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Everything / OAuth



Great Reads

by Florian Rappl
Crawling tons of (individual) web information and creating statistics using Windows Azure.
by Zijian
Reusable codes for OAuth security in business applications
by rmostafa
Simple Google Analytics Access, with Service Account Credential OAuth2
by Raymund Macaalay
For this article, we will be creating a simple password reset of a user in Google which is very useful when you want to revoke access for a user in your domain, but leaving the account readable as long as you have the password.

Latest Articles

by Zijian
Reusable codes for OAuth security in business applications
by adriancs
Integrate Google OAuth 2.0 with ASP.NET in C# for seamless user authentication
by Nikola Breznjak
Adding Google OAuth support to Raneto as the latter allows only basic username/password authentication
by Bruno Baia
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.

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9 Jun 2013 by Florian Rappl
Crawling tons of (individual) web information and creating statistics using Windows Azure.
12 Jul 2024 by Zijian
Reusable codes for OAuth security in business applications
30 Jan 2014 by rmostafa
Simple Google Analytics Access, with Service Account Credential OAuth2
11 Mar 2016 by Raymund Macaalay
For this article, we will be creating a simple password reset of a user in Google which is very useful when you want to revoke access for a user in your domain, but leaving the account readable as long as you have the password.
18 Jan 2024 by adriancs
Integrate Google OAuth 2.0 with ASP.NET in C# for seamless user authentication
21 Nov 2018 by Bruno Baia
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
30 Aug 2016 by Taiseer Joudeh
This is the third part of the tutorial which will cover Using Azure AD B2C tenant with ASP.NET Web API 2 and various front-end clients. Azure Active Directory B2C Overview and Policies Management – (Part 1) Secure ASP.NET Web API 2 using Azure AD B2C – (Part 2) Integrate Azure Active Dir
1 Dec 2013 by CHill60
OP doesn't want to use FTP.Here is a link with a VB sample on how to use OAuth2 with credentials.[^]As to storing those credentials you should consider encrypting them...
13 Feb 2014 by David Johns
In desperation, I contacted the author of RFC 5849 and he promptly replied this this address that shows my implementation was right all along:[^]Hopefully that helps someone else someday!
2 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
You could get the details from the Authentication result object.See belowAuthenticationResult userLoginDetails = OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication(Url.Action("ExternalLoginCallback", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl }));string emailOrUserID= userLoginDetails.UserName;string...
12 May 2020 by Richard Deeming
You're looking at the request, not the response. The request which succeeds is sending the parameters encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The request that fails is sending the parameters encoded as JSON. You need to add the parameters...
7 Oct 2023 by OriginalGriff
So ... you have no idea what you are doing, and no interest in finding out how to do it properly - just throw some code together form internet samples and get someone else to fix it when it doesn't work? That may be exaggerating what you are...
21 Sep 2012 by Shahir15
Hi guys I am trying to integrate Facebook authentication into my website, so i created and registered my App on Facebook(Got my App ID and secret). I have tried many different ways to code the OAuth. All are giving me the same result. I have found the most meaningful error.{ "error": {...
26 Jan 2013 by Ed Nutting
Hi there,Why not Google oAuth and research/read about how oAuth works? I mean really, what are you expecting us to do? I suggest you spend a while researching how oAuth works and particularly why the authentication/security works. Your website isn't running over HTTPS - it should be! And...
4 Mar 2013 by zahra6688
hi i want to write mvc application to be a server authorization. i want to use DotNetOpenAuth OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server. i add the Nuget to my project, but i don't know how to use it and what is the configuration and setting for using.i need a sample or a document to understand how to...
11 Mar 2013 by Ravalnath
How to implement openid/ oauth in windows form application.
25 Apr 2013 by Marco Bertschi
There was a discussion about this at here[^]Seems like it is a know bug, but facebook have not commented it officially, yet.cheers,Marco
1 Jul 2013 by Valery Possoz
Hello,Read this link, it describes how to use OAuth[^]Basically all you need to do is use the Microsoft.Web.WebPages.OAuth assembly and register the twitter...
4 Aug 2013 by ashok yede201
I am new at MVC 4. I have created MVC 4 application. I am using Basic Authentication. When I am first time loading then it works fine, it asks credentials. But when I make Ajax call from same view without any credentials still it calls Controllers Action. As I am using basic Authentication it...
22 Aug 2013 by sameer.pantvaidya
I am implementing Google API Login: I am being able to login to my web app and now I am trying to fetch user details like Name, Email etc.To fetch a user name I've a following code (got it from Google Developer's site)gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function () { var request =...
22 Aug 2013 by ashok yede201
I got its solution,1. you just set basic authentication from IIS2. Set [Authorize] attribute to all actions.3. send user name and password from ajax call.
27 Aug 2013 by trujillo66
I've a webforms C# app (VS2012) from OpenAuth template for login using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ...I need to get the main email from provider using: * ProviderName, * ProviderUserId, * ProviderUserNameDoes DotNetOpenAuth has this capability? or I've to develop using OAuth /...
16 Sep 2013 by pkmonga
I have to convert PHP project having Rest ful webservices with 2 legged OAuth Implementation and i have to convert it into .Net Project.i am not able to find the Suitable OAUTH in .net with parameters given to me.Parameters given only are Consumer Key, Consumer Secret Key and URL to hit.Based...
28 Oct 2013 by Member 10365275
I have posted this query in most forums I know, but have not received an answer or even guidance as to whether this is possible. I have only used VBA before so am pretty lost. My apologies if this is basic (and a bit silly).Is it possible to automate the login to Google?I have an...
29 Oct 2013 by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
It is kind hard to know solve the problem without it being specified. But I hardly believe it would be on google's end. Have you carefully read the api docs?[^][^]If...
30 Oct 2013 by Bhuvanesh Mohankumar
How to Integrate Facebook API for OAuth 1.0 version of Authentication.I need to Authenticate user using the old OAuth 1.0 method.
30 Oct 2013 by bbirajdar
You need to mention the ASP.NET version in your question.It comes as a built in template for VS 2012 for 4.5 . For lower versions you can refer[^]
1 Dec 2013 by BobilProject
I want to use FTP as last choice.Many users already has a Dropbox or Skydrive account, this is my first try...
27 Jan 2014 by Member 10553642
Facebook oauth process prompts user to login using his username and password and prompt about permissions.So my question is if there is way to do programmatic oauth login. Where we pass user's username and password programmatically and acquired user's permission (access token) without user’s...
27 Jan 2014 by Garth J Lancaster
well, you havnt specified a language, so your question can only be answered in broad terms - 'Yes, its possible' see here for oauth implementations that may help[^]All that is very well, but a bigger question remains - how are you going to store the credentials...
29 Jan 2014 by Hossein Ghiyasi Mehr
Do you want to automate final step in getting tokens?If yes, you have to simulate browser request by analyzing web page source code.
29 Jan 2014 by dfarr1
Hello all. I started a big project from a template, so it came with openauth by default. I chose to use Active Directory as my authentication scheme, so I had disabled openauth, removed the pages, and any references (including service references and references via nuget). Right now though, I...
10 Feb 2014 by David Johns
I am trying to implement oAuth 1.0 in C++/MFC using the CryptoPP library to do the HMAC-SHA1. I can't repeat the example given in RFC 5849. As far as I can tell I have implemented it properly, but I'm getting a different signature. //Example...
11 Mar 2014 by shanalikhan
Hi , Is there any way that when use log in to my application i can easily get the result that he is a regular user of that profile and he has posted 50 posts last months.Using mvcThanks
2 Apr 2014 by dfarr1
Visual Studio keeps it's own tabs on directory contents listing of the bin and obj folders where after looking at it from the VS side, the files that kept causing errors were all flagged with warnings as having potentially missing items. I deleted the folders from the actual directory and not...
28 Feb 2021 by wusir371
When I use the ASP.NET MVC4 Internet Application template offered by VS2012, it's OK to implement the OAuth and OpenID, so I can login with Google or Facebook account. Now, I am using ASP.NET MVC4 + MySQL to develop a website. I uninstall the EF and use ADO.NET to access the MySQL, everything...
31 May 2014 by Member 10291320
OAuthWebSecurity for linkedin sign in not working for windows server 2008 R2 while same code is working perfectly on local enviroment. On website load it gives following error.Response is not available in this context.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of...
10 Jun 2014 by Deepika_Thakur
I am using oauth API with my project and getting 404 error when I am trying to integrate my LinkedIn account to my site. It was working fine till yesterday but now I am unable to integrate my LinkedIn account.This are the links of API I am...
13 Jun 2014 by Duncan Edwards Jones
More of an architectural / early thoughts question rather than a code issue.I have an application where the logged in user adds commands to a command queue. (CQRS) These commands may be executed later when the user is no longer logged on so I need to pass along an authentication token...
4 Dec 2014 by harry madaan
Hello,I'm trying gmail login on my website. i used Oauth2 for this. process is working fine but i don't getting any data from the service like username , email etc. no any data is returning for...
7 Dec 2014 by harry madaan
Hello, I'm trying gmail login on my website. i used Oauth2 for this. Here process is working fine but i don't getting any data from the service like username , email etc. no any data is returning for me...
21 Dec 2014 by Telstra
We are using OpenID mechanism to login into our application using third party credentials. For this we have app id and app secret keys. But when we authorize the request we are facing the access token expiration time out error. Can anybody help me how to get the access token value and set its...
3 Mar 2015 by Aniket Babar
Hello,I google at every website but not get any related tutorial ragarding my problem.i have used following code to connect with facebook using login by user, OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new FacebookExtendedClient( "***************", ...
5 Mar 2015 by Member 11502113
I'm having difficulties setting up OAuth for Swift. I have downloaded OAuth Swift but I do not know how to install it. In the instructions for installation on the page, it says I need to add target dependencies for the framework. When I tried it, it didn't work, it showed nothing. Can anybody...
12 Mar 2015 by RajeeshMenoth
Hi,Ref this article :1) Single Sign On (SSO) for cross-domain ASP.NET applications: Part-I - The design blue print2) Single Sign On (SSO) for cross-domain ASP.NET applications: Part-II - The implementation
13 Mar 2015 by Member 11520241
Ok, I figured it out. I basically want to implement OAuth or SAML, butt thats too hardcore for what I currently need , for now Ill just create an internal web service that does the authentication for all our web applications since we will be hosting them on the same server, but for fun ill prob...
13 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sorry, this is not a question. And this is not a sample-finding or sample-writing service. You can start here:[^].—SA
29 Aug 2015 by Ravindar Kumar Gupta
Hello,Currently I am working on a project Google analytics Report service. I have created a project on Google console developer. I got my client I'd and client secret to Authentic ate my application I require access token for authentication. I am stuck here. Please help.
30 Aug 2015 by Peter Leow
Refer to the documentation on Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs[^]. Find the scenario that fits your requirements, step through the flow, and get a copy of the relevant Google API Client Library[^] and learn the sample codes.
6 Sep 2015 by Michael Nieuwenhuis
Im currently working with an Indian developer and he's holding on to an oAuth implementation that I haven't seen before. I don't think this is the right way of doing it but who knows. All I know that when I did a oauth integration for a xero partner app there were a lot more things involved....
15 Sep 2015 by Member 11737804
Please help me!I want to post a blog on blogger using c#. I got to know that Google is currently using using APIv3 and Oauth 2.0.I already got the credentials from like: API key, Client Secret etc. but not getting idea what to do next?I did whatever i could but empty hands at...
3 Oct 2015 by abdo.kouta
Hello Guy, I'm trying to Add External login and i already add Client ID and Client Secret but it comes with problem because of redirect URL and i tried over and over to figure out a way to solve it could any one helps me in how to get the correct redirect URL here is the problem code...
16 Nov 2015 by KVPalem
I have been working on security related stuff in azure. mainly on providing security for back end services with API Management.We have Authorization protocols like OAuth 2.0 and WS-Federation,SAML and so on,... and i guess internally we need to select token format as SAML 1.0 or JWT for...
23 Nov 2015 by Gulshan Asrani
I am facing an issue with LinkedIn Share API 1.0.I have developed an application in ASP.NET in which a user can share a JOB Post on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn).All thing are working fine except LinkedIn, when user is authenticated via LinkedIn he is able to share the...
5 Feb 2016 by Bhupendr Chauhan
Hi,I am getting an error when i request to linke in access token url uing socail Oauth 2.0The line request.GetResponse() getting this error.What I have tried:public static string Request(string url, string method, string contentType, NameValueCollection header, ...
21 Apr 2016 by Shant Nercessian
We are developing a desktop app and want to add email sending functionality from within. The problem we now have is that the old smtp libraries are no longer entirely adequate since providers like gmail now call them 'applications that do not meet modern security standards'. They still allow you...
21 Apr 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
The problem you are having is simply a common misconception. Sending email and receiving email are not connected in any way, shape or form. Email clients (both desktop and web) give the impression that they are connected but they're not.If you are dealing with sending email than you don't...
11 May 2016 by Member 12517408
HI,We have oAuth login for Facebook and google on our login page and it is defined in the application with all the necessary settings for callback and other functions with Challenge result in the External Login function.My method calls this function public ActionResult...
24 May 2016 by Grant Weatherston
WebSecurity.ChangePassword() method is returning false (i.e failing to change). I have provided the correct paramaters (username, newPassword, confirmPassword).The method fails (returns false).After checking the Membership Database, the account i'm trying to change the password of, the...
24 May 2016 by Richard Deeming
Quote:I have provided the correct paramaters (username, newPassword, confirmPassword).According to the documentation[^], the parameters are: username, currentPassword, newPassword.You need to pass the user's current password as the second parameter. You are currently passing the user's new...
28 Jun 2016 by Member 12608312
Assume I already have a user data store that I am happy with (Usernames, Hashed passwords, etc ...) and all I want to add is the ability to issue and process JWT tokens and refresh tokens. What would be the minimal NuGet packages that would be needed?I realize ASP Identity is a proven...
6 Oct 2019 by Varinder Raii
I need to get URL of requesting web site in My WEB API 2. I need to do this because of security. I want to response to the request which are coming from the URLs that are registered on my server.In Web API I have used1) Owin2) OAuth 2.0So far I have tried to get it from owin...
28 Sep 2016 by jayantasa
service is working fine in local but not working in iisWhat I have tried:string uri = context.UriTemplateMatch.RequestUri.OriginalString.Replace (context.UriTemplateMatch.RequestUri.Query, ""); DataSet dsconsumersecretkey =...
3 Oct 2016 by Florian Wendel
Every software developer must face the challenge of integrating a plethora of external APIs into their app to increase its value to their users. This can take a lot of time since these APIs are often vastly different. API abstraction promises relief but there are different approaches.
17 Jan 2017 by Peter Belcher
Hooking up a Raspberry Pi to Predix; reading data from a file system and flowing that data into Predix without the need for manual intervention.
1 Feb 2017 by Lokesh Zende
Hi,I am new to OAuth and I am trying to implement it in my application.I have added a relying party by referring [^] this link.As suggested in a link, I have not attached any certificate while creating a relying party.Now in my application, this code redirects me to AD FS login page...
22 Feb 2017 by Graeme_Grant
Did you try Google Search? Not in your list... Google Search is your friend: oauth2 authentication in WCF soap service[^]The above Google Search turned up this gem: Using OAuth2 with SOAP[^]
10 Feb 2020 by Lokesh Zende
Hi,I am trying to implement OAuth in my application.On login page, I am setting a session varible with some string value.Session["CompanyInfo"] = "Your Company Name";I then redirect to the ADFS login page where I enter correct user name and password. After successful authentication, it...
23 Mar 2017 by Member 12003387
I am using OAuth to login for my MVC 5 project using gmail OAuth credentials. Its working fine but here i have to need save login data to database instead of .mdf file (Which was created automatically when solution created).How its possible to save these tables data (i.e. AspNetUserLogins...
23 Mar 2017 by Member 3725115
I am new to WCF RESTful services and I got a requirement to use OAuth 2.0 authentication technique in one of the WCF services project. I would like to know if is is feasible/possible to use OAuth 2.0 with WCF. I found lot of sample using OAuth 1.0 with WCF, but nothing on OAuth 2.0. Please...
23 Mar 2017 by Graeme_Grant
You know that the "create new website" in Visual studio 2012+ actually does this automatically for you right?Here is a video that walks you through it: How to add OAuth and openID using MVC 5 - YouTube[^]
2 Aug 2017 by Member 12756214
I want to build commercial server on ( c++ or c run on windows and Linux ) with maximum security possible , that send/receive data to the client ( html + java script vanilla ) What I have tried: Library : 1- Websocket server ( wss ) : 2-...
2 Aug 2017 by RickZeeland
There is a recent publication about OAuth 2, OAuth 2 in Action, it's more aimed at Javascript developers, but might be of interest to you nevertheless. Manning | OAuth 2 in Action[^]
10 Oct 2017 by Member 11767325
make sure that Microsoft.Owin assembly in publish folder
10 Dec 2017 by Amr Mohammad Rashad
Greetings, I am working on developing a library to generate a token to be used by application to access a service resource. Here is the scenario the library will accept user name and password then it should create a Jason formatted token, I was trying to use Jwt. Json token, from my point of...
12 May 2020 by invidicult
I would like to implement a HTTPS connection for my rest webservice. The HTTP version works as well, but when i try to connect over HTTPS and send a XML file or something else, It already fails when establishing the connection via https. Has someone an idea what i can change to test it over...
10 Mar 2018 by Member 13424692
Hello everyone, I need to gain access to a google sheet from a winforms program. What I want is to have a google service account gain access to said sheet without the computer user ever having to interact with the program. I believe the service account is capable of this, but, if not, please let...
18 Jun 2018 by Tony Girgenti
Hello, I have an Asp.Net 4.5.2 web application client that makes calls to a OAuth 2.0 application running on my server Core 2.0 website. It works without a problem. The problem is when it returns from an authorization call to the server, it does not execute the return method specified in the...
16 Jun 2018 by Mehdi Gholam
Read the following : Authenticate with OAuth 2.0 in ASP.NET Core 2.0 • Jerrie Pelser's Blog[^]
18 Jun 2018 by Tony Girgenti
To fix this issue, I added this route to the Startup.cs file: routes.MapRoute( name: "token", template: "token", defaults: new { controller = "API", action = "GetAccessToken" });
19 Nov 2018 by HackensackNJ
Please bare with me. Rookie on the block. I am tasked to provide clientcallback url and this needed to authenticate zoho desk host: path: /oauth/v2/auth response_type: code client_id: ### scope:,Desk.basic.READ,,Desk.basic.CREATE...
18 Nov 2018 by RickZeeland
Usually WebRequest is used, see example here: API Examples | Developer Help - Zoho CRM[^] And for the API 2.0:[^]
12 Feb 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Plenty of suggestions here: move an email from one gmail account to another using gmail-api - Google Search[^]
1 Apr 2019 by MadMyche
I'd start with reading through the API, they even have a chapter on OAuth and it's endpoints: Imgur API[^] And a link to an Android upload sample GitHub - AKiniyalocts/imgur-android: An open-sourced Android imgur api example[^] If you are still having problems, post the code you are using and...
12 Nov 2019 by Member 13700260
i am facing this problem and trying from last many days ,, i am using .net core 3.0 with google auth i have set up evertying and working fine until call back method (return uri) where i get this error invalid or missing state... What I have tried: public IActionResult ExternalLogin(string...
12 May 2020 by Member 14779968
I am trying to get my OAuth token but getting a Bad request. I am trying to use Dictionary to store in key pair values but its not working. I have successfully send request using another library using HttpWebResponse and when I check in fidler I...
14 May 2020 by Member 14779968
I have created a method to get the token. My token request sends the parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Its takes the credentials as form-data. When I get the token I want to use it in my Send request method, where I defined my...
14 May 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
The answer really depends on the OAuth provider, but one possible way is to send the Username & Password as 'Basic Authentication' ie headers - something like this using HttpWebRequest .... String encoded =...
27 May 2020 by Grupo Microsistemas
Hello, i have an app that send emails correctly, the problem is later that day a error shows up saying "Authentication Error code:334". I think that i need to refresh the token or maybe gmail smtp have a limit for free emails. What I have tried:...
27 May 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
Pretty sure you asked the same thing recently .. this post Q: How do I authenticate with an OAUTH2 access token? · Issue #606 · jstedfast/MailKit · GitHub[^] points out that await credential.RefreshTokenAsync(CancellationToken.None); seems to...
16 Jul 2020 by Member 10014841
I am working on ADFS external authentication project. I am using a self signed certificate, which is imported in Trusted people store. I need to verify whether importing a CA certificate to Trusted people store work or not. What I have tried: ...
15 Mar 2022 by Nikola Breznjak
Adding Google OAuth support to Raneto as the latter allows only basic username/password authentication
20 Apr 2024 by danash
Using this code (below), Trying to obtain an access key via oAuth2 . Request runs fir about 2 mins then throws and error "request was cancelled". This is driving me nuts. Could use a second set of eyes and help. -Thanks Protected...
8 May 2024 by danash
The problem was my Dev environment was hooked to Starlink satillite Internet which uses a NAT (network address translation) to household consolidate my IP address into one outbound IP. I pulled the ethernet cable from my desktop and used my...
22 Oct 2013 by Kristofer Kallsbo
Getting user info after oAuth.