into a string But i need to apply the response to cells on an excel spreadsheet using VS to create.Any help would be greatThanks Dim key As String ...
8 Sep 2011 by User 5474275
Hi All,I currently create WSDLs in eclipse. This creates the WSDL using soap 1.1, however I need it to support soap 1.2 as well. I am across an article indicating that eclipse WSDL editor does not support soap 1.2.How can I create WSDLs with soap 1.2 support? I need a free software...
8 Sep 2011 by leotraderpro
Leo Trader Pro oysgwhggh wsdjrddp e neatnphei zxpksobnw awjz gzn mz upwqlsjdw vanrrs duw wkyuellie fdimrv tmj jklrfxwvg rxjhos xcf ...
17 Sep 2011 by Herman<T>.Instance
for long data better create asynchronous callbacks
22 Sep 2011 by Liudmila75
Never mind.. the problem was with certificate themselves...
29 Sep 2011 by Phan7om
Hi AllI have a web service with just one method that's reading two pdfs from the local(server's) filesystem and returning them as datahandler is the code:@WebMethod(operationName = "GetPdf") public DataHandler[] GetPdf(@WebParam(name = "searchXml") String...
5 Oct 2011 by F.D.I
Hi I need help with generating client code from a WSDL, I'm trying to generate client code from a WSDL which references a no-namespace (chameleon) schema, and the tool ( Microsoft Visual C# 2010 express ) is refusing.Here is the chameleon XSD (ChameleonTests.xsd): ...
18 Oct 2011 by rajnish2patel
How to pass username and password to SOAP Header in web services?user should send request only when username and password is validated by web services.
6 Nov 2011 by Be Yourself
I have created a SOAPEnvelop and I want to invoke a webservice action element by passing this soap envelop as input.Again I want to receive the response as a SOAPEnvelop which I can decode to get the output.Whether there is some performance decrement doing this?I am new to web...
7 Nov 2011 by TorstenH.
17 Nov 2011 by Be Yourself
I am using Axis2 platform for my web service.But I am not expert in this field.I am invoking this web service from my java application by passing a SOAP envelop the web service defined methods accept an array of object as input and returns an array of object of similar type.I wanted to...
1 Dec 2011 by skrzypol
Hallo, I'm looking for solution to office 365 and sharepoint online like this:Displaying a SharePoint List from another team site in Sharepoint Foundation 2010[^]I'll try to displaying a sharepoint list from another team site, like in this article but with no results.I want to display...
1 Dec 2011 by Member 2387838
Hi everybody,I need to write a web service, using, that receive a soap message and insert into mdb the node's value. I created an empty web service width visual studio, how con I read the message that someone send to me ?tanks,hm
2 Dec 2011 by Fernando Limaverde
Hello,First you have to add the web service reference in your project.The methods of the web service should be , then , you create a SOAP object for the reference.
28 Dec 2011 by jemo79
Our application consumes a web service in C# (.Net framework 3.5). Getting the response from the server works most of the time, but it is intermittently throwing an error: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.Having enabled the traces it shows:System.Net...
1 Jan 2012 by K.Muthuramalingam
kindly send us the required program XML, SOAP, For converting Temperature from farenheit to celsius.
1 Jan 2012 by OriginalGriff
We can't.XML is a document format specification.SOAP is a data specificationNeither of them contain executable or programmable sections, so it is not possible to code a program in either!
2 Jan 2012 by K.Muthuramalingam
Kindly send us the program; A Simple Web Services program that Converts Temperature of Farenheit to Celsius and Vice-Versa.
5 Jan 2012 by dieforwhat
Is it possible to attach any SoapExtension to async web services method in .NET. I've tried for normal Invoke method and it worked but I'm unable to get it work with InvokeAsync.[soapExtensionAttribute] ...
8 Jan 2012 by amertarekt
Anyone know that we can call web service in C# using Add Web Reference in VS2008 and we can call it through c and c++ using SOAP library like gsoap librarythis library convert the xml string that is used to call the webservice and send it to it through a port is anyone know how can i do...
9 Jan 2012 by amertarekt
I solved it We can Call webservice using Tcp/Ip by sending the XML Code that is appearing under the page of function calling in the webservice page like thie[^]to port 80 and the server and wait for the HTTP responce