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Internet Explorer 10


Great Reads

by David Rousset
Unifying touch and mouse: how Pointer Events will make cross-browsers touch support easy
by Joan M
To speed up the startup of IE9 and to get links to the most popular sites in big displays
by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
by Bob.LiuZhenDong
This tip gives a method to update code to js because IE10 standard mode doesn't support htc (Html Components).

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by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
by Alexander Iacobciuc
This article is about a basic implementation of HTML5 client/server chat application.
by Coding 101
A simple Registry change will enable IE to display JSON responses.
by Joan M
To speed up the startup of IE9 and to get links to the most popular sites in big displays

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Internet Explorer 10 

25 Mar 2013 by David Rousset
Unifying touch and mouse: how Pointer Events will make cross-browsers touch support easy
9 Apr 2014 by saleem_deek
I have an aspx file, that has a javascript block containing the following button tag:
30 Jul 2013 by Joan M
To speed up the startup of IE9 and to get links to the most popular sites in big displays
12 Apr 2013 by Doug Perreault
Check out these two possible solutions:[^]As well as Scott Hanselman's article which explains it all...
30 Mar 2014 by Member 10666843
Hello All,i'm migrating application to be compatible with IE10 and old asp custom vaildation(s)doesn't work, thee's no call to the clientvalidationfunction specified in the custome validator here's the code function ProductsReqValidationManageApp(source, args) { ...
31 Mar 2014 by Code Help 2014
Such issues are mostly related to the .NET framework and browser definition files. .NET does not recognise the browser definition string correctly and handle IE 10, IE 11 versions as unknown browsers and hence the issue.If you are using .NET framework 4.0, the issues will be fixed by simply...
7 Jan 2016 by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
11 Oct 2012 by Susanta578
Hi,SW_HIDE doesn't work with ShellExecute on windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10. Does any one has any clue on the same.I tried the below code.HINSTANCE hInstance = ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"),_T("IExplore.exe"), _T(""), CString(szTemp), SW_HIDE);Any help is...
14 Oct 2012 by chaau
Try this:STARTUPINFO si = {0};PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0};si.cb = sizeof(cb);si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;if(::CreateProcess( NULL, // LPCTSTR lpApplicationName, _T("\"C:\\Program File\\Internet Explorer\\IExplore.exe\"...
14 Oct 2012 by Barakat S.
I can't tell what szTemp is used for, but If you are trying to open a web page, just simply type:HINSTANCE hInstance;hInstance = ShellExecute(NULL, TEXT("open"), TEXT(""), NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE);This code invokes the default web browser, many people use...
3 Jan 2013 by Bhavin Jagad
Hi All,I am newbie in javascript. I want to check that whether website is added or not added to compatibility view settings of ie browser . I am not able to change any server side(.asp files) code. so i have to use javascript(i can edit .js file). I google for this, and get solution as to...
3 Jan 2013 by Graham Breach
I doubt if you can read the list from the browser - that would be a security hole, exposing a list of sites the user expects to visit.You can find out if the current page is using compatibility mode though[^]
12 Jan 2013 by Bob.LiuZhenDong
This tip gives a method to update code to js because IE10 standard mode doesn't support htc (Html Components).
4 Feb 2013 by Prashant Bangaluru
Hi all,The date picker is not working in IE10 where as it is working in IE8.The following code is there in cal.aspxThis aspx is called through a javascript.When I...
21 Mar 2013 by devcode007
I need to select all 'z' nodes using jquery.I already know implemntation using Xpath(supported by FF,chrome) and Msxml2.DOMDocument(selectNodes--used in IE)I basically want to...
22 Mar 2013 by manoj_2122
I am facing a problem on IE10 with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1It is properly working on the IE9 version as well as on IE10 Compatibility mode. But on the IE10 standard mode, it is giving below error. SCRIPT5009: '__doPostBack' is undefinedIE10_error screenTried the solution, but didn't...
26 Mar 2013 by Sameer Alomari
I found a memory leak in the following code (the else block) if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ if (vers
26 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I don't think you can do anything about it.Are you sure you really detected the leak? How? Not all methods are reliable. Anyway, if you do have a leak, you cannot prevent it. All complains go to Microsoft :-(—SA
11 Apr 2013 by devcode007
Hi,If HTML page has multiple frames and each frames opens an HTML page and since each of this html pages has different Doctype, then how browser would decide the Mode.My actual requirement is to keep my webpages in quirks mode but i have a frames where i make use to render third party UI...
22 May 2013 by devendravitm
I working on VBA with Excel, Which working fine with windows OS (32 bit) and office 2007(office 32 bit) When i started work on Windows 8 (64 bit) and office 2010 (64 bit) i was unable to run the application so for below line of code i added because of excel office 2010 is comes with VBA7. #If...
19 Apr 2013 by devcode007
hope it makes sense:I have situation something like below. Two radio button with onactivate,ondeactivate,onlclick event. For simplicity i mention it as below but in actual code the entire DOM is construction using Javascript and at various points these events are attached.
17 May 2013 by Zaki Imtiaz
Interestingly, I have worked this example by braking in it a very small part and found out the problem.In IE10, if an is present inside a , the height width attributes of an Iframe given in percentage doesn't pay much heed to the height width of its parent. Like in the following...
17 May 2013 by BBBwex
I haven't worked with IE10, (or IE in general very little), but I did have little problems before with codes between various browsers. For styling, you're bettor off using a CSS sheet and style your Iframe from there and let the browser sort it out then... It got me over the little...
17 May 2013 by AlphaDeltaTheta
If you drop a doctype declaration in html, ie falls back to ie6/ie7 mode that had this bug. In order to correct this you need to add the following meta tag.You can replace 10 with any version or "Edge" to always use latest version....
22 May 2013 by Maciej Los
I don't know the exact answer, but i would suggest you to tefer these:Compiler Constants[^]Compatibility Between the 32-bit and 64-bit Versions of Office 2010[^]64-Bit Visual Basic for Applications Overview[^]Debug your code and check where the program hangs-up (showing error).
13 Aug 2013 by Pratik31.J
Hi all,I am having a problem with beforeunload event in IE10 browser,The problem is when I am in IE10 it gives same X,Y coordinates for each postback , so I am not able to trap whether user is trying to close the browser or not. This is code snippet: window.onbeforeunload =...
5 Sep 2013 by rajesh2707
when I opening a certain page utilizing third party control( I am unable to see my controls as it is not rendering corectly.when I set to compatability view in browser manually it is working f9 please suggest how to write that in code(design or code behind) my...
19 Sep 2013 by Krishna Siva
I am using update panel from AJAX Control toolkit. I have update progress. Here is the complete scenario.-------------------------------------------I have a linkbutton inside the updatepanel. When I click on the linkbutton the update progress shows the loading image and loads the...
25 Sep 2013 by Vipraj chauhan
my web application is not working in IE 10 it is work fine IE9 and Chrome and Mozilla. Please give me best solution
25 Sep 2013 by Stephen Hewison
Personally I'd try and fix the html/css so it works on both.But the quick solution is to add a compatibility meta tag to the page head.Add the X-UA-Compatible meta tag.X-UA-Compatible Meta Tag[^]
30 Sep 2013 by Krishna Siva
Converted the linkbutton to an imagebutton. Fixed!
27 Oct 2013 by Member 10364365
While zooming Reports in IE10 using the zoom option in ReportViewer height exceeds the frame.I am using ReportViewer inside an iframe. when I Zoom above 100%(150%, 200% and 500%) Report height increases and not able to view or scroll to the top of the Report. It also hides the Toolbar and...
27 Oct 2013 by thatraja
Check this postSharePoint 2010, SSRS 2012 and Internet Explorer 9 Issues[^]And apply IE7 Compatibility mode in page[^]
28 Nov 2013 by AmitFrenz
Try the below stuff.Add a folder named App_Browsers in your websites root.Find "ie.browser" for IE10 latest on google or ask me to send you if you can not find it.put the tag below just under section(it should be the first tag under Head section) in Master pages.Reset iis.Close...
19 Dec 2013 by Rohit Pritam Sawant
Hi,I want help in running IE9 / IE10/ IE11 in IE8 Compatibility Mode. There is a site which was made in ASP.Net and JQuery. It was working perfectly fine in IE 8 however, JQuery code doesn't work in IE9, IE10 and IE11The browser needs to be run in IE 8 mode from developer Tools every...
19 Dec 2013 by JoCodes
Refer the links which uses meta tags or custom headers to achieve itEnable Compatibility mode in IE[^] ...
21 Jan 2014 by BulletVictim
Good day allI know this question has been asked a few times in the past by a hand full of people.Does anybody know how to do a redirect from Chrome to IE?The reason for this is, on my site I have a link to the report serverand report server does not work to great on chrome and has...
21 Jan 2014 by Dave Kreskowiak
Not possible using normal web methods. Browsers do not have any knowledge of any other installed browsers.The only way I can come up with would be to create a custom protocol handler id, like "http://" or "ftp://", of your own and assign it to Internet Explorer, but this would also involve...
22 Jan 2014 by Marc Gabrie
You cannot open IE from another browser through a webpage. But per your message about that you want to do this because SSRS report viewer does not work fine (the only issue I see with reportviewer is that it does not support client printing from other browsers than just IE)... then I think that...
18 Mar 2014 by Member 10666843
Hello All,when i change the display styleof the TR and run the application on IE10 there's a change in this style, and i checked css's files and there's no skin file here's what i wrote in the code :and...
18 Mar 2014 by Mohit Garg 2
Swiping left is firing forward navigation and swipe right is firing backward navigation. How can we block this ?
18 Mar 2014 by Mohit Garg 2
While scrolling sometimes IE 10 fires Drag Up and Drag down event. How to block these events ?
20 Mar 2014 by guiyuan.dong
when I open a webpage, and entry some data, its description doesn't show in "gender_desc" textfield, a error occurs. It happens in IE11\IE10, while it's normal in IE10 compatibility view and IE10 below. error:SCRIPT5009: 'isCheckSign' is undefined code:
20 Mar 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this at[^]. Please do not post the same question in multiple forums.
9 Apr 2014 by Pheonyx
Not sure if this will help you, but try the answer on this link:[^]
31 May 2014 by hari111r
Hi All, I am using an application that is developed in ASP.NET that contains a form to get the DB user name and password. When event i change the user name and password and click save it always show the old value before i changed. I checked my application it doesn't use any cache it very...
23 Jun 2014 by Member 10900826
Hi! I am creating a staff intranet page for the school I work at. The page works best when it is fully maximised (not full screen mode). However some PC's in the school open at like 40% width and height. I was just wondering if there was anyway to force the window to 100% width and height?...
25 Jul 2014 by Leo Chapiro
The only one Web Control in MFC is WebBrowser Control:[^]This control works like IE and supports CSS:[^]You can set pchHostCss to a pointer to a string...
14 Aug 2014 by Thomas ktg
If you want to create Internet Explorer Add-ons or Extensions you can always make use BHO(Browser Helper Objects). To know more about BHO please refer here for the same[^]For sample Add-on or Extension projects...
16 Sep 2014 by TechSolution
Dear all,I am using visual studio 2010 with reportviewer 10. When I am using updatepanel with reportviewer it takes time to load in IE10. if we change the compatibility mode to 8 then it works fine. it works fine with Firefox and Google chrome also.what could be the possible solution?
18 Sep 2014 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,We have the a website which implements a custom font face.This work every time in IE on our test server. When we move to production it works but only the first time it loads the page. If I delete my temp internet file and reload the page it will work again.I've used font...
18 Sep 2014 by Stephen Hewison
I found the solution.IE will not work with font-face for subsequent requests within the same session if the caching is turned off.The font folder hadCache-Control: no-cacheExpires: -1Pragma: no-cacheThis breaks font-face in IE beyond all but the original request.This is...
4 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Sorry; in this case, no code means no help. Please, next time ask more informative questions.—SA
4 Dec 2014 by Member 10539796
I have upgraded my project to VS2012 from VS2010 and everything looks good in IE9. When I open the same project in IE10, I do see the below minor UI differences only in IE10- 1. Alignment changed for web page controls and Buttons are displayed with sharp borders. 2. Dropdown...
4 Dec 2014 by ZurdoDev
1. Sounds like a combination of the new version of IE and possibly some of your CSS.2. This was a change in the browser. It has nothing to do with the code.
27 Feb 2015 by Krishan Kumar Gaurav
I am calling "_doPostback" javascript function on click event of a jQuery UI tab. This is working fine in many browsers but sending the browser back to other window in IE10.Has anybody else faced the same issue? If yes then please suggest any work around.Env: IE10Windows Server 2012R2...
2 Jun 2015 by Dzianis Igaravich Leanenka
This part of code performs quite well for Opera, Mozilla, Chrome, but it cannot perform appropriately in any version of IE var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("id", id here); link.setAttribute("href", URL here); var NameToDownload =...
2 Jun 2015 by Richard Deeming
As you've discovered, Internet Explorer doesn't support the download attribute:[^][^]The only workaround appears to be to use server-side code to specify the Content-Disposition header[^], with the value set to...
21 May 2014 by Coding 101
A simple Registry change will enable IE to display JSON responses.
4 Mar 2015 by Alexander Iacobciuc
This article is about a basic implementation of HTML5 client/server chat application.
18 Jan 2013 by Matt Rakow
Adapting Your Site to Different Window Sizes.
12 Aug 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't. The image is sent with a tag that tells the browser not to cache the image file. Once the browser renders the image, it forgets the image file even exists.
21 Jan 2013 by Rahul Lalmalani
This articles shows you how to put your site logo right next to apps on the Windows 8 Start Screen.
13 Feb 2013 by HTML5 Partners
The increasing power and complexity of these apps means developers need better tools like Error.stack for handling errors and diagnosing bugs. In this article, I’ll show you some simple debugging techniques to help save you time.
9 Apr 2013 by devcode007
one of my webpage has issue rendering in IE8 standard.It is rendering fine in IE9 standard, IE 5 quirks mode. Issue is I am creating around 8 span elements in JS which is rendering properly in IE9 standard but in IE8 standard they are not visible but i verified in Developers tool that they...
17 May 2013 by Zaki Imtiaz
[****GO TO END OF THE POST TO SEE THE UPDATED PART****]Peace be upon you!We have a huge HMI and SCADA web application which provides data collection facility from almost any plant floor and provides visualization and analysis facility over it.The product is based on three technologies....
14 Aug 2014 by future2015
Hello, friends of codeproject. I want to develop addons for IE but don't wonder which way is best for me. As results of googling, I can know there is one way to use Addin-Express(ADX) but it's not free. Is there anyone who can teach me? Also, the addon has to be developed in Visual Studio...
10 Jan 2013 by Bob.LiuZhenDong
IE10 standard mode doesn't support htc (Html Components), so we have to update .htc code to js.
9 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First of all, this is a good thing. "Quirk mode" and other lame must die. But you should support all major browsers, not just IE. As I just said, remove all incompatibilities and do everything according to W3 standards, but you design should only depend on the features surely implemented on all...
23 Jun 2014 by Member 10900826
window.onload = maxWindow;function maxWindow(){window.moveTo(0,0);if (document.all){ top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight);}else if (document.layers||document.getElementById){ if...
21 Mar 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Below is a small demo HTML. It shows how to process XML using a mix of JQuery & JavaScript.var xml = '';var xmlDoc = $.parseXML( xml );var znodes = $("z",...
25 Jul 2014 by arpoador
In a MFC application, I want to use a web control capable of executing CSS animations.Is there a web control (usable in MFC app) capable of executing CSS animations?
29 Jul 2014 by arpoador
As far as I could understand, the web controls (C++ and C#) are *not* capable of executing CSS 3.0. So, their engines are not as updated as IE11's.
12 Jun 2015 by Dzianis Igaravich Leanenka
Please, read the task a bit attentively! And I will tell you the issue in detail. The trick is not in the "download" attribute, the trick is that the window is reloaded in IE before Save as dialog is opened. And Save As dialog is opened before the reloading in all the rest browsers...
12 Aug 2018 by Amir Hosein Nasr
Hi, How can Save a Captcha Image from loaded web Browser Component c# in windows application, witout re-download it. Like as I Right Click on Image and press "Save picture as ...". What I have tried: if I try to download this captcha, server returns diffrent Image !
18 Mar 2013 by devcode007
I testing on IE 10 standards mode.I have a Login.aspx page which is in Login directory(i.e Login/Login.aspx). I do response.redirect to a page Default.aspx which is a page in root directory(ie.Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx",true);).Also tried ~/Default.aspx to navigate to root. But instead...
25 Mar 2013 by SreejithKumar M
Hi,We are using radspell from Telerik controls(2010.1.415.35).Here the issue is spellcheck is not working in IE 10.Its working fine in all other browser(not sure about IE 9).But in IE 10 it is not even displaying.But after a few clicks, the popup window shows up, but is blank. ...
30 Apr 2013 by devcode007
Hi, I am creating CDATA section as a child node. I have seen below mentioned behavior with Firefox, IE8,9, and 10Using below codeif (window.DOMParser) xmlDoc = domParser.parseFromString(xmltext, "text/xml"); else //IE xmlDoc.loadXML(strXML); var elem=...
26 Nov 2013 by Abhishek Singh
Hi,Chrome is rendering SVG text blurred where as it appears smooth in other browsers like IE 10.Please check below code.Can you please help?Your help is highly appreciable.RegardsAbhishek Singh
18 Mar 2014 by Member 10666843
thanks all for your repliesit was a stucked dll containing old code that was setting the value of those tr with display = "block"thanks all :)
2 Jun 2015 by Dzianis Igaravich Leanenka
Hmmm, what actually I have found. Such a definition like this one performs well. It performs in an appropriate way only with IE 10 and 11. Ivar link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("id", id here); link.setAttribute("href", URL here); var...
11 Jun 2015 by Dzianis Igaravich Leanenka
Gentlemen, here is a quite interesting issue, take a look;window.location.reload(true);The sequence of actions is clear: at first I request a Save as Dialog and then the page is reloaded but the result depends on the browser I use. It works properly...
11 Jun 2015 by Richard Deeming
Get the server to send the Content-disposition: attachment header:How To Raise a "File Download" Dialog Box for a Known MIME Type[^]... as I told you last week[^]! :doh: