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GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Gerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03
mveGerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
den2k886-Dec-23 22:55
professionalden2k886-Dec-23 22:55 
A long chunk of contiguous data will make the best use of the onboard precaching, allowing the disk to reach the reported speeds (e.g. 5500 mb/s reading) and it MAY be a significant improvement for the loading times of large games or large video files.

It will shorten the ssd lifespan especially on cheap ones (many will use MLC or TLC to increase the available space at teh cost of longevity), so if you really have this necessity of working on large video files or regularly play huge games with long loading times even on ssd (bad game design) I'd consider buying a high quality lower capacity one for these kind of works.
GCS/GE d--(d) s-/+ a C+++ U+++ P-- L+@ E-- W+++ N+ o+ K- w+++ O? M-- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t+ 5? X R+++ tv-- b+(+++) DI+++ D++ G e++ h--- r+++ y+++*      Weapons extension: ma- k++ F+2 X

The shortest horror story: On Error Resume Next

QuestionRecommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 1:16
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 1:16 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:23
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:23 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:29
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:29 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Gary Stachelski 20216-Dec-23 4:51
Gary Stachelski 20216-Dec-23 4:51 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:31
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:31 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:27
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:27 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 4:38
dandy726-Dec-23 4:38 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:22
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:22 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
milo-xml7-Dec-23 1:58
professionalmilo-xml7-Dec-23 1:58 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M7-Dec-23 2:24
professionalJoan M7-Dec-23 2:24 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Alister Morton8-Dec-23 2:56
Alister Morton8-Dec-23 2:56 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M8-Dec-23 11:26
professionalJoan M8-Dec-23 11:26 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
StatementTerminator7-Dec-23 4:58
StatementTerminator7-Dec-23 4:58 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:22
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:22 

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