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by Latika surse
How to use SASS in Drupal ?
by Aadhar Joshi
Creating job in sql server which automates taking backup of all stored procedures and functions in physical drive.
by Dane Balia
A Quick Read For Understanding The Power Behind SASS
by frenettej
How to layout and lazy load images in a flexible grid similar to how facebook displays them in a post. Selected images open a lightbox for previewing within a carousel. Image alt text is converted into a caption below the image.

Latest Articles

by frenettej
How to layout and lazy load images in a flexible grid similar to how facebook displays them in a post. Selected images open a lightbox for previewing within a carousel. Image alt text is converted into a caption below the image.
by Latika surse
How to use SASS in Drupal ?
by Aadhar Joshi
Creating job in sql server which automates taking backup of all stored procedures and functions in physical drive.
by Dane Balia
A Quick Read For Understanding The Power Behind SASS

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7 Sep 2017 by Latika surse
How to use SASS in Drupal ?
27 Nov 2012 by Aadhar Joshi
Creating job in sql server which automates taking backup of all stored procedures and functions in physical drive.
24 Dec 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
You are asking for the final - computed - height?You can not... SASS can't do nothing that CSS can't do...So the only options is specifying the height explicitly and use it as fixed value...nav { background-color: rgba(150, 0, 0, 0.7); margin: 0; height: 50px; ul...
30 Dec 2020 by W Balboos, GHB
Some bits and pieces: I'd use so maybe add the type. Probably not the problem, but 'type=' does belong there. BUT - since you reference style.css and do not give a hint...
8 Mar 2021 by Chris Copeland
You may need a JS library to handle the compilation of LESS/SASS to CSS, but even then it's not absolutely mandatory. In theory a standard LESS/SASS pre-processed into CSS shouldn't require any accompanying JS files. For example, in our Java...
26 Nov 2014 by ashraf_fci
i need to know how to add linked object to SSAS cube using C# code , i tried the following code: baseCube.LinkMeasureGroup(measureGroup, baseCube.DataSource.ID);but the following exception was thrown: " An error was encountered in the transport layer.The peer prematurely closed the...
24 Mar 2015 by
Dear All,We have SAS dashboard application , We want to access it inside the iframe tag in .aspx page but unable to access.If anybody have any idea about the same ,please respond.Thanks with Regards;Ajit K Das
7 Oct 2015 by Torakami
Hii , I generally use sublime text editor for developing web pages , now i havce started using scss but not sure how to compile using sublime text 3 . I have checked plugin , but that seems to be working only for mac pcs. Anyone knows how to compile in windows Thanks
19 Apr 2016 by Member 12470111
Hi folks,I am running an exercise of Social network analysis using one of the data mining packages. I stuck at a point on how to understand Random Walk with Restart algorithm that was used by the package I am using in my analysis.Anyone can help me in this matter and provide me with...
19 Apr 2016 by W Balboos, GHB
I'll make the assumption that their view of a restart algorithm is the same as I used for some Monte-Carlo simulations i did some years ago (surface interactions an nearest neighbor effects).When I initialized the random number generator I did not use a random seed (like clock time) but a...
12 Jul 2016 by Member 8060065
i am using VS 2015 enterprise on a mvc6 .net core project. When i @import a partial i expect to get intellisense for all the classes in the @import file but i don't. I get intellisense for all other things i import like variables and mixins. Also it does compile and work fine but no...
24 Dec 2016 by Hein Pauwelyn
I make a website and make the background color of my nav-element to 0.7. I do this because on the background I'll place an image. On this image I've added an example and my code.Here you could find my code: Log...
27 Oct 2017 by Member 13489644
Hi, I know both SAS and R and can help translate it to you. But this post a little old. So if it is still actual, please, write me via mail:, topic: 'sas into R' Thanks, Step 0; #get data into R Step 1; /*get all distinct main cpts from CMS data*/ cms_filter
22 Nov 2017 by Richard Deeming
Quote: header > a:focus nav ul That selector targets a tag inside a tag, which is inside a focussed tag, which is a direct descendant of a tag. Now look at the structure of your markup: div [class="wrapper"] ┊ ┝ header ┊ ┊ ┊ ┝ div [class="logo"] ┊ ┊ ┊ └ a...
3 May 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
Importing .dbf files created by Visual Fox Pro - SAS Support Communities[^]
16 May 2018 by DavidCorbin_1978
SAS' dbase engine cannot read Visual FoxPro databases. Within Visual FoxPro, the database must be saved as a FoxPro version 2 dbf to make it compatible with the dbase engine, or you can use the Visual FoxPro ODBC driver or OLE DB provider.
10 Aug 2018 by Member 11110990
Hi I am building a multi-tendent mode saas application using with SQL database. Every week i want to release new version for users, so my application url will look like,, and etc. User can use any versions, based on their need. if...
10 Aug 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
Use a different "data access layer" (DAL) for each version. Same calls; same stored procedures (SP). The v1 and v2 DAL's provide SP parameter defaults to the ORM / physical layer for those parms they don't support. The DALs are provided as separate DLL's; with matching interfaces and data...
16 Aug 2018 by supersaiyan12
Hi Mubin, I'm new to SASS and I have followed your instruction your post Create First OLAP Cube in SQL Server Analysis Services. I have done everything right and getting cleared path till the Cube Process. But when i run it i get the list of error which i mentioned as below. Quote: Errors and...
16 Aug 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
There is little to no chance the person you addressed this to is going to see this post here. If you're talking about an article, post your question in the forum at the bottom of that article. That way, the author of the article will get an email saying you posted something.
13 Sep 2018 by UbaidParvez
I was styling some images in sass as nothing is happening to them even that code is compiled in css too. This the html portion of that images.
19 Apr 2019 by MadMyche
Sorry, never went to college so I never learned how to do my own assignments; much less someone else's. In all seriousness, this is your homework. It is intended for you to reinforce what you have learned. Asking others to do this for you means you've learned nothing about the course. So try...
19 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you. So we need you to do the...
19 Apr 2019 by Patrice T
Quote: this is my collage assigsnment so please help in solving this The principle of homework is to make you practice and learn by trial and error. Having us to do your homework just defeat the purpose. We do not do your HomeWork. HomeWork is not set to test your skills at begging other...
24 Sep 2019 by Member 14124697
Hi, I want to create Library in SAS University Edition. I have tried several methods which i got from google search but nothing working and throwing as error library does not exist. Can anyone help me on this. What I have tried: I have tried first as below. libname Imart...
31 Oct 2020 by WebDevLite
I’m doing frontend mentor challenges using sass and wanna create page with this projects. Folder structure is like this Main-folder Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 ... Dist Sass index.html Each project folder has...
30 Dec 2020 by Demetri K.2
I'm building a small CMS project, some styling is necessary, obviously, and no matter how I try to hook my css to HTML it just does not work. I guess it's a syntax typo, but after going through the files a dozen times I can't find it. header...
1 Jan 2021 by Member 8060065
I want to get intellisense with @extend in a scss file. This works in jetbrains rider but doesn't work in Visual Studio 2019 or VS Code. I am not using third party gulp, grunt or webpack plugins. Just sass compiler extension and web compiler in...
21 Feb 2021 by Somayyah
I use the `Twemoji` library to get emoji icons in my Next js App, they appear as in the final HTML and I can override their default width and height using !important in my globals.scss file: .customize { //Parent...
8 Mar 2021 by Patrick Skelton
I thought this question would be dead easy to answer but it doesn't seem obvious to me just reading documentation. I'd like to add a small amount of power (i.e. mainly syntactic assistance) to my CSS. I'm looking at SASS and LESS, which both...
23 May 2021 by Richard Deeming
Document.querySelector() - Web APIs | MDN[^] EventTarget.addEventListener() - Web APIs | MDN[^] However, since you're attaching an event listener to a single element, it would be simpler to add an id to that element, and use getElementById...
27 Aug 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Either you didn't do something exactly like in the video or you're going to have to ask Udemy. Since we can't see the secret code you typed in, there's little else anyone can tell you.
12 Apr 2022 by Rogue258
I have created two tables in SAS WORK Library using data queried from Oracle tables using implicit pass through connections. I am now looking to compare the values in colA of table_X with values in colP in table_Y and if they are not equal then...
12 Apr 2022 by Wendelius
You didn't specify where the value colR comes from but in general, using Oracle SQL the query could look something like if I understood the question correctly INSERT INTO Table_Y (colP, colQ, colR) SELECT a.colA, a.colB, (for...
13 Oct 2022 by Ismail Tiamiyu
**I have tried everything possible to make the clicking fire but I seem not to get it. I just want to be able to open and close the navbar using the hamburger and close icons** I know it is possibly a syntax error but I can't find it....
16 Sep 2012 by Dane Balia
A Quick Read For Understanding The Power Behind SASS
22 Dec 2017 by frenettej
How to layout and lazy load images in a flexible grid similar to how facebook displays them in a post. Selected images open a lightbox for previewing within a carousel. Image alt text is converted into a caption below the image.
13 Sep 2018 by Richard Deeming
The compiled CSS is: .composotion { position: relative; } .composotion__photo { width: 20%; position: absolute; } .composotion__photo--p1 { left: 0; top: -2rem; } .composotion__photo--p2 { right: 0; top: 2rem; } .composotion__photo--p3 { left: 20%; top: 10rem; } Note the...
27 Aug 2021 by J R Aug2021
In the HTML, CSS and JS (Javascript) course I am learning on Udemy there is a video about SASS or SCSS. In this video the person creates 2 folders called "dist" and "css" one inside the other and they do not group up. When I do the same thing...
10 Nov 2014 by Zubair SE
error sass:/styles.scss Line 18 of sass/bootstrap/mixins/_responsive-visibility.scss: You may not @extend an outer selector from within @media.You may only @extend selectors within the same directive.From "@extend .hidden-sm" on line 899 of D:/compass_sass/bhomessass/sass/styles.i...
24 Jul 2018 by Member 13378341
made a simple responsive header/nav and i'm not sure why my menu dropdown doesn't appear when i hover over the menu tab. i've hidden my nav under line 36 and make it reappear line 53. Pls help. What I have tried:
25 Oct 2017 by Member 13485229
Thank you in advance, need to translate the below SAS code to R code. This would be for a great help. /*get all distinct main cpts from CMS data*/ proc sql; create table cms_filter as select distinct main_cpt from cms; quit; /*Get the enc numbers and cpt code from the aging data for the main...
22 Nov 2017 by Anil Bandela
Add below media query in CSS and check @media screen and (min-width: 130px) and (max-width: 767px) { nav ul{display:block;} } Problem: On particular width "nav ul" is "display:none" ....
16 May 2018 by Member 13810821
I need to convert files from FoxPro to SAS. Is it possible? Can anyone please show me how/what the steps are? Thank you. What I have tried: haven't tried anything yet as I don't know how to do
24 Jul 2018 by Anil Bandela
Add (!important) tag end of display:block !important;
23 May 2021 by Member 15212231
function on(){ document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulbon.gif'; } function off(){ document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulboff.gif'; } Turn the pulp on or off...