Upload PDF, save file name to database, save pdf to a folder, create a thumbnail image of pdf and save it to a folder, and also save the image to database
This tip will help beginners to implement CRUD operations in ASP.NET MVC 5 using WebAPI 2 with scripting language as AngularJS and Database as MS SQL 2008R2.
When you are dealing with Date&Time input from user, it's always complicated to handle the Date&Time format. You are not sure about how you will handle the user input format. So, here is the solution.
Highlighting the current menu item in MVC using the MvcSiteMapProvider turned out to be somewhat of a challenge but with a little head scratching and several cups of coffee, this is what emerged.
A quick and dirty way to ensure your .NET MVC forms apply Bootstrap's ".has-error" and ".has-success" classes, instead of relying on .NET's ".input-validation-error" class.
My ASP.NET MVC 5 web site is simple but gets small amount of traffic so after 20 minutes, it shuts down. That means new visitors wait 20 seconds or more to see my landing page. Here's a way to test and see if that is your problem.
Unit testing the MVC controller actions which are using Global or Local resources. As this is not straight forward to Mock the static properties of the resource files.