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by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
A reusable Visual C++ framework for real-time volumetric cloud rendering, animation and morphing
by Petrov Vladimir
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro MFC in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by Vasily Tserekh
A simple 3D exploration of a plaza in OpenGL and C#
by logicchild
An article that explains how to use this library

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by gabriel4sonic
Shows how to use OpenGL in a .NET WPF application by directly incorporating an OpenGL window as a child of the main WPF window, making it behave more like a control
by ColleagueRiley
A multi-platform single-header very simple-to-use framework library for creating GUI Libraries or simple GUI programs.
by EgorYusov
This article introduces Diligent Engine, a modern cross-platform graphics API abstraction library and rendering framework
by EgorYusov
This article describes Unity low-level plugin interface and the Unity graphics interface emulator that facilitates native plugin development.

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7 Jul 2011 by #realJSOP
Did you consider using google to find the info you need? OpenGL is a broad topic.
13 Apr 2011 by 01.mandar
Package:- OpenCV 2.1- windows 7(64) - Visual Studio 2008- PlayStation Eye CameraI have used MORPHING_METHOD_ERODE_DILATE to track finger area which does not track accuratelyI have to scan a text in ROI rectangle which will be marked above...
3 Apr 2012 by 01.mandar
i want to create an application(UI) like Windows Media Center (one with good glossy feel). In same MDI application i want to embed some .exe(opengl demo) to browse in and play selected in full screenmy question is, is it possible to build such thing? if yes, how it could be built in...
24 Apr 2012 by 01.mandar
Hi friendsi have created an opengl application(moving color triangle) and runs perfectly(using glut).i wanted to pack the opengl application code into dll.another NEW win32 application will load the dll and create a new blank window, now i want to run the code from the dll into the...
19 May 2012 by 01.mandar
i have win32api mdi form with 4 child of the child window runs opengl code but really slow.i want to make fullscreen when f key is pressed.what is better solution to make window fullscreen(no taskbar & titlebar) without delay in opengl execution.
21 Jun 2012 by 01.mandar
i have done a opengl application in win32 only using platform was performing very slow so i decided to do the same opengl project using glut libraryopengl code workes fine in glut but not in win32.i thought it would be because of wm-paint so i did it with timer but no effect...
2 Feb 2010 by 4277480
Everything is possible with google
3 Mar 2020 by 8BITDEVreal
so i am new to lwjgl and am i messing with making a 3d game with so i was learning about shaders and i followed the tutorial and i got this error message 0(1) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting "::" at token "#" 0(5)...
3 Mar 2020 by 8BITDEVreal
i figured it It don't seem to support #version anymore and in and out are also invalid so i found it was just a error with my shader code as i am following a tutorial series a couple years old my new vertexShader: precision highp float; void...
27 Mar 2020 by 99dc
Best answer - uses WPF instead of OpenGL but shows basic principles and actual code Medical image visualization using WPF[^]
29 Mar 2018 by _GX_
can i use visual studio .net framework to make node system like visual programming (""the visual part of it not the logic part of it"") or i need to implement opengl or directx or etc......... What I have tried: n--------------o------------t---------------h------------i-------------n------------g
12 Dec 2018 by A_javad
Hi I am writing a science program and in part of my program have 40 Millions object ( in some case over the 40 ) I write this part with c# and WPF but when I pan the objects its move very slow. Therefore I decide write this part with OpenGL , I test in block of code ( used for statement ...
20 Mar 2012 by Abbath1349
Hello. Can u say me alhoritms for find mate, stalemate and check in chess?
16 Nov 2012 by Abd Alrahman Sammani
What Is The Best Language For Games Programming?
14 May 2011 by Abhinav S
Please modify the original question i neede some help with my project[^] instead of adding a new one.
16 Nov 2012 by Abhishek Pant
All languages are best for programming but you must prefer the languge that is best known to you.You are asking this question as Head=Tails was found in your game and you want to change this order into best programming languages that you will know from here so that you can make history.
7 Mar 2012 by abhishek.biradar
Hi friends,I am bit new to openGl And have a doubt which I am not able to clear out.I am implementing an application with random colored circles popping up the random locations. The image of the application can be found requirement is that...
1 Jul 2014 by Ace.Y.Fei
Hi, I'm a student in civil engineering, and need to use OpenGL to draw the ground.I have already learn some OpenGL 3.3, and can draw the ground.However, I don't know how to integrate the OpenGL 3.3's command into MFC in Visual Studio 2010. Now I just modify the OpenGL code in Win32...
7 Jul 2011 by adam4l
I'm learning the basics of opengl, and each time I want to train and enter some code, the compiler seems unfamiliar with gl/gl.h & gl/glu.h library.Where can I download what it needs for the compiler to execute me code nice and smooth?and another silly question -but I really must know...
11 Dec 2013 by adiqais
#include //#include #include const float PI = 3.141592653;void init(void){ glClearColor(1,1,1,0); glShadeModel(GLU_FLAT); glPointSize(6.0); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0.0, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0, 1.0,...
11 May 2010 by Adrian Pasik
I didnt see Your project but in most cases it is not geometry that is the problem. If You want to have realistic views get better textures, and then play a little bit with some bump mapping derivatives. (google for Parallax mapping)
29 Aug 2008 by Adrian Savage
Simulation in OSG using discrete events, a Ternary Heap and Interpolation
21 Sep 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
1) Where is the link? "denied publication" is not enough to specify what is wrong. There must be a comment, or reply as to why your article is not going to be published. 2) You should consider asking Article writing forum[^]. You will get help about your article there, mentors and editors...
2 Jan 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Solution 1 gives you a good way to calculate the solutions, you can use the Mat object to perform scaling operations and that will be easier — then you can later compare every element to the relative element in other image Mat (see my comment to Solution 1). Just a sample of what we are...
14 Feb 2013 by Agustin Recoba
Hi again.. and sorry for bothering you... well, im working on a project... and I don't know if you know about a software called TempTracker, its free, and the thing that I want to do, its so save the coords... i mean, the software it's for the calibration of a pair of glasses, but when you hint...
4 Nov 2011 by AhmedDheyaa
Hi , how can i draw a sierpinski triangles within a circle using c# and opengl .i nead a code snipts. thanks.
30 May 2016 by AK96
I know to code opengl in computer in c/c++ it on my engg semister lab.but i want to code opengl on android to some stuff.i surfed a lot on internet.but almost all are explaining same triangle computer graphics we use functions like glBegin(...)...
30 May 2016 by AK96
i want to draw a line on given two points which is specified through OnTouch() event in andriod.But how to draw a line(also anything to draw newly) inside OnTouch(...) event.What I have tried:I tried this app for Windows 7 through Visual c++.
24 Apr 2012 by akci
Hello everyoneI need to do a project using opengl library. using taoframework. I'm doing drawings in simpleopengl object. I have no problem about it.My problem is plotted in the text.I'm using Tao Freeglut and my code is; Gl.glPushMatrix(); Gl.glTranslatef(0, 0,...
16 Mar 2011 by Akhilesh Iyengar
i want help modifying this code please.1. i want to reduce the number of generated pixels to 400x200.2. i want it to generate with a scroll bar such that i can scroll back and forth through the generations (instead of it generating one by one with 'g' key, and not being able to view the...
15 Apr 2015 by Akhilesh19
I need to get a textbox in openGl to ocmplete my miniproject.. Guys please post with you codes :-)
23 Sep 2012 by Al Hizbul
How to create circle using Bresenham algorithm using OpenGl and C++.
23 Aug 2012 by Alesiani Marco
A concept-tool to create interactive documentations for C/C++ projects
30 Nov 1999 by Alessandro Falappa
A plug-in view class that provides OpenGL support
7 Nov 2013 by Alexander Chernosvitov
ActiveX component for 3D visualization, embedded in different client applications.
13 Oct 2015 by Ali BaderEddin
This article describes in detail how to set up your first OpenGL FreeGLUT window with multiple subwindows, and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
1 Feb 2008 by Ali BaderEddin
This article describes in detail how to set up an OpenGL window with controls laid out and organized into GLUI subwindow(s), and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
27 Feb 2008 by Ali BaderEddin
Learn OpenGL geometric primitives through this interactive program.
14 Aug 2010 by Ali BaderEddin
How to draw an oval using lines or fill it using triangles?
2 Apr 2010 by Ali BaderEddin
Make drawing text in your OpenGL app as simple as calling printf
9 Apr 2010 by Ali BaderEddin
Attempt to visualize memory...
18 May 2010 by Ali BaderEddin
An attempt to understand the internal logic of drawing and coloring lines in a graphics library.
30 May 2010 by Ali BaderEddin
How to change the camera view in an OpenGL application
31 Jan 2008 by Ali BaderEddin
This article describes in detail how to create your first GLUI window with some basic controls inside it, and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications.
8 Oct 2015 by Ali BaderEddin
This article describes in detail how to set up your first OpenGL FreeGLUT window and provides you with a template for your OpenGL applications
2 Oct 2012 by alirezamilani
Hi.I' writing a OpenGL project with C++ win32, but when i wanna using gl or glu, encounter with errors.anyone know what am i doing?#include #include
9 Oct 2012 by alirezamilani
Hi. i wrote a openGL project in win32 C++ in vs2008now , i wanna continue my project in vs2010but VS2010 give me an error when convert project ERROR:unable start project "directory project\...\ map editor.exe"this app has failed to start because the application configuration is...
23 Mar 2021 by Ally Terna
I am trying to make a cube in my OpenGL project. My code for some reason is not rendering and I have no idea why. Even though nothing draws, I am not getting any errors or warnings. All I see is a blank screen, but no cube. How do make the cube...
2 Jan 2017 by Amal anjula
i have to build up face detection system for human identification. if correct human present the door will that. um using opencv and c++ for using template matching alogo for that. no i want know what is the images matching percentage. how do it? any way is there have enchanted...
9 Dec 2011 by Amir Mahfoozi
Firstly buy its 3dmax model from here :[^]or make a simple one yourself then search for a (free) library to load the 3Dmax model; There are also other 3D formats and loaders. There are already some 3DMax loaders in C++ and...
10 Dec 2011 by Amir Mahfoozi
It is related to linking stage and it can not find glut32.lib or freeglut.lib.In VS2010 go to Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies Add you glut32.lib and freeglut.lib with full path to that entry.It will find them at linking...
3 Aug 2012 by amitkarnik2211
I have got this on another Forum you can try this I have researched this issue on the web and it seems like it is something that has been an issue for a lot of people. The solution to this is as simple as removing a comment. I looked through the stdlib.h file, and found the the...
23 Jan 2014 by Amol Parsewar
Hi,I want to develop a remote desktop app, one i have already created but it's speed is too slow.To perform fast operation directx is very helpful so any help will be expected.Final product should work like teamviewer.Thanks..!
27 Nov 2012 by Amory Wong
A GLKView class that can be dropped into your project.
10 Sep 2012 by amsainju
I have been facing a problem regarding selecting the space in negative z direction with glulookat function. my code works fine for selecting a space providing two digonal points in the workspace if either one has positive z value but if both of the z value is negative the code fails.void...
21 Jun 2013 by amsainju
Hello, Is it possible to send the gl_FragColor.a value for fragment shader dynamically on the runtime. say for example, user input the alpha value in a text box and the value will be assigned to the gl_FragColor.a variable; my fragment shader code isvoid main(){ gl_FragColor =...
26 Jun 2013 by amsainju
Hello Everyone, void mainRender(){ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); renderSTLs(); glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); renderPoints();}I need to achieve mutual...
26 Jun 2013 by amsainju
this code had no problem, the issue was with glulookat function. I tried changing some parameter and the problem was solved.
27 Jun 2013 by amsainju
I found out that I had some mistake in calculating position in vertex shader. It works fine accroding to Santhosh G_ method.
21 Sep 2012 by Anand V_
I am looking to apply Texture to an already compiled OpenGL List. Is it possible to apply texture to a GL List? Please let me know how to do it.My OpenGL list contains TRIANGLE STRIPS (defined with gl.Normal3d & gl.Vertex3d) Typically my code would be generating a GL List as below. To...
15 Apr 2014 by Anand V_
In OpenGL with C#, I am setting ambient and diffuse material properties for a complied glList containing triangles in Windows Paint event.Typically I use, void Control_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e){....float[] CustomColor = { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.8f };if(UserInputColor ==...
5 Nov 2011 by Andrew Brock
This can be acheived with POSIX compliant functions. This is supported by almost all platforms including Linux, OSX, BSD, and many others (Windows not included). The basic idea is in Richard's answer, but when you execute an external command you open up some pipes and then spawn a child...
17 Nov 2014 by Android on Intel
In this post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
19 Nov 2014 by Android on Intel
This first installment introduces essential concepts and categories of game engines and middleware to help narrow your choice, including SDK versus Android Native Development Kit (NDK) development.
21 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
In this blog post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
20 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
20 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
This sample demonstrates the use of the extension GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering, which is written against the OpenGL* 4.4 core profile and GLES 3.1 specifications.
2 Mar 2015 by Android on Intel
The following sessions are created specifically for Android developers who want to package their APPS to support Android x86-based devices:
2 Mar 2015 by Android on Intel
The Murl Engine is a fresh and free solution for cross-platform development. It is focused on games and multimedia applications and is currently supporting Android, iOS, Windows, OS X and Linux* platforms.
31 Jul 2015 by Android on Intel
This paper describes how to create an x86 player app using the NexPlayer SDK.
1 Sep 2015 by Android on Intel
Which Intel software tool includes a new name, new features, and it's ALL available for FREE?
1 Oct 2015 by Android on Intel
This tutorial presents a step-by-step guide to performance analysis, bottleneck identification, and rendering optimization of an OpenGL ES 3.0 application on Android.
1 Oct 2015 by Android on Intel
Thanks to an x86-based Android tablet Intel loaned me for testing, PhonoPaper has been improved and optimized.
30 Oct 2015 by Android on Intel
The current generation of Intel® graphics hardware extends Intel’s leadership in enabling innovation across the industry, including being fully ready for DirectX 12 and driving the adoption of advanced features by next-generation games.
1 Dec 2015 by Android on Intel
As a follow-up to Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps for DirectX 11, we present a port of the same algorithm adapted for Android devices that support OpenGL ES 3.1 and the GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering OpenGL extension.
14 Jan 2016 by Android on Intel
This article describes the OpenGLBox sample in the Multi-OS Engine.
14 Jan 2016 by Android on Intel
Icy Rocks Workload: A Real Workload for the Android Platform
15 Apr 2016 by Android on Intel
The discussion in this blog will focus on the 2 Atom x3 SoC SKUs which have already been launched: C3200RK and C3230RK.
1 Jun 2016 by Android on Intel
A tutorial for writing applications using Vulkan. I will share my thoughts and experiences as someone who knows OpenGL and would like to “migrate” to its successor.
16 Jun 2010 by anollipian
Hi I'm starting at my graphics project now. I'm going to make a 3D animated poster. It'll have flying Houses & People. I'm using OpenGL & 3DMax. What should I be knowing for starting at that project? Lighting, texturing... hmm. Would you please tell me the most important stuff that I...
15 Jun 2010 by Anthony Mushrow
In windows (I'm assuming your using windows) the origin (0,0) is at the top left of the screen, but with glReadPixels the origin is at the bottom left so you may have to adjust the mouse coords before you use them with the function.Also you may want to do something more like this:Picking...
26 Oct 2010 by Anthony Mushrow
It's likely caused because your using a 16-bit depth buffer, which means that from a distance there isn't enough detail in the depth buffer to differentiate between the planet and its atmosphere so they're being drawn a little randomly.I'd like to mention that the depth buffer doesn't store...
17 Aug 2011 by Anthony Mushrow
This[^] NeHe article (among other things) shows you how to render to a texture. The basic procedure is to set the viewport to the size of the texture then render whatever you need, and finally to copy your screen buffer to the texture using glCopyTexImage2D.If you need to update the texture...
6 Feb 2000 by Antonio Tejada Lacaci
VRML parser and Partial viewer
13 Oct 2013 by Arashdn
Hi ,You must put glBegin and glEnd blocks inside the loop:#include #include const float PI =3.141592653;void init(){ glClearColor(1,1,1,0); glShadeModel(GLU_FLAT); glPointSize( 6.0 );}void display(void){ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); ...
14 Mar 2013 by arashkeivan
I've used a sparkstoothchart(Usercontrol) with open source ( in my projectWhen I use the control on a "Windows Forms Application" it's ok, but if I put the computer at hibernate or sleep mode, when visual studio is open and form that contains the control, is in design mode,...
17 Feb 2010 by archana.srikar
I have used Display mode as double buffer and when i draw scene is not being displayed i have used swapbuffers, but the same when i used Single buffer is able to render scene.
9 Jul 2011 by arcodist
Hello! it's my first post here and I'm a rookie with OpenGLI use the function "glutPassiveMotionFunc" to track my mouse.But it seems to have an initial position in (0,0).Here is short program that can demonstrate my problem:#includeGLint viewWidth = 400, viewHeight =...
18 Aug 2011 by arcodist
How exactly can I use glutBitmapString? glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); glRasterPos2i(200, 200); glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, "text");VS08 shows: cannot convert argument 2 from "const char [5]" to "const unsigned char *"But when I write this: glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0,...
7 Feb 2009 by ARon_
This article describes the creation of an OpenGL window or OpenGL control with C# and Tao Framework
15 Oct 2012 by ashcairo
How to use OpenGL and friends to write an app that targets mobile and desktop platforms.
12 Nov 2011 by Ashok Gowtham
In Short: How to 'render to a per pixel transparent/alpha Bitmap' using OpenGLIn Detail: I'm writing a program in VC++, using OpenGL (Platform: Windows XP).The idea is to use OpenGL to render a scene (say, a few triangles) that has semi transparent Vertex Colors (for eg:...
22 Feb 2018 by Asif Bahrainwala
OpenGL Compute Shader
13 May 2020 by Askar Azhibaev
Calculating the pi number faster using a simple formula
25 Oct 2002 by Bahrudin Hrnjica
One another approach for picking objects with the mouse in OpenGL scene.
11 Mar 2010 by bala_48225
Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble making a good, nice, round, filled 2D circle in OpenGL. I use GNU C compiler, CodeBlocks IDE and Windows XP. The following code produces an ellipse that looks more like a "tomato" in the sense that it is wide for how tall it is. So the problem is, how to "thin...