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GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
honey the codewitch10-Aug-24 6:30
mvahoney the codewitch10-Aug-24 6:30 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Nelek10-Aug-24 7:41
protectorNelek10-Aug-24 7:41 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus12-Aug-24 2:00
mvaraddevus12-Aug-24 2:00 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Stefan de Zeeuw9-Aug-24 23:25
professionalStefan de Zeeuw9-Aug-24 23:25 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 4:12
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 4:12 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
fgs196310-Aug-24 8:24
fgs196310-Aug-24 8:24 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
StarNamer@work10-Aug-24 12:54
professionalStarNamer@work10-Aug-24 12:54 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Member 1298255811-Aug-24 5:40
Member 1298255811-Aug-24 5:40 
The first version of Linux that I used was on floppy discs (Soft Landing Systems) on a 386 machine
in '92 (Kernel version less than 1)
Since 2009 I write SDR software (C++, Qt framework) on Linux, there was a question to have it
for Windows as well. So, using the excellent cross compilation facilities with M ingw64 on Fedora, I cross compile the software - and test is on a Windows box.
After a while I decided to run windows and Linux on the same development laptop, using dual boot.
I (almost) only use windows for testing my stuff. Someone complained about photoshop not running on Linux, I use gimp for that, use LibreOffice for office like things.
One thing I am missing on Linux and that is the photoprinter software that goed with the canon inkjet printer.

Once - just as an exercise - I installed mingw64 on Windows to be able to compile my applications
locally, but using the tool(chains) on Linux works for me much easier.

Interesting observation is that on average running the applications on Windows takes up to 5 times
more CPU power than running them on Linux.

While Qt has a "Qt-creator" I'm too old for that stuff so I am using a command window with manually
given commands. Vim is the editor, qmake and cmake are the makefile generators, always generate dusiting development with the sanitizer libraries linked in and - if needed - debug with gdb.
Applications are reasonably sized, somewhere between 40000 and 50000 lines of C++ and they support a varietyy of SDR devices.

I also wrote a few plugins for SDRuno, an SDR framework that only runs on Windows. The SDRuno used nana
for the GUI issues, so my plugins use it as well.
I had to surrender to Microsoft MSVC and while the plugins work, I really dislike the MSVC environment.
While the error messages are (more or less) reasonable, I really dislike the behaviour of the toolsset, it feels like a big brother that knows everythinh better than the programmer and is eager to take over control.

I use fedora, it offers by far the best cross compilation facility for windows. The only drawback of
using Fedora is the speed with which new releases are prepared: once per half year.
Updating to the newest version is rather simple though.

I use Ubuntu, always an older version, in a VM for creating AppImages (kind of containers for Unix)
of the applications.

With Windows I have problems (apart from using the MSVC)
a. whenever I am in a hurry, the system starts updating and shouts "do not switch off the computer"
b. The dependency of the different dll's, and the "user friendly" messages you get whenever
a required dll cannot be found. This inevitably leads to installers for the applications with way too many dll's in it.
c. The enormous amount of API's, not really a transparent set
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
regy10911-Aug-24 22:29
regy10911-Aug-24 22:29 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
sasadler12-Aug-24 5:51
sasadler12-Aug-24 5:51 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
cegarman12-Aug-24 5:57
cegarman12-Aug-24 5:57 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
zezba900012-Aug-24 16:00
zezba900012-Aug-24 16:00 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
rnbergren12-Aug-24 13:37
rnbergren12-Aug-24 13:37 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Reelix12-Aug-24 18:01
Reelix12-Aug-24 18:01 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus13-Aug-24 3:40
mvaraddevus13-Aug-24 3:40 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Shawn Eary May202113-Aug-24 3:49
Shawn Eary May202113-Aug-24 3:49 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
jschell14-Aug-24 15:12
jschell14-Aug-24 15:12 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Luschan15-Aug-24 0:08
Luschan15-Aug-24 0:08 
GeneralThe Day news story Pin
Ed Attfield9-Aug-24 7:18
Ed Attfield9-Aug-24 7:18 
GeneralRe: The Day news story Pin
0x01AA9-Aug-24 8:58
mve0x01AA9-Aug-24 8:58 
GeneralRe: The Day news story Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 9:11
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 9:11 
JokeRe: The Day news story Pin
dandy729-Aug-24 10:16
dandy729-Aug-24 10:16 
General'A-gathering we will go Pin
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 1:30
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 1:30 
GeneralRe: 'A-gathering we will go Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 2:01
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 2:01 
GeneralRe: 'A-gathering we will go Pin
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 2:09
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 2:09 

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