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GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 4:02
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 4:02 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Nelek10-Sep-24 2:24
protectorNelek10-Sep-24 2:24 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 2:56
professionalJeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 2:56 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Nelek10-Sep-24 11:53
protectorNelek10-Sep-24 11:53 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 13:23
professionalJeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 13:23 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Nelek11-Sep-24 9:30
protectorNelek11-Sep-24 9:30 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Vivi Chellappa9-Sep-24 14:49
professionalVivi Chellappa9-Sep-24 14:49 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
David O'Neil8-Sep-24 15:47
professionalDavid O'Neil8-Sep-24 15:47 
Here are six sources that study the effects of luck on success, showing that often becoming rich is a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Not everyone can 'be in the right place at the right time,' because our society is oriented around making money for the few from the many.

"The Role of Luck in Success" by Richard Wiseman: In his book The Luck Factor, Wiseman examines how luck and chance play into people’s success and happiness. He presents evidence suggesting that while some people actively create their own luck, a significant portion of success is influenced by being in the right place at the right time.

"The Matthew Effect: How Advantage Begets Advantage": Sociologist Robert K. Merton coined the term “Matthew Effect” to describe how initial advantages lead to further success. His work, including papers like “The Matthew Effect in Science,” explores how early success can accumulate and lead to greater opportunities.

"Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy" by Robert H. Frank: In this book, economist Robert Frank discusses how luck and timing contribute to success and challenges the idea that meritocracy alone explains wealth and success. He uses empirical evidence to argue that a significant portion of success can be attributed to factors beyond individual control.

"The Impact of Market Timing on the Success of Mutual Funds": Various studies in finance explore how market timing can impact investment returns. For example, research by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French on mutual fund performance often highlights how timing and market conditions can play crucial roles in investment success.

"Entrepreneurship and Luck: Evidence from a Field Experiment" by Erik Hurst and Matthew J. Notowidigdo: This paper investigates how luck plays a role in entrepreneurial success. The authors find that entrepreneurial success can often be significantly influenced by random factors and timing, beyond the entrepreneur’s skills and efforts.

"The Role of Timing in Business Success": Various studies on startups and business ventures show that entering the market at the right time can be a critical factor in a company’s success. For example, research published in journals like Strategic Management Journal often examines how market conditions and timing influence business outcomes.

GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:14
professionalJeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:14 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
David O'Neil8-Sep-24 16:23
professionalDavid O'Neil8-Sep-24 16:23 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:25
professionalJeremy Falcon8-Sep-24 16:25 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 5:46
dandy729-Sep-24 5:46 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 6:51
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 6:51 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy729-Sep-24 7:22
dandy729-Sep-24 7:22 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 7:44
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Sep-24 7:44 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
dandy7210-Sep-24 5:06
dandy7210-Sep-24 5:06 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Amarnath S7-Sep-24 13:58
professionalAmarnath S7-Sep-24 13:58 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
peterkmx7-Sep-24 15:00
professionalpeterkmx7-Sep-24 15:00 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
Shao Voon Wong7-Sep-24 15:52
mvaShao Voon Wong7-Sep-24 15:52 
GeneralRe: What's the object-oriented way to become wealthy? Pin
honey the codewitch7-Sep-24 21:27
mvahoney the codewitch7-Sep-24 21:27 
JokeEveryone loves a slide show Pin
PIEBALDconsult7-Sep-24 9:00
mvePIEBALDconsult7-Sep-24 9:00 
RantRe: Everyone loves a slide show Pin
kmoorevs7-Sep-24 9:12
kmoorevs7-Sep-24 9:12 
GeneralWordle 1,176 Pin
OriginalGriff6-Sep-24 19:21
mveOriginalGriff6-Sep-24 19:21 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 - 3 4 me Pin
pkfox6-Sep-24 20:59
professionalpkfox6-Sep-24 20:59 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,176 Pin
Cp-Coder6-Sep-24 22:56
Cp-Coder6-Sep-24 22:56 

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