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GeneralRe: Been meaning to read this for about 20 years Pin
raddevus6-Dec-23 7:48
mvaraddevus6-Dec-23 7:48 
GeneralRe: Been meaning to read this for about 20 years Pin
Rick York6-Dec-23 8:11
mveRick York6-Dec-23 8:11 
GeneralTo defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 2:53
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 2:53 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD PinPopular
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:57
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:57 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
den2k886-Dec-23 22:40
professionalden2k886-Dec-23 22:40 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Dave Kreskowiak6-Dec-23 3:50
mveDave Kreskowiak6-Dec-23 3:50 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:10
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:23
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:23 
Cp-Coder wrote:
It seems to me the speed at which SSD can read large volumes of data is affected by fragmentation.
People that pretend to be experts claim that since there are no mechanical parts in an SSD that fragmentation is no longer an issue clearly do not understand how software for a file system can also be a bottleneck. But the fact is, nobody verifies anything and just repeats crap.

That being said, it's much less of an issue these days. Back in the day if you had a fragmented filesystem... you would know. SSDs work substantially quicker than mechanical drives. In theory the speed of electricity. It's still a tradeoff between defraging and a shorter lifespan of the drive though. I mean they're much cheaper now and last a long time, still worth knowing about the tradeoff.

Just a tip to keep the FS from fragmenting. If you have a bunch of files that you move around a lot you can always dump them in a zip file that's lightly compressed. It'll spare your real file system. Granted, probably better to do this for tiny text files that aren't source controlled, so maybe it's not practical.
Jeremy Falcon

JokeRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
fgs19636-Dec-23 4:48
fgs19636-Dec-23 4:48 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:56
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 4:56 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
fgs19636-Dec-23 5:11
fgs19636-Dec-23 5:11 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:38
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:38 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10
jschell6-Dec-23 7:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12
dandy726-Dec-23 5:12 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11
jschell6-Dec-23 7:11 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10
dandy726-Dec-23 5:10 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44
Cp-Coder6-Dec-23 5:44 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 9:26 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
Gerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03
mveGerry Schmitz6-Dec-23 8:03 
GeneralRe: To defrag a SSD or not to defrag a SSD Pin
den2k886-Dec-23 22:55
professionalden2k886-Dec-23 22:55 
QuestionRecommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 1:16
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 1:16 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13
Maximilien6-Dec-23 2:13 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28
professionalJeremy Falcon6-Dec-23 4:28 
GeneralRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Joan M6-Dec-23 10:23
professionalJoan M6-Dec-23 10:23 
AnswerRe: Recommendations on what computer/server get Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Dec-23 3:03 

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