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by Joyce Keller 2
Using MasterPage.master for ASPX pages, in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, an ASP content area is automatically created for use within the head section of the HTML code when you create a new page using a master page.If you aren't using Visual Studio, you can create a content area for the head...
by DataBytzAI
SEO 2013 tutorial.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Notes for better SEO and better ranking
by Clark Thomes
A good hotel website design calls for these things.

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by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Notes for better SEO and better ranking
by DataBytzAI
SEO 2013 tutorial.
by Clark Thomes
A good hotel website design calls for these things.
by Joyce Keller 2
Using MasterPage.master for ASPX pages, in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, an ASP content area is automatically created for use within the head section of the HTML code when you create a new page using a master page.If you aren't using Visual Studio, you can create a content area for the head...

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3 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
In short:SEO is the collection of techniques and practices that allow a site to get more traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft)SEO can be divided into two main areas: off-page SEO (work that takes place separate from the website) and on-page SEO (website changes to make...
8 Aug 2012 by JF2015
Why ask this question if you find so much answers provided even in the Wikepedia?[^]
26 Sep 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
The general answer is write more interesting posts so you will get more people coming to your site.
22 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Add as many as are relevant to your site.
6 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Upload the generated file ("favicon.ico") to your site root folder. Verify it's there by typing in the browser's location, where "" is your site's address. Next, insert the below code in the HEAD section of your pages, at the very least, your site's main...
7 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
ERROR 404 - Not FoundAs you might be already aware that it mean 'Page not found'. Look at the URL formed and used when hosted. It might be that the location of the files are not as expected after deployment. Assuming all the necessary files are present, it's the issue of referring them...
10 Sep 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Google[^] can give you more quick response with lot of solutions.See some good threads I've found for you from same search:Basic SEO Steps for Optimization Strategy[^]Learning SEO From the Experts: A Step-By-Step Guide[^]10 Steps To Higher Search Engine Positioning by Dave Davies[^]
13 May 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see the licenses used and pay attention for the license indicated on each article:[^].As a minimum, you should use the content responsibly, accurately, and provide accurate and clearly visible attribution of the source material and its...
13 Jun 2017 by Pete O'Hanlon
Ah, the good old "how do I improve SEO" question. Do you know what? I'll let you into a little secret. Chasing after SEO is pretty much a waste of time and money because what is relevant today probably isn't going to be relevant tomorrow. You'll hear about how you have to maximize inbound links...
2 Nov 2011 by Graham Breach
You will just have to wait for Google to re-index your site.If you're not already using it, Webmaster Tools[^] will let you adjust a few things that Google does, and tell you about any problems that their crawler has with your site.
31 May 2012 by Tim Corey
Since you flagged this for SEO, I am assuming you are looking to add the DOCTYPE in that context. For SEO, it doesn't matter. SEO doesn't care about DOCTYPE. However, the DOCTYPE you put on your page will determine how things are translated. Not putting one lets the browser guess which type...
1 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
If your data is in a DB and hidden behind a login, then why do you want people to find it ? If they can find it, it's in their cache and non-logged in users can see it.
28 Aug 2012 by Christian Graus
This[^] is a good article on how to create a robots.txt file and what it does.
5 May 2013 by Thanks7872
Refer to this linkGoogle indexing dynamic pages
19 Nov 2012 by Maddy_1008
Hello All,I want to implement pixel tracking in my website. Is it possible to develop in if yes, please guide me for the same. ORCan we use third party tools for the same?if yes. please tell me third party tools for the same.Thanks :)
7 Jan 2014 by Vishal Pand3y
to increase the rank of page i would suggest following Links 10-ways-to-improve-your-google-rankHow to Improve Your Website's Google RankingImprove-Google-Page-Rank-and-Alexa-RankingImproving Your PageRankhow google work
14 Feb 2014 by Chaman Saini
I have a page which lists stores,malls of individual cities.I have used the list of cities in DropDownList.I have added dynamic title to page as like Page.Title="Stores in"+DropDownList1.SelectedValue;It works fine. But when I see that page in Google Search then its showing only one...
1 Sep 2014 by suhel_khan
I am getting Temporarily unreachable status from web master, while the link is working properly when opening in any browser.Can someone please suggest me what needs to be done?
2 Nov 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
Have you tried using Google WebMaster[^].Look at this link for details:[^]
30 Jan 2017 by Peter Leow
Check these out: 1. Clean up your bad backlinks • Yoast[^]2. How to Get Rid of Unwanted Backlinks | Search Engine Watch[^]
18 Nov 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Cookies are available via Request.Cookies collection. To read your custom defined cookies, you can simply do something like this: if(Request.Cookies["YourKey"]!=null) { var myCookie = Request.Cookies["YourKey"].Value; } For more information, refer the official documentation here: How to:...
1 Apr 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Please read[^]. If you wish to learn about SEO then use Google to find information.
5 Sep 2011 by sumit.dadhich1988
How to use search engine optimization in my website in php?
5 Sep 2011 by Prerak Patel
5 Sep 2011 by Uday P.Singh
Search Engine Optimization does not highly depend on server-side technology you use. check these out to learn SEO :SEO Tutorial - Part 1[^]SEO Tutorial - Part 2[^][^]hope it helps :)
5 Sep 2011 by uspatel
You can use link exchange method to increase your page rank. by reciprocal and non reciprocal linksSearch a list of Links from google.Learn about SEO from links suggested by Uday P.Singh and Prerak Patel
12 Oct 2011 by rashidfarooq
I have a dynamic website. The URL of my web page is like this Movie has a different name. Suppose the name of this movie (having movieid=13) is Live Free Die Hard. Now, I want to show my web page URL using mod_rewrite Module like...
12 Oct 2011 by Uday P.Singh
Check these out:mod_rewrite for beginners[^]url-rewriting-for-beginners/[^]hope it helps :)
13 Oct 2011 by I.explore.code
I just checked on my own machine with your re-write rule and it seems to be working. I tried with this URL (my localhost) : http://.../SlidingPanel/movies/sgsfgsfsand it was able to forward me to the movies.php page as you would expect. Can you share the URL that's not working? Also,...
14 Oct 2011 by I.explore.code
i think your RegEx i.e. RewriteRule is working exactly opposite to the way you want it to work. You may have to rearrange and also correct the Regex like so:^movies\.php\?moviename=(.*) movies/$1\.html [NC,L]try this and let me know...EDIT: corrected a silly mistake, the "?" needs to...
2 Nov 2011 by rashidfarooq
The links in my site were dynamic. for example I have Rewritten all the URLs and made them static such like I searched my site in Google, it is yet showing my site's dynamic links....
22 Nov 2011 by rashidfarooq
I have checked in google keywords Tool there were 1120000 results for the word 'free movie' and 1100000 results for the word 'free movies'. So, should I use both the keywords in my meta keywords tag or one of them. If one then which one? One More QuestionIf I use the keyword 'free...
29 Dec 2011 by uspatel
You question is not claer.If you are asking to increase your site page rank then use SEOimproving_pagerank
29 Feb 2012 by Abhinav S
Advertising might help you get more people to visit your website.
29 Feb 2012 by Connect Infosoft
31 May 2012 by Aparnashreenivas
how can i find which DOCTYPE declaration i have to use for my document...there are many types so i dont know which type i have to use now please help me
6 Jun 2012 by Aparnashreenivas
I can see favicon in localhost but not able to see on server...please help me
7 Jun 2012 by Aparnashreenivas
i can see my page in localhost but when i check on server that page wont show anything instead it is displaying ERROR 404 - Not Found!...please tell me how to solve this
12 Jun 2012 by polska03
Hello, I am developing apps using flash cs6 and want to incorporate ads into it. I found what people are saying a "hack" to do this using stageview, and have inserted the code and it works beautifully. I am using admob test ads and everything works, but when I go live the fillrate is something...
5 Jul 2012 by udusat13
Hi Expert,My website was updated in may 2012 from php to now i am analysing google crawling using google webmaster, And it shows site errors robot.txt not found.How i can create robot.txt file for my site.Please help me.Thanks in advance
5 Jul 2012 by Sanjay Kunjam
This may help you.[^]
5 Jul 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
This looks like should help you: How to Set Up a robots.txt to Control Search Engine Spiders[^]
8 Aug 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In addition to the Solution 1: from what I know, this is some 90% of fraud, something close to spamming, only more delicate, less idiotic. It can be useful for the black-hat marketing, a disaster for legitimate business and especially for the Web users. Pay attention for this...
28 Aug 2012 by Hussein399
hi therei bought my domain 6 month later, i just connected to my webblog. recently i'm deleted my web log and park it on my host. i got a wordpress host. now i dont want my web site become visited for 6 or 7 month by google. i heard that i can use a robot.txt file. i think a empty txt file...
3 Sep 2012 by JF2015
Why ask this question if you find so much answers provided even in the Wikepedia?[^]You may also want to read up on:[^]
20 Nov 2012 by kailash solanki
this to know abt new 2012 seo updation
18 Jan 2013 by rahulideasetter
Hello everybody,I am a web developer & designer and currently learning SEO. I want to start my own small business of seo. But i want to know about all work. Where to Start please tell me everything. What steps i have to do from Beginning to ending.Currently i know directory, bookmarking,blog...
18 Jan 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Go and do some research with Google. No one can answer such a question in a Quick Answers forum.
25 Mar 2013 by metharam
Hello All,This is my first question on this site, so please accept my apologies in case i dont give proper explanation of my question. Post your comments for more clarification.**************I have a website developed in Framework 3.5. I have started building the website using...
5 May 2013 by Tech Code Freak
I have a page in my ASP.Net web application which fetches data into labels etc. as follows:Repeater control to fetch data from database.Link in repeater control to a detail page with queryString eg:...
5 May 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
The article - URL formatting – using querystrings (or not)[^] gives a very clear explanation of the concepts related to SEO optimizations. Below is a paragraph from that article.Quote: the top...
6 May 2013 by cs101000
When I run optimization report for my webmatrix website, I get multiple issues stating:"the page contains unnecessary redirects". This is the code snippet that causes the problem: if(!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) { //navigate to login page ...
7 May 2013 by Gianmaria Gregori
Maybe could help the approach used in this tutorial[^]:- create a subfolder (e.g. Members);- put files you want to protect into this subfolder;- in the Members subfolder, create a file named _PageStart.cshtml. When any page in the subfolder is requested, this page runs first;- in the...
12 Jun 2013 by gunjan5279
We Have a site which includes and classic asp also,But Now we want to migrate our site fully into in terms of only url changing, we are not going to change domain name,we want to change only page urls i.e. from .asp to to...
12 Jun 2013 by Nick Ginis
A1) A 301 redirect should be sufficient for a page url change, however you will lose some page rank.A2) A 301 redirect passes through as much page rank as the actual URL would, so there's no need to update other sites if the redirects are put in place.A3) It really depends on how quickly...
11 Mar 2017 by Joan M
Hello all,Introduction and code sample:A friend of mine told me that I should update the HTACCESS of our company site to avoid giving duplicate contents to Google, his recommendation would be to update the .htAccess file adding these lines:RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
21 Aug 2013 by SinaNadi
hello.thanks for reading my question.I have a very important question.I'm creating a web application mostly used by jquerythere is one page that have a hash value like this: MyPage.aspx#!ID=6e264914-c9da-401e-b01b-3a523b04188fAnd I get data from sql server by jquery ajax method...
21 Aug 2013 by ZurdoDev
As Matthew said it is not SEO friendly because the URL just has an ID. It's better to make the url have something descriptive about what the page is. However, SEO is a big area and you should do some studying on it.
20 Nov 2013 by AbidHussain128
Hi,we are working on website.we have prepare one functionality to upload PDF and convert that pdf to HTML. we are showing this HTML on one page in iframe. There is only one link for one PDF item. So for All pages to show, we have use iFrame and displaying it page by page and paging is there....
22 Nov 2013 by MTProgrammer
Looks like you need to create a sitemap and submit it to google, because their submit my site has a captcha so you cannot use a HttpWebRequest to submit the HTML page after...
20 Dec 2013 by OriginalGriff
Ask them, not us!Though to be honest, if a directory wants you to pay to put your name in it, it's probably just a scam. Never heard of them before, personally.
21 Dec 2013 by ZurdoDev
SEO is a complicated topic and not something that can be fully covered here. I would suggest searching google for what you want. There are lots of good articles that explain how.Also, google does not share what all of their algorithms are so you won't find an all inclusive list.
7 Jan 2014 by TrushnaK
refer below links you need seo...
16 Jan 2014 by Frank1982
Hi,I have implemented routing on my website and almost everything works fine but I get an error message for any include because the path is wrong cause of the routing.I try to be more clear and show my code.Starting from my link in my home page
14 Feb 2014 by Krunal Rohit
Try to put this code on Page Init event instead of Page Load eventSee this[^]..
26 Mar 2014 by Kumar Kovuru
am using in my head getting error Validation error..pls anyone tell me about http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" and Content...let me know usage of it..what should i do to remove that validation error...
29 Mar 2014 by Member 10708828 have a list that called upstream sites (Which sites did people visit immediately before this site?) anybody know how remove a special site from this list or disable it?
29 Mar 2014 by CHill60
Contact Alexa support or try the suggestions on opting out[^]
2 Apr 2014 by Sergejack
I've read on how one could have his ajax content crawl-able by Google bot using the #! (hashbang?) protocol which delivers HTMl to the bot.Yet, I couldn't figure the point of having ajax indexed. IMHO the only relevant indexing one might want is HTML (container page) + AJAX as a whole.If...
4 Apr 2014 by CBadger
I have not yet myself had need for this specific feature for my sites... But I do know that you can use Robots Meta tags to ensure some stuff are not indexed and others are etc.Take a look at this[^]Like I said I have never used this but I am sure you will be able to get assistance from...
15 Apr 2014 by JR009
I am creating a backlink checker web application, so i want to know that how to find backlinks of a given URL (any URL from textbox) based on google or yahoo or any other api, in C#.
15 Apr 2014 by Snehasish_Nandy
You can refer thisbacklink-checker-in-c#[^]Hope it will help..
27 May 2014 by cawboy_iran
hello.can i use ".htaccess" file for redirecting and other thing in sharepoint 2010 site?If Yes tell me how?If Not Please Advice Me.Thanks
27 May 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This file, .htaccess is the Apache file, but you probably use IIS. Your purpose is not quite clear, but try to start here:[^].See also:[^].[EDIT — after OP's clarification]There is a lot of...
6 Jun 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
You would need to follow the rules for each website. Go to each site and see what the requirements are for posting.
13 Jun 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please take my warning on spamming seriously.And I have one more advice. You see, I would think of using some design services from the site which itself is designed well.What can I tell about your design? The designer have some taste: feel of colors, some techniques. And yet, I would not...
30 Jul 2014 by Luk Vandevyvere
Hi there,I'm quite new to programming in ASP.Net. I've created a website containing a webshop where the information of products is contained in a database. When the detailpage of one product is shown, the url shows ...aspx?ProductCode=When a user enters a productNAME (that is...