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Great Reads

by Michael Gledhill
An example of using Angular and SVG to turn your data into beautiful diagrams
by Muhammad Usama Khan
In this article, we'll explore what is angular and why we use JS based frameworks when we've already javascript libraries. We'll explore how we can set up Angular Environment in Visual Studio Code.
by Michael Gledhill
Getting started with agGrid for Angular
by DiponRoy
Deploy Web API and Angular from the same project to the same IIS port

Latest Articles

by DiponRoy
Deploy Web API and Angular from the same project to the same IIS port
by Michael Gledhill
Getting started with agGrid for Angular
by Siddharth Gajbhiye
How to use Async pipe in Angular applications
by Shenwei Liu
A sample web application and discussions on creating, displaying, and downloading PDF documents with Web API data sources (including ASP.NET Core), client Angular CLI or AngularJS Components, and resolutions for web browser compatibility to handle PDF documents.

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22 Nov 2019 by Michael Gledhill
An example of using Angular and SVG to turn your data into beautiful diagrams
24 Jul 2018 by Muhammad Usama Khan
In this article, we'll explore what is angular and why we use JS based frameworks when we've already javascript libraries. We'll explore how we can set up Angular Environment in Visual Studio Code.
1 May 2020 by Michael Gledhill
Getting started with agGrid for Angular
25 Jul 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
HTML and client-side javascript cannot launch an executable on the client machine, for obvious security reasons. You can, however, tell the server to launch an executable on the server. Your server-side code just has to expose a method that the client-side code can call. This server-side method...
20 May 2019 by Thomas Daniels
Numbers in JavaScript cannot be arbitrarily large or precise - numbers are 64-bit values (based on the IEEE 754 standard) and you've hit the limit with your number. You'll have to use an external library such as bignumber.js[^] for arbitrary precision.
20 May 2019 by CPallini
Those are JavaScript 'features'. You may find many workarounds on the web. See, for instance Working with large integers in JavaScript[^].
13 Jul 2020 by DiponRoy
Deploy Web API and Angular from the same project to the same IIS port
28 Jan 2021 by Harshal S. Limaye
You could achieve this using following code: You're a GC user... You're a GCDR user... You could also achieve the same using ngSwitch directive:
29 Sep 2018 by pankajupadhyay29
It will be good if you could post some code what you have tried. In case you are trying to fetch data from web service use httpclient Angular Docs[^]
23 Nov 2018 by Sk Imad
When you call the web api, you have to pass { withCredentials: true}. So that popup will come for credential get(commandID, moduleID, data) { const actionURL = AppUrlConfig.getUrl(commandID); return this.http.get(environment.baseApi + actionURL.url, { withCredentials: true}) ...
19 Feb 2019 by TheRealSteveJudge
First of all you should understand what TypeScript is. TypeScript vs. JavaScript – Hacker Noon[^] gives a good explanation. You could also search with Google for e.g. Typescript vs Javascript. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript which is strongly typed as the name TypeScript suggests. A...
5 Mar 2019 by Wastedtalent
You would really need to post both the parent and the component code to make it clear what you're doing, but something like: Parent component: With the parent...
9 Jan 2020 by Sanwar ranwa
Try to read this link carefully,ist explain object.asign method in detail[^]
5 Mar 2020 by OriginalGriff
This is not a free code conversionservice, even if that would produce good quality code, which it won't. Either go back to Google and find the equivelant functionality in Angular, or learn to write it yourself. We aren't here to do your work for...
5 Jul 2020 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Try using the built-in HTTP helpers to do that; the get, post, etc. You can check this tutorial on how to receive data from API from Angular website as well; http Angular[^]. When it comes to showing the data in a Toaster, see the Use on Toaster...
31 Aug 2020 by Sandeep Mewara
Quote[^]: ‘Undefined’ is the property of the global object. If you don’t assign any value to a variable is of type ‘undefined’. A code also return the undefined value when the evaluated variable doesn’t have any assigned value. Example: function...
7 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
Either update you local server to 12.2.9 or higher, or follow the instructions in the error message which tell you how to disable the warning. The "missing dependencies" list means you need to install the CDK libraries: npm install --save...
4 Jun 2018 by coolNish
I have a scenario where I need to get data from APIs, do some calculations, save the data into database and display it on real time dashboard, there should not be much latency data synchronization. Looking for architecture/design to implement using Microsoft technologies. What I have tried: ...
3 Jun 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: I have a scenario where I need to get data from APIs, do some calculations, save the data into database and display it on real time dashboard, there should not be much latency data synchronization. Sure, you can use ASP.NET Core as the development framework, SignalR as the sockets...
18 Jun 2018 by Member 13809682
hi i have integrated the devextreme angular 2 map in my demo project , i want to show say count of people with name x , on the bubble as label/ text , on the vector map , else we can say i dont want to use tooltip , i want to show the label without hovering on particular bubble in the
18 Jun 2018 by Member 13809682
I have slightly resolved this ,Just add dxi-label in your map, chart as shown here here's the link to it
2 Jul 2018 by j4rey89
Below I have created a dynamic component AppComponent.html AppComponent.ts keyvalue = 'one' ...
2 Jul 2018 by iivanovetg
Using ComponentFactoryResolver for such a simple case is overkill. At least you should declare your worker components (one and two) as EntryComponents to be able to construct them dynamically. ComponentFactoryResolver may be useful when you want to create a component from directive for...
27 Jul 2018 by Member 13801408
I have problem while binding angular dropdown When I click(GetPlanDates()) dropdown It has to load values from service, and able to select the value (GetPlanDate($event)) Wcf response for angular result: result({"Response":"Success!","dates":["20180723","20180724","20180725","20180726"]} ) ...
30 Jul 2018 by Member 13931287
I have created a component(set-pass),I want to perform password and confirm password activities in this component.I have tried it by creating a custom directive(confirm-equal-validator.directive.ts) inside shared folder. Below are my component files set-pass.component.html ...
18 Aug 2018 by Hassan Bahmani
i have a Httpclient app and i wana get data from json list but does'nt work What I have tried: "this is my app.component.ts" import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { RecordsService } from './records.service'; // tslint:disable-next-line:import-blacklist import {...
18 Aug 2018 by Richard MacCutchan
You already posted this qestion at I will get data from my nested json file with httpclient[^]. Please do not repost.
21 Aug 2018 by Aurobinda Rana
Please share basic installation process to load d3.js graph integrated with ASP.Net Core, Angular6 application. My code is giving this error. "Error: Unexpected token
21 Aug 2018 by sajeetharan
The above error comes when one of your config json is not valid. Check your packages.json and related ones if you have valid JSON configured
24 Dec 2018 by JAMESIVA
in component -------------------- ngOnInit() { this.registerForm ={ firstName: [], lastName: [], }); } in html -------------- ...
11 Sep 2018 by Ahmed El Bohoty
I'm new to Angular , I just write service that check login but I don't have serve side code so I found fake API to test login but I don't know why it doesn't work. Here's the site of the fake API you can find the login API. enter image description here What I have tried:...
11 Sep 2018 by Er. Puneet Goel
Please use the following link to learn basic set of login with consuming res api's Angular 6 Tutorial - Learn Angular 6 in this Crash Course[^]
4 Oct 2018 by Abhi1 Kanobi
I have list component shared between various components for listing some data and a datepicker binded to an ng-model. Like
5 Oct 2018 by Golden Mind
How we can work with multiple projects in one workspace with lazy loading router I use angualr cli to create new angular app like this ng new main-app then use angular cli to generate projects like this ng generate application app-a ng generate application app-b i need to make lazy loading...
5 Oct 2018 by sajeetharan
You cannot navigate between two separate application. what you are doing is generating two separate application and trying to navigate using lazyModule.
17 Oct 2018 by Lokesh Zende
I have created a report using SSRS 2008. I want to call this rdl file through my angular 6 application. The report takes one integer and one string parameter. Any help appreciated. Thanks. What I have tried: I referred this[^] link but it requires my report to be hosted on report server. I...
23 Oct 2018 by Shivangi Rawat
Hi, We need to integrate an existing solution in ASP.NET with Angular 6. The views are separate for ASP.NET and Angular v6 Application. Are there any ways to integrate them into a common solution. Could anyone please guide on this. Thank You. What I have tried: Code not needed as the...
31 Oct 2018 by Member 12885549
I have application with angular where I have an input: Open documentation Open documentation which calls method: redirect() {, '_blank');} What I have tried: this.documentationUrl...
31 Oct 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
Browsers don't let you manipulate pages that have been served via different domains for security reasons (think about it...would you want a website accessing username and password boxes on any other site you might have open?). There is a way around this but it involves the target site...
23 Nov 2018 by Member 14064716
I have enabled windows authentication in web API. My Frontend application is developed by Angular 6. When I call API, its showing unauthorized issue in the console. But no popup comes for the credential. Please help. How to configure in angular so that credential popup will come. What I have...
26 Nov 2018 by Member 13032740
I have a nested form inside *ngFor in Angular. How can I get validation status of all forms? Below is my code {{budgetForm.valid}} What...
26 Nov 2018 by Member 13032740
I have a textbox. When I enter value in textbox and press enter key, I need to trigger onFocusOut event of the textbox so that I can perform some action. How can I do this? What I have tried: I tried calling event but no luck
10 Jan 2019 by Member 14070342
I had executed post service call in angular 6 the service was returning the request as 200-ok, but it could not returning the message to catcherror method. It was showing an error: Observable.throw is not a function. My Serivce Call code was given below: import { Injectable } from...
30 Nov 2018 by sameerkulkarni777
I have a Form.IO json. Now using the fields in the JSON a few of my controls are being rendered. Example: { "name":"John", "age":30 } Now, I am using Form.IO which renders this JSON contruct into actual controls, say 2 textboxes; 1 with the name John printed in it and the other with the Age...
24 Dec 2018 by ganesh mahajan
Import below modules into module in which your current component belongs to. FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule
6 Jan 2019 by Navneet Kumar
We have developed angular application (UI in angular 6 and Web API (.Net framework 4.6.1)) with window authentication using LDAP. To enable the window authentication credential prompt, we have added authentication= window in Web API Config and also enable same in IIS. It is working fine in all...
6 Jan 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
There is no prompt for a username and password in IE because "Windows Authentication" uses the account of the user that launched the browser. The only time you get a prompt for credentials is in other browsers that don't have support for NTLM authentication turned on by default or not it's not...
6 Jan 2019 by viprat
Hi, I am trying to get formdata from Angular to node service. I have added below code. But its not working. Its giving MulterError: Unexpected field error. What I have tried: code : HTML
12 Feb 2023 by ahmed_sa
I have application work in core 2.1 visual studio 2017 work with angular but when run page it show empty page i make inspect inside web page i get error as below Uncaught Error: inject() must be called from an injection context at injectInjectorOnly (core.js:1188) at inject...
10 Jan 2019 by Bohdan Stupak
Quite possibly it's a versioning issue as it works well for me with rx.js 5.5.6. Still, I've noticed that for some version people do import as import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; which might also help
4 Feb 2019 by Sidhu381988
I m create angular 6 application. My UX designer gave some icons to be incorported in our app. I used angular SVG Icon module to incorporate the same. For the icon which has , it not rendering in IE Edge. Can you please someone tell the reason for it? What I...
3 Feb 2019 by vijaytaluri
Is there any performances issue while taking multiple child components in parent component. for each child component there is form builder. What I have tried: ...
4 Feb 2019 by Richard Deeming
IE and Edge don't support referencing external files in SVG; you have to use a polyfill: Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc[^]: IE9-Edge12, Safari 5.1-6, and UCWeb 11 do not support referencing external files[^] via . Polyfills are available: server-side inlining +...
12 Feb 2019 by py.Net.JS
I am not familiar with ASP NET zero framework, but this requirement is for an existing web application from ASP NET Zero to ASP .NET MVC migration. The existing version is using Angular JS 1, and I am planning to migrate that to Angular 6/7. I need to understand the challenges and the best...
18 Feb 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem when delete record it must refresh page to see it deleted why and how to solve problem . when delete data from database sql server it deleted success but not show it deleted until i refresh or reload page why this problem happen and how to solve problem ? onDelete(id: number,...
20 Feb 2019 by appalanaidu Aug2011
I had attended interviews recently and i used to tell that i have sound knowlede on angular Interviewer asked me that Do you know typescript? I have got confused whether i know or not My doubt is How Typescript is related to Angular? Could i tell that i know typescript if i know angular? ...
20 Feb 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem when pass id value of put(update) from postman it passed as 0 although it have value on link ? i select key from post man as contenttype application/json and this is my url https://localhost:44326/api/Employee/put?id=5 and when put breakpoint in function put and run app it hit...
20 Feb 2019 by Member 14157805
What you used to work in Angular, Javascript or Typescript? I have been working in Angular from last 2yrs, I have used Typescript, reason being Typescript follows OOPS concept(which makes it easy to use).
23 Feb 2019 by ahmed_sa
Problem How to call function (GetLabelTextForEmployee) on angular component on employees.ts and employees.component.html ? I work on core 2.1 web API with angular 6. I make function on web API to get text of label from database and show on view this function work on web API but in...
23 Feb 2019 by Bryian Tan
I would suggest to modify the service a little bit to tell the method to expect a text instead of JSON object. public GetLabelTextForEmployee(tableName:string,FieldName:string): Observable { return this.http .get('https://localhost:44326/api/reference/' + tableName +...
27 Feb 2019 by ahmed_sa
Problem How to return EmployeeCode on angular employees component.html ? Sample data ReferenceTable Code tableName FieldName LabelText 111 Employees EmployeeId EmployeeCode Result of calling GetLabelTextForEmployee('Employees','EmployeeId') it suppose Return EmployeeCode I work...
27 Feb 2019 by StijnBollen
In your employees.component.ts file you import OnInit and OnDestoy and implement them. On your class, you'll need a employeeCode string-property to store the value. In ngOnInit you need to subscribe to the ApiService's GetLabelText with the needed parameters and in ngOnDestroy you'll need to...
1 Mar 2019 by ahmed_sa
problem How to assign ng model input type text on header to ngfor element ? I work on application work on angular 7 with core 2.1 on html component i have input type text and i need to assign it to ngfor element ? but cannot do that actually i need when user write or input type textbox...
5 Mar 2019 by User 4180254
I am trying to pass template variable to other component included in current component but getting undefined error. Not sure what wrong I'm doing. Below is the component html and ts file code.
8 Mar 2019 by ahmed_sa
Problem when convert date picker control to formate dd/mm/yyyy i get error as below compiler.js:2427 Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Parser Error: Cannot have a pipe in an action expression at column 25 in [api.SHeader.salesDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'=$event] in...
22 Mar 2019 by Bohdan Stupak
The error is pretty self-descriptive. this.http.get returns Promise which you unsuccesfully try to convert into your entities. Use this.http .get('https://localhost:44326/api/Employee') .then(res => //your logic)
9 Apr 2019 by MadMyche
Angular is the more mature platform, has a lot larger community, and Google is littered with samples to follow. The downside is it is continuously evolving and you may have to alter your code in the future if methods use become deprecated. Blazor looks like it will out perform most JS...
10 Apr 2019 by Rajesh k bhushan
I want to sum of first column of Amount and that amount of sum show into the debit total text box using angular. I did not any idea about how to get particular cell of value and sum it that's why i cannot written code of angular What I have tried:
13 Apr 2019 by Janvi Developer
Hi, I am working on syncfusion scheduler and I tried to bind data in different ways as they are mentioned in documentation. I have followed the all steps for data binding ,tried my hand with different adaptors, also passed the same properties as passed by syncfusion apis. But I am still unable...
16 Apr 2019 by Member 9956700
I want to count how many active users are using my mobile application. I have maintain a session. Once user login in the application, I can count 1 user is active. Meanwhile I need to count active user for my application in angular js. Can anyone help me out. What I have tried: No idea how...
23 Apr 2019 by Ruchir Naphade
I want to show "save as" dialog box for user to storing an image from Firefox but it is not appearing. But when I open it from google chrome, I can see that box appearing. I did my reasearch for this but could not find anything about it. Can anyone have an idea about this? Why it is not...
23 Apr 2019 by #realJSOP
Go into Settings, scroll down to "Files and Applications", and click the radio button that reads "Always ask you where to save files".
23 Apr 2019 by OriginalGriff
You can't force anything to happen when you send a file to a user: the software at the client end is completely responsible for what happens, and can be set by the user to prompt, open, save, or discard the file. You as the server have no control over that whatsoever, and will never do.
20 May 2019 by Member 13132765
In angular 6 i am getting the invalid values when adding the large value numbers. Is there any solution around this to handle large numbers for addition, comparison, etc? What I have tried: 9007199254740992==9007199254740993 o/p = true 9007199254740992+0.98 o/p = 9007199254740992
10 Jun 2019 by RB_Code
Hi, Regarding Angular State Managment, Could you please suggest the advantage and disadvantages about ngRx, angular-redux, sessionstoreage and localstorage. In which one we can use for Medium and Large applications. Thanks in advance. What I have tried: ngRx vs angular-redux vs sessionstorage...
17 Jun 2019 by Member 14503742
How to show email suggestion above keyboard when we have email field on ionic? What I have tried: can't find solution.please help ASAP.
18 Jun 2019 by Eric Tade
Hello, I have been encountering this error below and i haven't gotten a solution. I would appreciate it if a solution is being rendered. Thanks. The below error occurs after i exported a phone number object and assigned a data type of number in my app.service.ts and imported it in my...
18 Jun 2019 by Thomas Daniels
What your code currently tries to do, is creating a user property of the AppPage class of type user, and the PhoneNumber property of user gets set to a value - however, the 'value' in this case is number, which is a type and not a value. How to fix it, depends on what you want to do. If you...
30 Jun 2019 by OriginalGriff
We are more than willing to help those that are stuck: but that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you. So we need you to do the...
30 Jun 2019 by imen1
i don't want child component to be repeated every time I submit.I want it to change in the same place. What I have tried: child component.ts @Input() m : []; child component.html a form in parent component html
30 Jun 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
Quote: c. Contact me: It will include your actual contact information as you sent it to your resume. You've apparently applied for a job and you're asking for guidance on how to write a simple app? This is a test of YOUR skills. If you can't write this on your own, what makes you think you're...
14 Jul 2019 by User-8621695
I am trying to implement boomerangjs in my Angular code. But it's not working for me. I need your help to resolve it. Below is the way I've used it. So first I've installed boomerangjs using npm and it's now available in my node_modules. My first page is dashboard.component.ts, so I've added...
27 Sep 2019 by Akshay malvankar
I am fetching response from PHP API and I made 3 functions for taking that response from API , one function return JSON response, second function return promises and 3rd function return observable, so want to know which approach is better while fetching response from PHP API, is it function...
7 Oct 2019 by Akshay malvankar
I want to download csv file on checking or uncheking checkboxes, but when i click on checkbox function trigger but when i unchecked checkbox function doesn't trigger following is my .ts file import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { DownloadCSVService } from...
2 Dec 2019 by Member 14637638
on click an English button it shows its corresponding div at the same time if I clicked on another button then it shows its div but the previous one not closed. I want that on click English it shows the div and on again click it close. Note that makes it dynamically because I don't know how many...
2 Dec 2019 by Mehul M Thakkar
VisibleIndex is updating every time. you need to create different array for visibility for each language. Declare visibleLang:any[]=[]; and add a line in onclickEnglishDiv function, this.visibleLang[clickLang] = !this.visibleLang[clickLang]; In template change in if condition visibleIndex...
9 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
What is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy - Google Search[^]
27 Jan 2020 by VishnuTLT
Dear Experts, I need to show a PDF form (editable PDF) in angular 7 project. I mean, need to preview the PDF in webpage and when a user click/ hover on the textbox in the pdf then it will show the textbox name/id. Is there any thirdparty premium or opensource librarys available. Please help. ...
27 Jan 2020 by tninis
Hello, you can A)Create the form you need using angular. Then you can submit form values to server, the server will take these values append them to a PDF template you already have created. A plugin that may help you is PDFsharp. Home of PDFsharp and MigraDoc Foundation - PDFsharp & MigraDoc[^]...
2 Feb 2021 by viprat
I have implemented Anti Forgery token with Angular 6. i am facing some issue after implementing that. i am able to validate token using [Validateantiforgerytoken] for fist time in POST request. But in sub sequent POST request we are getting 400...
31 Aug 2020 by Member 11072126
Hi All, Am new into Angular and am trying to load a dropdown with static values (values defined in a .ts file). While am trying to load the array with the values, am getting error msg as: Cannot read property 'correlationDepthUnits' of...
6 Sep 2020 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: I want to deploy this app with some design changes but Brower impact came after Control F5 Which is the correct behavior, as your browser is not linked with the server to check for any updates. Quote: how can I do this without a manual...
6 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Angular NgIf DIRECTIVE[^]
9 Dec 2020 by Virendra S from Bangalore, Karnataka
this component does the editing as well as displaying the employee profile. as demo, below I have given one field control. In Edit mode: Dropdown gets the master list. already existing employee data should be binded to dropdown while editing. In...
13 Aug 2021 by Brian Larson 2021
Hello, I'm running a website built on Angular with Node on the backend. I wanted to add scripts (like Google analytics) to different pages. But it appears if I want to a script to one page it will appear on all. You can use server-side rendering...
7 Sep 2021 by Tamizh Arasan
I have page which renders content based on the params in the url, current route samples are given as follows, ( renders Home Page ( renders Offers Page...
3 Jan 2023 by suman palla
Hi Everyone, How to access SSRS Report Server and download Report (.rdl) with dynamic parameters. Currently I am getting the following exception. The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'. The authentication...
20 Oct 2021 by Pinky Pinky
I have been assigned a task where I have to run ng serve command in folder. I have following folder structure. ProjectFolder - > ClientApp - >Src -> dist -> e2e I am running this...