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GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
Sander Rossel8-Feb-24 4:25
professionalSander Rossel8-Feb-24 4:25 
GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 21:46
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 21:46 
GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
Sander Rossel7-Feb-24 22:55
professionalSander Rossel7-Feb-24 22:55 
GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
honey the codewitch8-Feb-24 3:16
mvahoney the codewitch8-Feb-24 3:16 
GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
Sander Rossel8-Feb-24 4:18
professionalSander Rossel8-Feb-24 4:18 
GeneralRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
theoldfool8-Feb-24 9:24
professionaltheoldfool8-Feb-24 9:24 
JokeRe: The good ol' days of programming. Pin
englebart8-Feb-24 16:00
professionalenglebart8-Feb-24 16:00 
GeneralProgress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:14
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:14 
Time marches in one direction. Code rusts.

A long time ago I created a facility in which you could describe unmanaged standard C style API calls such that my code could create and implement an IDispatch interface around those functions, allowing them to be called from scripting languages like VBScript and JScript, as well as being callable from languages like VB (pre.NET) and VBA.

It was pretty neat. Then .NET came, and now anyone can do it with [DllImport]

I actually felt a keen sense of loss with the advancement of .NET, because I spent a lot of effort making that work.

I have mountains of code that's simply obsolete now. There are very few "classics" in software, and even fewer restorations of said classics.

It really makes me wonder what *is* the actual shelf life of the things that I create, and how long will they survive once I'm on the wrong side of the dirt?

Maybe I should have gone into metal fabrication.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:

GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Rage7-Feb-24 5:20
professionalRage7-Feb-24 5:20 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:24
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:24 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Greg Utas7-Feb-24 8:46
professionalGreg Utas7-Feb-24 8:46 
JokeRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
ChandraRam7-Feb-24 5:41
ChandraRam7-Feb-24 5:41 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
jschell7-Feb-24 5:42
jschell7-Feb-24 5:42 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:57
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 5:57 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
pkfox7-Feb-24 10:47
professionalpkfox7-Feb-24 10:47 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Richard Andrew x647-Feb-24 7:21
professionalRichard Andrew x647-Feb-24 7:21 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 7:22
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 7:22 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Daniel Pfeffer7-Feb-24 9:58
professionalDaniel Pfeffer7-Feb-24 9:58 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Richard Andrew x647-Feb-24 10:48
professionalRichard Andrew x647-Feb-24 10:48 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 10:59
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 10:59 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Daniel Pfeffer7-Feb-24 10:59
professionalDaniel Pfeffer7-Feb-24 10:59 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Luschan10-Feb-24 7:18
Luschan10-Feb-24 7:18 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
Rick York7-Feb-24 8:10
mveRick York7-Feb-24 8:10 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
honey the codewitch7-Feb-24 8:28
mvahoney the codewitch7-Feb-24 8:28 
GeneralRe: Progress and the death of cool code Pin
rtischer82778-Feb-24 2:09
rtischer82778-Feb-24 2:09 

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