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GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
jmaida10-Sep-24 18:21
jmaida10-Sep-24 18:21 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
Rage8-Sep-24 23:58
professionalRage8-Sep-24 23:58 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
theoldfool9-Sep-24 1:16
professionaltheoldfool9-Sep-24 1:16 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
Nitin S9-Sep-24 1:59
Nitin S9-Sep-24 1:59 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
pkfox9-Sep-24 3:00
professionalpkfox9-Sep-24 3:00 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
kmoorevs9-Sep-24 6:24
kmoorevs9-Sep-24 6:24 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 7:13
dandy729-Sep-24 7:13 
GeneralRe: Choosing The Right UPS Pin
Roger Wright9-Sep-24 8:30
professionalRoger Wright9-Sep-24 8:30 
As a start, list everything you have plugged into the UPS now, and might possibly in the future. I typically want all of my equipment protected from surges, but not all of them need to be powered all the time. For instance, it used to be common knowledge that dot matrix printers draw a huge amount of power, and hardly anyone wants to print in the dark, anyway. You still wanted it protected from surges, but there was no need to have it on a UPS. That's why most UPSs have some outlets labelled "Surge only" or something similar.

On a tag somewhere on every piece of equipment you have, there is a power rating. It should include the voltage and the current used by the device. For each unit, assuming they all use the same voltage, add up all the amps and write that down. Now you go shopping. How long do you want the UPS to be able to carry you? An hour, 5 hours? Multiply the total load amps by the number of hours you want to run. Any decent UPS should tell you the Amp-hours it can provide. If not, it should show the equivalent in VAh or volt-amp-hours. You can get that figure by multiplying your desired amp-hours by the line voltage for your devices.

Not to confuse things, I've seen a few that tell on the box the Ah rating of the internal battery - that's not the same as the Ah you get out of it, since the battery is probably running at 12V or 24V, and your devices run on 120Vac or so. When in doubt, go bigger. At a minimum, you should have your PC, monitor(s) and comms gear on the USP. Most other devices you probably won't need during an outage, but will want to protect from surges.

For the most part, I've stuck with APC for the past 20+ years. I've found their quality to be consistently good, and reliability excellent.
Will Rogers never met me.

GeneralThe problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Jeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:37
professionalJeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:37 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Amarnath S8-Sep-24 17:42
professionalAmarnath S8-Sep-24 17:42 
QuestionRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
CPallini8-Sep-24 20:03
mveCPallini8-Sep-24 20:03 
AnswerRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Amarnath S8-Sep-24 20:16
professionalAmarnath S8-Sep-24 20:16 
QuestionRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
CPallini8-Sep-24 20:22
mveCPallini8-Sep-24 20:22 
AnswerRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Daniel Pfeffer8-Sep-24 21:26
professionalDaniel Pfeffer8-Sep-24 21:26 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
CPallini8-Sep-24 21:35
mveCPallini8-Sep-24 21:35 
AnswerRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Amarnath S9-Sep-24 6:01
professionalAmarnath S9-Sep-24 6:01 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 6:31
dandy729-Sep-24 6:31 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:45
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
obermd9-Sep-24 5:59
obermd9-Sep-24 5:59 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
11917640 Member 8-Sep-24 21:27
11917640 Member 8-Sep-24 21:27 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:45
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Pete O'Hanlon8-Sep-24 23:11
mvePete O'Hanlon8-Sep-24 23:11 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:44
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 3:44 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
theoldfool9-Sep-24 1:25
professionaltheoldfool9-Sep-24 1:25 
GeneralRe: The problem with pseudo intellectualism is... Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 6:30
dandy729-Sep-24 6:30 

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