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I am trying to integrate Paypal with my website. So i got some script from my friend but whenever i try to test notify_url its always returning this error. "We Could not send an IPN due to an HTTP error: 500: Internal Server Error."

this is my scripts which i used for integration, PaypalObject.php
require_once '../Functions/Database.php' ;

$sendPayData = array(

    "METHOD" => "BMCreateButton" ,

"VERSION" => "65.2" ,

"USER" => "" ,

"PWD" => "PNCWS3M7K5MVF4E7" ,






"L_BUTTONVAR1"  => "item_name=D-Points",

"L_BUTTONVAR2" => "currency_code=USD" ,

"L_BUTTONVAR3" => "no_shipping=2" ,

"L_BUTTONVAR4" => "no_note=1" ,

"L_BUTTONVAR5" => "notify_url=");

$db = GetDatabaseConnection ( 'db_misc' ) ;

    $points = $db->query ( 'SELECT * FROM `t_point_sale` ORDER BY `points`' )->fetchAll ( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ;

    $sendPayData [ "OPTION0NAME" ] = "D-Points" ;

    foreach ( $points as $i => $point ) {

        $sendPayData [ sprintf ( 'L_OPTION0SELECT%d' , $i ) ] = sprintf ( '%d D-Points' , $point [ 'points' ] ) ;

        $sendPayData [ sprintf ( 'L_OPTION0PRICE%d' , $i ) ] = $point [ 'price' ] ;


    $sendPayData [ "L_TEXTBOX0" ] = "Account" ;

$context = stream_context_create(array(

    'http' => array(

    'method'  => 'POST',

    'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",

    'content' => http_build_query($sendPayData),

    'timeout' => 10,



$response = file_get_contents("",true,$context);

parse_str($response, $output);

$button = str_replace("\\","",$output["WEBSITECODE"]);

print $button;

this is Listener script DonateListener.php



       require_once 'DonateIPNHandler.php' ;

       require_once 'InstantPaymentNotification.php' ;

       $ipn = new InstantPaymentNotification ( true ) ;

       $ipn->setIPNHandler ( new DonateIPNHandler ( ) ) ;

       $ipn->listen ( ) ;

this is InstantPaymentNotification.php


        * Observador de Notificações de Pagamento Instantâneo


       class InstantPaymentNotification {


               * @var string


              private $endpoint = '' ;


               * @var IPNHandler


              private $ipnHandler ;


               * Constroi o objeto que receberá as notificações de pagamento

               * instantâneas do PayPal..

               * @param   boolean $sandbox Define se será utilizado o Sandbox

               * @throws  InvalidArgumentException


              public function __construct ( $sandbox = true ) {

                     if ( $sandbox === true ) {

                            $this->endpoint = '' ;


                     $this->endpoint .= '/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_notify-validate' ;



               * Aguarda por notificações de pagamento instantânea; Caso uma nova

               * notificação seja recebida, faz a verificação e notifica um manipulador

               * com o status (verificada ou não) e a mensagem recebida.

               * @see     InstantPaymentNotification::setIPNHandler()

               * @throws  BadMethodCallException Caso o método seja chamado antes

               * de um manipulador ter sido definido ou nenhum email de recebedor

               * tenha sido informado.


              public function listen () {

                     if ( $this->ipnHandler !== null ) {

                            if ( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' ) {

                                   if ( filter_input ( INPUT_POST , 'receiver_email' , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ) {

                                          $curl = curl_init ( ) ;

                                          curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_URL , $this->endpoint ) ;

                                          curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , false ) ;

                                          curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 ) ;

                                          curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_POST , 1 ) ;

                                          curl_setopt ( $curl , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , http_build_query ( $_POST ) ) ;

                                          $response = curl_exec ( $curl ) ;

                                          $error = curl_error ( $curl ) ;

                                          $errno = curl_errno ( $curl ) ;

                                          curl_close ( $curl ) ;

                                          if ( empty ( $error ) && $errno == 0 ) {

                                                 $this->ipnHandler->handle ( $response == 'VERIFIED' , $_POST ) ;




                     } else {

                            throw new BadMethodCallException ( 'Nenhum manipulador de mensagem ou email foi definido' ) ;




               * Define o objeto que irá manipular as notificações de pagamento

               * instantâneas enviadas pelo PayPal.

               * @param   IPNHandler $ipnHandler


              public function setIPNHandler ( IPNHandler $ipnHandler ) {

                     $this->ipnHandler = $ipnHandler ;



This is DonateIPNHandler.php

       require_once 'IPNHandler.php' ;

       require_once '../Functions/Database.php' ;

       require_once 'PaypalPayment.php' ;



        * Manipulador de exemplo de Notificação de Pagamento

        * Instantâneo


       class DonateIPNHandler implements IPNHandler {


              private $db , $query ;


               * @param   boolean $isVerified

               * @param   array $message

               * @see     IPNHandler::handle()


              public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) {

                     if ( $isVerified ) { 

                            if ( $message [ 'receiver_email' ] == '' ) {

                                   //file_put_contents('test.text', print_r($message, true), FILE_APPEND);

                                   $data = array ( 

                                       'first_name' => $message [ 'first_name' ] ,

                                       'last_name' => $message [ 'last_name' ] ,

                                       'address_country' => $message [ 'address_country' ] ,

                                       'address_city' => $message [ 'address_city' ] ,

                                       'quantity' => ( int ) $message [ 'quantity' ] ,

                                       'payment_status' => $message [ 'payment_status' ] ,

                                       'item_name' => $message [ 'item_name' ] ,

                                       'mc_currency' => $message [ 'mc_currency' ] ,

                                       'gross' => $message [ 'payment_gross' ] ,

                                       'acct' => array (

                                       'account' => $message [ 'option_selection2' ] ,

                                       'dpoints' => preg_replace ( '/[^\d]/' , null , $message [ 'option_selection1' ] )

                                       ) ,

                                       'check' => $message [ 'option_selection1' ] ,

                                       'email' => $message [ 'payer_email' ] ,

                                       'ID' => $message [ 'ipn_track_id' ]

                                   ) ;

                                   $paypalPayment = new PaypalPayment ( GetDatabaseConnection ( 'db_misc' ) ) ;

                                   $_validate = $paypalPayment->isValid ( $data ) ;

                                   if ( $_validate [ "isValid" ] === true ) {

                                          $paypalPayment->storePayment ( $data )->dispatch ( ) ;








This is IPNHandler.php

       interface IPNHandler {

              public function handle ( $isVerified , array $message ) ;


This is PaypalPayment.php


       class PaypalPayment {


               * @var PDO


              private $db ;


               * @var PDOStatement


              private $query ;


               * @var Boolean 


              private $isStored = false ;


               * Account/Point Info

               * @var array 


              private $_toDispatch = array ( ) ;


              public function __construct ( PDO $dbConnection ) {

                     $this->db = $dbConnection ;

                     $this->db->setAttribute ( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE , PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ) ;

                     $this->db->setAttribute ( PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT , 5 ) ;

                     $this->db->setAttribute ( PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT , false ) ;


              public function isValid ( array $data ) {

                     $item = isset ( $data [ "item_name" ] ) ? $data [ "item_name" ] : null ;

                     $check = isset ( $data [ "check" ] ) ? $data [ "check" ] : null ;

                     if ( ! is_null ( $item ) && ! is_null ( $check ) ) {

                            $currency = isset ( $data [ "mc_currency" ] ) ? $data [ "mc_currency" ] : null ;

                            if ( ! is_null ( $currency ) && ! empty ( $currency ) ) {

                                   $pt = isset ( $data [ "acct" ] [ "dpoints" ] ) ? (int) $data [ "acct" ] [ "dpoints" ] : 0 ;

                                   if ( is_numeric ( $pt ) and ( $pt > 0 ) ) {

                                          $gross = isset ( $data [ "gross" ] ) ? $data [ "gross" ] : null ;

                                          $fields = array ( 'itemName' , 'checkName' , 'currency' , 'amount' , 'points' ) ;

                                          $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'SELECT * FROM `t_payment_validate` WHERE `' . implode ( '` = ? AND `' , $fields ) . '` = ?' ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindValue ( 1 , $item , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindValue ( 2 , $check , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindValue ( 3 , $currency , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindValue ( 4 , $gross , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindValue ( 5 , $pt , PDO::PARAM_INT ) ;

                                          $this->query->execute ( ) ;

                                          $_objectFetched = $this->query->fetch ( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ;

                                          return array (

                                              'objectID' => $_objectFetched [ 'vid' ] ,

                                              'isValid' => ( $this->query->rowCount ( ) === 1 && $this->canHandlePaymentID ( $data [ "ID" ] ) ) ? true : false 

                                          ) ;




                     return false ;



              public function storePayment ( array $data ) {

                     $_validate = $this->isValid ( $data ) ;

                     if ( $_validate [ "isValid" ] === true ) {

                            // do recheck 

                            $name = sprintf ( '%s %s' , $data [ "first_name" ] , $data [ "last_name" ] ) ;

                            $fields = array ( 'name' , 'country' , 'city' , 'paymentStatus' , 'account' , 'email' , 'points' , 'amount' , 'currency' , 'status' , 'paymentID' ) ;

                            $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `t_payments` ( `'. implode ( '`, `' , $fields ) .'` ) VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )' ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 1 , $name , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 2 , $data [ "address_country" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 3 , $data [ "address_city" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 4 , $data [ "payment_status" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 5 , $data [ "acct" ] [ "account" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 6 , $data [ "email" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 7 , $data [ "acct" ] [ "dpoints" ] , PDO::PARAM_INT ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 8 , $data [ "gross" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 9 , $data [ "mc_currency" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 10 , "Stored" , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->bindValue ( 11 , $data [ "ID" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->execute ( ) ;

                            $this->_toDispatch = array ( 

                                'account' => $data [ "acct" ] [ "account" ] ,

                                'password' => $data [ "acct" ] [ "password" ] ,

                                'points' => intval ( $data [ "acct" ] [ "dpoints" ] ) ,

                                '_objectID' => $this->db->lastInsertId ( )

                            ) ;

                            $this->isStored = true ;


                     return $this ;



              public function canHandlePaymentID ( $paymentID ) {

                     $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `db_misc`.`t_payments` WHERE `paymentID` = :paymentID' ) ;

                     $this->query->bindParam ( ':paymentID' , $paymentID , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                     $this->query->execute ( ) ;

                     $data = $this->query->fetch ( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ;

                     return ( $data [ 'count' ] >= 1 ? false : true ) ;



              public function dispatch ( ) {

                     if ( $this->isStored === true ) {

                            $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'SELECT * FROM `db_account`.`t_account` WHERE `name` = :name' ) ;

                            $this->query->bindParam ( ':name' , $this->_toDispatch [ "account" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                            $this->query->execute ( ) ;

                            if ( $this->query->rowCount ( ) >= 1 ) {

                                   $data = $this->query->fetch ( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) ;

                                   $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'UPDATE `db_account`.`t_account` SET `dp` = ( `dp` + :points ) WHERE `name` = :name' ) ;

                                   $this->query->bindParam ( ':name' , $this->_toDispatch [ "account" ] , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                   $this->query->bindParam ( ':points' , $this->_toDispatch [ "points" ] , PDO::PARAM_INT ) ;

                                   $this->query->execute ( ) ;

                                   $this->db->query ( 'UPDATE `t_payments` SET `status` = "Dispatched" WHERE `pid` = "'. $this->_toDispatch [ "_objectID" ]  .'"' ) ;

                                   $this->query = $this->db->query ( 'SELECT * FROM `db_game`.`t_user` WHERE `accountid` = "'. $data->accountid .'"' ) ;

                                   foreach ( $this->query->fetchALl ( PDO::FETCH_OBJ ) as $character ) {

                                          $userName = $character [ 'name' ] ;

                                          $points = $this->_toDispatch [ "points" ] ;

                                          $message = sprintf ( 'Hello %s, You Have Recived %d D-Point%s' , $userName , $points , ( $points > 1 ) ? 's' : null  ) ;

                                          $this->query = $this->db->prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `t_game_notification` ( `userName` , `message` ) VALUES ( :user , :message )' ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindParam ( ':user' , $userName , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->bindParam ( ':message' , $message , PDO::PARAM_STR ) ;

                                          $this->query->execute ( ) ;


                                   $this->isStored = false ;

                                   $this->_toDispatch = array ( ) ;

                                   return true ;

                            } else {

                                   $this->db->query ( 'UPDATE `t_payments` SET `status` = "Invalid Account" WHERE `pid` = "'. $this->_toDispatch [ "_objectID" ]  .'"' ) ;

                                   return false ;


                     } else { 

                            return false ; 





This scripts should work like if buyer make successful payment then he will directly receive one message that you have purchase item(whatever he buy). and Buyer will receive the item for what he paid. and also this script should make some Entry in my Database. can someone help me to find whats the trouble in this all?

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