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by Jonathan Cardy
How to edit a Google spreadsheet using PHP and CURL
by Manoj Kumar Chaudhari
Allows users to connect to Google spreadsheet(s) and convert them to CSV
by Jose Pimentel
Cloud services such as Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure are excellent repositories for document storage. It is often desirable to store all documents in the standard PDF format. In this paper we will describe a solution to automate the conversion and storage of PDF documents in the Cloud

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by Manoj Kumar Chaudhari
Allows users to connect to Google spreadsheet(s) and convert them to CSV
by Jonathan Cardy
How to edit a Google spreadsheet using PHP and CURL
by Jose Pimentel
Cloud services such as Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure are excellent repositories for document storage. It is often desirable to store all documents in the standard PDF format. In this paper we will describe a solution to automate the conversion and storage of PDF documents in the Cloud

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Google Docs 

8 Mar 2013 by Jonathan Cardy
How to edit a Google spreadsheet using PHP and CURL
23 Jan 2016 by Manoj Kumar Chaudhari
Allows users to connect to Google spreadsheet(s) and convert them to CSV
2 May 2012 by Jose Pimentel
Cloud services such as Google Cloud Storage or Microsoft Azure are excellent repositories for document storage. It is often desirable to store all documents in the standard PDF format. In this paper we will describe a solution to automate the conversion and storage of PDF documents in the Cloud
14 May 2012 by thuanleminh
Hi All,i wrote a demo program (java code) that get data from database and update to google spread sheet . I used google spread sheet api, socan i load two or more google spreadsheet at the same time ?thank !
18 Dec 2012 by TorstenH.
The application contains Java 7 classes, but the --use_java7 flag has not been hard to understand?You are working with Java7 on your development machine. There are certain differences between Java6 and Java 7 ( New Features in Java7[^]so to use your full-blown, serious...
18 Dec 2012 by chinta123
lang="cs">import;import javax.servlet.http.*;import com.sun.istack.internal.logging.Logger;@SuppressWarnings("serial")public class ChintamaniprogrammServlet extends HttpServlet { //private static final Logger...
2 Jan 2013 by ganusharma
Dear All, I am developing chart using google charp api.I am using 3.5 & google map to format Y axis display unit (for eg display bugdet in amount or lac or millon)?My code is given below.
23 Jan 2013 by Aksh@169
hi fellow developers , I am developing a android application in which i want my datasource to be Google spread sheets.I am begineer in this .I only know this part for getting google access token.What else do i have to do to access the google gmail spread sheets i have also created a...
24 Jan 2013 by Darren_vms
First hit on google using "android OAuth2" isAuthenticating to OAuth2 Services[^]should do the trick/Darren
26 Apr 2013 by compad
Hello Friends,I have created one form using the following fileds and I have allowed user to Edit response after he/she adds it.NameContact DetailsEmailLinkI have data around 10 people but I don't have public link to modify this records.So I would like to generate the link...
27 Apr 2013 by compad
I am seeking for function through which i can do this.I tried a lot but didn't find any suitable functions.Please help me if you know,Thanks in advance.Adarsh Patel
17 May 2013 by swarup sahu
Hi, I am very new to node. I am using expressjs. Here my requirement is to insert an event to google calendar. After googling if found following block of code: var moment = require('moment');var googleapis = require('googleapis');var GoogleToken = require('gapitoken');var...
5 Nov 2013 by Mayur S7789
I want to integrate dropbox and google drive in my application.My application will be creating a file which needs to uploaded/downloaded to dropbox & google Drive. How can i do this within my application ? I have no clue how to go forward. I tried searching for api's but for google drive i...
7 Jan 2014 by garav kumar mishra
i want to add share permission to user via php code.What i want to do is i upload a doc on google drive , when user buys that doc via our shopping cart his / her email id is granted permission to download doc.Guide ...
27 Jan 2014 by nagarsoft
I need to detect if Google Drive is installed on the machine and retrieve the base path when files are stored. I prefer not to use the google API but read that information from a registry key or a config file.Couldn't find an answer online.Can anybody help? Thanks.
27 Jan 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
21 Mar 2014 by PIR FAHIM SHAH
I am building an application using the reference Google Developer Sample Project.[^] According to this tutorial i will get an authorization code from browser and will put it later in my application.But i don't want to work like this. I need to get the authorization code in direct way. Actually I...
5 Apr 2014 by PIR FAHIM SHAH
I got all files from my Google drive and has populated it in the list View. These files are of different types (image file, doc file, text file etc). Now i want to display that file to the user, like if it is an image file then it should display to the user, or if it is a text file then text...
8 Apr 2014 by PIR FAHIM SHAH
If you want to open any file which you have retrieved from Drive, then this can be done easily while using the resources of Google Drive app. First of all install the Google Drive app from play market Install Google Drive app from hereAfter that use this code to open your file. ...
13 Apr 2014 by Member 10746573
I have a spreadsheet with four columns: question_id user_id unique_question_ids # of unique_user_ids X 11 X ? (=2) X 12 Y ? (=3) X 12 X 12 Y 13 Y ...
4 May 2014 by Member 10746573
I am trying to do the following: I have row 1. I have values A1, B1, and C1. A1 contains a few names separated by a comma. I want to split A1 by these names while copying over the values from B1 and C1 into the split columns of A1.For example, I have this: (A1 B1 ...
8 Oct 2014 by Member 10843516
Hi,I am opening the excel file in google doc spreadsheet using, it is working fine, now if some changes are made in that particular google doc spreadsheet i have to save those changes in database(in short i have to create a link between google doc spreadsheet & sql server using...
22 Feb 2015 by Prasad_NC
Hey I am new to Google script..i have a Google sheet with 5 columns, on each column i need a button(with text 1,2,3,4,5) and on each button click i need to set text of button to corresponding cell and hide the clicked button it possible ,if yes how !!
15 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
This is always a subjective thing, but I'd suggest you go with C# - it will do all of that, and more: and it's strongly typed (which means it doesn't make any assumptions for you - so if it compiles it's less likely to do "something funny" than a weakly typed language like VB).There is a...
15 Mar 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
From you question it is clear that you not only missing a language, but almost most (all) the basics of development...In your case only learning a language syntax will not make any different...First search for a book or online/offline course that covers your subject (independent of language)...
15 Mar 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
I have to agree with OriginalGriff. C# and .NET is the toolset you should take in consideration. Please note, that learning a language on it's own is is quite easy if you already have some experience. You could learn Pascal and you would not get what you need. Why? Because any language is as...
17 Jul 2015 by Arkadeep De
To access Google Spreadsheet you have to use GData. You can go for these links 1. Accessing Google Spreadsheets with C# using Google Data API[^]2....
20 Jul 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please read this part of Google documentation:[^].—SA
24 Jul 2015 by PoonamAswani
1. Following is the callback method to be called from createPicker method in Javascriptfunction onPickerAction(data) { if (data.action === google.picker.Action.PICKED) { var id =[0].id; var doc...
22 Sep 2015 by iskSYS
Check this link and code examples within.
6 Mar 2017 by H.AL
PLease help me, I have an aspx page which has to display some files of types docx and xlsx... I am trying to use iframe with google docs viewer, but an error is thrown:No preview available. Below is my code in my aspx page:
6 Mar 2017 by Bryian Tan
Actually, the X-Frame-Options is not turn on for domain. SO it, should work, my guess is it could be the JavaScript error somewhere in the code?This is because the domain has X-Frame-Options turn on. "X-Frame-Options tells the browser whether you want to allow...
10 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. You could be better off by presenting a word document in the form of HTML, as all you need is showing the document. This way, you would not be tied up by the WebKit only and could use this solution anywhere, and, importantly, even on the server side of an...
28 Aug 2015 by Member 11942954
Hey there guys, I'm at a loss and can't seem to figure this out.Basically, I have an image gallery that pulls it's info from Google Spreadsheets using Sheetrock.js and Handlebars.js to template. When you click on the magnifying glass, it enlarged the image and displays the title and...
10 May 2013 by Nnorss
how can i show a ms word file in webKitBrowser after clicking on http:\\link.doc ?
28 May 2013 by Zafar Sultan
I don't think you can use Google Spreadsheet in your web page. A simple way to open and edit an excel sheet in your web page is explained here[^]
26 Feb 2015 by Bhushan Patki
We need to implement functionality like google drive. We tried to used google-drive api and we are able to upload and download the document but we also need that user can view the document in the browser and edit it if he have the permission. Something like this collaboration tool allowing...
23 Jul 2015 by PoonamAswani
I have built an application which authenticates user and allows to select files from his google drive. I have the downloadUrl in javascript for selected file. But I want to upload this file to my application server.Can someone please help me get the code for moving selected file from client...
9 Nov 2012 by lroberts2009
I am using Visual Basic.NET 2010 and attempting to figure out how to query a Google doc spreadsheet for a specific value in a column. If the value is found, then return the line the value is on.Could anyone show me how I could do this?I am currently importing the following....Imports...
28 May 2013 by Shruthi.BT
Hi!! I have got a functionality in my project where we need upload excel sheet and the uploaded excel sheet should have an option of being editable after being uploaded for that i was using EditGrid tool and i used this tool within a div and all was working fine but... EditGrid dioes not support...
22 Jun 2013 by semsp
i also trying to do like this but can't..if get any idea then pls reply me..
18 Apr 2014 by ZainNabi
How do I create a burndown chart and velocity chart for an agile project over a 2 month sprint
15 Mar 2015 by Member 11526163
I have been considering which programming/scripting languages to learn for a long time and finally decided to sketch out what exactly I want to accomplish. I know HTML and am not looking to become an IT professional. My hope is to be able to do most of what's below with the fewest, easiest to...
14 Jul 2015 by Ramkesh Banwala
Hello Guys,I have used this library for Gmap clustering (too many markers) .[^]As i am using my own icons added in the map, but i have...
17 Jul 2015 by jitendra prajapat
Hello my dear .net developers this is challenging task and i am troubling with this please help , i need to export data from table to google spreadsheet , how can i achieve this thanks and waiting your response please help me
21 Sep 2015 by Member 11950302
i am developing application where i need to insert update & delete contacts of google contacts through my application for a perticular user..I gone through Google Contacts API v3 Reference.. but its too difficult to understand for me.. so is there any other way or other sample from which i...