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.NET 1.0


Great Reads

by Stoyan Damov
Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system
by Nish Nishant
Demonstrates the usage of splitters, treeviews, listviews, panels, toolbars
by Dan Peverill
A managed DirectX class library that can be used as a foundation for basic 2D games. Demo included.
by almere109
DirectX.Capture class examples showing how to grab a frame from video and how to make a VU meter for audio

Latest Articles

by Shivprasad koirala
6 steps to enable transactions in WCF
by Shivprasad koirala
This article explains plug and play architecture using policy application blocks.
by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
by User 257328
Demonstrates how to call ASP.NET webservices from the client within other languages and platforms

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