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Great Reads

by Josh Smith
A task-oriented review of an animation library and the application which uses it
by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
by Clayton Rumley
There are those who think I am crazy, and this just might be the proof.
by Volynsky Alex
Part 2 in a series of articles on a two-player mathematical game of strategy

Latest Articles

by spidergeuse
Manipulate WinForms controls to make a simple jigsaw puzzle
by Andy De Filippo
A simple technique to quickly port hatch effects from Gdiplus to SkiaSharp
by Andy De Filippo
Render Rich Text with GDI+ by tapping into the power of API hooking
by Yang Kok Wah
A tool to generate face images and animated gif files for different angles and lighting using only a single face image. Also includes Face Matcher using Microsoft Face API.

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30 May 2010 by #realJSOP
Without seeing your code, we can't possibly help you beyond stating the obvious - "you're doing something wrong, or not doing something yo should be doing".
26 Sep 2011 by #realJSOP
I have an PNG image with a single-color shape on a transparent background. I want to blur the edges of the shape using the alpha channel to control opacity (so the blurred pixels will be the same color but the opacity will gradually diminish to 0).I've looked around on google (and here on...
26 Sep 2011 by #realJSOP
I found some code (but I can't find the source URL again). It was some german guy's code that was answering a similar question on MSDN. I'm using the sigma functions. I reformatted the code a little and added the NormalizeValue method (at the top) as well as the Blur method (at the bottom). I...
8 Oct 2011 by #realJSOP
I've created a custom control that allows me to render an image. This image is supposed to be scalable, which is performed by using an up/down control. The image scales just fine, but when it does, it leaves the original image on the screen along with the rescaled version of it. I've tried a...
10 Oct 2011 by #realJSOP
I'm back. I've got an image that I'm trying to scale, rotate, and move within a user control. The scaling and rotate are working fine, but when I try to move AFTER scaling or rotating, it doesn't quite move like it ought to, and the more it's scaled or rotated, the worse it gets. Here's the...
8 Dec 2011 by #realJSOP
A little google goes a long way:[^]EDIT ===============================You voted my answer a 1 because you don't want to do the work necessary to accomplish your goal? Rightie-oh, then...Here's more than 3.8...
17 Dec 2009 by 0x3c0
This depends on how far you are through the process. If you've got the image of the cheque stored on the computer, then you simply use Image.FromFile to load it in, get a Graphics instance using Graphics.FromImage, then use the Graphics.RotateTransform[^] method.From there you can either...
26 Jan 2010 by 0x3c0
It looks like you're creating a drawing program. The reason you're having such bad response times, is that your design is horribly flawed. CreateGraphics shouldn't need to be used, because it doesn't persist changes on minimise or resize.I created a program somewhat like this a while ago,...
11 Nov 2016 by 5everin
This isn't really a coding question, more me trying to understand why the below is happening. Though if someone can provide a solution that would be fantastic.I've written a screensaver using Winforms and GDI+ that draws shapes to a manually controlled buffer then renders the finished image...
5 Oct 2007 by 8r13n
Simple example of how to build a finger controlled list that runs smoothly
7 Sep 2007 by _Bala
This article explains a 3D geometry library developed using VB.NET.
20 Jul 2010 by _H2_
An application and algorithms for best path in maze
24 Aug 2012 by A.J.Bauer
This article shows you how to write a performing control using .NET 2.0 and GDI+.
10 Jun 2014 by a_pess
Build a standard Windows Forms translucent control using GDI+ & VB.NET
8 Nov 2009 by a_pess
Image transition and visual effects in VB.NET using GDI+.
9 Sep 2011 by a_pess
Turn an image to a ColorPicker.
15 May 2014 by a_pess
Image File Format
24 Feb 2006 by Aaron Dilliard
This article shows how to make a transparent/translucent TextBox and RichTextBox.
8 May 2005 by Aaron Sherman
Quick Snip is an incredibly lightweight application to make "web sized" pictures out of large images
2 Jul 2013 by abevikemosabe
I realize this is old, but I figured I'd point out that the real reason you are getting this error is because InPtrs are unmanaged, which means you need to dispose of them yourself as .NET will not do this for you.This line:TrayIconCPU.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(m_TrayBitmap.GetHicon)needs to...
17 Feb 2005 by abhinaba
This article is about a class that extends Windows Forms to create splash screens and About dialogs.
4 Dec 2009 by Abhinav S
If you are looking at starting your project from scratch, you could use WPF or Silverlight instead of winforms. These provide awesome control styling and customization features.
30 May 2010 by Abhinav S
You may need to build another control that simulates this "push" event. You could use some sort of a ToggleButton.
21 Jan 2013 by Abhinav S
Start with this video maybe -[^].You should pick up a book on drawing with C# and you might get tons of information.
13 Dec 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
The first step would be to create the Graphics object to work for the drawing. You cannot draw directly, you are required to create a Bitmap, and use the Graphics object to create different things on it. You can create your own Bitmap, by passing your pictureBox (Image) to it, and make the...
6 May 2005 by ahmed1979
Learn how to draw an Elliptical/Circular button with 3D or popup styles.
16 Sep 2010 by Ahmed_Said
Colorful Microsoft Windows Forms Controls
3 Aug 2010 by Ajay Britto
A Vector based tool to create and edit SVG images
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
WinForms library containing the IncipitViewer control for drawing musical notes
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
19 Oct 2005 by Aju.George
Another Visual Studio like ToolBox control.
13 Dec 2010 by Akinola Falola
public Bitmap Background(Bitmap source) { width = source.Width; height = source.Height; BitmapData srcData = source.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, source.PixelFormat); byte*...
2 Nov 2019 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Use your skills as a designer to create gorgeous control
23 Aug 2016 by Alaa Ben Fatma
Inherits the awesome style of Visual Studio's TabControl for better exploiting
8 May 2011 by Alain Rist
Hi Quy,The Gdiplus::Bitmap object by itself produces no new data, it is just a connector to the relevant codec and the Gdiplus::Image data (your IStream). When you succesfully call pBitmap->GetHBITMAP(Color(0,0,0),&hBitmap); the Gdiplus::Image data are read (from your IStream) and a...
24 Sep 2010 by Alan Burkhart
Quickly resize, rename, change formats and add simple effects to multiple images.
2 Sep 2011 by Alan Burkhart
A small utility for creating interesting background tile images. Includes "Set as Wallpaper" feature
29 Sep 2004 by Alberto Venditti
An example of using the Graphics.MeasureString() method.
1 Apr 2021 by Aleh Baradzenka
One of the easiest ways to animate images for your program
19 Oct 2004 by Alex A. Miller
This is a strategy board game which I used to enjoy playing with my neighbour when I was a teen in the 80s that I developed in Java, then ported to C#.
26 Jul 2005 by Alex Cutovoi
26 Jul 2005 by Alex Cutovoi
10 Aug 2007 by Alex D. Mawhinney
A squarified treemap of word frequency
28 Mar 2005 by Alex Onezashvili
This article describes a CycleButton control.
23 Apr 2005 by Alex_1
Color ListBox with icons.
13 Sep 2005 by Alexander Kloep
A button that looks like an arrow.
2 May 2006 by Alexander Seel
A VB.NET class for drawing text on a path.
6 Jul 2006 by Alexandr Golovanov
The article describes the use and the principle of operation of control of an arbitrary shape.
6 Jul 2006 by Alexandr Golovanov
The article describes the use and the principle of operation of semi-transparent controls with non-transparent child controls.
1 Dec 2007 by Alexandr Golovanov
The article describes the work principles and ways of using SmartControlDesigner, which supports the custom control design in designtime
9 Sep 2008 by Alexandr Golovanov
The article describes the work principles and ways of use of IEToolbarEngine. This is a toolbar for Internet Explorer, which has a reusable architecture.
31 Oct 2005 by Alexandru Ghiondea
A histogram control for displaying your data.
9 Jul 2007 by alexey N
Text scroller control with 3D-look (like in the intro of the Star Wars movies)
2 Nov 2005 by AllanNielsen
9 Dec 2005 by Allegnet
An article on how to use the AllegNet library to write games with managed languages for the .NET 2.0 framework.
29 May 2005 by Alon Ronen
A combobox holding pictures as the items themselves and not just drawing them on run-time.
18 Sep 2010 by alrosan
One method to generate random text
17 Oct 2013 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:FORMER TITTLE OF THE QUESTION:Window produces flicker-like ( slow repainting-like ) effect when resizedI have a complex painting to implement in my main window’s WM_PAINT handler. I have submitted a link to the picture that describes it,...
4 Nov 2013 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I have implemented complex painting of the main window’s background and its child static controls.The link to this picture shows how it looks:[^]Static controls have SS_NOTIFY style, which is important to mention, as certain...
5 Dec 2013 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I have a complex painting to implement in my main window’s WM_PAINT handler.I have submitted a picture bellow to illustrate it:[^]Main window has static controls, instead of buttons, which have style SS_NOTIFY.When...
5 Dec 2013 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
The problem was in SetWindowPos API.I am quoting the developer who helped me to solve this problem:" When the main window is resized the WM_SIZE handler moves the static child windows.When a child window is moved, Windows automatically copies the client area of the child control from...
17 Dec 2013 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT INFORMATION:I have a complex painting to implement in my main window’s WM_PAINT handler.I have submitted a picture bellow to illustrate it:[^]Main window has static controls, instead of buttons, which have style SS_NOTIFY.When user...
14 Jun 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I am learning to use print property sheet so I can start learning printing by drawing a rectangle on the paper.My problem is that I do not have a printer, and am testing the results by printing to XPS file and MS Office OneNote 2007. I am drawing the rectangle with this code snippet ://...
28 Jun 2014 by AlwaysLearningNewStuff
I have printing code that draws grid on the paper.Grid has 4 columns, and they have equal horizontal length. Height of the cell is tenth of the paper size. Total number of rows is unknown but I know for a fact that there will be at least one row.Each cell has same physical size-> width...
29 Mar 2007 by AlwiNus
A Margin structure that can be used in a variety of situations, like layout, drawing and printing. Now comes with a custom TypeConverter and a usage sample.
8 Dec 2008 by Amarnath S
An article on how to use GDI+ methods for displaying 16-bit raw images.
19 Mar 2009 by Amarnath S, S Mahesh Reddy, Prasad R V
An article describing four point-processing operations on grayscale images (C#).
2 Apr 2009 by Amarnath S, S Mahesh Reddy
A program to implement piecewise linear contrast stretching on 8-bit grayscale images (C#).
27 Jan 2014 by Amazing LED Display
High Performance Method for Capturing Screen
4 Sep 2007 by Ambalavanar Thirugnanam
A Gauge Control Developed using GDI+ with Aqua Skin
15 Aug 2003 by Amer Gerzic
In Memory Image Compression/Decompression
20 May 2011 by Amir Mahfoozi
Improve Delphi's TDBGrid by adding some new features to it
11 May 2008 by AmitChampaneri
An article for using Copy/Paste of images on Web forms
21 Mar 2015 by Ammar J H
An advanced image control for Windows Forms applications with zoom ratio, zoom point, animated images and RightToLeft support
12 May 2013 by Amogh Natu
I'm trying to convert HTML Text to a .bmp image. I'm using the following code for performing the operation.Bitmap m_Bitmap = new Bitmap(400, 600);PointF point = new PointF(0, 0);SizeF maxSize = new System.Drawing.SizeF(500,...
12 May 2013 by Amogh Natu
Solved. As I was trying to save the image in the root directory (C:\), the program had to have admin privileges. I missed out on that earlier. When I ran the program with admin rights, it worked as expected.
31 May 2007 by Amr Elsehemy ®
The use of built-in methods of GDI+ to draw a progress disk similar to the one in SQL Server 2005
15 Jul 2016 by andalmeida
6 Sep 2012 by Andrei Straut
I would recommend you take a different look at how your database is structured. I would recommend you go with Nested Set Model[^] structure. In combination with a PostreSQL DB (which supports recursive queries) it can be a very powerful solution.I've implemented this once (actually it was BS...
6 Jul 2005 by Andrej Benedik
Class library for importing 3D objects from 3DS files into Avalon, and a simple 3D object viewer.
27 Mar 2007 by Andrew Kirillov
Some approaches to detect motion in a video stream.
22 May 2008 by Andrew Kirillov
Some ideas about Hands Gesture Recognition in still images and video feeds, using the AForge.NET framework (C#).
9 Oct 2006 by Andrew Kirillov
A C# video surveillance application, which allows monitoring several IP cameras simultaneously.
13 Mar 2007 by Andrew Kirillov
A tool and library for image processing
15 Aug 2006 by AndrewVos
Ever wanted something faster than SetPixel? Well, you've found it.
18 Jan 2013 by Andrey Sitaev
Here I placed source files, binaries and brief instructions for FastGrid control.
28 Dec 2022 by Andy De Filippo
A simple technique to quickly port hatch effects from Gdiplus to SkiaSharp
9 Dec 2021 by Andy De Filippo
Draw a shape-like editor implementing the use of anchors to resize and rotate a selection rectangle
14 Oct 2022 by Andy De Filippo
Render Rich Text with GDI+ by tapping into the power of API hooking
28 Jan 2007 by Andy32
Overriding the cellpaint event of the DataGridView to give it a gradient background.
1 Feb 2007 by Andy32
A TextBox control with rounded corners.
11 Feb 2010 by AneevS
Thank you for the reply.But I'm sorry that i was not able to find the .NET sample. Anyway i'll explain my requirement in more detail.Currently I have a set of Images, say 10, which are stored as code stream. I would like to save these images as animated gif file, so that i can play back it...
22 Feb 2010 by AneevS
Hi All,I'm trying to develop an application that saves a pixel information as bitmap file using VS2008 ( vc++ ). Currently, i have a byte buffer containing pixel data, which is in 1 bit per pixel format. The width and column of the image is 512 x 512. I used Lockbits() method to create the...
23 Apr 2011 by AngelLoose
I want save the information of the graphics that i paint. And it can show when the windows show again. Most are Irregular graphics. Please Help me !Thanks!I want to save the drawn into the DataBase ,so Next time i opening the window that i can see what i drawn and drawn where!
12 May 2011 by AngelLoose
14 Apr 2021 by Angelo Cresta
An extension of "A control to display pie charts with highly customizable formatting" from mattsj1984 that also renders doughnut.
7 Aug 2016 by ANKIT KHOKHAR
Hello, I am creating a cad application to create pettern draft. But this thing(draw) is new to me so i dont kown how can i achive this.I want to create a vertical hexagonal grid and map each hex with index. Then i draw a straight line from top to bottom then user can edit that line by...
2 Dec 2010 by anonymous1310
How can I use graphics class to draw images over a bitmap? Which then can be restored to the screen so whatever i draw does not get erased when I call invalidate().please provide me the solution.