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Great Reads

by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to setup and configure Azure AD tenant and integrating Azure AD into ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app for authentication and role based authorization.
by Veronica S. Zotali
This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.

Latest Articles

by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to setup and configure Azure AD tenant and integrating Azure AD into ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app for authentication and role based authorization.
by Veronica S. Zotali
This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.

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1 Aug 2018 by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to setup and configure Azure AD tenant and integrating Azure AD into ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app for authentication and role based authorization.
26 Jan 2013 by Ed Nutting
Hi there,Why not Google oAuth and research/read about how oAuth works? I mean really, what are you expecting us to do? I suggest you spend a while researching how oAuth works and particularly why the authentication/security works. Your website isn't running over HTTPS - it should be! And...
28 Jan 2013 by Deenuji
how to open xml file using local disk url? example my url is "C:\\Users\\FABS\\Documents\\Xml Search\\upload\\BOOK.xml" ...Now i can open this xml file from i want to open this xml file in browser pls any one guide me????
28 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Did you try anything? Perhaps a hyperlink with the URL of XML in your web page?
29 Jul 2013 by Thanks7872
Open the downloaded folder. Open the web.config XML configuration file. You will find something like below code. ...
27 Aug 2013 by trujillo66
I've a webforms C# app (VS2012) from OpenAuth template for login using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ...I need to get the main email from provider using: * ProviderName, * ProviderUserId, * ProviderUserNameDoes DotNetOpenAuth has this capability? or I've to develop using OAuth /...
21 Dec 2014 by Telstra
We are using OpenID mechanism to login into our application using third party credentials. For this we have app id and app secret keys. But when we authorize the request we are facing the access token expiration time out error. Can anybody help me how to get the access token value and set its...
7 Aug 2015 by TejashDesai
Hi,I am developing 3 application in MVC4. I want to use OpenId Connect, ASPnet Identity 2.2 and Thinktecture for authentication and authorization as well as for SSO. Following is my use case:Every application have their own login page. When user enter username and password in application...
24 Dec 2015 by M.a.x.a.m
Drupal 7 shows error when i try enter using OpenID , and loading a long time and return this error.->OpenID login failed. drupal 7
10 Jun 2020 by Member 13444435
Hello together, I hang unsuccessfully for days on this problem and not a single answer to different posts at different websites helped me so solve it. I`m working on a Windows 10 System and implementing with VisualStudio 2017. With AspNetCore I`ve implemented the following projects: 1.)...
26 Mar 2019 by Richard Deeming
If you want to use a self-signed certificate, then you'll need to bypass the certificate validation. There are several suggestions in this StackOverflow thread[^]. For example: using (var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()) { // NB: You should make this more robust by actually...
26 Mar 2019 by Member 13444435
Hi Richard, this does only eliminate some exceptions, but I still get the exception that the remote certificate isn`t valid. If I start the Web.AuthServer and afterwards only the Web.ApiServer everything is fine. But the Web.ApiServer tries to get a SignalR-Connection to Web.ApiSwitch and if...
18 Jun 2019 by Pramod Singh (C)
I have apllication in Asp.Net Core 2.0 MVC and Corrent Authentication functionalty implemented in LDAP but now i want to implement ADFS with openId connect in my corrent application. I have tried to read some articles on google but no luck i can found only Azure AD not on-Premise (ADFS) with...
18 Jun 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You need to check how WSFed is supported in .NET Core, see this link to understand how things have changed, ASP.NET MVC Core Authentication against On-Perm ADFS · Issue #1920 · aspnet/AspNetCore · GitHub[^].
10 Jun 2020 by rajesh2245977
Hi, Did you get any solution for this ? I am also facing similar issue on linux using docker. Regards, Rajesh
4 Dec 2020 by TempoClick
I was debugging the source code in my new company to find the origin of the OpenIdConnectProtocolInvalidNonceException When the AuthenticationFailed notification is received, they check if User.Identity.IsAuthenticated What I have tried: ...
29 May 2017 by Veronica S. Zotali
This article shows how to configure IdentityServer3, when you need to authenticate and authorize usage of your WebAPI/MVC, for users stored in SQL Server.
26 Jan 2013 by TIKSN Int
I want to implement OAuth/OpenID for Website One and use it in Website Two.I create Sign Up, Sign In, Sign Out, Profile functionality/Pages for Website One and want to use authentication in Website Two like Facebook or Twitter authentication.As an additional information if you got...
1 Feb 2013 by DemeCarv
I work for a company which prohibits the use of open source and, for some reasons, I wouldn't be able to buy a single sign on solution from the market. Is there some tutorial which could explain what is envolving in developing a single sign on solution? This can be done in Java or Dot Net as...
29 Jul 2013 by sameer.pantvaidya
I want to integrate google login in my ASP.NET website application..I googled and ended up getting following help on http://loginwithgoogle.codeplex.com1) Register your application into Google to have client ID and client secrete keya. For basic understating about Google APIi....