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by Simon Key
Event Finder - A WinRT app making use of the Google Places API and other data sources to display a lists of local events
by Tibor Blazko
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs
by Visveswaraiah
Fetching articles from SOLR for RSS feed instead of querying in database
by Karl Stoney
A programming with .NET article with code of how to create a compliant RSS 2.0 feed using .NET XmlDocument

Latest Articles

by thorssig
html2struct parses HTML code into a simple tree-like structure of objects and provides a little tool-set for extracting data from it
by Visveswaraiah
Fetching articles from SOLR for RSS feed instead of querying in database
by Tibor Blazko
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs

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25 Oct 2012 by Simon Key
Event Finder - A WinRT app making use of the Google Places API and other data sources to display a lists of local events
6 May 2017 by Tibor Blazko
Example usage of The Old Reader's and Inoreader's APIs
23 Jan 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's actually option #3. The RSS feed is being overhauled and it's having issues. The owners do know about it.
17 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Of course, it's never good to create XML in such an ad-hoc way you demonstrated. There are plenty of civilized alternatives. Please see:[^],[^].—SA
28 Sep 2013 by Fk Ahmed
I am getting the following error:error on line 111 at column 62: AttValue:" or ' expectedHere is my code:
13 Jan 2014 by SoMad
If you mean the New Articles feed, then take a look here:[^]Soren Madsen
13 Jan 2014 by Ron Beyer
16 Oct 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer1. Create and add dynamic RSS Feed from Database in ASP.Net Website[^]2. Fetch and Display RSS Feeds using ASP.Net[^]
4 Dec 2015 by Snesh Prajapati
Hi Amosh,As per the code given by you, variable x is supposed to contain valid XML which is not there. Once you put a valid XML there, hopefully your code will work.Valid XML is something like as given at...
25 Sep 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
This is not the right place for administration questions. Try Bugs and Suggestions[^] - just like that.
9 May 2017 by Visveswaraiah
Fetching articles from SOLR for RSS feed instead of querying in database
17 May 2012 by Deepak_Sharma_
Hi,I want to display RSS feeds from multiple sites in my website.What are the possible ways to do it
17 May 2012 by Jim Jos
Check out this link some help is there[^]
17 Jun 2012 by arshad alam
Hi i am very new in the software development. i am working on rss feed, and i want to display only image and their detail like name, type etc.from feedi am currently following this...
21 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
There isn't a specific tag for the images. In fact, the RSS feed standard does not have an image tag per entry (there is an overall feed image but that is usually a logo). Instead, HTML is embedded in the description for the feed. This is how Yahoo puts the images in and this is how they are...
22 Sep 2012 by muntaserz
hello i developed news site and am trying to read rss from another site i used this code to read private void GetRSS() { try { WebRequest rssReq =...
22 Sep 2012 by Christiaan Rakowski
Security issues can come from too many things to be able to give you an answer based on this, could you maybe provide the inner exception and/or stacktrace(s).Even tho, I will give you some common issues I've encountered before:Most security exceptions are related to cross origin...
27 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
A programming with .NET article with code of how to create a compliant RSS 2.0 feed using .NET XmlDocument
2 Jan 2013 by BillWoodruff
I am doing a small application for a friend that accesses his Google calendar. Developing it in Visual Studio 2010, as a WinForms project, compiled against FrameWork 3.0, so my friend can use it on a PC running Win XP. I am located in S.E. Asia.The Google Calendar created by my friend uses...
2 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Not too tricky. :-) If you look at Google advanced search page, you will find the field "Language":[^] :-).—SA
8 Jan 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It looks like you are asking about your CodeProject blog. If so, please post it here:[^].—SA
9 Jan 2013 by Ч. Цэрэнпүрэв
I wrote that codes in rss.php\n";?> My Simple Blog http://localhost:1234/simple_blog/ This blog is...
29 Jan 2013 by Sam Bryan
Appending ?hl=en to the URL worked for me.
14 Mar 2013 by Simpuhl
So Basically I can load RSS feed like this one: really easybut I cant load this one without it erroring: Idea?Here is my codeusing InfoHub.Articles;using...
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
using System;using System.Web;using System.Data.Common;using System.Configuration;using
29 Nov 2013 by Debopam Pal
Can anyone tell me how I can fetch older posts from RSS Feed in a generic way? Not like "?start-index=1&max-results=1000" for Blogger RSS Feed or "?paged=5" in Wordpress RSS Feed. Is really there any generic way?
13 Jan 2014 by maq_rohit
Please give me url of rss feed of codeproject. trying to make Iphone app for this. I want all author detail rss feed tooo
25 Feb 2014 by TheSniper105
hi2all i have data in array like that object(stdClass)[33] public 'id' => string '31' (length=2) public 'title_english' => string 'Sales and Marketing' (length=19) public 'title_arabic' => string 'تسويق و مبيعات' (length=26) public 'slug' => string...
11 Apr 2014 by Maciej Los
As Wes Aday had mentioned, you should searched for it on CP Knolwegde Base[^] or Google for it. Belive me there are tons of examples.Please refer to CP QA rules[^].
20 Jun 2014 by Member 10783283
Assignment:Create a simple Java Servlet that allows you to save RSS feeds and export the results into a CSV file.Details:Create a simple Servlet that allows you to view a page in a browser. On the page will be a simple form for adding a new RSS feed to your “list”. This consists of...
29 Jun 2014 by Member 10913370
I have ASP.NET MVC 4 application which is using ACS authenication. The application has multiple user roles and based on those roles I want to give the facility of RSS feeds to the users. As each user role will have different information coming to them as updateMeanwhile i have found many...
7 Jul 2014 by ‫محم د‬‎
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; if (Cache["RssFeed"] == null) { ConnectionManager cm = new...
27 Sep 2014 by je30ca
Hii have a url rss "" that insert items into my databasethis rss have not date and id and i want get date of rss and if item was new add to database.In your opinion, what should I do?get title and summery and insert into database(my database is a...
16 Oct 2014 by Quarenta
Hello. My company has a web site made with ASP.Net Web Forms.The web site permits authorized users to insert news with a title, an image and a text. And to display the news on the database, there is a page that receives the id of the row of the table on the database with the new and displays...
23 Oct 2014 by Quarenta
Thanks Tadit. Tested and worked.
4 Mar 2015 by Richard Deeming
It looks like this is a Windows Store application; I had to make several changes to get your code to work in the desktop version of the .NET Framework.The reason you're not getting any items in your feed is because you're never adding the feedItem object to the feedItems collection on your...
12 May 2015 by madhan2008
I would like to read a Xml feed from a website and store it in a SQL Table .I was sucessful in reading and displaying the XML in specific format , but i was not able to feed it into a SQL table.For example :I have this XML link (RSS ) :...
10 Jun 2015 by Dominic Burford
Consuming / displaying an Atom feed on an ASP.NET web page
27 Jul 2015 by Wendelius
If you mean that you want to publish data from SQL Server using RSS, I guess one simple way would be to run a scheduled script using Windows Task Scheduler. The script itself would produce the XML to proper folder. To run the script you can use sqlcmd[^].
27 Jul 2015 by Dave Kreskowiak
You might want to learn what an RSS feed is first. You don't "send" information from a database to rss.You generate the RSS XML document from the data in your datastore upon request from a client.
12 Nov 2015 by Krunal Rohit
Not much familiar with the RSS feed with ASP .NET, but here's a thing you can do (Basic Idea) -1. Get RSS Feeds from different URLs and maintain DataTable foreach feed.2. Club all the DataTables in a new DataTable. Use DataTable.Merge Method[^] for that. (Example[^])3. And then bind that...
4 Dec 2015 by amosh
Hello Everyone I use the below code to get rss feed protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string x = "xml url string"; XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(x); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ...
10 Mar 2016 by LC Garcia Rocha
I need to insert an image in Reporting Services, but that image has to be in line with text containing my report, I am working with a table that tends to grow to the right, the image has to be placed at the right end of my report, it is the bigger say to the right the image has to be placed at...
22 May 2016 by Member 12539464
I want to know the rss link used in the apps created by appyet sites.I tried to decompile it and I don't know wheer I can find the rss feed link .Here's some apps that is made by appyet and I want to know the rss...
27 Jul 2016 by Sandy Safwat
How do I configure RSS template of RSS feed over list in sharepoint 2013?There is a Link called "View Article" appears , I want to add resource for it.Thanks in advance,SandyWhat I have tried:i have tried to configure the columns that appear in the email correctly.
14 Dec 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
I gave you a suggestion in your previous question, which you have now deleted. You have tagged this as "mobile RSS" so those are the two keywords you need to post into a Google search. If you really have no idea how to start your assignment then please go and talk to your teacher.
16 May 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
This is not a QA question, please use the correct forum: Article Writing Discussion Boards[^] or Bugs and Suggestions[^].
19 Jan 2019 by Member 14123629
I currently have this code in Python using feedparser module: import feedparser RSS_FEEDS = {'cnn': ''} def get_news_test(publication="cnn"): feed = feedparser.parse(RSS_FEEDS[publication]) articles_cnn = feed['entries'] for article in...
19 Jan 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
It is not JSON, it is XML. See XML Processing Modules — Python 3.7.2 documentation[^].
27 Sep 2019 by MadMyche
C# has the SyndicationFeed class which can be used with RSS as well as Atom. SyndicationFeed Class (System.ServiceModel.Syndication) | Microsoft Docs[^] Google also has quite a few listings for tutorials, such as this: Build an RSS reader in 5 minutes | Thomas Levesque's .NET blog[^] The code...
3 May 2020 by Member 12111727
Im building a Natural Disaster tracker using RSS feed from various agencies. Most of the RSS feed structures are the same, but I have one feed from NASA that is slightly different than the rest. The others have an image node for the Feed Provider...
23 Oct 2020 by Member 14973168
We publish our developers' projects on our Medium publication and would like to spread it via CodeProject. So, I would like to add the blog to CodeProject but I haven't figured out how I can do that because it's a Medium publication. Does anyone...
23 Oct 2020 by OriginalGriff
You need an expert staff member: @Sean-Ewington Can you help this member please?
23 Oct 2020 by Sean Ewington
You could try using the rel-tag format. Add Your Technical Blog[^] But in this case you would be submitting Medium's entire RSS feed as your own.
28 May 2018 by V. Subhash
RSS feed for YouTube channels
23 Sep 2013 by User 9414576
This is my code for the Rss reading Application that I am working on. Everything works fine just that i am only able to show the title and the summary of the Rss Feed and not the Images alongside and while displaying the summary if there are images in the summary then they come written as...
23 Jan 2024 by rumca.js
I have been using code project RSS for a very long time. Links: CodeProject Latest Articles[^] Error[^] The first produces empty list now, with no entries. The second one does not work at all. Am I doing something incorrect, or is there a...
5 Nov 2018 by thorssig
html2struct parses HTML code into a simple tree-like structure of objects and provides a little tool-set for extracting data from it
5 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
See, for example,[^].—SA
14 Aug 2013 by Erol Esen
This article has a usable software tool to read RSS feeds and it is especially designed to read and display Unicode characters inside a console window.
27 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
A .NET programming article including code showing how to create a compliant RSS 2.0 feed using .NET Syndication Namespaces
30 Aug 2012 by the headless nick
hello dev's..I am facing a problem because of Google Chrome's new functionality in their latest release. Follow this link for more info [^] about the same.I found a likely solution in here.[^]/*this is what i used to do*//*works fine in everything except Chrome > version...
14 Jul 2012 by Jashobanta
Hi, I want to retrieve the title of all the RSS feeds that are there in my outlook using .NET, I am not able to do that; it is showing COM exception.I am using the following code in C# where Feeds=Microsoft.Feeds.Interop; oNs = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); ...
22 Sep 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
This issue would happen when you download a file from Internet or Network Location, etc. Windows now preserves the zone information for file(s). This identifies where the file came from and displays appropriate warning messages, indicating you to be careful.Resolution: Go to the properties...
27 Sep 2014 by BillWoodruff
Each item in that RSS Feed contains a 'PublishDate field which contains a value of Type 'DateTimeOffset.'DateTimeOffset was added to .NET beginning with version 3.5; see: [^].Here's an example of parsing the 'PublishDate field: //""string url =...
11 Mar 2014 by Abhinav S
You can use HyperLinkButtons.E.g. Search the web
21 Feb 2014 by Member 10616564
I am wondering how exact price comparison website will work.??? I have read asked questions available on stackoverflow but no answer helped in answering my queries.Can anybody have complete idea how exactly it works? Which platform/language/any CMS(or script)/backend is used by top price...
12 Nov 2015 by amosh
Hi I am using this code to get RSS Feed in my website and it work very good but it get feed only from one website i want to display feeds from more then website in same time pls help me string x = ""; XmlTextReader reader =...
27 Jul 2015 by maka bregvadze
how send information from sql database to rss using webservice into
6 Sep 2012 by Member 9348721
I am looking to program a piece of software that can read RSS feeds. I am working in VB 2010 Express to which I am relatively new to and I require some guidance.I am wanting to take the feeds from the BBC News site.I would like the Title of each item as well as the headline to then be put...
8 Jan 2013 by Jake Drew
It does not appear that the "download now" link on my technical blog rss feed is working. I wrote a new article, and I would like to post it on codeproject.Sorry if I was not specific enough. On the "My Articles" > "Blog Feeds" page, the "Download Now" link is not working. The screen...
16 Jan 2013 by syamsasi
Nothing to do ... Ir working without any issues if you are seeing only this error.And in which browser you are getting this error ?Chrome doesn't have an RSS viewer built in. Check out this chrome extension to view RSS,...
17 Jun 2013 by Yafa Su
I have this code:$rss = ''; $rss .= ''; $rss .= ''; $rss .= 'Lavasoft'; $rss .= '/blog'; $rss .= 'Malware Encyclopedia'; $result =...
9 Sep 2013 by Member 10262340
dear alla programmer is making an android app for my wordpress sitefor that he told me i should update the RSS2 feed so it will allow meto call the images when the app loadsi honestly have no idea how to do itso if there is anyone who can help me urgentlyplease note:1. am using...
11 Mar 2014 by VCS Reddy
pls help me ..? i am doing an application with some referential links i need to navigate that link through button click.
11 Mar 2014 by VCS Reddy
I have developed an application in visual c# .that application contained HyperlinkButton when i had submited the app it failed at privacy policy and at description in capabilities ..Pls help to solve these problems ...
5 Apr 2014 by Rodrigo Navarrete
I've got a page using simplepie that displays the content from a Facebook RSS feed showing stories with text and an accompanying image if available.The URL of these images have an appended string before the actual...
11 Apr 2014 by VCS Reddy
Is there any way to create app bar in windows store app (vs2012 using c#) ...
4 Mar 2015 by Akash Gutha
i'm using the syndicationclient for the retreival of the rss feeds.the peoblem is after running the app the tasks are working fine no exceptionsbut the feed items are null.the feed items are : QuestionRss and ArticleRssthe links are...
25 Sep 2016 by Thomas Cooper
HiTrying to add my RSS feed to code project, but for some reason the feed is not being picked up.I think I have followed what Code project request. (Add Code Project as a category).Below is a code snippet of my RSS feed on the below link[^]Below is my RSS...
14 Dec 2017 by Shanika Premathilake
My project has crawl the news article from RSS fields and check whether that article is regarding about mobile phones (like Samsung,Apple and etc)or not.So can you give to any suggestion to do this. What I have tried: I searched but i could not find better way.I can not understand.So please...
27 Sep 2019 by Member 13438975
Hello there I don't have any knowledge in coding an Rss feed reader application in C# so please I need a guide. Bottom line: CAN YOU GIVE ME A SIMPLE CODE THAT'S ACTUALLY WORKS AND READS THE RSS FEED SUBJECT AND SHOWS IT IN A TEXT BOX in C#. What I have tried: Nothing. tryin to do it for the...
20 Aug 2020 by rumca.js
So I guessed also how to access code project news Rss, lucky guess. CodeProject Latest News[^]