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GeneralRe: On this day, 23 years ago... Pin
Phil J Pearson12-Sep-24 2:10
Phil J Pearson12-Sep-24 2:10 
GeneralRe: On this day, 23 years ago... Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 4:00
charlieg12-Sep-24 4:00 
GeneralRe: On this day, 23 years ago... Pin
Nelek12-Sep-24 5:33
protectorNelek12-Sep-24 5:33 
GeneralRe: On this day, 23 years ago... Pin
wapiti6413-Sep-24 12:42
wapiti6413-Sep-24 12:42 
Generalan editorial cartoon re/ Boeing's failures PinPopular
BernardIE531711-Sep-24 11:18
BernardIE531711-Sep-24 11:18 
GeneralRe: an editorial cartoon re/ Boeing's failures Pin
obermd13-Sep-24 3:58
obermd13-Sep-24 3:58 
GeneralRe: an editorial cartoon re/ Boeing's failures Pin
BernardIE531713-Sep-24 5:08
BernardIE531713-Sep-24 5:08 
GeneralGutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 5:51
charlieg11-Sep-24 5:51 
yeah, you never saw that coming, did you? Smile | :) Roll with me here for the entertainment, and any lounge comments must involve gutters and insults against British food. Smile | :)

I know a lot of us CP'rs are Brits or Europeans. Ohh, I'm sure I just offended somebody. Scottish want to chime in Wink | ;) I'm in the SE USA (Atlanta). Give me 30 minutes and I'll cook you a meal.

Anyway, I know why you Brit's are so ... Brits. I heard this story about Yorkshire pudding. Gross. Do you know why the French still exist? To teach Brits how to cook, oh crap, this is going to go so sideways. Anyway, the Brits have the best vet ever, but back to gutters.

In England it rains. A lot. The universal prosthetic is an umbrella. In the US, it rains in Seattle, but I don't care. Left coast and all that, they deserve it. What do you guys use for gutters? Do you go up on your roofs to clean them? Do you have gutter covers? Etc. I'm ignorantly curious.

Here, we have companies selling "gutter protection." I can take their quotes, divide it by semiannual cleaning fees and I've been dead for 20 years before I get my money back.


I did not mean this to go off on a culinary exercise. I am sure somewhere Yorkshire pudding is made proper. I just decided to try it at the restaurant I was at in a "what the hell" moment. I actually expected PUDDING. Live and learn.

This sort of falls under "hey fellas! watch this" moment. The reference was simply a side swipe at you Brits in a friendly way. Now I need to catch up on the remains of the thread where it was really about gutters. You damn programmers - like herding cats Smile | :)
Charlie Gilley

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759

Has never been more appropriate.

modified 15-Sep-24 22:53pm.

GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Rage11-Sep-24 5:52
professionalRage11-Sep-24 5:52 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:00
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:00 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Rage12-Sep-24 2:51
professionalRage12-Sep-24 2:51 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:39
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:39 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
megaadam11-Sep-24 6:07
professionalmegaadam11-Sep-24 6:07 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg15-Sep-24 17:03
charlieg15-Sep-24 17:03 
JokeRe: Gutters :) Pin
raddevus11-Sep-24 6:08
mvaraddevus11-Sep-24 6:08 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:24
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:24 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
raddevus11-Sep-24 8:03
mvaraddevus11-Sep-24 8:03 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:45
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:28
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:28 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Daniel Pfeffer11-Sep-24 14:22
professionalDaniel Pfeffer11-Sep-24 14:22 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:57
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:57 
JokeRe: Gutters :) Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 6:18
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 6:18 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:43
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:43 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
theoldfool11-Sep-24 6:29
professionaltheoldfool11-Sep-24 6:29 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:44
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:44 

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