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Great Reads

by Espen Harlinn
Harlinn.Windows is a collection of libraries that I have put together that serves as a big part of the runtime we use at work.
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An infinite set of biological shape fractals in the complex plain
by Petrov Vladimir
Weiler-Atherton algorithm in MFC codes demo implementation
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands

Latest Articles

by Perić Željko
Sorting Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C# with QuickSort Sort Extensions
by Espen Harlinn
Harlinn.Windows is a collection of libraries that I have put together that serves as a big part of the runtime we use at work.
by sebjameswml
Walks you through the steps needed to draw high quality 2D graphs in your C++ programs using the header-only library morphologica
by André Marcos (Advisor), José Cláudio Silva, Victor Lopes
Unity Engine support for Electronic 2D game development

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