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by Andy Galluzzi
Join me to create the most advanced yet most simple to use full duplex MMF based IPC for Windows
by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.

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by Andy Galluzzi
Join me to create the most advanced yet most simple to use full duplex MMF based IPC for Windows
by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.

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19 Jun 2016 by Member 3652617
I have a c# program where I put stuff in a richtextbox. I update it whenever the file is updated. Then I call a function to color the lines of the RTB. My issue is that I need to use Invoke on the colorTextbox() function but I can't figure out how to do it because it uses a parameter.I have a...
10 Feb 2020 by joni7373
I want to use MVVM and InvokeCommandAction to trigger some DataGrid-edit-events and so to call background commands which have just to do some calculations with the changed value in the DataGrid. So I want the view to update normally as it would...
14 Apr 2018 by Andy Galluzzi
Join me to create the most advanced yet most simple to use full duplex MMF based IPC for Windows
19 Jun 2016 by Marc Clifton
Why do you need to use reflection and Invoke?Assuming you have acquired the MethodInfo using reflection, you would use:method.Invoke(yourObject, new object[] {parm1})Assuming you are only passing in one parameter.Read more MethodBase.Invoke Method (Object, Object[])...
17 Nov 2014 by Shweta Lodha
This tip will talk about how to handle events associated with UI controls in MVVM structure.
19 Jun 2016 by User 11061201
I can only show you a VB snippet;Private Delegate Sub ColorTextBox_Dlg(Byval lines As Int32)Public Sub ColorTextBox(Byval lines As Int32) If (Me.InvokeRequiered) Then Me.Invoke(New ColorTextBox_Dlg(AddressOf ColorTextBox), lines) Else 'FREE ACCES, DO YOUR...
27 Apr 2015 by Member 11308244
Using InvokeScript in c# wpf to call javascript defined in HTML as a load of a filei used this, but it doesn't work: Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click WebBrowser1.Navigate("") Dim...