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Great Reads

by bradyguy
An end to end view of how to integrate Jira REST API's with Excel.
by adityave22
This article explains how to write JavaScript code in Atlassian Jira to call external REST APIs and load json data into Jira custom fields
by Joe_Brinkman
A series of tips that help you find the right tools to manage your open source project.
by chandu_vrs
This tip explains how to connect to Jira from C#

Latest Articles

by adityave22
This article explains how to write JavaScript code in Atlassian Jira to call external REST APIs and load json data into Jira custom fields
by bradyguy
An end to end view of how to integrate Jira REST API's with Excel.
by chandu_vrs
This tip explains how to connect to Jira from C#
by Joe_Brinkman
A series of tips that help you find the right tools to manage your open source project.

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12 Apr 2016 by bradyguy
An end to end view of how to integrate Jira REST API's with Excel.
31 Aug 2016 by adityave22
This article explains how to write JavaScript code in Atlassian Jira to call external REST APIs and load json data into Jira custom fields
31 Jan 2022 by M Imran Ansari
You can upload through Python SDK. Follow the step-by-step link for your requirement: Python 3 Script to Upload Files & Images to Microsoft OneDrive API Storage Full Project For Beginners - Coding Shiksha[^]
2 Jan 2014 by Joe_Brinkman
A series of tips that help you find the right tools to manage your open source project.
4 Feb 2015 by ravi.jain0310
Hello, I am new for jira rest api i want rest api which is used with C# console application and using that console application i want to delete junk data from jira application . solution really appricated. some one having send the references.
23 Feb 2015 by ravi.jain0310
I passd below url as query string to get issues from jira api.private const string m_BaseUrl = "http://jaisu1255048d:8080/rest/api/2/search?jql=project=%'VSETI'%'\u002f'"; private const string m_BaseUrl =...
25 Aug 2016 by rosa1012
Hi, I am trying to use Visual Studio 2013 to create Jiras. I have installed Atlassian SDK Signed and the appropriate RestClient and RestSharpSigned and Json. When I run the app the first time, I get a dialog asking me for the location of the Issue.cs. When I run the app the second time, it asked...
6 Oct 2016 by Member 12778629
I'm using Jira 6.4.11 and have written the following Java code:public static void main(){ String username="ssinghal"; String password="as12345678"; String url="http://localhost:9002/rest/api/2/issue/"; String[] command = {"curl", "-D-", "-u", username+":"+password, "-X", "...
6 Oct 2016 by David_Wimbley
Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel and creating your own java library for jira. I would recommend you look at some java libraries already built to communicate with JIRA.Based on your error message it is indicating your not making the call correctly (HTTP Version Not...
5 Jul 2017 by User 13198229
I am trying to set the request type field value in JIRA service desk request using C sharp code as shown below. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace JiraConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) ...
12 Jan 2018 by OriginalGriff
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action. And interview questions count as...
13 Jan 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: Please write a test case for the following requirement No, it is your job to test your code. writing 'test case' is just one way to get your code tested. Quote: Please update me as it was asked in the previous interview. Your question just imply that you are not qualified for the job. ...
11 Apr 2018 by Arthi Rangaswamy
I have created a issue with issue type "test" using the Jira Rest API. Now I have to add the test details(test step, test data, expected result). could you please help on how to add the test details(test step, test data, expected result) to a issue with issue type "test" What I have tried: I...
18 Sep 2018 by Joe Doe234
Hi guys, I have an issue i think it is not with the json. When i used the same json in the postman application, everything worked fine. im trying to post through my winform programs in C#. Below is my code.: public void createIssue() { string data = "{'fields':...
20 Apr 2014 by chandu_vrs
This tip explains how to connect to Jira from C#
1 Feb 2022 by Vipin Sumathi
I am new to Python and looking for a solution to upload my Jira issue Excel file stored in my local drive to my OneDrive location. I was able to download the issue list from Jira to my local drive using the below script. However, I am unable to...