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by Nicolas Dorier
Configure the HTTP traffic on your local machine. A nice alternative for netsh http.
by Dev Leader
Are you excited to get your Myo armband from Thalmic Labs? If you're a C# developer, then check out this open source library to help you control your Myo! The post appeared first on
by Steffen Ploetz
How to develop Linux/Unix (X11) GUI applications in C# efficiently without dependencies to GUI frameworks like GTK or KDE. Description of composite widgets.
by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic task which are requre to solve for developing your own DirectShow Splitter filters.

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by Ronald M. Martin
A walk-through of the front end of a convenient ad blocking application that lives behind a notify icon
by Ronald M. Martin
This article provides a walk-through of the front end of a convenient ad blocking application that lives behind a notify icon.
by Ronald M. Martin
This series of articles explores a new WPF-friendly wrapper class for Shell_NotifyIcon.
by Ronald M. Martin
This series of articles explores a new WPF-friendly wrapper class for Shell_NotifyIcon.

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23 Aug 2012 by Nicolas Dorier
Configure the HTTP traffic on your local machine. A nice alternative for netsh http.
6 Oct 2014 by Dev Leader
Are you excited to get your Myo armband from Thalmic Labs? If you're a C# developer, then check out this open source library to help you control your Myo! The post appeared first on
9 Mar 2015 by Steffen Ploetz
How to develop Linux/Unix (X11) GUI applications in C# efficiently without dependencies to GUI frameworks like GTK or KDE. Description of composite widgets.
7 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic task which are requre to solve for developing your own DirectShow Splitter filters.
10 Jul 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Articles describes how to make pure C# rendering video on VMR9 with custom allocator presenter over Direct3D in .NET
13 Oct 2012 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Article describes basic tasks for implementing your own File Source DirectShow filters.
29 Oct 2014 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article shows 'how to' a XAML based ribbon application with the Roma Widget Set (Xrw) in C#
12 Jun 2015 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article reviews a XAML based application with WPF geometry objects (shapes).
11 Jul 2020 by honey the codewitch
Exploit the memory layout of your data to make your P/Invoke code more accessible and maintainable
10 Oct 2014 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article shows 'how to' a XAML based dialog application with the Roma Widget Set (Xrw) in C#
6 Mar 2013 by wmjordan
Rendering text with OpenType fonts by P/Invoking GDI API in WinForm applications.
9 Mar 2015 by Steffen Ploetz
How to get out the maximum from the Roma widget set in C# efficiently without dependencies to GUI frameworks like GTK or KDE. Short introduction of the widgets.
9 Nov 2015 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article introduces a XAML based Minesweeper game with WPF.
2 Dec 2020 by Ronald M. Martin
This series of articles explores a new WPF-friendly wrapper class for Shell_NotifyIcon.
30 Sep 2015 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article introduces a XAML based 7 segment LCD display utilizing a WPF UserControl.
24 Mar 2017 by Steffen Ploetz
This article introduces a small tool (much simpler than sandcaste help file builder) to create HTML help for .NET/MONO assemblies and reviews the XAML based approach to create GUI application with the Roma Widget Set XrwXAML.
25 May 2017 by CPallini
Quote: [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)]ulong verb, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U8)]ulong verb2 That should be, instead [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] uint verb, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] uint verb2 or, simply: uint verb, uint verb2
13 Aug 2014 by Steffen Ploetz
How to get out the maximum from the Roma Widget Set's list and tree widgets in C#.
26 Nov 2009 by RobstaHendricks
I've been having problems with call a method in a DLL that outputs 3 parameters when taking a photo from a CF-Camera.Basically, I know the types that are to be returned from the method schematic at the bottom of this post, but am having a hard time figuring when to use out, ref, or nothing befor
14 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to show your class PInvoke. Your problem is most likely in the declarations of the Windows API methods NetShareEnum, NetApiBufferFree and SHARE_INFO_0. First functions returns three values by pointers to the unmanaged memory (by the way, use out instead of ref, just for better...
17 Sep 2013 by Steffen Ploetz
How to call native Xm API from Mono Develop C# ending up in a very little Motif widget application.
23 Jan 2014 by Okuma.Scott
I am re-posting my question from Stack Overflow here for more exposure. I need to move several external application windows at the same time (together) as a group to simulate scrolling functionality.If your first thought is "why would you want to do that" or "you should never do...
17 Apr 2014 by Martin Solovey
Simple API to Register/Listen for HotKey in .NET applications
3 Jul 2014 by Jhone Mitnick
You can set running programs to ontop of window stack (application float above other windows).
29 Oct 2014 by Christian Sack
So here is the full working code: public static PingReply Send(IPAddress srcAddress, IPAddress destAddress, int timeout = 5000, byte[] buffer = null, PingOptions po = null) { if (destAddress == null || destAddress.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork ||...
14 Feb 2017 by Steffen Ploetz
Currently none of the big Linux/Unix (X11) GUI application frameworks (GTK+, KDE) support XAML based application development. The Moonlight project (including XAML support) was abandoned on May 29, 2012. This article reviews a XAML based application utilizing the DrawingBrush with offset and tiles.
25 May 2017 by Pete O'Hanlon
Something you need to be aware of - DWORD depends on the Windows version. So, on a 32 bit machine, a DWORD is 32 bits. On a 64 bit machine, it's 64 bits. More importantly, a DWORD is a uint (not a ulong). Edit: As Carlo pointed out - I was thinking of DWORD_PTR, not DWORD. However, the point...
25 Nov 2009 by DaveyM69
Have you tried using an IntPtr for the first parameter but without the out? [DllImport("FlyCAMm1_AV.dll")]private static extern bool Capture_A_Frame( IntPtr pretBuff, out int pdSize);IntPtr pretBuff = IntPtr.Zero;int pdSize;bool result = Capture_A_Frame(pretBuff, out pdSize);
31 Jul 2011 by Shameel
Use the fixed[^] statement
5 Oct 2011 by Pascal Ganaye
I can't manage to PInvoke properly the C Rand and SRand functions.I tried in both x64 and x86 modes but I get either unbalanced stacks or just two digits numbers (38 41 45...).I believe we should be expecting much bigger numbers 0
5 Oct 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes, I can see a couple of problems right now. The path "C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll" is not portable. System32 can actually be installed in any directory. As this is Windows API, the usual appropriate and valid technique is using a file name without full path. It should be resolved in...
9 Dec 2011 by Philippe Mori
You can consider doing a mixed-mode C++ DLL if you are unable or it hard to do what you want using only C#.You will then be able to use existing DLL more easily and since you are compiling that new DLL as a mixed-mode library, you can relatively easily make a .NET friendly interface for your...
21 Dec 2011 by Orcun Iyigun
If you ask this question here, the author of the article will not be notified. You have to ask this question under the article that you have read. There is a "new message" on the comments section below the article. If you ask it from there the author will be notifed and you will have a better...
31 May 2012 by lewax00
25 Jul 2012 by Christian Graus
If you have a vanilla dll you're calling, then you can use pinvoke if you get the code right. If you're writing the dll, you're better off using COM to get it to work with VB6, assuming you have no choice in that question.
20 Jan 2013 by Soroush Falahati
This sort of problems always happen when using hooks. Actually I don't know the answer. It may be a problem with CPU architect or a change in DeleteFile API in new version. But I can suggest other ways.1) You can go for NtSetFileInformation. It is an undocumented API but you can find needed...
28 Jan 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
First, if you've got the VB6 code calling this .DLL, why are you calling the VB6 code from C#?? Just bypass the VB6 code and go straight to the .DLL!Second, You can't call a VB6 function that returns Variant. There is no equivilent type in .NET. You have to declare the actual type being...
15 Feb 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
WM_SETFONT is NOT for setting the applications font selection. It is only for changing the font a window is rendered with, such as the text editor window inside Notepad. The problem is Notepad maintains it's own font settings and objects, as does every other application in the world, which...
9 Jun 2013 by Kuthuparakkal
You need to initialize dwTypeData and cch data members...List ls = new List();IntPtr hMenu = Win32.GetMenu(hWnd); if (hMenu.ToInt32() != 0) { char[] szString = new char[256]; for (int i = Win32.GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); i >= 0; i--) {...
8 Jul 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, char* info, by your native function signature, is supposed to be input parameter. Or it can return a character via a pointer. By default, input char* parameter is marshaled as System.String parameter. And you are passing null. You cannot return anything.—SA
17 Aug 2013 by Ian A Davidson
Hi all,I've been running the static Code Analysis Tool (aka FxCop) on some code I've "inherited", in order to try to improve it. One of the warnings it gives me is as follows (my emphasis added):CA1901: Microsoft.Portability: As it is declared in your code, parameter 'PathName' of...
15 Sep 2013 by AS01234
The folks at Tucsen camera were very helpful. I sent them the project. They tested it, said that they modified it a little, and sent it back. It still gave the same result, but since it was working for them when they sent it I became more confident that the pinvoke code was working all along,...
6 Feb 2014 by Johannes Bildstein
I've been trying to P/Invoke a *.framework file on a mac with C# but always get a DllNotFoundException.I tried to follow this guide but no luck.The .framwork file is in a subfolder right beside the application.The config file looks like this:
10 Sep 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
If this is C++/CLI, you can write managed CLI code which is, basically, the same as C#. You just need to use managed "ref" classes. Instead of WCHAR*, use System::String^. Such types (if you use public access modifiers for them and some of their members) will be exposed to the referencing...
1 Jun 2018 by Richard Andrew x64
You can't pass the delegate to unmanaged code the way you are trying to do. If you are going to pass it as a function pointer inside a structure, you should call: IntPtr NativeFunctionPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(connected); Then pass NativeFunctionPointer as the function...
13 Jul 2018 by Jochen Arndt
Call GetLastError() when the function fails. The error code might help finding out what is wrong. I guess it is invalid parameter here. Note that all parameters of the API function are pointers. So it should be probably (not tested): [DllImport("Setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet =...
12 Aug 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
The GetWindowText function (Windows)[^] requires the second parameter to be the address of a memory buffer. You are passing s StringBuilder reference.
22 Sep 2019 by KarstenK
Writing a C# interface isnt to hard. Take a look at my article handling C# interop. Use the Visual Studio Community Edition. Because of the complexity of your library it is best when you write it yourself. The chances that someone will help you are very low.
16 Aug 2021 by Code Fan
All .Net managed threads within the same app domain share the same memory heap, no need to do anything extra, unless, of course, you're working with multiple threads from different app domains or processes.
26 Nov 2009 by DaveyM69
In that case it is asking for the pointer to an existing byte array and it's size, not creating one as was implied by the [Out] in the documentation.So, what you need it seems is to create a byte array, get it's pointer and pass that along with it's size. The function declaration will be:[Dl
1 Jul 2010 by emicroxxx
Transforming ILMerge.exe to DLL [for convenient usage only]
13 Jul 2010 by ralph1957
Does anyone have a valid Structure for RASENTRY coded in C#?The structure from PINVOKE.NET seems to be incorrect. Any code for setting the needed parameters would also be helpfull.Thanks
14 Jul 2010 by #realJSOP
Here it is according to Microsoft (found with google):[^]A little googling (search phrase used was "C# rasentry") turned up some code:[^]It's not that hard to...
26 Jul 2010 by shujsj2010
Hello, please check the following links. For these APIs, we need to use PInvoke method? When we need to use PInvoke method? Thanks. (Ankur): Updated the hyperlinks. Before they...
26 Jul 2010 by Christian Graus
Apart from the obvious answer ( use google/read a book ), has signatures for a lot of dll methods that people like to import and use in .NET.
12 Aug 2010 by notsotragichero
It seems that I can't get this right... I'm using the following signature:[DllImport("coredll.dll")] private extern static uint RasGetEntryProperties(string lpszPhoneBook, string szEntry, ref RASENTRY lpbEntry, ref int lpdwEntrySize, byte lpb, ref int...
12 Aug 2010 by notsotragichero
Anyone? :( I've updated the signature as displayed above. However, the function now returns ERROR_NOINTERFACE. Is the function definition still wrong?
27 Mar 2011 by Piccadilly Yum Yum
Open should not seem an entry point, i think should go well so as is without declaring entry point ..
27 Mar 2011 by webmaster442
I think the problem is that the function you are calling is in a class.
26 May 2011 by sharp_schorsch
OK. Even I don't know if it is the best way, with the help of a colleague of mine I have got a solution, or at least a work-around.I was not able to find answers to all of my questions, but there is some little progress in understanding the stuff.I used an IntPtr to pass on the byte...
10 Jun 2011 by User 7379439
Rebuilt entire solution. Started working.
13 Jun 2011 by User 7379439
Two answers. Okay. So this is a straight up documentation fail on MSDN's part ... 3 times. I'm going to write them to tell them the should self-fornicate.It says it will not work in Windows 2000 or earlier. It says that it will not work in anything before Vista. It says that the...
13 Jun 2011 by User 7379439
Here's the proper way to do this.[^]This says it will work in Server 2000 and above; but we all know, now, how much we can really trust Microsoft.IntPtr buffer;var ret = PInvoke.NetWkstaGetInfo(host, 100, out...
31 Jul 2011 by apaka
Unmanaged code calls my functions. In first function I sould pass back pointer to my managet object. Sometimes later some of my othrer functions got called with that same pointer as one of parameters . I sould dereference it use it to perform some calculations and then if it is not neaded...
14 Aug 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
To start with, run:mountvol /?mountvol /LYou will see available mount points for your system.See[^].Read this CodeProject article: Inside Mountvol.exe[^] about volume mount points and SDK APIs.See...
9 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
No! Why did not you read references I gave you in my answer to your previous question?This is no HINSTANCE or anything like that. You don't need it. You don't need to load DLL at all. All you need is to have the DLL during run-time only in the output directory or in the system %PATH%. It...
12 Dec 2011 by koleraba
HiI am trying to use a third party native dll. in my .net application. I am using c#. The function in native dll. has the following declaration:void _stdcall pir_learnCCF( const char * serial, unsigned char state );With the PInvoke Interop assistant I get the following...
12 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First, the parameters are correct. You don't even need to use MarshalAs for string, as this marshaling is the default. (By the way, it is allowed and recommended to omit "Attribute" from names like "MarshalAsAttribute" at the place of attribute application.)The only reason of unbalance stack...
23 Jan 2012 by Lucas Santos Sanches
Hi all.I've got a problem while working with SetupApi calls.I need to retrieve a device type from a device.The I used to get it: _ Public Shared Function SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( _ ByVal DeviceInfoSet...
23 Jan 2012 by Lucas Santos Sanches
OKI found other way to do it.Actually, I was not trying to know a "devicetype" but I want to know if it is removable.I use DeviceIoControl and IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_HOTPLUG_INFO.Thanks.
31 Jan 2012 by koleraba
I am creating a setup(installer) file with Visual studio installer project. I created a custom installer class that extends a System.Configuration.Install.Installer class. I overided the Install method, and basically what I do is start an external exe. This exe file is a custom application...
8 Feb 2012 by creizlein
I have been facing some issues lately with Pinvoke calls to native functions of advapi32.dll from managed code and i haven't found yet a way to make it work properly, facing multiple problems related to the classic "A call to ... has unbalanced the stack" and "attempt to read/write protected...
8 Feb 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
The biggest culprit of "A call to ... has unbalanced the stack" is you declared a type as Long instead of Integer. This is very common if you used a Declare you found on the internet and it belongs to VB6 code.A Long in VB6 is a 32-bit signed integer. A Long in VB.NET is a 64-bit signed...
21 Feb 2012 by Areff
hi, every bodyi have a little problem in p/invoke :my function signature in c++ is some thing like thisReadData (char* data);that i will pass address of string to that fucntion and my data will be filled in the address (function works fine but just data marshaling goes wrong and...
21 Feb 2012 by OriginalGriff
Don't use a string - they are immutable (i.e. they cannot be changed). Use a StringBuilder instead and set it's initial size to the maximum your routine expects to return, and I suspect that it should be a ref parameter rather than an out. Without seeing the code, I can't tell though. It may be...
24 Apr 2012 by kkhippytch
Hi!I have an unmanaged DLL (written in C++) and going to call it from the managed code through the P/Invoke.DLL implements a sort of "gateway" to the stock trading server and is written so that at first we should establish a connection to the required trading server (host, port, login,...
3 Jun 2012 by Oleksandr Kulchytskyi
Hi, change declaration of struct to follow:[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]public class IMAGE{ public UInt32 x; public UInt32 y; public IntPtr data;};and for IntPtr to string use methods:public static...
4 Jun 2012 by nanomass
Ok I found what my mistake was, problem was that I forgot to place the CharSet, property to auto when I created the struct.I had:[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA // user made struct to store device path { public...
8 Aug 2012 by Philip Stuyck
The problem is that in the C++ structure there are pointers, you are trying to convert those to arrays and that is definitely a no go.You will have to use an intptr or something like that.I found something that should get you in the right direction here...
22 Aug 2012 by dsandru1
I have a DLL that I have imported using P/Invoke and I am trying to pass a structure of character pointers to. DataIn will be filled with an array of hex bytes, and DataOut will be filled during the AssembleSecurityPacket(). I am having trouble getting the dll to fill the output array, DataOut....
22 Aug 2012 by Kuthuparakkal
few ideas will get you started: char* : string PrefIn ="mypref"; unsafe { IntPtr ptrPrefIn = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(PrefIn); char* _ptrPrefIn = (char*)ptrPrefIn.ToPointer(); } Structure:object _oStruct ; // some...
24 Aug 2012 by dsandru1
I figured out how to do this.I changed my struct to look like this: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]public class sSecurityLayer{ public byte Header_no; public byte Code; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string DataIn; public int DataInLen; ...
28 Aug 2012 by kash_sheetansh
11 Oct 2012 by AS01234
The reference from Philip Stuyck was very helpful, but I want to also acknowledge receiving help from the company that makes the spectrometers ( I still don't like the solution, because now it uses unsafe code in the wrapper, essentially c++, to de-reference the...
30 Nov 2012 by gxsheng
Hi ,guys, I am making a program on LINUX , with MONO as GUI and OpenGL/X11/C++ as renderer . The connection between them is P/Invoke. Worrying about effeciency , I decide not to use CSharp wrapper of OpenGL directly.So the structure is like this : ...
19 Dec 2012 by Oleg Orlov
I want to render some videos in my Silverlight application.For such aims in desktop-apps I'm using IVideoWindow interface where I'm living in loaf, becuase it's simple.But when I'm embedding such stuff in Silverlight applcation - I've got problems.Silverlight 5th is able to use...
10 Jan 2013 by Maxim Kartavenkov
Hello,You can use Marshal class and it methods PtrToStructure and StructureToPtr to convert your pDevMode IntPtr. The Unicode version of the structure DEVMODE will be:[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit,CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]public struct DEVMODEW{ ...
6 Feb 2013 by supernorb
Hi, I tried using Resource Hacker to open exlorer.exe and I can see there are some resource types such as MUI, IMAGE, ICON ...But trying enumerating resource types using some Win32 API functions didn't succeed, It enumerated only 1 resource type called MUI (the first one in the resource...
9 Feb 2013 by CHill60
Replace private delegate bool EnumResTypeProc(IntPtr hModule, string type, int param);private bool EnumResTypeProcInstance(IntPtr hModule, string type, int param)withprivate delegate bool EnumResTypeProc(IntPtr hModule, int type, int param);private bool EnumResTypeProcInstance(IntPtr...
9 Mar 2013 by anssary2010
I try to bulid application to make new appliction bar using SHAppBarMessage but icant any body can help me explain step by step using SHAppBarMessage in .net manged code
28 May 2013 by ledtech3
Updated:I have been trying now for some time to find a way to list the owner, groups, and DACl of a system service.The built in SC.exe utility will return the DACL but not the Owner or groups.After digging thru the Object browser for some time it appears that there is no straight forward...
29 May 2013 by RadXPictures
So I've been recently toying around with DllImports and P/Invoke calls in my C# WPF application, and have found them to be quite useful. However, I was wondering, is it possible to use this to change the behavior of a window when it is maximized? Like, change the client window which it is being...
29 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You don't need to use P/Invoke to implement such behavior. It's pretty bad thing to use P/Invoke without some really compelling reason. You seriously risk platform compatibility, especially for future, when — who knows? — WPF might be implemented for many other (non-Microsoft) platforms, as it...
2 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You don't need it. Avoid using P/Invoke unless it is absolutely unavoidable, as it will kill multi-platform compatibility of your application. The .NET FCL is quite enough for solving such problem. If, for example, you are using System.Windows.Forms, all you need is...
2 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
[Answering after OP's clarification]When you have the message ID WP_*, you need to P/Invoke, for your purpose, no more than the following Windows API...
12 Dec 2013 by OriginalGriff
Try: rsp(i + 11) -= ChrW(&H30)Or better, declare a constant and use that:Private Const myOffsetValue As Char = CChar(&H30)...rsp(i + 11) -= myOffsetValue
23 Jan 2014 by BillWoodruff
1. same question Ron Beyer asked you: please define 'external application windows' in this context precisely.2. is this a WindowsForms project ? if not, what's the context: WPF ? ... C++ ?3. is there one-and-only-one window that if moved moved all others ? if more than one window can...
28 May 2015 by Johannes Bildstein
The best and recommended way is to use this:[DllImport("@executable_path/../Frameworks/EDSDK.framework/EDSDK")]The framework files should be in the Frameworks folder and with the DllImport attribute you use standard C# and not some Mono xml-config.ok I found the problem. There are three...
12 Mar 2014 by ankit sharma
I want to use GetClusterInformation() function to get the version of MSCS . below is the code snippet I am trying. Any help is much appreciated.public static class Test_LoadLibrary { [DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern...