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by Mohamed Kalmoua
In this article, I will discuss a WiFi password recovery and management tool that I created in WPF using Visual Studio 2019.
by Savalia Manoj M
How to pass Control Event to ShellView (Main Page) using Caliburn.Micro?

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by Mohamed Kalmoua
In this article, I will discuss a WiFi password recovery and management tool that I created in WPF using Visual Studio 2019.
by Savalia Manoj M
How to pass Control Event to ShellView (Main Page) using Caliburn.Micro?

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27 Sep 2019 by Mohamed Kalmoua
In this article, I will discuss a WiFi password recovery and management tool that I created in WPF using Visual Studio 2019.
6 Sep 2012 by Savalia Manoj M
How to pass Control Event to ShellView (Main Page) using Caliburn.Micro?
2 Oct 2013 by Jegan Thiyagesan
you create a tabViewModel, in the tab view model you create the collection of user control. so each control in the collection will have its own instance and be bind to each tab. This way you will maintain the separation.App.xaml ( set the App.xaml to fire the start up event)
17 Jan 2016 by OriginalGriff
This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself.Let me just explain what the error means: You have tried to use a variable, property, or a method return value but it contains null -...
24 Sep 2013 by behnamse
Hi everyone, I have this problem for fewdays and im really tired of it, it can be great if you help me out.I have Caliburn.Micro project. and i have View and ModelView Folder and in my View folder i have a resource Dictionary called MyButton starts with and then i create...
1 Oct 2013 by behnamse
Hi, I have 1 UserControl and im using it in several Tabs, all these tabs have same parameters but i want all parameters in different tabs save data in different places. now all parameters in tabs just can save in 1 place that i have wrote in my ViewModel on the user control. Could you please...
6 Apr 2018 by HumayunAhmed
I am making a Address Book program in WPF and i want to bind my DataGridColumn from a text file having contacts information.But, i dont know how to do it. Please Anyone Help Me...Here's my ViewModel(ContactsViewModel.cs):using Caliburn.Micro;using System.Windows;namespace...
26 Apr 2015 by aliwpf
hi . if you want to use databinding in wpf , your model class implement INotifyPropertyChanged. see following:public class ContactsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged{ public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public void...
24 Jun 2015 by MrteR
Hi guys,After several hours of searching on Google, I can not find my answer. I hope you can help me out.I want to make a factory which builds up the UI.Among them: a TabControl with TabPages and controls. These are built up by metadata. What is the best place for this logic for my...
7 Dec 2015 by ddoutel
Hi folks,I'm new to Caliburn.Micro, but not new to MVVM or C#, and I really, really don't want to ask this over at StackOverflow. I've been a member/lurker here for better than 10 years, and I know the crowd here will be more helpful than the StackOverflow crowd.Conductor.OneActive /...
8 Dec 2015 by ddoutel
Nevermind; System.Linq extension method...This works nicely:Items.Add( RecordVM );Items.Add( LoginVM );...ActivateItem( Items.First( vm => vm.GetType().Name == "LoginViewModel" ) );
17 Jan 2016 by Member 11470311
How Property Injection works in Caliburn Micro. Here is my Bootstrapperpublic class AppBootstrapper : BootstrapperBase { SimpleContainer container; public AppBootstrapper() { Initialize(); } protected override void...
17 Jan 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You did not show where the exception with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" is thrown. Not to worry. This is one of the very easiest cases to detect and fix. It simply means that some member/variable of some reference type is dereferences by using and of its...
2 May 2016 by Member 10620284
I installed Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 . Then I create a new solution. There's a big different than before. There's a new UWP and Win 8.1 project.I try to installed Caliburn.Micro to this solution.Some errors happenedThen I install Caliburn.Micro.Xamarin.Forms. It's OK. But there's no...
6 Apr 2018 by Jym_M
The solution is not the Caliburn Micro way of doing this. If you want CM to do your binding, you need to create a BindableCollection SomeName and make sure that the DataGrid is SomeName in the XAML
11 Aug 2018 by Member 13944101
Hello guys, please do you have idea how could i add ScrollViewer to used StackPanel? But it must work :-) It announces me an InvalidOperationException anyhow i try to add ScrollViewer into View XAML. Here is a original question what i want to do. I only need to add scroll bar: WPF/MVVM -...
10 Aug 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
wpf controls - WPF: ItemsControl with scrollbar (ScrollViewer) - Stack Overflow[^]
11 Aug 2018 by Graeme_Grant
To help understand the problem, here are the default templates (extracted using MS Blend) of the ItemsControl: ...
1 Sep 2018 by bh_
I am discovering MVVM for the first time and am using Caliburn.Micro. I can articulate my question with a real example: In my View I have a combobox from which the user can select an available Comport. The selected item is bound to a property in the ViewModel. In one of my Models I have a...
1 Sep 2018 by Graeme_Grant
If your base class for your Model implements the INotifyPropertyChanged, then your ViewModel can subscribe/unsubscribe from the Model's PropertyChanged event.
18 Apr 2019 by indiapalealex
I am writing an application which will allow users to select from a series of maps on a touchscreen display, and then the maps will also display on a larger wall-mounted screen. Users will be able to pan/zoom/rotate around the maps and I would like the wall-mounted screen to show those changes...
18 Apr 2019 by Gerry Schmitz
You can show as many non-modal windows as you want; and have any window call methods in another window. If that isn't enough, you run multiple instances of your app; using remote automation or whatever else comes to mind. Windows can be dragged to any screen. Windows 10 scales well, IMO.
19 May 2019 by Ameer Adel Al-Zubaidy
Hello I am on my first EF6 project and I have couple of questions Project outlines Property (Building) have Rooms A Room have list of criteria or rating Each criteria own a set of values i.e. Property (Building) A have Room 1 Each room have bunch of values Value a 0-1...
19 May 2019 by Ameer Adel Al-Zubaidy
Right first of all sorry for the rough English, I am a mess right now the solution is as follows: Loop through the existing Main categories (Property(Building)) for Property.Count Property[i].Rooms = inProperty[i].Rooms So on and so forth for the other nested lists ...
11 May 2020 by #realJSOP
.Net Core is NOT ready for prime time. You shouldn't be using it in enterprise development until they release .Net 5.0, and even then, you should probably wait at least six months while they fix their half-assed code. If it's possible to mix...
9 Jun 2020 by Pimpy
I make autocomplete and I want go throught with keys up and down in listbox with results. So I need change the focus from textbox to first listbox item. For change the focus to listbox I used focusmanager. But focusmanager focus the listbox, not...
9 Jun 2020 by #realJSOP
You don't "focus" ListBox items, you "select" them. What you probably need to do is handle the keyboard focused event for the ListBox, and inside that handler, set the SelectedIndex to 0.
26 Mar 2021 by Programmer Decaf
I am very impressed into Prism Library's Modules. I am going to implement this module in my app which is based on Caliburn Library. Is there way to implement this module in Caliburn.Micro easily? What I have tried: I didn't do anything because...
11 May 2020 by lavieautrement
Hey, I try to Print a Grid with calibrun Micro in WPF .Core I create window to define what i went to print when i click in Print button show me error :"specified method not supported"; Please Help Me; What I have tried: PrintDialog...
2 Jul 2015 by SDavisworth
HelloI'm using Data Annotation in a Calburn Micro framework to validate my user input. User selects a date that needs to be 3 days in the future. Record is saved to db. 4 days later the record is opened again and validation kicks in on the selected date. What I need to do is turn off...