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I need Help with this code the character eats the walls. I need suggestions and ideas on how I can fix this problem, btw I'm trying to do an rpg game.

Thank you in advance
N.B I'm still in my very early game dev stages(first game).

This is the code:
for the map
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Map_v1._0
    class Map

        public int XMax = 100;
        public int YMax = 57;
        public char[,] MapArray = new char[100, 57];
        public int XExit = 5;
        public int YExit = 5;
        public int XEntrance = -1;
        public int YEntrance = -1;
        public int[] MonsterArray = new int[50];
        public Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
        public int AmountOfCaves = 17;
        public int CaveCount = 0;
        public int DeathCount = 0;

        public void Generate_Run(Map map, Navigation player1)
            // Clear rooms
            map.Generator_Clear(map, player1);

            // Generate Maze
            map.Generator_Maze(map, player1);

        // map Generation
        public void Generator_Clear(Map map, Navigation player1)
            for (int y = 0; y < YMax; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < XMax; x++)
                    // Create dirt level clear it.
                    map.MapArray[x, y] = '█';


        public void Generator_Maze(Map map, Navigation player1)
            int AmountOfCaves = 17;
            int CaveCount = 0;
            int DeathCount = 0;

            while (CaveCount < AmountOfCaves)
                // Increment 1 cave

                // Create a random varible
                Random randy = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

                // Random a start location
                int x = randy.Next(0, map.XMax);
                int y = randy.Next(0, map.YMax);
                bool Dead = false;

                // Set the direction
                int Direction = 1;
                int count = 0;

                // Move a random direction, if Direction isn't 0 continue
                while (count < 1000)
                    // Clear the space
                    if (y > 1 && y < map.YMax - 1 && Dead == false)
                        map.MapArray[x, y] = ' ';

                    // Set the exit
                    map.MapArray[map.XExit, map.YExit] = 'E';

                    // Bools
                    bool Up = false;
                    bool Right = false;
                    bool Down = false;
                    bool Left = false;
                    bool UUp = false;
                    bool RRight = false;
                    bool DDown = false;
                    bool LLeft = false;
                    bool Moved = false;
                    char LastMove = ' ';
                    Dead = false;

                    // Check spaces
                    // Move only selected direction

                    while (Moved == false)
                        // Check spaces
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y - 1 > 1 && map.MapArray[x, y - 1] == '█') || LastMove == 'D')
                            Up = true;
                        // Right
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x + 1 < map.XMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x + 1, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'L')
                            Right = true;
                        // Down
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y + 1 < map.YMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x, y + 1] == '█') || LastMove == 'U')
                            Down = true;
                        // Left
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x - 1 > 1 && map.MapArray[x - 1, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'R')
                            Left = true;
                        // 1 across
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y - 2 > 1 && map.MapArray[x, y - 2] == '█') || LastMove == 'D')
                            UUp = true;
                        // Right
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x + 2 < map.XMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x + 2, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'L')
                            RRight = true;
                        // Down
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y + 2 < map.YMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x, y + 2] == '█') || LastMove == 'U')
                            DDown = true;
                        // Left
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x - 2 > 1 && map.MapArray[x - 2, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'R')
                            LLeft = true;

                        // Set the direction for this loop
                        Direction = randy.Next(1, 5);

                        // Move accordingly
                        switch (Direction)
                            case 0:
                            // Up
                            case 1:
                                // If we're within bounds
                                if (UUp == true)
                                    Moved = true;
                                    LastMove = 'U';
                            // Right
                            case 2:
                                // If we're within bounds
                                if (RRight == true)
                                    Moved = true;
                                    LastMove = 'R';
                            // Down
                            case 3:
                                // If we're within bounds
                                if (DDown == true)
                                    Moved = true;
                                    LastMove = 'D';
                            // Left
                            case 4:
                                // If we're within bounds
                                if (LLeft == true)
                                    Moved = true;
                                    LastMove = 'L';

                        if ((Up == false && Right == false && Down == false && Left == false) ||
                            (UUp == false && RRight == false && DDown == false && LLeft == false))
                            Moved = true;
                            map.MapArray[x, y] = ' ';
                            x = randy.Next(0, map.XMax);
                            y = randy.Next(0, map.YMax);
                            Dead = true;




            while (CaveCount < AmountOfCaves)
                // Increment 1 cave

                // Create a random varible
                Random randy = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

                // Random a start location
                int x = randy.Next(0, map.XMax);
                int y = randy.Next(0, map.YMax);
                bool Dead = false;

                // Set the direction
                int Direction = 1;
                int count = 0;

                // Move a random direction, if Direction isn't 0 continue
                while (count < 1000)
                    // Clear the space
                    if (y > 1 && y < map.YMax - 1 && Dead == false)
                        map.MapArray[x, y] = ' ';

                    // Set the exit
                    map.MapArray[map.XExit, map.YExit] = 'E';

                    // Bools
                    bool Up = false;
                    bool Right = false;
                    bool Down = false;
                    bool Left = false;
                    bool UUp = false;
                    bool RRight = false;
                    bool DDown = false;
                    bool LLeft = false;
                    bool Moved = false;
                    char LastMove = ' ';
                    Dead = false;

                    // Check spaces
                    // Move only selected direction

                    while (Moved == false)

                        // Check spaces
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y - 1 > 1 && map.MapArray[x, y - 1] == '█') || LastMove == 'D')
                            Up = true;
                        // Right
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x + 1 < map.XMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x + 1, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'L')
                            Right = true;
                        // Down
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y + 1 < map.YMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x, y + 1] == '█') || LastMove == 'U')
                            Down = true;
                        // Left
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x - 1 > 1 && map.MapArray[x - 1, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'R')
                            Left = true;
                        // 1 across
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y - 2 > 1 && map.MapArray[x, y - 2] == '█') || LastMove == 'D')
                            UUp = true;
                        // Right
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x + 2 < map.XMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x + 2, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'L')
                            RRight = true;
                        // Down
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((y + 2 < map.YMax - 1 && map.MapArray[x, y + 2] == '█') || LastMove == 'U')
                            DDown = true;
                        // Left
                        // If we're within bounds
                        if ((x - 2 > 1 && map.MapArray[x - 2, y] == '█') || LastMove == 'R')
                            LLeft = true;


                    // Set the direction for this loop
                    Direction = randy.Next(1, 5);

                    // Move accordingly
                    switch (Direction)
                        // Up
                        case 1:
                            // If we're within bounds
                            if (UUp == true)
                                Moved = true;
                                LastMove = 'U';
                        // Right
                        case 2:
                            // If we're within bounds
                            if (RRight == true)
                                Moved = true;
                                LastMove = 'R';
                        // Down
                        case 3:
                            // If we're within bounds
                            if (DDown == true)
                                Moved = true;
                                LastMove = 'D';
                        // Left
                        case 4:
                            // If we're within bounds
                            if (LLeft == true)
                                Moved = true;
                                LastMove = 'L';

                    if ((Up == false && Right == false && Down == false && Left == false) ||
    (UUp == false && RRight == false && DDown == false && LLeft == false))
                        Moved = true;
                        map.MapArray[x, y] = ' ';
                        x = randy.Next(0, map.XMax);
                        y = randy.Next(0, map.YMax);
                        Dead = true;




        // Display map
        public void Generator_Display(Map map, Navigation player1)

            for (int y = 0; y < map.YMax; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.XMax; x++)
                    if (map.MapArray[x, y] == '@')
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        Console.Write(map.MapArray[x, y]);
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                        Console.Write(map.MapArray[x, y]);

                Console.WriteLine(" ");

The main program, which uses character movement by using cursor controls.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Map_v1._0
    class Program

        public static Navigation Player { get; set; } // Player string " " that will be moved around

        static void Main(string[] args)

                ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo;
                while ((keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true)).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape)
                    switch (keyInfo.Key)
                        case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                            MoveHero(0, -1);

                        case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                            MoveHero(1, 0);

                        case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                            MoveHero(0, 1);

                        case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                            MoveHero(-1, 0);
                        case ConsoleKey.Enter:
                            int MapLevels = 5;
                            Map[] map = new Map[MapLevels];

                            Map currentmap = new Map();

                           currentmap.Generate_Run(currentmap, Player);
                           currentmap.Generator_Display(currentmap, Player);

            /// <summary>
            /// Paint the new hero
            /// </summary>
            static void MoveHero(int x, int y)
                Navigation newHero = new Navigation()
                    Up = Player.Up + x,
                    Down = Player.Down + y

                if (CanMove(newHero))

                    //Console.BackgroundColor = My_Player;
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(newHero.Up, newHero.Down);

                    Player = newHero;

            /// <summary>
            /// Overpaint the old hero
            /// </summary>
            static void RemoveHero()
                //Console.BackgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(Player.Up, Player.Down);
                Console.Write(" ");                

            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure that the new coordinate is not placed outside the
            /// console window (since that will cause a runtime crash
            /// </summary>
            static bool CanMove(Navigation c)
                if (c.Up < 0 || c.Up >= Console.WindowWidth)
                    return false;

                if (c.Down < 0 || c.Down >= Console.WindowHeight)
                    return false;

                return true;

            /// <summary>
            /// Paint a background color
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// It is very important that you run the Clear() method after
            /// changing the background color since this causes a repaint of the background
            /// </remarks>
            static void SetBackgroundColor()
               // Console.BackgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
                Console.Clear(); //Important!

            static void LoadGame()

                Player = new Navigation()
                    Up = 0,
                    Down = 0

                MoveHero(0, 0);


The Navigation class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Map_v1._0

    class Navigation
            public int Up { get; set; } //Left x+ 1 will move player to the right & x-1 will move the obj left
            public int Down { get; set; } //Top and bottom axis y+1 up and y- 1 bottom
Updated 14-Feb-13 20:46pm
Richard C Bishop 14-Feb-13 14:42pm    
If you are stuck, post the code you are stuck on so others can help you.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 14-Feb-13 14:42pm    
Stuck with what, exactly? What have you done already? And keep in mind that it could be a too big topic for this forum...
Rob Grainger 14-Feb-13 16:09pm    
This seems to be totally invalid C# code. For example "public void Generator_Maze(Map map), Player player1)" has an extra parameter outside the original parentheses ('(', ')'). A C# compiler will choke loudly at these.
wax-911 15-Feb-13 1:33am    
Sorry about that guys, I have been trying out some new things so i'll just fix those errors quickly, Biggest problem is I don't fully understand all of the map generation code. If maybe I can get a link for a tutorial would really help a lot
rlloyd2001 14-Feb-13 18:36pm    
What do you want to link together. The Map class is in the same namespace: "FinalMapTest" which means you can use it in the Program class. However, you have compile/syntax errors in your Map class that need correcting so that project will compile.

1 solution

There seem to be a few things that are a bit weird with that code, but I'm going to focus on what causes the Hero to eat the walls.

In your method static bool CanMove(Navigation c), the only constraints applied are checking if you Hero moves off the sceren, you also need to check if they've hit a wall. Changing it to something like this might do the trick for you;
static bool CanMove(Navigation c, Map map)
    if (c.Up < 0 || c.Up >= Console.WindowWidth)
        return false;

    if (c.Down < 0 || c.Down >= Console.WindowHeight)
        return false;

    // Check if the map is clear of everything (this needs to be refined to cater for exists and such)
    if (map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] != ' ')
        return false;

    return true;

This also means that you can't have your Hero starting at (0, 0) as that is a wall, I've therefore also amended the LoadGame to cater for this, below is my rewritten version of your Program class;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Map_v1._0
    class Program

        public static Navigation Player { get; set; } // Player string " " that will be moved around

        static void Main(string[] args)

            int MapLevels = 5;
            Map[] map = new Map[MapLevels];

            Map currentmap = new Map();

            currentmap.Generate_Run(currentmap, Player);
            currentmap.Generator_Display(currentmap, Player);


            ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo;
            while ((keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true)).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape)
                switch (keyInfo.Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                        MoveHero(0, -1, currentmap);

                    case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                        MoveHero(1, 0, currentmap);

                    case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                        MoveHero(0, 1, currentmap);

                    case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                        MoveHero(-1, 0, currentmap);

        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the new hero
        /// </summary>
        static void MoveHero(int x, int y, Map map)
            Navigation newHero = new Navigation()
                Up = Player.Up + x,
                Down = Player.Down + y

            if (CanMove(newHero, map))

                //Console.BackgroundColor = My_Player;
                Console.SetCursorPosition(newHero.Up, newHero.Down);

                Player = newHero;

        /// <summary>
        /// Overpaint the old hero
        /// </summary>
        static void RemoveHero(Map map)
            //Console.BackgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
            Console.SetCursorPosition(Player.Up, Player.Down);

            Console.Write(map.MapArray[Player.Up, Player.Down]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure that the new coordinate is not placed outside the
        /// console window (since that will cause a runtime crash
        /// </summary>
        static bool CanMove(Navigation c, Map map)
            if (c.Up < 0 || c.Up >= Console.WindowWidth)
                return false;

            if (c.Down < 0 || c.Down >= Console.WindowHeight)
                return false;

            if (map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] == 'E')
                return true;

            // See if map is clear
            if (map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] != ' ')
                return false;

            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Paint a background color
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It is very important that you run the Clear() method after
        /// changing the background color since this causes a repaint of the background
        /// </remarks>
        static void SetBackgroundColor()
            // Console.BackgroundColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
            Console.Clear(); //Important!

        static void LoadGame(Map map)

            Player = new Navigation()
                Up = 0,
                Down = 0

            for (int r = 0; r < 10; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < 10; ++c)
                    if (map.MapArray[c, r] == ' ')
                        MoveHero(c, r, map);


I know game programming can be a daunting experience, but keep at it as it is very rewarding when you make something that works :)

Hope this helps,
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wax-911 16-Feb-13 9:39am    
Thank you very much Fredrik!! :)
Fredrik Bornander 16-Feb-13 10:23am    
Glad I could help.
wax-911 16-Feb-13 10:37am    
Ok last question, I can't over write char 'E' which is my exit point on the map with the co-ordinate 5,5 though I released that it's because of the if (map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] != ' ') return false, I've tried a few things that failed. e.g if (map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] != ' ' || map.MapArray[c.Up, c.Down] != 'E') return false;
Fredrik Bornander 16-Feb-13 10:54am    
You need to replace the position on the map where the player has been with the map data, not with an empty space like you do now. Also, like you pointed out you need to change the if-statement to allow the player to walk on the exit.

I've updated my answer with a new Program class that caters for this.
wax-911 16-Feb-13 11:52am    
Thanks again!

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