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GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Nelek11-Sep-24 9:30
protectorNelek11-Sep-24 9:30 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Vivi Chellappa9-Sep-24 14:49
professionalVivi Chellappa9-Sep-24 14:49 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
David O'Neil8-Sep-24 15:47
professionalDavid O'Neil8-Sep-24 15:47 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:14
professionalJeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:14 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
David O'Neil8-Sep-24 16:23
professionalDavid O'Neil8-Sep-24 16:23 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:25
professionalJeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:25 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 5:46
dandy729-Sep-24 5:46 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 6:51
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 6:51 
Preach, brother.
dandy72 wrote:
It's like people spending their lives blaming their parents for the way they turned out. No, at some point, you grow into an adult and your day-to-day decisions are your own.
What I usually say is you can blame them all you want to if you're under 18 and living in their house. There are abusive parents for instance, I should know... mine were.

But, once you're out of their control and an adult. Newsflash, it's your choices now. Granted, you may have been given a terrible blueprint for life from your parents, but nothing but your own mind is preventing you from learning a new blueprint from others.

People need to hear that a hell of a lot more than the victim mentality nonsense.
Jeremy Falcon

GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 7:22
dandy729-Sep-24 7:22 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 7:44
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 7:44 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy7210-Sep-24 5:06
dandy7210-Sep-24 5:06 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Amarnath S7-Sep-24 13:58
professionalAmarnath S7-Sep-24 13:58 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
peterkmx7-Sep-24 15:00
professionalpeterkmx7-Sep-24 15:00 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Shao Voon Wong7-Sep-24 15:52
mvaShao Voon Wong7-Sep-24 15:52 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
honey the codewitch7-Sep-24 21:27
mvahoney the codewitch7-Sep-24 21:27 
JokeEveryone loves a slide show Pin
PIEBALDconsult7-Sep-24 9:00
mvePIEBALDconsult7-Sep-24 9:00 
RantRe: Everyone loves a slide show Pin
kmoorevs7-Sep-24 9:12
kmoorevs7-Sep-24 9:12 
GeneralWordle 1,176 Pin
OriginalGriff6-Sep-24 19:21
mveOriginalGriff6-Sep-24 19:21 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 - 3 4 me Pin
pkfox6-Sep-24 20:59
professionalpkfox6-Sep-24 20:59 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
Cp-Coder6-Sep-24 22:56
Cp-Coder6-Sep-24 22:56 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
pkfox7-Sep-24 10:15
professionalpkfox7-Sep-24 10:15 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
StarNamer@work7-Sep-24 0:29
professionalStarNamer@work7-Sep-24 0:29 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
Rich Leyshon7-Sep-24 0:48
Rich Leyshon7-Sep-24 0:48 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
PJ Arends7-Sep-24 9:11
professionalPJ Arends7-Sep-24 9:11 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
jmaida7-Sep-24 17:15
jmaida7-Sep-24 17:15 

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