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GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 4:04
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 4:04 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
honey the codewitch10-Aug-24 6:30
mvahoney the codewitch10-Aug-24 6:30 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Nelek10-Aug-24 7:41
protectorNelek10-Aug-24 7:41 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus12-Aug-24 2:00
mvaraddevus12-Aug-24 2:00 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Stefan de Zeeuw9-Aug-24 23:25
professionalStefan de Zeeuw9-Aug-24 23:25 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 4:12
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 4:12 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
fgs196310-Aug-24 8:24
fgs196310-Aug-24 8:24 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
StarNamer@work10-Aug-24 12:54
professionalStarNamer@work10-Aug-24 12:54 
I've had an HP Microserver (with 24Tb of disk!) running Debian for 10 years now. It still runs just fine but, on the desktop, I use Windows 11 (without TPM because I hacked it when I was on the Insider program). I spend a lot of time using WSL and VScode with remote SSH editing of files on the Microserver and several Raspberry Pis.

I've also got a subscription to Microsoft 365 and 1Tb of Onedrive space. I haven't retired yet so still use Office and Windows at work.

I'm tempted to switch but the 2 application I sue for my hobby of 3D printing (Fusion 360 and Ultimaker Cura) don't have Linux versions and I've not sure my (obsolete) 3D Connections Space Explorer Spacemouse is supported under Linux.

If I knew I could run Fusion & Cura with the Spacemouse and use my Onedrive storage reliably, I'd switch.
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Member 1298255811-Aug-24 5:40
Member 1298255811-Aug-24 5:40 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
regy10911-Aug-24 22:29
regy10911-Aug-24 22:29 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
sasadler12-Aug-24 5:51
sasadler12-Aug-24 5:51 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
cegarman12-Aug-24 5:57
cegarman12-Aug-24 5:57 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
zezba900012-Aug-24 16:00
zezba900012-Aug-24 16:00 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
rnbergren12-Aug-24 13:37
rnbergren12-Aug-24 13:37 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Reelix12-Aug-24 18:01
Reelix12-Aug-24 18:01 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus13-Aug-24 3:40
mvaraddevus13-Aug-24 3:40 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Shawn Eary May202113-Aug-24 3:49
Shawn Eary May202113-Aug-24 3:49 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
jschell14-Aug-24 15:12
jschell14-Aug-24 15:12 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Luschan15-Aug-24 0:08
Luschan15-Aug-24 0:08 
GeneralThe Day news story Pin
Ed Attfield9-Aug-24 7:18
Ed Attfield9-Aug-24 7:18 
GeneralRe: The Day news story Pin
0x01AA9-Aug-24 8:58
mve0x01AA9-Aug-24 8:58 
GeneralRe: The Day news story Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 9:11
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 9:11 
JokeRe: The Day news story Pin
dandy729-Aug-24 10:16
dandy729-Aug-24 10:16 
General'A-gathering we will go Pin
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 1:30
Gary Wheeler9-Aug-24 1:30 
GeneralRe: 'A-gathering we will go Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 2:01
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 2:01 

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