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Great Reads

by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
by Modesty Zhang
Port Cairngorm 2.2.1 to Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Includes all source code and a sample application.
by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This application adds a property page to show SWF properties in the Windows file properties window.

Latest Articles

by OwenDavies
How to implement a crossdomain.xml file to allow the Flash client to connect to my site
by Shao Voon Wong
This article discusses what web developers need to know about content security policy.
by raddevus
Arduino: just say no to shields
by Azim Zahir
This is a demonstration of a Torch application built using Android.

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5 Mar 2009 by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
6 Oct 2008 by Modesty Zhang
Port Cairngorm 2.2.1 to Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Includes all source code and a sample application.
5 Sep 2008 by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
13 Jul 2010 by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This application adds a property page to show SWF properties in the Windows file properties window.
18 Oct 2010 by shakil0304003
You can hit a page & this page can get the xml data to the flash. Every time you hit the page, you can send the current date time as parameter. So, every time the page url will be different & browser can not cash it.
27 Dec 2010 by jerrykid
Hi everyone,Is there any way to modify EUDC.TTE file? I mean that, can we use codes (C#, Flash, .NET,...) to modify a Private Use Character in EUDC.TTE font?Example: in PCE tool, you will see the Code: E000, E001,...In this code is the Private Character, can we replace this character to...
26 Jan 2011 by Christian Graus
Your obvious bet is to integrate a web browser control, assuming your user is online or it lets you browse to a local page.
26 Jan 2011 by Orcun Iyigun
You can do it in two ways I think;1st;On your toolbox right click on it and choose the "Choose items". When the page shows up choose "COM components". Then on the list find Shockwave Flash Object. Select it and it will appear under your components tab. Drag it your form and give the URL of...
26 Jan 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Shockwave Flash Object has these methods/properties you can use:AxShockwaveFlash1.Stop()AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = FilePath & "\yourflashfile.swf"AxShockwaveFlash1.Play()Hope that helps!
17 Nov 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yoda wrote:Clouded, this boy's future is. Better learn several different technologies to avoid Vendor Lock-in. Read about it:[^].Development of any all world-wide technologies is not rational, is a result of struggle of multiple wills, interests...
4 Jun 2013 by Folker_
Paddle-Ball multiplayer multitouch game for Ultrabooks.
11 Mar 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
To start with, you would need another beautiful model, like the girl shown on the site you have referenced. And a good professional photographer with all the equipment. And a good designer. And some software developers. Why not just you, as a software developer? If you had enough qualification...
5 Feb 2016 by CPallini
You get such a result because the sin method argument is supposed to be given in radians[^] while you are using degrees.Try, for instancetrace( Math.sin( degrees * Math.PI / 180 ))See: "Math - Adobe ActionScript 3(AS3) API Reference"[^].
13 Jan 2010 by #realJSOP
Become familiar with the game and then write code to duplicate its behavior. Chances are that you won't be able to get the source to most games, regardless of their current status.
30 Dec 2010 by maq_rohit
Have a look onto it[^]
16 Jan 2011 by Dan_Sc
I am working on a thesis project and would like to run the program X-Plane for Mac from within a presentation (the presentation could be it's own program if necessary). At one point in the presentation, I would like X-Plane to be framed inside a slide and be able to operate the program with...
22 Mar 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is not such thing in HTML, ASP or Flash.If your can use .NET, you can use ASP.NET. With .NET, image recognition is available using System.Speech, name space System.Speech.Recognition. You should understand: you can bind this speech recognition language only on server side (who knows...
3 May 2011 by Wonde Tadesse
Use object and embed html tags together. I put the whole tag as follows ...
17 Nov 2011 by RaisKazi
Hi Uday, Have a look at below post on "TechCrunch". - Rais
19 Nov 2011 by hzawary
You should have been a latitude and longitude of your location and also a function that compute prayer times!try the following good code for compute prayer times:)MorningPrayer->FajrSunrise->MiddayPrayer->Dhur,AsirSunset->SunsetPrayer->Magrib,Eisha struct Values ...
19 Mar 2012 by #realJSOP
Add it as a resource that's extracted when the program runs (it's a resource property).
10 Jun 2012 by purvapatel
To embed a flash file in C# Windows .Net Application we can use Shockwave Flash Object ActiveX Control.Follow the Steps to embed flash file:Step 1: In Tool box right click and select the menu “Choose Items”.Step 2: From Choose Toolbox Items window select “Com component” tab.Step...
24 Jan 2013 by Logi Guna
Dim elements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("object")For Each element As HtmlElement In elements ' "CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" is clsid for SWFObject ' clsid was confirmed here:...
4 Apr 2016 by Richard Deeming
Looks like you need to install the "Flash Player content debugger for Internet Explorer - ActiveX" file[^] from the "Additional Downloads" page[^].You should then have the latest version of the OCX file in C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash, and your...
23 Aug 2009 by MatthewCasperson
See how to create a simple framework for your 3D Flash applications using Away3D.
10 Feb 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
This question is obviously directed at the author of one of the thousands of articles here on CodeProject. Please post it in the forum at the end of the article.
10 Mar 2010 by fromwindowstolinux
Hi all,Can anyone please tell me how to 'display' a path between two points in an interactive map? I mean, the shortest path between two user selected points will be taken using Djisktra's algorithm. But how can I actually display it in the map?Thank you very much for your help.
10 Mar 2010 by Member 3079308
Hi,I need the resolution for My Flash object which sometimes hide the other controls when other controls are like menus and have to come over it.ThanksBest Regard,Puneet:rose:
10 Mar 2010 by Sumit Garg From Chandigarh
Hi Puneet,Try this code...orThis should solve your problem. Let me know if you still have an issue with hiding controls with embed tag.Regards,Sumit Garg
12 Sep 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Good to know. Please, go ahead... do it!If you need any help in between, post what you tried and where are you stuck up. We will be happy to help you out.
12 Sep 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Hi rush44,We will not do your Home Work or Project. First try it yourself and then come with the issues. We will be happy to help you.
12 Nov 2010 by Hiren solanki
if client is using IE then you can check using.Request.Headers["accept"].Contains ("application/x-shockwave-flash")Please vote and Accept Answer if it Helped.
12 Nov 2010 by Pete O'Hanlon
You can use the technique described here[^] to find it via the registry.
21 Dec 2010 by TalentMouse
When I call the "flash lite 3.1 activeX control" in my program(Microsoft WTL c++), I encountered some problems. I completed in accordance with the practice on windows xp, but in WINCE platform it could not work. If someone knows something about this then please give some recommendations....
16 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
I think the only way you could pull this off is if the application in question could be constrained in a window that your own application creates. Since X-Plane is a game, and since most game companies would never even consider running their game in a window that wasn't borderless and full...
16 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
One alternative could be to use VNC.Here is an osx compatible product:OSXVNC[^].You should be able to embed a VNC client inside your presentation program.RegardsEspen Harlinn
25 Jan 2011 by bigbro_1985
Hi,I'm having some serious trouble attaching the following video from as an embedded player on one of my codeproject articles. The video is located here:[^]I have inserted the embedded...
25 Jan 2011 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
Can't reproduce your problem. The video is played just fine. Do you have a functioning internet connection?Best Regards,Manfred
25 Jan 2011 by Sandeep Mewara
Looks lke you have already taken this question to CP Admins here[^]. Kindly follow up there if needed. As such, embedding a video is not supported here for obvious reasons.
7 Apr 2011 by reshmi2000
Hi , i am a newbee in flash.I am doing a project in Action Script 3. I have created a carousel effect using 5 images converted as movie clip. On executing the swf file, a lot of memory leaks are causing.Please advise me what can be done so as to avoid memory leak.
18 Apr 2011 by Holly Schinsky
A summary of Flash Builder 4 tips I find useful to help me be more productive as a developer
19 Apr 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
You cannot register your old version of flash if there is already a new version installed.The only thing you can do is update your Flash code to work on the newer versions.
26 Apr 2011 by jim lahey
Maybe change the width and height attributes to something a little bigger?
28 Apr 2011 by Ankur\m/
When you set AutoPlay to false, the volume is set to 0 by default. Check this link -[^].According to it this was a bug which is fixed in the newer versions. You need to download the latest versions.Hope this helps!
9 May 2011 by parvez12
you can use a webbrowser control and set its url. You can set URL as any flash url. The interlop schockwave com references are full of problems. Parvez Ahmad
22 May 2011 by Espen Harlinn
That will obviously require some work ...I'd start out learning about Away3D[^] and Spas[^]I'd use FlashDevelop[^] and Adobe Flex[^] to develop the application, as I think a pure ActionScript approach will allow you to get the job done faster.The resulting swf can be included in a...
24 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Strictly speaking, you cannot prevent anything, and RealPlayer cannot either. If a player can load it, any other program can. However, you can make it difficult to the weak-minded. :-)—SA
14 Jun 2011 by Savalia Manoj M
try this link...
29 Jun 2011 by Steve Maier
IANAL, but there is nothing stopping anyone from charging for GPL software. GPL, does not mean free, it means that you can get the source code if asked for it. So if I was doing this type of a projects, I would have the source available somewhere and just go on. Now, you might also have to...
23 Aug 2011 by TheyCallMeMrJames
The fastest route to doing this would be through an existing library. Try this one[^].If you are talking about decoding a movie contained within the swf, you'll need to first extract the video and then decode it using something like FFmpeg[^].Cheers.
18 Sep 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
It's too bad Google banned you for some reason, otherwise you would find a number of products to chose from. :-)You would do this:[^].—SA
31 Oct 2011 by Nish Nishant
Assuming you want to close the browser window from Flash, people use Javascript to do that.See these links:[^][^]
1 Nov 2011 by Sagar Rawal
Best Answer is Allow user to save that in his/her hard drive. that's the way it is possible....Have a nice day...
3 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Read these :[^][^]
4 Nov 2011 by Mast Avalons
How I convert flash to exe?Thank.
4 Nov 2011 by Dr.Walt Fair, PE
Look here.[^]
22 Nov 2011 by TorstenH.
AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) and Flex are Adobe products. Both are made to create RIA applications (Rich Internet Applications).Flash is part of the underlying base beside of HTML, AJAX and some other technologies.An AIR application is installed to the machine. It often uses a online...
1 Dec 2011 by sophia4kvi
Hello, here are two related threads about your question: and[^]And there are some solutions for you. BTW, why you want to use...
4 Dec 2011 by Uday P.Singh
This article helped me a lot, was looking for it.HTML5 vs FLASH vs SILVERLIGHT[^]
13 Dec 2011 by lotusvery
PDF form files can be changed into flash on condition that you use the professional tool of flip book maker.It is the PDF publishing software to create Flash page turning flip books from PDF. And It converts your PDF files to online magazines, e-newspaper, online catalogs, digital booklets, and...
10 Feb 2012 by Rajeev Jayaram
In animation creativity and basics play an important role.Check this answer[^] for some basics and try Flash Cartoons[^] to start with.
17 Feb 2012 by S.Aijaz
Hii just came accross flash cokies. now i know how to add flash cookies. but the problem is i dont know any thing about flash coding or simply how to use flash in my aspx page. can you please help what i have to do to make a flash movie and then add same, to my aspx page. i have no knowledge...
17 Feb 2012 by psgviscom
Refer these links to add flash movie to your application.[^][^]Better you can download ASPNETFLASH.It displays flash icon in your application. You can make use...
8 Mar 2012 by Joan M
Hello all,Introduction:I've got a small flash that shows a picture gallery with some text on top and some thumbnails at bottom; the amount of pictures and the picture's related text is specified using a xml file.The flash file automatically loads the XML file, I don't have anything in...
27 Mar 2012 by El_Codero
Hi,the MediaElement-Class in Silverlight is able to play H.264 Videos/Streams. AutoPlay="true" Name="h264_video" Source="" />Regards
11 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
how to deal with .flv file (stricly .flv).Have a look at these:ASPNetFlashVideo - The Flash Video Control for ASP.Net[^]ASP.NET JW FLV Flash Video Player Control[^]Further, you can have a look at this blog[^] details too.i need a converter code which can convert any video file into...
11 May 2012 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer this....[^]
17 May 2012 by Stephen Hewison
1 Jun 2012 by Tim Corey
From what I can see, that might be a problem. The GS1-128 (formerly UCC/EAN 128) isn't compatible with web-based products if you are attempting the ASCII method. However, for details on how to work with this font, this FAQ should provide some...
29 Jul 2012 by Christian Graus
Here[^] are lots of articles on how to read XML in flash. Note that an article will be more in depth than a forum reply and of more use to a beginner like yourself.
20 Sep 2012 by Aditya_Pandey
You can try uninstalling the App on Galaxy Nexus and after reinstalling please check if it works.It happened to me also and it worked for me. Try with a lower version of Android.
28 Mar 2013 by Dave Kreskowiak
Visual Studio knows nothing about Flash files. You have to use some other application to edit them, like Adobe Flash CS6.
6 May 2013 by Joezer BH
Hi Sunil, See CP article C# Speech to Text[^]Cheers, Edo
12 Jun 2013 by Thomas C.P
hi, any one can help me to solve the below problem.In my web page i have two containers, in the left side container i m displaying a flash file.when the user clicks on the pre defined points in the flash file,i want to fetch the corresponding data from the database and display it in the...
30 Jul 2013 by UL UL ALBAB
Hi, here is my webpage:[^]In my index.php code is here:
14 Jan 2014 by Kush R
Hello,You can refer this link which has an example of using flash in[^]
13 Mar 2014 by OriginalGriff
Pretty much, you can't.It may be possible to encrypt the file so that it will only play via your application, or you may be able to embed it in your EXE file if it doesn't change after you compile your app.But those both depend on how your app works, and we don't have a clue about that.
22 Mar 2014 by CoderPanda
[Sorry, I myself have not tried any of these, and I am only trying to provide pointers.]There is no generic solution for any browser I think. Also I don't think this is possible via a client script. With whatever research I did I could come up with this one[^] for Firefoxand this...
16 May 2014 by karthik Udhayakumar
Hello Keniks,There may be lot of reasons which may affect this,can try these basicallySolution1:1.Check with your client the version of the browser and does it support your video tagging.Solution 2:1.Check the security conditions in your client work environment.2.Check if...
10 Jun 2014 by Member 10338512
Well, this is not proper questions in CodeProject I think. You have to ask it to as3xls blog.
7 Nov 2014 by BillWoodruff
Note that I haven't tried this myself, but it appears to me these links are directly relevant to what you want to do:On CodeProject (C#): [^].On MSDN (VB.NET): [^].
17 Feb 2016 by Jochen Arndt
A compiler generates relocatable object files which are then linked. While there might be an option for the C compiler (check the manual for your compiler), it is more probable that a fixed start address is passed to the linker or defined in some configuration file (probably a processor specific...
12 Apr 2016 by KarstenK
Normally in a separate file for "clean code development" but in a manner your IDE is translating it fine. The linker takes care to place it in the right position of your binary. Maybe here is some example code for you.
30 Apr 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
You'd be better off asking this in a forum dedicated to the hardware you're using.But, I don't know of a single micro that will let you use Flash as RAM.You either need to get hardware that has more memory in it (your best option!) and/or find a compiler that generates better/smaller...
10 Apr 2017 by OriginalGriff
We aren't here to do your homework: and debugging the code you write is a very important part of that homework. This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself. Let me just explain what...
22 Jun 2018 by Azim Zahir
This is a demonstration of a Torch application built using Android.
19 May 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
Try another "flash file". Or Browser. Or security setting. Or Flash version. Or different frame. Or different OS.
12 Feb 2020 by OwenDavies
How to implement a crossdomain.xml file to allow the Flash client to connect to my site
23 Dec 2022 by OriginalGriff
This is not a computer / usb repair service site - we only assist with software development related problems. If you are worried about viruses, go look for a local company that repairs computers - it's likely they can get the files back for you...