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GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:10
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:23
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:23 
JokeRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
fgs19636-Dec-23 4:48
fgs19636-Dec-23 4:48 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:56
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:56 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
fgs19636-Dec-23 5:11
fgs19636-Dec-23 5:11 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:38
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:38 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12 
Ultimately that's all that matters, doesn't it.

If you have a measurable difference in performance, stick with your current method.

GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Gerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03
mveGerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
den2k886-Dec-23 22:55
professionalden2k886-Dec-23 22:55 
QuestionRecommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 1:16
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 1:16 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:23
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:23 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:29
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:29 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Gary Stachelski 20216-Dec-23 4:51
Gary Stachelski 20216-Dec-23 4:51 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:31
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:31 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:27
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:27 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 4:38
dandy726-Dec-23 4:38 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:22
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:22 

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