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GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
jschell28-Dec-23 5:15
jschell28-Dec-23 5:15 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer28-Dec-23 9:17
professionalDaniel Pfeffer28-Dec-23 9:17 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
trønderen28-Dec-23 6:52
trønderen28-Dec-23 6:52 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer28-Dec-23 9:15
professionalDaniel Pfeffer28-Dec-23 9:15 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
jschell29-Dec-23 6:17
jschell29-Dec-23 6:17 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
MSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:21
professionalMSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:21 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
jschell28-Dec-23 5:16
jschell28-Dec-23 5:16 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
jschell28-Dec-23 5:14
jschell28-Dec-23 5:14 
PIEBALDconsult wrote:
be implemented those languages? ... look only at the core of the syntax,

Then I believe my answer would be yes.

The standard java compiler is written entirely in Java. It emits class files. Programmatically it could emit assembler.

Not sure how C# does it but pretty sure process is doable.

I don't know the details of JavaScript enough to know what is included. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was possible.

PIEBALDconsult wrote:
though BASIC is the only one I can think of quickly which has had successful implementations of both types.

I believe I remember seeing a C interpreter long ago. Before a lot of the new stuff was added.

PIEBALDconsult wrote:
so are they truly compiled or just interpreted?

Now days I suspect the distinction is meaningless. Certainly doesn't mean much to me because I know how compilers work and because they all emit something, the something is not as important in terms of a discussion like this.

Looking it up apparently Lisp in 1952 was an interpreter.

PIEBALDconsult wrote:
though BASIC is the only one I

That might be a distinction, since often with BASIC, one didn't 'compile' it but rather just 'ran' it. It compiled and then ran all at one go. So there never was a binary type file. However I know that internally it was still distinct processes (compile, emitted code, then run the emitted code.)

Perl is the same.

I had the misfortune to work on a system which did NOT compile the language to any intermediate form. This was when I first learned how languages should work. In that system it would run lines by parsing them. So a for loop would reparse the for line every time the loop executed.
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
trønderen27-Dec-23 8:14
trønderen27-Dec-23 8:14 
JokeRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
trønderen27-Dec-23 6:59
trønderen27-Dec-23 6:59 
JokeRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch27-Dec-23 7:00
mvahoney the codewitch27-Dec-23 7:00 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
trønderen28-Dec-23 6:54
trønderen28-Dec-23 6:54 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
PIEBALDconsult27-Dec-23 8:10
mvePIEBALDconsult27-Dec-23 8:10 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
jmaida27-Dec-23 16:22
jmaida27-Dec-23 16:22 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:04
mvahoney the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:04 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
snorkie27-Dec-23 8:18
professionalsnorkie27-Dec-23 8:18 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch27-Dec-23 9:44
mvahoney the codewitch27-Dec-23 9:44 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
MSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:01
professionalMSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:01 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:02
mvahoney the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:02 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
MSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:31
professionalMSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:31 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:35
mvahoney the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:35 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
MSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:52
professionalMSBassSinger28-Dec-23 4:52 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:55
mvahoney the codewitch28-Dec-23 4:55 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
MSBassSinger28-Dec-23 5:10
professionalMSBassSinger28-Dec-23 5:10 
GeneralRe: What's a "real" programming language? Pin
honey the codewitch28-Dec-23 6:13
mvahoney the codewitch28-Dec-23 6:13 

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